Title: Creeps Me Out
Written By: Black_Sakura27
Pairing: FlonnexLaharl
Rating: T
Setting: AU-ish
Warnings: Um, yeah, I have another Disgaea fic and it IS under progress. I just need to work out what I'm actually doing. I still wish to point out that I've only read the manga and seen the anime of Disgaea, and I have not played the games, so please don't kill me for my failure to parallel the game points… and again, sorry because I do already have a Disgaea fic up and it does seriously need updating and… I'll just shut up now. Just, don't expect regular updates… but please enjoy…
Disclaimer: Don't own. Duh.
Thanks to the maker of the Creeps Me Out video for Flonne and Laharl on youtube. The song is perfect for the two =D
Prologue: Hypothetically
Etna sighed; the prinnies were short in supply lately for some reason, and with them all occupied doing the cooking, Etna found herself finally being forced by the Overlord to do some hard labour. "This is exhausting!" she moaned, glancing up at the throne where said Overlord sat, scowling at the pages of a peculiar book. She pushed the mop forwards a little further, and cleared her throat pointedly to gather the prince's attention. He shot her a glare before returning his gaze to the book. "You know prince..." she began, inching the mop another inch forwards, "you should look into getting a wife."
He snorted, so she knew he was actually listening to her. "What would I do with one of those useless things?" he snapped.
"Well..." Etna paused; whatever she said had to be clever in Laharl's eyes, because him getting a wife would favour her; especially if she could find a really gullible, nice wife for him. That would enable her to get some rest around here. But then, where would she so conveniently find someone like that? She must have spent too long thinking about it, because Laharl interrupted her thoughts.
"You see? There's no need for something like that."
"Some would say love," Etna mused aloud, absentmindedly sliding to the floor, the mop clattering to the ground forgotten. Whether because she had mentioned the forbidden 'L-word' or because she had abandoned her cleaning duties, Laharl abruptly rose from his chair and sent a burst of fire in her general direction; she was alarmed to find it even singed her tail.
"Love?" He growled, "As I said, Etna, there is no need for something like that. You moron; you know demons don't feel anything so stupid."
Blowing lightly on her tail, and wishing to delay her cleaning further, she shot him a side-long glance and mumbled, "So, hypothetically speaking, if I found someone that would hypothetically be in love with you, and even more hypothetically, you somehow fell in love with them... are you saying you'd be willing to bet that would never happen?"
"Hypothetically?" he checked.
"If something that bizarre were to happen, then I'd be wrong, wouldn't I?"
"And so... you're positive you could never ever fall for anyone?" she pushed.
"Of course."
Rising once more to her feet, she stood the mop beside her and grinned impishly at him. "In that case, I challenge you Prince. I'll choose someone who actually loves you; it might take some searching..." he snarled, so she rushed on, "and then, you have to agree to see that person for some kind of reasonable time. If you fall for this person, you will admit you were wrong, and make life easier for me. That means, money, and time off."
"No deal." Laharl was no sucker.
"Oh? Worried you'll lose?"
"Tell you what – if I lose, I'll do extra labour, and admit that you're the most amazing, evil Overlord in the world. I'll give you cash too," she continued, still wearing that mischievous smirk.
Narrowing crimson eyes at his vassal, Laharl did some quick mental calculations. "Deal."
'You'll regret that, Overlord Laharl,' Etna thought, 'I will find the perfect candidate. Don't you worry about that.'