Bleach and its characters are not mine. They are the property of Tite Kubo. The OC, however, is mine.

It started with a brief glance over the shoulder. For a moment she looked right into his eyes, and then quickly turned and went inside. He couldn't say anything as he watched her turn her back to him, he was too stunned. The emotions he had seen in her eyes were overwhelming. Sadness, guilt, remorse, confusion, betrayal, hurt, and, most vividly, anger. He could see that it was not simply anger. It was rage, loathing, and hate. So much hate that it was frightening. He could practically hear the words echoing in his head as he stood motionless, making no attempt to follow or stop her.

I hate you. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. I hate you.

He knew in his heart that, in all honesty, he couldn't blame her. If he was in her position, he would hate him too.

She couldn't trust him anymore. How could she? Instead of learning the truth from her own brother, she had learned it from the man she hated most. Everything he had said was a lie, and everything he hadn't said was what was important. She had been left in the dark for more than 100 years, and now that she knew the truth, she could barely look at him.

He didn't tell me. Why didn't he tell me? Didn't I deserve the truth? I had the right to know who was responsible for his exile, for the horrible transformation that had befallen Shinji and the others. All along, he kept me wondering, kept me thinking about it night after night. He let me learn the truth from the bastard Aizen, and now I...

The moment they had arrived back in the human world, she felt an overwhelming rush of emotions. All at once she wanted to cry in his arms, scream at his stupidity, and beat him mercilessly. But she kept silent, and she kept her eyes averted, only looking down at her hands. It was when she laid eyes on that sad little excuse for a structure that she was forced to call home that she was able to spare him a glance. With that glance, she realized how she felt. She had nothing but hate for that pathetic bastard. She held his gaze for a mere moment, then turned and stalked into that shithole of a house.

Did he see it? Did he see my anger and rage? Did he see how much he has let me down? I can only hope that he saw me complete hate I have for him. Fuck, I don't even care about anything else, I just want him to know how much I hate him.

Kisuke stood in complete silence as she went inside. He paid no mind to Yoruichi and the others, didn't see the look she gave him, didn't hear Jinta making a complaint only to be silenced by Tessai. He heard nothing, said nothing, did nothing. He simply stood rooted to the ground. It was as if the world had come to a sudden halt.

It was a cruel twist of fate, being hated by his sister. Over and over the scene replayed in his mind, like a broken film reel. All he could see was the look she held in her eyes mere moments ago. The look of hatred had never been so achingly clear, and even though Kisuke didn't realize it, his heart was slowly beginning to break.