Norway had quirks; there was no denying it. It wasn't just his talking to his magical creatures (England and others did that too) but other little things that no one would notice unless you cling to him 24/7. Naturally, Denmark noticed.

Most of them were tiny, silly things, like how he would make weird faces when he read books, even though nearly none of the expressions would match up to what was happening, or that would button his shirt from the top down and never the other way.

The strangest one of all however would really have to be this.

"You're a midget. You're such a ridiculous little thing. How can a bear only be the size of a snake's head? That's just stupid. I should eat you for that…" Denmark stared silently and in slight shock at the Norwegian sitting next to him at the table as he calmly (even sounding bored) murmured to the little gummy animals around and in front him. At least five packets of different chewy lollies were open and spilling onto the table for Norway's eating pleasure. "I think I will actually," he stated, dropping the bear into his mouth. "What about you, you're even more retarded." He had picked up another bear and now stared at that one, comparing it to the snake in his other hand. "I shall be kinder to you, stupid little bear." Denmark raised an eyebrow as he bit the body off the helpless bear and then the head off the snake, finally sticking them together. "You are now a snake bear: a horrible sin against nature. You deserve this." He popped the hybrid gummy into his mouth, chewing idly.

"Now what about you, stupid, yellow crocodile, you'd just love to eat this yummy, pink Eskimo wouldn't you? But what the heck are you doing that far north? Being yellow? That's why you can't eat her; she'd see you coming from miles away with that dumb colour. Besides, she's my food," he made the crocodile dive for the little Eskimo sweet but pulled it out of the way, shoving it in his own mouth. "You'll have to starve to death won't you? Why don't I just put you out of your misery-"

"Norge?" Denmark finally got his voice back and caught his friend's attention. Norway looked up blankly, halfway through biting the crocodile in the side. "What the hell are you doing?" Norway stared at him, chomping off a large chunk of the gummy and chewing it.

"Enjoying sweets, what does it look like idiot?" Now that that was sorted out, the Dane managed to contain himself for five more seconds before busting into laughter.

"Ahaha, what the heck Nor? That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen." Norway glared and flicked him hard in the temple.

"Shut up bastard; you play with your food too." Denmark was still laughing too loudly to hear "and the proportions of these sweets are more stupid than that."

"Y-yeah, but that's me! Seriously, what are you on Norge?"

"These." Denmark looked up at the little 'pills' in Norway's hand. That is, many jellybeans bitten in half and then put together with mismatched colours. Casually, Norway put another one in his mouth, ignoring that fact that Dan was now rolling on the floor in laughter and returning to damaging the self-esteem of his gelatine victims.