A/N: I previously mentioned that a sequel to Fifty and Five Peaches might be in the works. I have finished it! And I will be posting it as soon as the chapters are beta-ed. The Squeal is called Failure to Disengage, and can be found on my user profile or with the fancy search bar. I would also like to mention that if you liked the bitter sweet ending to fifty and five, then ending to this is a little bit fluffier, so read with digression.

Here is a teaser for chapter one, please enjoy!

Harry stood outside the grey building, at the edge of the sidewalk. All around him people flowed toward the blue double door of the high school. He pulled the oversized black jacket closer and stepped from the curb walking toward what he could only compare to hell.

The day was a blur of names and faces none of which he was going to remember, he made it to all of his assigned classes yet he knew he'd get just as lost the next day. He didn't speak unless it was necessary- it hardly ever was. His mother's hopeful exclamation of, "Make new friends!" was ignored; he opted to sit alone for lunch. He didn't bother setting foot in the lunch room, rather he straddled the long wall that ran parallel to the bus lane. A heavily duct taped pair of head phones blocked out the nearby students chatter.

As first days go Harry Potter's wasn't a huge success, it was far closer to a dismal failure. He was angry and was planning on taking it out on anyone and everyone he could. He wanted to make his parents as hurt and angry as he was and knew he was still going to be the only one suffering but god damn it this sucked.