Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia, it belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya.
Pairing: Prussia/Canada
Genre: Romance
Enjoy reading!
You're Cute
"Have you ever been called cute?"
"Mmm... Quite a few times, from Papa..." Matthew replied while reading his book.
"No, I meant someone other than your family." The Prussian said. The two were currently in the Canadian's room. Matthew was lying on his stomach, reading on his bed, while Gilbert was spinning around in Matthew's swivel chair.
Matthew paused and looked as if he was thinking about it, "No... Why do you ask?"
Gilbert smirked, "Oh, I'm just curious." His crimson eyes glinting mischievously.
The Canadian gave Gilbert a look, shrugged and continued reading his book.
A few peaceful minutes have gone by, when the Prussian stopped spinning on Matthew's chair. Ruby red eyes traveled to the blonde and observed how the Canadian's facial expression changes as he read the book.
Gilbert's voice broke the peaceful silence. "It's 'cause I think you're cute."
Matthew froze and felt his cheeks flare up. "W-what?" He looked up to see his friend smiling softly at him.
"I said, 'cause I think you're cute', Birdie."
Reviews are awesome~
Also, I would like to thank Eureka7fan for BETAing for me.