Shinji Rarenai Genjitsu (Unbelievable Reality)

Summary: No memories, connections nor anything. One thing is for sure, they hate him for what he contains. He doesn't deserve happiness, he doesn't deserve them, they don't belong to him.

Warning: Naruto is going to be OOC and other character too.

Author's Notes: I know I shouldn't be writing another story but I just can't help it, alright? And I absolutely won't abandon any of my stories! ;( *Grins nervously*

Chapter 1: Inability

He looked around, kind of frantic.

Wondering if all the pain in his chest would end, if his life's pain would end, if this is all just a bad dream then he'll wake up in someone's arms comforting him. The darkness is just lucid, eating at his very soul. The dark feeds him loneliness, strangling him in isolation. He doesn't know if he should head for the light, no one would be waiting. It's always like that, no one wants to soothe him and acts like his very conscience is tainted with a curse. A curse he was given, he was marked, and was sealed with.

He just wanted the pain to stop, or at least to subside even just for a minute of blissfulness.

It wasn't that much to ask, right? His innocence has long been stolen, his soul has long been damaged, and his spirit has long been broken. What to make of a child when no one seems to just care enough to offer help. The darkness is suffocating him, the light is leaving him behind, just like them. Who is them? Have he known them for so long that he's sure they will leave him behind?

Then again, there's this voice of concern, worry, fear, and...affection?

"-aruto! Damnit! Wake up, stay with us." a strong but firm voice was calling to him, he didn't recognize it. It's a man's voice, calling out to him, wanting him to stay. Is there really someone wanting to reach out to him? He just wanted to stay in the dark, it comforts him and protects what little sanity he holds even it suffocates his heart because of the pain.

Warm droplets of liquid touch his face, are those tears? Is someone crying for him? Or are those tears of joy for his sudden departure? "Sweetie, stay with us! I'll hold your father responsible for this if you don't fight along, please..please, for us." a pleasant voice of a woman he also never recognized. Sweetie? Since when was the first time someone called him that? Father? Is it really worth opening his eyes? A thread of hope that when he open his haunted eyes, they will be there for him? Is it really worth anything when he already gave in?

But he complied involuntarily nonetheless, his eyes was struck by too much white. The dull cerulean eyes of his wandered around the room only to see relieved faces of a blonde-haired man and a redheaded woman. He didn't recognize them and turned his head to the side. His heart hurt seeing them for indescribable reasons, his head is pounding like he was supposed to remember something and it has something to do with his aching heart. A warm, smooth hand went to stroke his blonde locks and the boy couldn't stop the involuntary flinch that he felt.

He wasn't used to human contact, and he never knew if he ever will. "Naruto, sweetie, what's wrong?" There's the woman's voice again, it only makes his chest hurt when he heard it, he doesn't know why. It's like his mind is doing everything to prevent him from remembering something important but his heart could still decipher it well. The hand hesitantly withdrew from his head, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He turned to face them again, the adults noticed how his eyes dulled more upon seeing them, like the boy's spirit broke into a million pieces of glass. But the horrifying sight they were met with was the pain that flickered within those depths of blue but no recognition was given to them. "Wh..Who are" he rasped out.

There was an audible gasp from the woman and the throbbing pressure in his chest only increased. He put his right hand over his heart, clutching it, as if suffering from some cardiac arrest. " hurts." he managed to wheeze out then there was a loud 'thud' on the floor, it sounded like someone just knocked the chair over. He saw the man instantly walked out and hear him calling for doctors. His vision was blurring and his head feels like someone keeps stabbing it with a kunai, the aching of his heart increased, he doesn't know how but he just wanted it to stop.

"Minato! What the hell is taking them so long?" the woman yelled which did not help his already aching and pounding head. The woman instantly hugged him and and her arms made circular soothing motions on his back, but the flinch remained present. "Sweetie, it's alright, mommy's here, alright? Mommy's here, don't worry." she tried calming him, Mother? It only increased the pressure in his chest but he noticed that when the words has something to do with family the pain increases.

Since when did he have a mother? Isn't it that the Kyuubi Brat's parents abandoned him already? After the word 'Mommy' kept ringing in his ears, he began to thrash around, he wanted the pain to go away. He has to give the woman a little credit, her hold is very firm and strong. It means she must be a ninja. As he calmed a little even though the pain is still present, he continued to whimper against the woman's hold, he doesn't like to be touched, it reminds him of loneliness.

Soon, the doctors and medics arrived and started healing him. The aching in his chest lessened but it did not go away entirely, his head felt relaxed after they healed it. After that, he welcomed the blissful darkness to consume him once more.

Then he saw black.

"Minato! Did you see that? He doesn't recognized us! And he keeps flinching away from me everytime I touch him!" she all but yelled at his face, worry, fear and concern evident on her beautiful face.

The Yondaime sighed as he ran his hand through his blonde locks, "Kushina, you need to calm down bec-.."

"Calm down? Calm down! Are you out of your mind? My baby is in there, suffering from who knows what and I just feel so helpless! Now tell me how am I suppose to calm down!" she retorted, her face forming into a snarl as bare fury resurfaced.

"The doctors said that he is just suffering from mild concussion, starvation, cuts and bruises, and other signs of torture like pulling some of his teeth and there's something done with his heart that constricts the muscles around it that causes the pain. I know I shouldn't have argued with him then he would not have went with that mission." he said in a dead tone, but concern is evident.

Her eyes glinted dangerously, "Just!" she shrieked, "You really shouldn't have sent him, we don't know what those enemy bastards have done with him when he was captured. They tortured him, Minato! My baby!" tears suddenly threatened to fall from her green eyes.

He immediately hugged her, "I'm sorry." he whispered.

She let the tears fall, "It's been 10 months Minato. We just have him back, and look what they have done with him." this time she cried harder as she also sobbed. Minato just did what Kushina did earlier to Naruto, rubbed her back in soothing circles. "He doesn't deserve it, he's just 11 years old. And he's my baby, I just can't imagine that they could do this to a child, let alone our child."

"Ssh, it's alright, we'll be helping him." he tried calming his wife down.

A clearing of someone's throat brought their attention to the doctor who just examined their son, "Don't worry, he's stable now. He just suffered a panic attack, I don't know the cause but we know that it's from a psychological trauma. Especially it's been 10 months since he was captured and we still don't know all the details what they did to him." the doctor said in a sympathetic tone.

Minato shuddered at that thought, what could they have done to his child? "Anything else?" he asked.

The doctor shook his head as Minato dismissed him. Naruto? What happened to you?

They went back to their son's room just to find him sleeping, but he doesn't look pleasant at all. He keeps shifting and turning in his sleep, clutching the white sheets beside him. They immediately sat down beside him, Minato tried combing his son's hair with his hand only to retract it away from the flinch his son gave when touched. He frowned, Naruto doesn't remember them, he look so scared and vulnerable. Something that went against his son's rebellious nature.

Naruto is a child who always goes against rules, orders or words unless they present any significant importance to him. He is a child full of smiles, always hungers for adventure and danger. Minato scolded his son about it but it only encouraged the blonde boy with his interests. Naruto never listened to anyone except when promptness calls for it. His child always looks tough and happy. Minato knew he and Kushina are at fault here, Naruto's smaller 8 year old brother Takashi is a spoiled brat. He knew it even though he doesn't want to admit it himself.

Takashi is like a boy version of Kushina in terms of looks. He has Minato's face while he has Kushina's hair and eye color. While Naruto has his hair and eye color, Naruto clearly has his mother's face.

Takashi and Naruto often had arguments, and even though Minato hated to be reminded of it, they always defended Takashi because he is the younger one. He hated himself for expecting his eldest son to be downright mature when even though he is a ninja and older, he is still a child, his child.

Naruto attended the academy at an early age, and graduated at 10 years old even though ranked as dead-last. Minato always reprimands Naruto about his grades but the smaller blonde never listened to him. Naruto's standard in the academy has tainted some of his reputation as one of the genius hokages in Konoha and as a father. One of the reasons Minato and Naruto often fights. Naruto is a lazy boy who always slacks off. When Naruto is still a child he always wanted a sibling.

But upon growing up with little Takashi, Naruto's bubbly and cheerful attitude went downhill. He discovered that the happy attitude Naruto shows around them was only a mask to hide his indifference and resentment against them. He acts like a rebellious teenager who wants to be independent. He makes decisions for himself and only listens to his parents when he finds it important for his well-being, and he starts acting like he lives alone. He cooks for himself, does the laundry separately and cleans his headquarters. The day Naruto received his hitai-ate is the day he became more distant to the family.

He always goes home late, saying that he spent his whole time with his friends all night while gone early in the morning because of either training or missions. At first, he and Kushina paid it no mind because they thought Naruto just pushes himself to be a great ninja to make up for his low grades in the academy. But when he started avoiding them, like in breakfast, lunch, dinner, family gatherings they immediately knew something is wrong. And they blame themselves for knowing it too late.

The last time they saw Naruto is when he got into a fight between his brother about Takashi using Naruto's kunai without permission and lost it. Of course he told Naruto that he shouldn't blame Takashi because he was the one who left his equipment in his own room when he should be the one responsible because he is a ninja. A small mistake on his part because that is always the reason he gives when Naruto and Takashi fights that he doesn't remember the difference between a ninja and a child.

The big mistake he made was that he told his son that he could always buy another set of kunai, and that is when the real argument started.

Naruto was very angry because those kunais were Minato's gift to him during his 9th birthday and Naruto took care of those tools delicately with care. And it's like a blow to Naruto because he said they could always buy another when Naruto treats it like a treasure. Minato still remembers how Naruto stated he hated his father, his sibling, his mother and his family.

"I hate you, I hate Takashi, I hate mom, and I absolutely hate this whole damn family if you could even call it that! I wish I was never part of it, I wish I was never your son!"

He had slapped his own son that day. Naruto just ran out of the house and the next day, news got to him that Naruto's team got a C-rank mission. But when the team made it back without his son, he panicked, like all the fathers would do. He was informed that Iwa nukenins has ambushed them and captured Naruto for revenge against him. They have searched for 7 months but without any lead about the whereabouts of his son. They assumed Naruto was dead but he and Kushina never gave up.

He started to dislike Takashi when his younger son showed no concern about his brother's abduction, he acts himself everyday like nothing happened, an arrogant brat. Kakashi always finds whatever leads he can find when he is on a mission. After 10 months they found Naruto almost dead, tortured beside the walls of Konoha. They don't know if they delivered his son to him like that to make him suffer or Naruto got away from them and went to Konoha with his remaining strength.

And that's how they ended up in the hospital watching over Naruto. After two weeks of coma, Naruto finally woke up. But he doesn't recognized either of his parents. It hurt to see his son suffering. It's all his fault.

"It's all my fault." he said softly, Kushina held his hand and squeezed it.

His wife shook his head, "It's ours, not yours." she stated glumly.

The door in the room opened with a low creaked and a mop of raven hair appeared. It was Naruto's jounin instructor, Uchiha Obito. "I heard he woke up." his student stated softly, Obito trudged inside the room followed by two genins, Naruto's teammates. Shirogane Keji and Yokina Cho.

Shirogane Keji is a brown haired boy with vibrant silver eyes and from what he could gather he and Naruto are like brothers, the upsetting thing about it is that Keji is more of a brother to Naruto than Takashi is to his eldest. Obito often tells him that when Naruto does not go home he sleeps over Keji's house much to his own chagrin. He also heard that Keji is protective over his son like a big brother would when the brown haired boy is just a month older than his son.

While Yokina Cho is a redheaded girl with sparkling amber eyes, she's exactly a mini-version of his wife except that she is level-headed when it is needed but his wife panics at every opportunity. She's the same age as Naruto only a week younger than him. His student told him that Cho and Naruto are really close, they also bicker with each other like a couple would do but not harmful like Naruto and Takashi's arguments. He had asked Obito if Naruto is dating the girl even though they are remotely young, his student just said that they are already a couple.

His wife's first instinct after knowing that was to interrogate the girl but she held her tongue because of Naruto's stiff relationship with the family. He also learned that Naruto almost spends his whole time around Cho and her family, as if they are married. Minato and Kushina had been very upset to discover this from somebody else rather than from their very own child.

Dating at such a young age is very alarming but with Naruto's unruly behavior, it does not count. But what Minato found funny is that, Naruto somehow inherited his attraction for redheaded individuals. Kushina managed to hit him over the head with that proclamation.

Cho and Keji immediately bowed, "Hokage-sama." they greeted albeit a little too rigid. If they are really close to his son, then they already knew about his status in the family which irked him and Kushina.

He nodded his head in acknowledgement but the two just shifted their gazes to Naruto. Keji looked angry and guilty, Minato knew that he somehow blamed himself with what had transpired almost 11 months ago. Cho appears to be concerned, worried, and nervous. She was actually holding something in her hands, it's a wooden frame and she's gripping it a little too tight.

They just stood there watching over their teammate, but after hours of silence Cho approached Minato and bowed and handed him the wooden frame. "It's supposed to be my gift to him during our mission, it was his birthday." she said softly and bowed again before leaving the room instantly, Keji and Obito followed afterwards.

Birthday? It was his son's birthday? Has he really been that ignorant to forget Naruto's birthday? He was so focused on apologizing and getting Naruto back that he forgot that it was his son's birthday, the day he continued that mission. Kushina has the same thoughts as him from the way she tensed in her seat and looked more worried at Naruto.

He turned the frame over to see a picture of Naruto's genin team. Obito was in the back grinning, wearing the standard jounin uniform, laying a hand on Keji's shoulder and Cho's head. Keji is smiling beside Naruto and Cho, wearing a black muscle shirt under a white polo shirt, blue pants and blue shinobi sandals his hiati-ate tied around his forehead. Naruto is carrying Cho in a piggyback, clad in a black muscle shirt like Keji under an orange jacket, black pants and blue shinobi sandals and unlike Minato, his hitai-ate is tied around his neck, grinning.

His bright blue eyes contains laughter and happiness he had never seen when his son is with them. Cho is hugging Naruto around the neck and smiling softly beside his head, her cheek beside Naruto's ear, dressed in a blue shirt under a black jacket, black pants and blue shinobi sandals and her hitai-ate is also tied around her neck.

It hurts. because his son looks more happy in the picture than the moments he spends with the family.


Another AN:

Review please! So I know if I will continue with this or not! Thanks.