

A Puffskein. I'm comparing myself to a Puffskein. Look, I know I don't eat bugs or boogies out of the noses of sleeping wizards, but hear me out. I think I have just cause for some air time. A Puffskein. A small, docile wizard's pet. Trainable, obedient, and loving. Sometimes they fall over their own feet. But they're cute and adorable, so people don't care.

I've been trained to obey. I follow directions, and hope I don't blow myself up. I try to love…but it's hard. Oh God, who am I kidding? No one could ever love me.

I was born clumsy. Maybe if I were born agile or slim, people would give me a second glance. Maybe certain people wouldn't ignore me. Maybe I wouldn't be a convenience. Well, I was born clumsy, and I'm not slim. Maybe I'll grow into it, but until then, she'll ignore me.

Ah, yes. Enter the love interest. She's radiant, and is like a constant glowing sun. She warms me inside, and I feel whole. But only from a distance. I've loved her since second year, and I hate that she ignores me. I would gladly sweep the stars from the sky and lay them at her feet, but I think she'd cry because the sky was starless. Besides, she's too taken with him.

Enter the opposition. Look, I have nothing against him. He's saved my neck lots of times, but he's just so damn popular. No one notices me, but that's not always a bad thing. Sometimes it's good for him to take the light from me, but not her light. So, yeah…I'm jealous. He's worthy of jealousy, though. Perfect flier, hero of the century, and not to mention that hair that girls swoon over. Maybe if I dyed my hair blue, people would notice me.

I'm not asking for much, I swear it. I just want her to notice me, sometime other than when it suits her. Everything happens in good time, right? I fear that if I wait much longer, my time will run out.