Title: Unsheathed

Authors: COLLABORATION! Rukawagf + Anon Author #25

Rating: M
Pairing: Shiki x Izaya
Prompt from the Drrr Kink Meme: I'd like a ShikixIzaya, in which Shiki is the "experienced adult" who has Izaya in the palm of his hand. In my headcanon Shiki is one cool BAMF, and I'd love to see that playing out against Izaya's manipulativeness.

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters!


The young school boy gasped and shuddered, moaning into the makeshift gag in his mouth as his head hit the hard concrete floor. The man in white suits stomped on the head, messing up his already disheveled hair. After grinding him to the floor, the yakuza kicked the whimpering boy.

"Fuck him harder," Shiki said as he watched, slowly letting out the puff of smoke that lingered in the air before it dissipated.

The young high school teen yelped when the man behind him shoved his thick cock inside that virgin hole, tearing him apart again and again. The boy clawed at the floor, trying to get a grip of something, but his hands were bound too tightly for him to do much with it. His eyes brimmed with tears as pain and pleasure took hold of him forcefully, his throbbing cock dripping wet as it salivated on the floor.

Once the 3rd man was finished with the kid, unloading his load into the already cum-filled ass, Shiki yanked on those greasy raven hairs and pulled out the gag.

"Alright brat. Spill it. How did you know?"

Orihara Izaya, age 16, his thighs covered in dripping blood just smirked with unbroken iron will and simply replied, "Won't you like to know, Shiki-san?"

Shiki looked back at him sternly. With cold, emotionless face, he threw down the boy back to the floor. He stepped on Izaya's swollen cock with the sole of his shoe, making the young boy moan.

"You've got some balls for a kid who barely have any pubic hair, brat. If you keep this up, I'm not quite sure you'll enjoy the rest of what's in store for you," then with that, Shiki kicked the boy again so he was lying on his stomach, groaning.

Shiki deliberately placed his shoe in front of the writhing boy's mouth and ordered him, "Lick it clean."

Three days prior.

The angry red numbers on the digital clock read 5:32am. Shiki knew this because his cell phone was ringing next to it on the nightstand beside him, buzzing persistently for the receiver to pick up. There was a subtle movement next to him and he suddenly remembered he was not alone, but the woman he hired last night just shifted and remained fast asleep. Whoever was calling him better have one hell of an excuse. Something happening around the city brought the law enforcement to be more uptight than usual. They have been laying low for the past few weeks not because they felt that they were threatened, but more so to avoid unnecessary casualties. One look at his phone and he realized the caller ID on his phone was blocked; promptly he ignored it.

The angry red numbers on the digital clock read 5:43am, his fucking phone was ringing again, and it was still the same blocked ID.

"Who is this?"

"Shiki-san from Awakusu-kai right? I was worried for a moment that this number I got wasn't in use, but it seems like I got the right man. Assuming you are him of course."

That was weird, because Shiki didn't recognize the voice and he wasn't expecting a phone call from anyone this early in the morning. The voice over the line sounded like it wasn't female, although too high pitched to be a man's. He would assume it to be a teenage boy's, but that certainly wouldn't make any sense either. Before he could ponder further, the other person spoke again.

"Looks like you aren't objecting, perfect! Let's keep this conversation short and sweet. I suggest you be on a look out tomorrow, you're meeting with the Triad aren't you? Don't forget to check the bottom of the case, not theirs, yours. You wouldn't want to hand over anything you don't want right?"

And just like that, the call ended. Shiki threw back his phone and went back to sleep.

Hidden at the bottom, beneath the neatly stacked mint fresh bills was a bag of explosives, dangerously hooked up by wires to a bag of liquid; it didn't take a genius to figure out what would happen if the two bags mixed together. The rest of the morning was spent to carefully remove the suitcase without their office being blown into bits. The long anticipated deal was called off, much to Shiki's annoyance.

"Did you do that?" Shiki demanded when the blocked ID called him again later that night.

"Don't be silly, why would I want to do that." The voice was haughty, "I was at a Chinese restaurant the other day and found your fortune in a cookie. Just thought I would let you to know out of the kindness of my heart."

"Don't mess with me, where did you get this information? Who did this?"

"Who did indeed hmmm." There was a pause as the person on the other end wandered off into a deep thought, "Actually I don't know that yet, I'll let you when I find out. But anyways that's not why I called you. Are you going somewhere tomorrow, and when?"

"Do you honestly expect me to enlighten you with my personal information mister benevolent nameless caller? I expect you to at the very least let me know what to call you."

"Shiki-san, this is very serious! Surely you value your life over my name."

"Alright then, I have no choice but to believe that you know more than you let on. I'm not very interested playing this little game."

"I'm not asking where you're going or what you're doing, just give me a time. I mean no harm for you."


"That wasn't so hard was it? I'll be sending you a letter before then, please don't leave until you receive it."

And then the line was dead.

The mailman came at 9:03am the next morning; that was three minutes after Shiki was supposed to leave. He all but hastily ripped the thin postage from the senile deliverer's trembling hands, irritated that he waited this long for an ordinary letter.

At 9:04am, Shiki opened the envelope only to find four pieces of blank paper. He then pointedly flipped the pages a few more times just to make sure that they weren't hiding any obscure fine prints. They weren't. There was no return address or sender name on the envelope either.

He ripped its contents into little shreds and tossed them into the litter bin at 9:05am.

Locked the door and hurried down the never-ending flight of stairs at 9:06am.

At precisely 9:07am, the car that was waiting for him combusted into a massive fireball. Bits of metal flew in every direction, a piece of the windshield lodged itself into the cement in front of him. He saw this blazing scene from hell through the heavy duty glass security door leading out of his apartment building, stunned and frozen on the spot. What the fuck? The cell phone rang and it was from the blocked ID; his hands stumbled a bit before answering the call.

"Ah, you picked up, I guess that means you're still alive." The voice on the other line sounded cheerful as ever.

"What are you trying to do?" His own voice didn't sound as forceful as he wanted.

"How rude, I just saved your life, and you're still accusing me of heinous crimes I would never possibly commit. I guess you don't want to hear what I just found out about these mysterious attacks."

"No, tell me."

"Okay then! My fortune to you for tomorrow: a trusty companion might be up to something drastic; act first then think. A little birdie told me that someone's been very unhappy with you lately. If I were you, I would carry a gun, loaded of course, no wait, oopsie, I think you always carry a loaded gun. Well then, don't forget what it's for! That's all, talk to you later."