This was my first story and a hard one to continue. I began this story in high school with no idea how to finish it, which is why this story has been going on for nearly ten years. This may not go as quickly as my other stories, but if there's someone that keeps reading, I'll keep writing.

Princess of the Eastern Lands

Ch. 34

Kagome awoke early. Her foot no longer ached from the previous day and she was grateful. After embarrassing herself with Sesshoumaru, she didn't want to slow down her traveling time any more than necessary. The young demoness gathered her pouch of clothes and made her way to the small pond. She stripped down to nothing, wading in the water. Time trickled away and Kagome knew she would have to return to camp soon. Sesshoumaru was probably up now. She sprayed water in her face.

"Don't worry, Kagome. Just forget last night happened."

Sesshoumaru hadn't spoken to her at all when he returned. He hadn't even spared her a glance and that was fine. It was one thing to flirt with him and another to want something serious. She should have never expected anything to come from this meeting.

A bush rustled and Kagome ducked down in the water. Creeping from the bushes, a small tanuki emerged from the brush. Sniffing a timid nose toward the water, the little raccoon dog padded its way to the pond.

"Hi there little guy," Kagome cooed.

The raccoon dog stopped in front of Kagome's pile of clothes. It cocked its head and wrapped itself in the demoness's nightgown. The animal picked up Kagome's panties, wearing the item as a hat. Kagome laughed.

"That's not how you wear it. Put it down."

The tanuki looked up, meeting Kagome's gaze and bolted, entangled in her clothes.

"Hey, wait! Come back!" Kagome jumped up.

She grabbed her pouch of remaining clothes and sprinted after the animal. Cutting through bushes and vines, the little tanuki slid through fresh mud to avoid the woman's grasp. Before the raccoon dog could run through another thorny vine, Kagome lunged and grabbed her gown. Kagome fell back hard as the tanuki twisted out and scurried away with her underwear still on his head. Kagome lifted herself up and raced back to the pond. She dunked her body in the water, scrubbing away the day's events.

"Stupid raccoon dog," Kagome mumbled.

Her eyes slipped to the destroyed garment. This trip was making quick work of her clothes.

"Kagome? Are you ready to depart?" Sesshoumaru asked from a distance.

"Just a moment!" Kagome called.

Kagome pulled herself from the water and reached in her pouch for a kimono to wear. She pulled out the flimsy black, sleeveless kimono Yuka packed and tossed it aside. She pulled out another garment and paused. Kagome dumped the pouch out, sifting through her clothes and paled. Every outfit she'd laid out had been switched to something shorter and more revealing. On top of that, all her undergarments had been discarded.

"Damnit, Yuka!"

"Kagome? Something wrong?"

Kagome panicked at the sound of Sesshoumaru approaching and threw on the first outfit her fingers touched. It looked to be a tongue and cheek nod to Kagome's miko orgins in the most sordid fashion. She donned a white top, purposely cut to expose the fullness of her breasts, no matter how Kagome tried to readjust the deep V neck. The skirt was a cherry red, lacking the length to cover the curve of Kagome's butt. She tugged at the skirt in a futile attempt to lengthen the fabric. Maybe she was being self- conscious and it wasn't as risqué as it felt. Kagome bent over to gather the remainder of her clothes. A breeze picked up, lifting the skirt and blowing between her legs. Kagome shuddered, feeling the wind against her pussy. She groaned. The outfit was even more revealing than she thought. Kagome stood and turned to see Sesshoumaru watching her. Even as she stood, his darkened eyes remained on her legs.

Kagome shrieked, falling back, "Sesshoumaru! You scared me! Why didn't you say something when you arrived?"

Sesshoumaru pulled her up and handed her a few supplies, "My apologies. Shall we continue?"

Kagome nodded. The two continued on toward the Western Lands, mostly in silence. Despite his normally impassive poker face, Sesshoumaru couldn't help roving his eyes over Kagome's clothes. After catching his eye for the fourth time, Kagome snapped.

"What? Why do you keep staring?"

"Interesting attire, Kagome," Sesshoumaru said simply.

"It's just a kimono," Kagome mumbled, hoping the dog demon wouldn't had brought it up.

"None like any I've seen," he responded, giving the woman another appreciative glance.

Kagome huffed, fighting a blush, "It's not like I like this, ok? Yuka replaced all my normal kimonos with…this!"

Kagome pulled at the hem of her kimono, flustered. Sesshoumaru chuckled. He was beginning to like this Yuka girl.

"Care for another race?" Sesshoumaru offered, hoping to raise her spirits.

"I can't. My kimono will ride up." Kagome admitted softly. She was too embarrassed to mention that she also wasn't wearing panties.

"Is there a village somewhere up ahead, where I could get a change of clothes maybe?" Kagome asked, hopeful eyes shining at Sesshoumaru.

"No," Sesshoumaru lied, averting his gaze a moment, "Totosai prefers to isolate himself."

He saw her face fall and almost told her the truth. Almost. He enjoyed the view too much to do that and was going to take full advantage of their time together.

"Besides," Sesshoumaru continued, walking ahead, "I like it."

He considered himself honorable, but in the end he was still just a man. Sesshoumaru glanced back at Kagome's tomato face to his admission and smirked. 'Plus, it would be a shame for Yuka's efforts go to waste.'