A/N: Yes, another new story… I see all these stories out there with Happy and others with someone under age so I'm going to do a Jax/OC story… The girl in this story is 17 years old though… So enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own SoA!

Brianna sighed as she got out of the car with her Father. She hated having to be with him but couldn't find a way from around it. Ever since her Mother had left him because of his abusiveness he has been more controlling of her. Her ribs still hurt from the beating she got from him earlier that day.

"Get your ass moving girl and make sure you show some cleavage. I want them to take some money off of the bill." her dad barked.

Brianna paled and didn't do what she was told. She hated showing off cleavage. In fact she hated wearing anything that showed any part of her body because her father loved to show her off to his friends and it made her sick with the way they looked at her. She was not going to do anything like that even if it cost her, her life. She wasn't going to allow him to use her like that anymore. She was tired of it and she was close to giving in.

She followed her Dad into the office and let out a sigh of relief when she saw an older woman along with two men in the office. She knew that as soon as her Dad turned around and saw that she didn't do as he told her too that he would hit her and he wouldn't care who witnessed it. But she had no doubt just by looking at the two men in the office that they wouldn't stand around like so many others have.

She stopped behind her dad and flinched when he turned towards her and pulled her to his side roughly. She tried to hide the yelp of pain but didn't succeed because her father glared at her and tightened his hold.

Joseph looked down at his daughter and glared. "I told you to unbutton your shirt some you little bitch!"

Gemma sucked in a breath when she heard the way the man talked to the girl beside him and she said "May I help you?"

Joseph turned towards the woman who spoke to him and said "I'm here to pick up my car. My name is Joseph Brooks."

Gemma nodded and said "It will be about another five minutes."

Joseph nodded and turned towards his daughter again and growled "Why can't you ever do what I tell you to do you little bitch? You are more trouble than you are worth. I should have let Mark buy you off of me like he wanted too. Then maybe you would learn your place in life."

Brianna gasped. "You don't mean that Dad."

Joseph slapped Brianna across the face and snarled "Don't tell me what I mean and don't mean you little slut. Ever since your Mother left you have not been doing what you're told."

Clay who witnessed the slap and heard what the man said stood up and stalked over towards him. He gently pulled the girl Brianna out of the man's grasp and handed her over to Gemma as he turned towards the asshole who thought it was okay to hit a child and woman.

"I advise you to keep your hands off of her. You need to apologize for calling her names." Clay said through clenched teeth.

Joseph laughed and said "What are you going to do about it old man? She's my daughter and I'll treat the little bitch any way I damn well please. I knew I should have beat her more earlier today. If I had she would be listening to me right now."

Clay turned his head towards Brianna and saw the bruises that were forming and then turned back towards the man and didn't even think twice before he brought his fist back and punched the man in the face. He heard Jax get up but he didn't really care. He had, had enough of the man and the way he was treating his own daughter. He brought his fist back again and sent it flying forward and was rewarded with the sound of the man's nose breaking.

"You get the fuck out of my shop and don't ever come back. You ever think of coming near your daughter again and I'll kill you. From now on she belongs to us and if I hear or see you within one foot of her I will kill you where you stand." Clay growled.

Joseph blanched and looked at Brianna and growled "This isn't over you little slut. You may have been given a break for now but I will get you back. You always cause trouble for me!"

Jax who had went out the office door and called to Happy and Tig came back in and looked Joseph up and down before stepping up to him and getting into his face. "No, you caused the trouble for yourself. If you come near the girl again you won't have to worry about Clay. I'll cut your fucking dick off and shove it so far up your ass you won't know what to do. Now get the fuck out of here before I decide to go ahead and finish you off!"

Happy and Tig walked into the office and Tig said "What do you need Jax?"

Jax turned his head towards Tig and said "Get this piece of shit out of here before Clay or I kill him where he stands. I also need Chibs to take a look at the girl standing by Mom."

Tig's eyes went wide when he caught sight of Brianna and he looked back at the man and recognition hit him like a ton of bricks. "You dared to put your hands on my Goddaughter? What the fuck is your problem Joseph?"

Jax's eyes went wide at that and then wider as Brianna flung herself at Happy who caught the girl and held her close.