Oh that would be fun but seriously guys don't sue because these wonderful boys and their awesome car do not belong to me…but a girl can dream!

Well would you look at that a new chapter of New Prey, I am shocked…*winks*…
Howdy guys, see I am still alive and kicking…sort of.
Took me long enough to get this chapter up for which I sincerely do apologize but RL got bitchy so I got bitchy right back and viola a new chapter four.
After rewriting this like fifty times I am quite happy with how it has turned out and hope you all like it. Btw I', hopefully posting now regularly again so Next week Remembering will be updated and the week after that it will be Bloodlies.
So after apologizing again to all who has been waiting for this chapter, I hope you guy are ready for what Dean is about to do next…here is the chapter four of New Prey…

New Prey

Chapter four: Vengeance & Dark Acts; Part three

It was nightfall, the full moon casting eerie shapes amongst the old headstones of cowboys whose names were forgotten ages ago; their lives and memories of who they were just dust in the winds of the past.

Dean watched from his hiding place behind a large headstone as the man who killed Sam slowly pushed open the wrought iron gates of the entrance and carefully make his way to the large stone crypt that was in the middle of the bone-yard.
Dean had to clench his jaw to keep himself from killing the kid right then and there when he moved past him, the painful grip he had around his .45 keeping him grounded and not letting him do something stupid.
He didn't spare any thought to the fact that just a few hours ago he spiked both Ellen and Bobby's drinks with sleeping pills that he found in the car and the moment they were out he made his way to the cemetery, thankful that he wouldn't have to worry about anybody else getting in his way. Bobby was a fool to think that he could keep Dean from doing this alone without them there to back him up, this was his fight and Dean didn't need their constant nagging.

Dean was curious to see what the other man wanted with the crypt as he came to a halt right in front of it. He moved closer using the shadows and headstones as a cover as he watched the guy pull the colt from the back of his jeans, lifting it towards the centre of the crypt where Dean could now see the hole in the centre of the building; it almost looked like a keyhole to Dean.
At the same time that the guy reached to slide the barrel of the colt into the hole, Dean came out of his hiding place, gun raised and pointing right at the back of Sam's killer.

Now people who knew Dean would know that he wouldn't kill somebody in cold blood that he wasn't that emotionless but that was before Sam died, before Dean had lost the ability to care about anything.
So when he aimed his gun and pulled the trigger five times, watching as the bullets slammed dead centre into the guy's upper back and shoulder, all Dean felt was a coldness that was where his soul had once been, he also felt a thrill as he watched the kid manage to spin around looking at him with surprise and fear on his face before crumbling to the ground.

Dean slowly made his way over to where he was slowly choking on his own blood, a pool of the red liquid already spreading out underneath the slowly dying body, the earth drinking it up already as it soaked into the ground.

"W...who are you?" The kid coughed, blood running out of his mouth.

"Me?" Dean asked deceptively calm.
"I'm the one person whose family you never should have hurt."

"I've never met you before, didn't do anything to your family." came the gurgled reply.

Dean made a sound that was very close to a growl as he crouched near the dying man. The look in his eyes that of pure hatred.
"'No? So you're telling me that it wasn't you who stabbed my brother in the back like it was nothing, it wasn't you who ran while the last of my family bled out in my arms."

"Y...your...Sam's brother..." It was laughable how quickly fear crept into the kid's eyes as realization struck, "...Look, I'm sorry, I didn't have a choice. It w...was him or m...me."

Dean snarled as he got up, he couldn't believe the way his brother's death was being justified.
He turned back towards the dying man after he picked up the colt and with a grin that could only be described as pure evil, Dean said raising the colt,
"You didn't have a choice, huh? Well in that case neither do I."

"Please...No, don't!" The young man chocked out fearfully but it was too late as Dean pulled the trigger three times, ending his brother, his Sam's, killer's life.

Dean felt strangely satisfied as he watched the light go out of the guy's eyes. It didn't even faze him that he had just killed a human being…someone who a few days ago he would have protected.
After gazing at the corpse a while longer Dean turned around to look at the crypt.
There was a pentagram edged around the hole where the guy wanted to slide in the barrel of the colt earlier.
It suddenly hit him what he was looking at.

It was a Devil's gate, a damn door to Hell and the colt was the key.

Lifting the colt up and starring at and then back to the gate Dean got a wicked idea as he stepped closer to the crypt.

"Why the hell not." He thought.
Hunters were always looking for things to kill and if there were more things out there the more Hunters were most likely to meet their demises sooner. So what if a few innocent humans got in the way, they were only collateral damage to him.

Dean lifted the colt and with no hesitation at all slid the gun into the crypt and turned it. The pentagram started to spin and when it was in the right form the doors to the crypt blew open and before Dean could get out of the way as he pulled the gun free he was enveloped by the black smoke as Demons and others of Hell's creatures fled past him being released onto the earth to do their worst.
Dean could feel the demonic energy pass through him the longer the Devil's gate was open and to be honest he liked the feeling of the raw power it gave off.

"Well, well, well...now isn't this a surprise. I gotta tell you Dean this is one turn of events I never saw coming." A voice from behind Dean said, making the young man turn around slowly...

To Be Continued...(Oh boy I don't think Dean is on a good path here, do you? Just to clear things up I know Dean would never kill a human on purpose and he would never think of innocent humans as collateral damage but keep in mind this is a Dean that is grieving the death of his last family member and add in the fact that it was the brother he basically lived to protect, the last strain of his humanity plus the one person that kept him sane so this isn't that hard to imagine happing and besides guys it is a hell of a lot fun to write Dean like this.
If he didn't hunt monsters and protect innocent people one could say that John trained the perfect killer.
So there is chapter four, hope you guys liked it and that I have lived up to the expectations. Please, please pretty please review before you leave and I know I say this every time but no flames but constructive critic is always loved…. I will see you guys again next week with a other story update and keep thumbs that it will be Remembering!