If I were king of this night, would you become my queen?
And I hope, your majesty that you like your position.
I'll do everything I can to keep you by my side
and I'll stare off through the darkness to find us a kingdom.
Just kiss me before I go.
I'll have to walk a thousand miles just to find the ground deserving of your feet.
You could throw me down and walk on me
and I'd just look on through my love and through the haze.
The morning after Jenna's engagement dance, Damon called on Elena to learn about the secretive events that occurred the night before. Damon was wearing standard riding clothes in navy and black while Elena was wearing an ivory colored muslin gown. She had a wreath of orange blossoms in her hair. The couple retreated to the garden since the weather was beautiful and for the sake of privacy. Elena guided Damon over to the bench swing which he happily sat next to her on. Right away, Damon found the appeal in the bench and was set on ordering one for the Salvatore garden. He figured on nice days Elena could read to him on the bench swing.
"What did you do with Franklin?" Damon asked Elena. He was dying to know. After interrogating Franklin the night before, he never found out what happened. Franklin fiercely refused to disclose any details.
Elena tried not to chuckle at Damon's tone of voice. His jealousy was clear. She found it endearing. "I did not do anything with Franklin other than walk..." Elena smirked. "He escorted me to the stables."
"To the stables?" Damon interrupted her story with a disapproving expression.
"Yes to the stables." Elena rolled her eyes. "Jeremy was there waiting for me."
"Pardon? Your brother was in Mystic Falls? Is he still here?" Damon asked in wonder.
"No, he left last night." Elena said sadly. "Jeremy wanted to speak with me in person before leaving to France."
"Then he will be going to France?"
Elena nodded.
Damon was relieved to know that Elena's many efforts did not go to waste.
"How was your reunion?" Damon asked curiously. He knew how important her brother was to her.
Elena looked at Damon warily. "It was a bit overwhelming as I had not expected to see him. Franklin surprised me with the whole situation. I honestly was not aware of Jeremy's arrival until Franklin told me at the dinner table."
"The reunion was Franklin's idea?" Damon asked incredulously. It was hard for Damon to imagine that a member of the Fell family would put their reputation at risk.
"No, not exactly, Jeremy apparently has been talking to Franklin since my father's funeral."
Damon raised a brow in confusion. Elena shrugged not knowing how to explain their correspondence.
"I was left completely in the dark. Franklin never talks to me about Jeremy." Elena said sincerely. "After a bit of brother and sister tension... Jeremy revealed his reasons for risking the trip to see me in person."
Damon looked at her expectantly.
"Jeremy gave me the original version of our father's will with the appropriate signatures." Elena swallowed. She was rather nervous about disclosing the contents to Damon.
"That was gracious of him?" Damon said awkwardly not understanding Jeremy's motivations.
Elena gave him a half smirk. "According to the will, if Jeremy is missing as the male heir by the time of my marriage or my 18th birthday, whichever comes first, the executor rights are transferred to my name. Meaning by law, I am permitted to request a prenuptial agreement and withhold consolidating my wealth..."
"From me." Damon finished for her. He looked at her with an intense expression. It was somewhat startling that Elena was granted her 'freedom' from their upcoming marriage.
Elena remained silent waiting for Damon's reaction to the news.
Damon thought about the situation in his head before replying. "Given than I am the first born son, it is not necessary for me to marry a wealthy bride. My fortune is more than substantial to support my living and our future children." Damon replied calmly. "If you wish it... I will sign a prenuptial agreement before our ceremony, you must know that I love you more than legalities."
Elena was ecstatic about Damon's response. He handled the situation in a most civil manner. It was fairly uncommon for women to be named executors. Elena said a silent prayer to her father in thanks.
"Well, I am still going to transfer my land to you. According to Mystic Falls law, there is not much I can do with it. And I know you will have some need for it, one way or another." Elena assured Damon.
Damon was relieved to hear her decision concerning the land. The last thing he wanted was a confrontation with his father before his wedding. Thanks to Elena, the Salvatore-Gilbert bridge was going to happen making both families very happy and wealthy.
"As for the Gilbert family trust, it would be in my best interest to have you sign the agreement. The agreement will allow me to transfer funds to my mother."
Damon smirked in understanding. The majority of his wealth was accumulated via property and mining, therefore her decision about the trust made no difference to him.
"You must be somewhat surprised by your brother's choice of a wedding present - the family fortune." He commented.
"Yes, very. Jeremy handed me the will and said it was 'fairly interesting in various points'. I was not aware of the significance." Elena chuckled thinking about her brother's antics. "But I think it is silently understood that when he returns to America, I will transfer bonds to him. Jeremy's reasoning is understandable, he cannot access his personal trust, let alone our family trust."
"Originally, as in many months ago, did your brother go rogue to protect you from an arranged marriage?" Damon asked.
"I honestly have no idea, but that is a nice thought." Elena mused. "Unfortunately, besides the will, Jeremy wanted to meet with me concerning a serious situation."
"What could be more serious than your family's fortune?" Damon raised a brow in worry.
Elena let out a deep breath preparing herself. "Apparently, I have a niece that I have never met. Jeremy's daughter, her name is Grace and she is three years old."
"With a mistress? Did Jeremy take the child away?" Damon jumped to conclusions.
"No, no - nothing of that sort. The baby's mother is a lady. Her name is Anna. My brother met her while she was attending school in the city. But now she lives in upstate New York in the country."
"I do not understand. Then your brother never married her? For what reason?"
Elena bit her lip in remorse. "He would have married her, a long time ago, but he never proposed. She had an affair with Franklin while he was away at Yale. Jeremy was unable to overcome the infidelity."
Damon's eyes widened in surprise. "She had an affair with Franklin? As in Franklin Fell? And I was not even aware that your brother attended university."
"Yes, Franklin Fell while he attended boarding school in New York. Jeremy and Franklin's relationship was never the same after Anna. Obviously, Franklin and I remained friends as we are the same age and share mutual friends." Elena paused. "Jeremy graduated from Yale... nearly two years ago? He studied government. At the time, he wanted to be congressman." Elena laughed. "He would have been a typical politician... charming, wealthy, seedy associations with a certain air that causes everyone to gossip."
"I had no idea." Damon baffled. It was remarkable that Jeremy attended such a prestigious program of study. "Then whatever happened to your niece?"
"Anna refused to abandon her baby and as a result she was disowned from her family. Quite the unfortunate situation, considering how prominent her family is in Philadelphia." Elena explained. "Jeremy has been secretly supporting her ever since. My parents and I were never alerted of the situation."
"Something must have happened? Otherwise why would your brother confess his indiscretions?" Damon deduced.
Elena nodded with a sad expression. "Anna is dying of consumption. Grace will be seized by the state since Jeremy will be out of the country. Jeremy cannot take her to France, it would be too risky at the port authority with counterfeit paperwork as the scrutiny increases when traveling with children."
Damon froze in understanding of the problem. "Meaning Jeremy asked you to take care of Grace until his situation improves?"
Elena swallowed and shrugged in agreement. "Well, he did not ask me to take on the responsibility but I believe it is the humane decision. Regardless of Grace's status by birth, she is my niece, a Gilbert."
Damon was quiet trying to process the situation. He could not believe Jeremy Gilbert... trouble really did follow her brother. "I believe we can resolve the situation when we return from our honeymoon. It would be of no consequence for us to provide for the girl. Simply we would have to hire the appropriate help. There have not been any children in the Salvatore manor for years. Depending on Jeremy's return date, we would eventually send her to school." Damon said thoughtfully going over the details.
Elena smiled in relief. She was so glad the discussion was finished. She scooted over to Damon on the bench to wrap her arms around his middle. He sighed and pressed his chin against the top of her head.
"Thank you for being understanding of the unfortunate situation." Elena mumbled against his chest. "I love you so."
"The child is not at fault for her parents' mistakes. I agree, it is the humane thing to do, especially considering our vast mutual wealth." Damon replied. "And in a way, this will prepare you for motherhood, given that we will not have any children until you are a few years older."
At the mention of motherhood, Elena's heart skipped, Damon had a point. This would be her chance try on motherhood sans the pain of giving birth. Fortunately, Grace was three years old; at the age, the child would be sociable with a developed personality.
Three days after Jenna's engagement dance, it was Elena's turn at the celebrations. Instead of a dance, Elena wanted to have an engagement dinner, which was held at the Salvatore manor. It was an intimate family affair with only the Salvatores, Gilberts and Fells in attendance. Elena knew her wedding ceremony would be a grand affair therefore wanted some privacy before the event.
During the dinner, Damon and Elena secretly held hands under the table while listening to the speeches. It had been awhile since their last intimate contact given all of the preparations and Damon's work schedule. Since the couple was being celebrated, there was no chance for Damon to secretly steal Elena for a quick feel.
As per tradition, at the end of the dinner, the groom's father - Giuseppe raised a glass of wine to wish Damon and Elena good health. Each of the guests then bowed to Damon and lifted a wine glass to him. The Salvatores loved wine and Damon whispered wine trivia to Elena.
Damon was honored for a second time after dinner when the men of the families joined together for cigars and spirits. There were many jokes said in Damon's favor since he was giving up his bachelor life. Fortunately for Damon, George was not in attendance to provide any crass comments.
At the end of the night, each guest paid their congratulations to Damon and wished Elena all the happiness. Damon and Elena were exhausted after spending the evening attending their guests.
The following day after the engagement dinner, the wedding invitations were sent to their respective relatives and near friends. The purple and gold invitations were designed by Elena and produced by a local artisan. It was the duty of acquaintances to pass on the pleasant news to the community of Mystic Falls. The invitations stated the times when Elena would be home to receive friends informally with her mother. At this time, Damon's friends such as George Lockwood had the opportunity to meet the bride to be. It was Elena's duty to be polite to all of Damon's friends, as it would be in bad taste for her to show any form of indifference.
"Mr. Salvatore is decidedly passionate about you, Miss Gilbert. I know he will be the most attentive husband. I have known him for many years... I can swear that you are the only woman that has ever captured his heart. I look forward to visiting with the both of you after the honeymoon." George said to Elena.
After visiting with Elena, George was positively amused by Elena. He started wondering what it would be like to watch her fight with Damon, it had to something hotter than Dante's inferno.
During the week long period of meet and greets, Elena received a grandiose amount of teacups in the post. A teacup as an engagement present signified the end of her life as a 'single woman'. A tradition that Elena never understood but accepted.
"Honestly, Mama, some of these teacups are somewhat ridiculous in fashion." Elena lamented holding up a bowl shaped mustard colored teacup.
Miranda laughed at her daughter's comment. "I scarcely believe you drink enough tea to use all of them in your lifetime. You should not be worried about keeping them in your living chamber. Commit any that you do not like to the kitchen."
The seven days prior to the wedding were the hardest for Elena as she was not allowed to appear in public per society's standard. Elena was making everyone agitated in the Gilbert manor. She was restless and commanding to all the maids. Isobel attempted to calm her down by spoiling her with special grooming. During the period, Elena had a total of 16 baths.
On November 29th 1864, Elena awoke for the last time alone as a single woman. Elena chose her wedding date to be on a Wednesday because according to superstitions that day was the 'best of all'.
Even from the distance of her chamber, she could hear the commotion buzzing downstairs for the wedding. The maids were in a rush preparing for the perfect wedding lunch.
The manor was housing various Gilbert relatives that had traveled from all parts of the Eastern coast to attend the wedding. Most of relatives were second cousins and the like, therefore Elena did not know any of them well. Unfortunately, none of Elena's French relatives were in attendance other than her mother and aunt. Elena wished her grandmother was present as a witness but she knew it was an impossible wish. With that in mind, Elena hoped Damon could travel soon to France to meet her extended family. She really wanted to show him off in France, the thought thrilled her. She knew her female cousins would be horribly envious. In Elena's eyes, Damon was by the far the most gorgeous man of all. Even back when she had not liked him, she had thought he was gorgeous. Elena was giddy thinking about his trademark smirk and crystal-clear blue eyes.
Elena smirked getting out of bed while she continued thinking about Damon. It was amazing how far their relationship had developed over the past three months. Her first encounter with Damon in the field was such a distant memory. Elena was ready to become Mrs. Salvatore in a few short hours.
After a long bath soaked in lilies, it was time for Elena to groom for the ceremony. As per tradition, instead of the usual lady's maid, female relatives helped the bride.
"I have to say, on you daughter the dress has a life of its own." Miranda remarked. "When I saw it pressed and ready, I thought it was beautiful. But on you, it is so much more."
"I agree, Elena. I am now considering designing a dress for my own wedding rather than purchasing a designer one from France." Jenna commented.
Elena looked into the mirror and she hardly recognized herself. She looked like a woman. She looked like someone's wife.
Elena's wedding dress was designed appropriately in the Parisian style. Due to the war and rushed marriage arrangements, it was impossible for her to import a gown from Paris. Instead the Gilbert family hired several seamstresses to design the gown in time for the wedding day. The wedding dress was made out of silk and fully layered with lace. The dress weighed nearly ten pounds in fabric due to the intricate crinoline and bustle. Much like in royal fashion, the dress had a lengthy train. The bodice of the gown was stripped in the center with ornamental pearl buttons. There was a rich satin ribbon that went around her waist. The ribbon was meant to accentuate her frame. The dress's long flowing sleeves were created out of rich lace.
Isobel styled Elena's hair slightly wavy and brushed her hair to the back of her head, where it was caught up in short curls and bound. In her hair, Elena wore a diamond tiara, a wedding present from Damon. Isobel said no other bride in Mystic Falls had worn a tiara. A tiara was in vogue due to the influences of European nobility. Her lace veil was arranged towards the back of her head, it reached her waistline in length.
Meanwhile at the Salvatore manor, Damon awoke with full of excitement about his wedding. He would soon have his Mrs. Salvatore.
Henry made sure to have everything ready before he awoke. Henry wanted to make his master's day was as pleasant as possible. For the ceremony, Damon wore a white dress shirt with matching waistcoat and silk cravat, black trousers, black dress coat and top hat. The look was finished with Italian leather shoes.
The wedding ceremony was to be hosted at Fell's Church. Since Honoria Fell was a close family friend, the wedding was the grandest in Mystic Falls history; that is until Jenna and Logan married. The church was decorated in orange flowers, blossoms and evergreens. Damon and Elena spent a few days interviewing fathers to ordain their ceremony. The couple mutually agreed to marry in the Roman Catholic tradition.
For good luck, Elena arrived with her relatives in a carriage pulled by a gray horses. After her arrival, as the norm, the church bells rang to make the populace aware of the ceremony and to symbolically scare away evil spirits.
The wedding ceremony promptly started at Noon. Elena entered first on the arm of John, after Damon entered with his aunt Magdalene. Following was the bridal party: Stefan and Jenna, George Lockwood and Scarlet of New York, entered arm in arm. Damon's father and Elena's mother completed the procession at the alter by taking their places behind their children.
The Father began the ceremony once everyone was seated. "Dearly beloved: we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the presence of these witnesses, to join together this man and this woman in holy Matrimony."
Damon and Elena glanced at each other ready to commit. Elena was not suffering from any nervous tension.
The Father asked for any just causes against their union from both the crowd and the couple. With no objections claimed, the Father allowed the couple to begin their vows.
He turned to Damon. "Wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou forsake all other, keep thee only unto her so long as ye both shall live?"
"I will." Damon answered firmly.
The Father asked the same of Elena.
"I will." She confirmed.
Damon and Elena joined hands to say the second portion in unison with the Father. "To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance: and thereto I plight thee my faith."
As Elena finished the vows, she felt a flood of warmth run through her soul and bones. She accepted each word as what her marriage would mean to her. She swore to always be her husband's other half.
The Father turned to the guests in attendance. "Oh eternal God, the Author of everlasting life: send thy blessing upon these thy servants, this man and this woman."
The Father turned to Damon motioning to present the ring.
While Elena had been wearing the Salvatore wedding ring all through their engagement, Damon bestowed her an additional ring for the ceremony. A simple band engraved with their initials and wedding date. "With this ring I thee wed, and with my worldly goods I thee endow, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen." Damon said without hesitation.
Damon grinned seeing a single tear of joy falling from Elena's face as he slid the second ring on her finger. Eventually, Elena would pass the Salvatore ring to her son, but the simple band would remain as a memory of her wedding day. She was blessed Damon thought of the thoughtful gesture.
With the ring on her hand, the Father could solidify the marriage. "I pronounce that they are husband and wife together, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Those whom God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. Amen."
Miranda started crying in the back for Elena's confirmed marriage. George winked at Damon playfully, while Stefan remained stoic through the ceremony. Stefan had accepted his role as brother-in-law.
The Father addressed the audience and concluded the ceremony. "Almighty God, join them together in marriage, pour upon these persons the riches of thy grace, sanctify and bless them, that they may please thee both in body and soul, and live together in holy love unto their lives' end. Amen."
Damon and Elena joined hands to celebrate their marriage. While Damon would have loved to kiss Elena at the conclusion, he restrained because their strict families considered it to be in bad taste. "The practice is not to be followed, as it is never followed by people in the best of society." His father and John reminded him prior to wedding. Damon groaned but did not disobey their wishes.
The guests of ceremony stood from their seats to recite the Lord's prayer with the Father. "... and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom..."
Before leaving the church, Honoria reminded the couple to sign the parish register in the vestry. Elena signed with her maiden name for the last time.
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore walked down the aisle without looking left or right, as it was bad taste to acknowledge anyone in the crowd. Their relatives and close friends threw birdseed in the air as symbol of fertility outside the church. The couple was escorted to the wedding carriage which was drawn by four white horses. The back of the carriage was decorated with white satin bows.
"Mrs. Salvatore, I believe the residents of Mystic Falls want us to have many, many, many children." Damon laughed while shaking the birdseed out of his hair.
"Yes, of course they do, our children will be quite handsome." Elena joked with a wicked smirk.
"Without a doubt." Damon agreed and leaned across to kiss Elena on the lips. "My only complaint about your grand dress is you have to sit so far away."
Elena rolled her eyes. "Now you are simply being silly. I believe you can stand to be some two feet away from me."
"No, I cannot. Now that you are mine, I will keep you close at all times."
Elena shook her head in disbelief.
"But I am not jesting!" Damon said seriously.
The carriage delivered Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore to the Gilbert manor. The newlyweds stood together in the main hallway to receive the guests which were invited to the wedding lunch. Jenna and George were in charge of keeping the line in order. As per society's rules, each guest addressed Elena before Damon. Brides were never congratulated as marriage was considered to be honorable for the matriarch.
"I wish you the greatest happiness for your marriage. Toi et moi- Ça ne changera pas." Franklin said to Elena promising their friendship would not change.
"Congratulations on your wonderful choice of bride. I am sure she is everything you ever wanted in a lady." Franklin said to Damon.
"I wish you the best for your health. I hope one day to have the opportunity to teach your children." Alaric said to Elena.
"Congratulations and best of luck with your new bride." Alaric said to Damon.
"C'est pour toi que je suis." Miss Gibbons offered her support to Elena.
"Congratulations, Mr. Salvatore." Miss Gibbons said to Damon.
At the wedding lunch, all of the guests were served standing, except the members of the bridal party. Elena and Damon were seated in a lasciviously decorated corner of the grand hall. Three wedding cakes were served at the lunch, one elaborate cake and two smaller ones for Damon and Elena. Damon's cake was dark and Elena's was white. Damon fed some of his cake to Elena. He wanted to kiss the crumbs off her face, but restrained himself in front of society.
"I love you, Mrs. Salvatore." Damon said while cleaning her face.
Directly after the cake serving, Elena went upstairs to change into her traveling dress. In the privacy of her chamber, Elena handed a single flower from her wedding bouquet to her female relatives.
"I wish you the best of strength for tonight with your new husband." Miranda said.
"I am not worried Mama." Elena reassured her with a warm smile.
Miranda had spoken to Elena about consummation the night before. Elena was not alarmed by any of the explanations, she had heard most of it before from other girlfriends. She had a few unanswered intimate questions but Elena decided to ask Damon, even if he would make her blush.
At the conclusion of the wedding lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore said their goodbyes before embarking on their honeymoon. At this time, it was customary for only family and intimate friends to be present. The couple's honeymoon was estimated to be a two to three week period depending on Damon's responsibilities in Mystic Falls and the construction of their shared chamber. Damon's best man, George was the only person that knew the location of their honeymoon and per tradition he was sworn to secrecy. It was considered to be in bad taste for anyone else to ask about their honeymoon. The honeymoon was meant to be a private and relaxed time for the newlyweds.
"I love you, Mrs. Salvatore." Damon said holding Elena in the carriage.
"I love you too, Mr. Salvatore." Elena said through a yawn. She was falling asleep in his warm embrace.
The nightingales are singing now.
They're calling out our marriage to our subjects on their knees.
Their jewelry is thrown into the air.
They sigh at their release as their shackles hit the ground.
The trumpets call out now.
We're home at last.
The End
Be sweet & review the final chapter!
Check Out The Sequel:
Master Salvatore Takes A Wife - M Rated
Love To Fellow Authors: Avecia, Mayghaen17, Natitasha & DomOx.
xoxo, S.