Part. 5: She's Going To Kill Me.

"Abby, have you seen Tony?" Tim had called Abby in an attempt to locate his missing coworker.

"No, not since the prank. Why?"

"He's missing and Gibbs is in a foul humor. Harrison in Legal finally caught up with him."

"Ooh, he's been dodging that guy for weeks."

"Yeah, this time the boss didn't have the excuse of an urgent current case when Harrison cornered him."

"Well, the way el jefe bends the rules when it comes to interrogation, he should have known it was coming."

"The powers that be are still upset that we let Carlson get away."

"They should be happy that we brought in his boss and shut the ring down."

"He was guilty of attempted murder; they don't like the bad guys getting away." Tim redirected. "Back to Tony. Did he say anything to you?"

"No. Did you check in Intel? There's a new analyst, Heather Abbott, that he might be consulting with."

"Doesn't she work the Asian desk? What would she have to say about a murder that took place in Norfolk?"

"Heather is intelligent, motivated, and a former Miss Alabama."

"I see. That wouldn't be reason enough for him to brave the wrath of Gibbs."


"Well, if you see him, send him up."


Tim looked up to see Gibbs standing over him. "He's not in forensics, boss."

Ziva hung up her phone. "Tony is not in the evidence garage, either."

"He could have found a connection to another cold case and he's over in the archives." Tim suggested. "I could go…"

"No you'll stay here. Someone needs to be working this case to find the lead that breaks it open."

Tim and Ziva looked in dismay at the files lying on their desks. There had been minimal physical evidence recovered at the crime scene and no seeming motives among the man's associates. They'd run out of ideas yesterday.

"Yes, Gibbs."

"Will do, boss."

"I'm going to check with Ducky." Gibbs paused in his walk toward the elevator. "Ziva, why does Thurman Atteberry want to talk to me about carpet?"

In autopsy, Ducky was determined to fix an annoying squeal on one of the cabinet doors before he continued working with his latest guest. "I know there must be a can of WD40 here. I used it in December for the sticking lock on the equipment room, or was that in October, right before Halloween? No matter, it's in here somewhere. I can't abide that noise any longer. Of course there have been…Ah!" Ducky jumped in surprise as he saw Tony hiding in the supply closet. "Good heavens my boy, you startled me."

"Sorry, Ducky."

"What on earth are you doing in here?"

"I'm hiding."

"From Jethro? I fear this is not the best place to avoid him."

"No, I'm hiding from Ziva."

"What have you done to Ziva to make you hide from her during the work day and risk incurring Gibbs' displeasure by your absence?"

"It's like this." Tony began. "A prank that I played to get her back for a prank she hadn't played yet went horribly wrong. How was I to know that plant would get tangled in with the office supplies that were swept off her desk?"

"I'm afraid I wasn't able to follow all of your explanation, but would it be correct to say that you attacked Ziva without provocation and now she is angry with you?

"Kind of."

"I understand your concern, but I don't think hiding from her will solve anything."

"It will give her time to cool down. I'm worried about my life and limbs."

"I'm sure she wouldn't do anything…permanent to you." Ducky said with a slight smile.

"I don't know; you didn't hear her."

"What did she say?"

"She said…" the rest of Tony's comment was incoherent.

"I couldn't hear you."

"She said 'I love you.'"

"And this concerns you because?"

"You didn't hear her, Duck. It was the way she said it. Does Israeli tradition require an endearment to be made before killing an enemy?"

"No, but American custom dictates that you never shoot a guy in the back." A new voice entered the conversation.

"Boss." Tony reddened.

"That's why I'm going to let you turn around before I say anything else." Gibbs' face was stern.

"I can explain."


"Well, it's kind of complicated." Tony started.

"Does this have anything to do with Atteberry grumbling about the extra work cleaning the carpet?"

"Oh, man."

"I would suggest that you speak with him at the earliest opportunity. Ziva might be the deadlier of the two, but you do not want Thurman Atteberry angry with you, either." Ducky advised.

"DiNozzo, only you could create a mess on this large of a scale."

"I once had a coach who told me never to do anything half-way." Tony made an attempt at humor before Gibbs' hand connected with the back of his head. "Ow!"

"Now, it's quitting time for the rest of the team, but according to my estimate, you've been playing hooky for an hour and a half. I want to see you upstairs in your desk and working for at least that long before you pack up."

"Right, boss."

"What are you waiting for?" Gibbs asked when Tony showed no signs of leaving.

"Can't I wait until the rest of the team has left to begin? I promise I'll do two more hours if…"

"Now, DiNozzo!"

Upstairs, Tim and Ziva were shutting down their computers and preparing to leave for the evening. Abby was leaning against Tim's desk talking with the two agents. The conversation stilled as they all turned to watch Tony walk into the room.

Tony had the bearing of a man walking to his own execution. His footsteps faltered as he neared their desks as if he weren't sure of his destination, but Gibbs presence behind him spurred him on to stand in front of Ziva.

"Ziva, I want to," he looked back at his boss who nodded to him to continue, "to apologize to you for messing up your desk, damaging your plant, and dirtying your clothes. Can you forgive me?"

Ziva smiled. "Of course, Tony. You know I love you."

As Tony's face turned red, Gibbs began to laugh. In the background, Abby held out her hand to Tim who handed over her winnings with an aggrieved face.