Hey all, it's me Fallon. Here is the first chapter of a Kasanoda OC fic I'm writing. Just so everyone knows, I did some editing, so I edited some of my crap… yeah.


For the benefit of the public I must confess that I, Fallon S. do NOT own Ouran. I am not Biscotti Hatorine (Even thought being her would be amazing beyond compare) and If I was, this fanfic would be less crappy. If this causes you immense pain, the uncontrollable urge to dance or pee, AIDS, or other sexually transmitted diseases this is not my fault. Blame yourself for allowing yourself to view this. Enjoy, or, if you would like, use this story how ever you please. Like inducing vomit.

Every Move That We Make


Thick auburn curls whipped around her head as she gracefully twirled in position, a smile spread across her face in pure bliss. The music playing gently in the background was nothing in comparison to how she moved. Every move she made was made with precision, grace, and ease. So natural it was one her. This strange beauty.

She continued her dance. Long, graceful leaps emphasizing her skill of the arts. The music soon disappeared, because watching her, nothing else existed. Mesmerizing, like she was trying to put a spell on you with her body. Humble, yet strong movements. Slow turns. Fast heartbeat: Raw emotion. And then the music was really gone.

"That's her," the red haired boy whispered. She was the one for him.

First Position

~Kallen Point Of View~

"Daddy," I bellowed leaping through the crowded airport terminal to the warm embrace of my fathers arms "Dad!" I smushed my face into his shirt and dropped my bags to wrap my arms around him "I missed you,"

He chuckled lightly, sweeping stray hairs from my face, and tucking them behind my ear "I missed you too Kall…" A half smile pulled at his lip, and he kissed atop my head before pulling from the hug "Okay Kall, let me see you." I smiled, taking a large step back and began to spin for him "You've gotten so tall…" he said sullenly "And beautiful. My little girl… she's growing up."
I couldn't help but let a frown pull down at my lips. He said this every time I saw him.

My eyes lowered. Yeah. I was growing up. Before I was born, when I was still growing in my mother's uterus (oh joy), my parents had gotten divorced. Mom ran to her sister, my aunt Cookie, and dad returned home in Japan to continue running his company. Mom raised me for most of my life, and every year or two I would spend the summer with my Dad in Japan. I was fed up in 7th grade though, and I begged my mom to let me live with my dad for my high school life. It took a couple years of fighting, stalling, and massive paper work with her and the court, but it worked. Now, I'm a first year, and I'm living with my dad until I go to college. That's three tiny years, but it's better than nothing.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, taking my bigger bag and tossing it over his free side "Come on Kall," he said, putting his hand on my shoulder and walking me out to the car- correction. That would be limo.
My mom, unlike my father, wasn't born into a wealthy family, and hasn't earned a sizeable amount of money her whole life. Dad on the other hand was bred for success by his father, and well, he's rich, and inherited his fathers company when he died.

The car ride was a car ride. I'll skip over the boring and pointless details but, we got to his mansion thing, and I went to my bedroom, and everything was unpacked. I don't know how that worked... My room was bigger than my moms room at home… It felt strange…

Most people, I suppose, wouldn't want to move from their home: you leave behind friends and memories you thought would have lasted forever. But I never had many friends because I was too busy dancing. You see, my entire life, I've danced. It all started when I was four: it was a pewee class my mother's friend ran and I just never stopped. Up until a week ago, I was dancing five days a week in the studio for up to seven hours at a time. But not anymore. I'm here in Japan living with my dad. I though left that behind, but maybe not. Perhaps I should ask my dad about lessons later.


~Kallen Point Of View~

Now, in all of the honesty I can conjure up, I am very confused right now. Everything this stupid map I was given seems to be wrong. I'm on the third floor, right? The rooms up here all start with three… I think… I'm so damn confused.

I stared wide eyed at the large map I was cradling in my arms. Today was my first day in Ouran Academy, and I had no clue where I was. I proceeded to look up and down the hallways, but no one was there. No one at all.

Every time it was time to go to a new class NO ONE was in the hallway. Did the people here even go to class, or was all of this just a social event to them? Did they teleport to classes? I didn't get it. I didn't get it at all. Second period and I was lost already.

I slumped against the wall, closing my eyes in frustration, wanting to scream a bit louder than a cat that had its tail stepped on, when I realized I had this giant puffy dress on. I like dresses most of the time, but this one is heavy, made of thick material, and the color isn't what I'd call the norm for school uniforms. I returned myself to a complete upright position so I wouldn't dirty the brand-new canary colored uniform. My eyes returned to the map when I realized I was on the wrong floor. Gym was the first floor. I was on the third. An audible groan escaped from my mouth "Awe….. no….." I stomped my foot in a fashion that wasn't very lady like at all, trying to repress the urge to curse. I padded my way down the halls and stairwells until I was on the first floor, searching for the gym, when I found it. I walked in to find everyone sitting in desks.

This was gym class; Right?

"Ah," the teacher at the front of the room inquired "Ms. Kurosake, there you are." I stood silently as everyone's eyes turned to look at me. Well this was awkward.

The teacher bent a long finger in my direction making a 'come hither' motion "Right there," she pointed to a seat towards the back of the room. I nodded at her, and walked to my seat in the awkward silence.

"Now," she continued "As I was saying, this year you get to choose from four different options. First option: Gymnastics." I saw a few girls smirk a bit, they knew what they were choosing "Second Option: Health." There was no response to this "Third option: Competitive sports." I was expecting a few boys to make a "Whoop!" or something, but no one did. This school was different then the one I went to in America. I stared down at my notebook, this would be a different experience wouldn't it?

"And the fourth option is Dance," my head snapped up to stare at Mrs. Hanase (I presumed, because that's what it said on the plaques in the classroom) "Here are the sign up sheets," she motioned towards the different board. Everyone immediately stood up and made there ways to the sign up sheets, but I ran. I wanted to be in that dance class if that was the last thing I did.

"Excuse me… Pardon me!" I said reaching through the hands and signing the sheet. Slipping through the crowd, I fell back to my seat, satisfied. As everyone found their way back to their seats, a group of girls turned to me.

"Hello," one of them, a petite girl with brown eyes, greeted me with a stunning smile "My name Hana."

Being the smooth person I am, I came up with the best response I could manage "Oh… um, Hi." My voice was somewhat hushed as I sank back a bit into my chair.

"So, you're new here, right?" Hana cocked her head slightly as her eyes probed over me like I was being graded on my appearance.

"Yeah…" I offered her my hand shyly "My name is Kallen Kurosake," I smiled, and she took my hand "It's a pleasure to meet you Hana." It actually was a pleasure to meet her. So far today, no one had spoken with me that wasn't a teacher, so the change was appreciated.

"Mhm," she said, as if it were truly the greatest honor to be in her presence and she knew it. "Likewise. So, this is Arisa Yoshida," a tall girl with light brown hair waved at me nonchalantly, "Mizaki Kataya," she gestured to a thin faced girl wit black hair pulled into a bun who flashed a plastic grin at me "and Momoko Hoshikawa." She was tiny, with dark blonde hair, and pale gray eyes.

A genuine smile spread across the girl Momoko's lips "Pleasure to meet you."

"So," Hana continued "What brings you to Ouran?"

The question made it sound like I needed another reason to attend here "I just moved in with my dad, so he signed me up to go here." I shrugged 'So here I am, in an over-sized school building with people who use money as toilet paper…'

"Oh, you moved?" Momoko's eyebrows rose with interest "That's cool- where from?"

"Um," for a moment, my origin escaped me. Where did I live again? Oh, wait, "Britain." I hope they didn't notice the big pause…

"Oh, you are a foreigner then?" queried Mizuki as she brushed her hands through her pin-straight hair.

"I suppose so," I never really thought of it like that.

"You speak English then?" Momoko piped.

I nodded, the attention making me feel more and more uncomfortable by the minute "Yup. So," I changed the subject quickly "What did you guys sign up for?"

They replied in unison, their levels of enthusiasm varying "Dance,"

"What about you?" The girl Arisa, I think, asked looking down at me.

What else would I have picked? "Dance," I glanced away sheepishly, beginning to play with the fabric on my skirt, a nervous habit I developed when I was younger.

"That's nice," Hana reflected "Though, I only really joined so I could avoid health class."

"And competitive sports," added Arisa.

A disgusted sound emerged from the back of Hana's throat "Yuck- Like I'd do something that'd make me sweat like a pig." She stuck up her nose " That's why I'm doing dance."

I forced myself to laugh "But," I tried to not seem offended "You sweat when you dance," You sweat a lot when you dance. More often than not, I'd only an hour into practice and my sweat would be dripping everywhere.

"Barely," one of them laughed "It's not that much work."

I frowned, no longer hiding my disapproval in what they said "No, it's a lot of hard work."

They rolled their eyes and turned away to face the teacher "As if,"

Classes got to split up then. All of the people who had signed up for class I was in separated and headed down the hall to a dance studio. This school had a dance studio? Really? And it wasn't a crap one too. It was professional with proper flooring, and large mirrors running across the lengths of the walls. I sighed- It reminded me vaguely of home.

"Okay!" a bold woman walked into the room wearing leotard, and tights "Break up into pairs of two." She commanded and everyone immediately went off to find partners. I stood there. I knew no one, and suddenly everyone was in a group but me… The girls I had just met stuck together, and everyone else seemed to be standing by someone. Would I be alone?

I looked around, and saw a single boy with bright red hair in the glancing around from the corner of the room, with no visible contact. I stared at him, and as he looked around, his eyes stumbled on me, and we just gazed into each others eyes. There was a long pause where we just watched one another, and I felt something pass between us, as if to say an alliance has been made. When he realized we were making direct eye contact, his shoes seemed to be more interesting than me for a moment. I paused, then proceeded to make my way over to him. When I got there, he gave scrutinized me, face puzzled.

"Hey um…" The silence had been broken by me as I chewed nervously on my bottom lip, "Do you want to be my dance partner?" his face turned the color of his vibrant, crimson hair.

"Um-" he sputtered " Sure.. uh.. yeah." I smiled widely at him, trying to make myself seem friendly.

"Great." I pushed my hand at him "Hi, my names Kallen Kurosake."

He took my hand in his calloused palm- it was close to twice the size of my own "Um, Kasanoda Ritsu," he stated, bowing somewhat.

"Pleasure to meet you Kasanoda-san," our fingers parted, though his seemed to linger on mine for a moment.

Nodding, his eyes returned to the teacher, perplexed for some unknown reason. I shrugged, not bothering to stew over it too long. Mrs. Ogita's face went stiff as she began to explain the rules of the classroom- all of them easily translated to the idea of she was in charge, and wouldn't accept any unruly behavior of the sort in her classroom.

Shorty after the rules, she handed out a paper "If you want to pass my class," I looked down at the sheet I was handed "You will need all of these supplies. Please, have them by tomorrow, or Friday at latest."

1) Practice Attire.

- Girls must purchase a pair of tights and a leotard. For practices and classes, they must wear that, with the option of a skirt or a pair of dance shorts.

-Boys must purchase a pair of tights and a leotard. For practices and classes, they have the option to wear leg coverings, and a t-shirt.

2) Foot-wear

- Canvas, or Split Sole Ballet slippers.

- Pointe shoes (Optional, for more advanced students).

- Lace-up Jazz Shoes.

- Socks (spinner, and normal).

3) Proper under-garments.

4) The Following accessories are allowed…

- Leg-Warmers

- Arm-Warmers

- Shrugs

I beamed down at the paper- I had everything on this list somewhere in my suit-cases. If anything, I'd just need a few new pairs of tights, and I was set.

"Now," Mrs. Ogita bellowed across the room, "I know you don't have the proper attire now, but for the moment I will teach you some of the basics of dance. Tomorrow we start though with the real practice and training, so come with either clothes to move in, or what was stated on the list. I expect all of you to have the materials on the list by Friday." She paced across the room slowly as she spoke.

"Stand up!" her command echoed on the walls of the room as a few of the people mumbled unintelligible things.

"She's like a military commander…" someone whispered, loud enough for me to hear.

"Or a prison warden." A girl begrudgingly grumbled.

It made no difference to me though how this teacher was- I just wanted to dance, and that is what I intended to do here.