Wooooo! Another new story! I'm excited. ^^ Well..., let's just get onto the first chapter of 'The Kyuubi's Blossom'. Enjoy!

The Kyuubi's Blossom

Chapter 1: Reborn and Best Friends

Summary: Naruto never had the love of a mom or dad. Everybody shuns him because of the Kyuubi sealed inside him. The only person who understands him is his best friend Sakura Haruno, who has known him since they were 5. He has a crush on her, and she the same with him. Read as they grow closer to each other, and new bonds are formed. x3 PLEASE R&R! Thanx! Enjoyzzz!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto, or anything of it! Masashi Kishimoto does! But I do own this story. :3



Kyuubi talking to Naruto

Naruto talking to Kyuubi

Inner Sakura talking to Sakura

Sakura talking to Inner Self

October 10th. A day everybody hated. A day a demon was born. Or that's what people called him. It was the day, the Nine Tailed Demon Fox or also called Kyūbi no Yōko, was sealed inside of a newborn baby. A baby named Naruto Uzumaki. The Fourth Hokage sacraficed himself to seal the Kyūbi no Yōko inside Naruto his newborn son, and save the village. It was for the good of the town, to show that Naruto was a hero for saving the village instead of a demon born to be hated and feared. The Fourth's wish, was for Naruto to be viewed a hero that helped the village instead of the demon host himself. Only a few people granted his wish, while most of the villagers feared him and ignored him. He was an outcast for most of his life, but he started to gain friends one by one. But one girl always caught his attention. Ever since that day when they were 5, he was very close to her. That's how it all began. When Naruto met his Cherry Blossom...


A young blonde boy about 5 with whiskers on his cheeks, was running from some angry villagers. He ran as fast as his little 5 year old body could take him. This always happened to him. He would try to get some food, then end up stealing some. The villagers would get mad, and chase him with pitchforks and torches. They would call him 'Demon Boy', or 'The Spawn Of Satan'. He just wished that they would stop, accept him, and maybe even love him. But he knew that would never happen. Never in his life. But you never know. The unexpected can happen. Even at the most random times. He kept running faster, the villagers gaining on him, and yelling at him.

"Get back here you Demon!"

"You don't deserve food! You don't deserve to be alive!"

"You Spawn Of Satan! I curse you! Curse you! You killed my son!"

"I wish you were never alive!"

"Get out of our village! We will never accept you!"

Naruto started to cry. He ran around a corner, and tripped on a rock. He fell on his face. He started to shake, his tears mixing with the dirt on his face and body. He saw the villagers getting closer to him. A man raised his pitchfork ready to attack. Naruto put his arms in front of his face, and cried harder, ready for the attack.

"NO! Please stop! I didn't do anything!" He cried.

"Save it Demon! You can apologize in Hell! Die Demon!" The man brought down the pitchfork. Naruto closed his eyes, waiting for the pain and suffering to come. Waiting for his death...But it never came. He opened his eyes, to see pink? He opened them wider, and saw a pink haired girl his age. The girl he saw at the park all the time. He looked to see her in front of him, her arms spread out like wings, the pitchfork a few inches from her face. Was she protecting him? He thought everybody hated him. Then why is she helping him.

"Stop! Leave him alone!" She said. She had a look of determination set on her face. She wasn't afraid. A villager scowled, and spit at her. She stood there, not flinching once.

"Why are you protecting that monster? Demon? Are you on his side?" He spat at her. She scowled, and wiped the guys spit off her face. Eww, gross...

"He isn't a demon or monster! Your the monster for trying to hurt him! Leave him alone!" She yelled at him.

"Then your just like him! Protecting something that nobody wants or wants to even look at! Tsk, Hehe, you sealed your fate...Stupid little bitch..You will regret ever protecting that trash..." He said, then they turned, and left the two alone. She put her arms down, and turned around to look at the boy on the ground. She crouched down, and got on her knees. The boy looked at her wide-eyed, his tear and dirt covered face pale.

"Are you ok?" She asked looking at him. He slowly nodded.

"W-Why did you help me? I'm a monster. A demon..." He said looking at the ground. She frowned.

"No your not! Your not a monster nor demon! Don't listen to them. They don't understand you. Here let me help you up." She said getting up off her knees wiping the dirt from her khaki capris, and extended her hand for him to grab. He blushed, and took it.

"Thankyou." He said getting up, and letting go of her hand. His blush deepened when he saw how adorable she was. Her short pink hair that had a red ribbon tied into it, her bangs cascading her angelic face. And her green eyes, are what he thought ascented her greatly. He thought she was just like a pretty flower. The pink ones he would always see in the park. She looked at him, and gave him a warm smile.

"Hey, how about I take you to my home, and clean you up?" She said.

"Um...I-I couldn't...I'm not aloud near other kids...Is what the villagers said.." He mumbled. She put her hands on her hips, and pouted.

"Screw the villagers. Your coming with me. I don't care what my parents say. I'm taking care of someone I helped. Let's go!" She said taking his hand in hers, and running down the street. She did a couple twists and turns, and stopped in front of a two-story building. Naruto looked up at the house. It was nice. It was just getting him in, and sneaking into a girl's room was the problem. She turned to him, and put her finger to her mouth in a 'Shhh' motion. Naruto nodded, and she opened the door silently. She took off her shoes, and he did so. But there was only three pairs of shoes sitting there. What would her parents think if they saw four? They would start asking questions, and he would get beat again...

"U-Um...W-What do I do about my...shoes.?" He asked nervous.

"Carry them up to my room. I'll put them under my bed, k?" She asked. He nodded again. He took them off, and held them in one hand, while the other was in her hand, and they walked quietly up the stairs. They passed 4 doors, and came to the one at the end. She opened the door, and they walked in. She locked it. He gave her his sandals, and she put them under her bed. She turned to another door next to her closet. She opened it, and it turned out to be a bathroom. Your regular sink, toilet, and shower. But Sakura style. It had a mint green tile floor, with the walls a magenta pink and Cherry Blossoms adorning it. The shower curtains were jet black with mint green Cherry Blossoms flowing freely on the curtains. The sink, toilet, and shower were all a black/blue marble color with a shiny finish. There was a basket of scented soaps, body washes, shampoos, and conditioners set next to the shower. A black mini trashcan sat in the middle of the sink and toilet for a finishing look. Naruto smiled.

"Wow! This is really cool!" He said.

"Thanks. Oh! And by the way, my name is Sakura. Sakura Haruno." She said smiling, her head cocked to the side.

"Naruto Uzumaki! Believe it!" He said. She giggled.

"I'll get you some clothes. I like wearing some boys clothes, so you'll be ok, k?" She asked. He nodded, and blushed.

"Thankyou so much. I've never had someone be this nice to me. Thankyou, Sakura-chan." He said. She blushed at his ending he gave her on the end of her name. She nodded.

"Anything for helping a friend. A best friend." She said. His eyes widened. They started to brim with tears.

"Wha-Really? Y-You think of me as a best friend, Sakura-chan?" He asked. She looked at him, and hugged him. He let the tears fall, and wrapped his arms around her waist. For once in his live, he felt loved. They let go, and she wiped a tear from his face. She gave her famous warm smile, and nodded.

"Yep.! Now let me go get those clothes, k?" She said. He nodded, and watched her leave. He sat on the sink counter, and smiled to himself. He never thought that he would meet someone who would love him for him. But she didn't know about him yet. He knew that once he told her, she would kick him out of her house, and call him a 'monster'. Well, he had to have a friend for a little while, even it was only for an hour. Sakura came back minutes later with a black t-shirt, black boxers, and orange shorts.

"Here ya go! I'll let you have your own time, k? Oh! And to turn on the water, you just turn it left or right for hot or cold, k?" She said. He nodded, and thanked her, taking the clothes, and closing the door, well sliding it more like it. It was Tatami style. A light pink. He took off his clothes, and turned on the water. He got in, and closed the shower curtain across. 'Ok. Now it's dark...Oh well. Better enjoy the bath while I can.' He thought. He picked up a bottle, and opened the cap.

"Pineapple. Yum." Naruto said. He squeezed it onto his head, and worked it into his scalp. After he scrubbed his head good, he washed out the shampoo, and put the same kind of conditioner in. He grabbed a wash cloth, and picked up an ocean mist scented body wash. He squeezed some into the wash cloth, and lathered it up. He washed his body, and a few scratches that he got from the villagers. Then he looked at the seal on his stomach. His eyes saddened. Why did such a thing have to happen to him. Why him? He shook it away, and washed off, then washing out the conditioner. He turned off the water, and got out. He grabbed a black fluffy towel, and dried his hair, and body. He put the towel back on the rack when he was done, and put on the clothes Sakura gave him. When he was done, he slid the door open, and saw Sakura on a laptop. She was typing, and giggling. He walked out, and over to her. He popped his head up from behind the laptop, and scared the shit out of her. She jumped back a little, and giggled. He smiled. Then frowned.

"Sakura, I gotta tell you something." He said. She looked at him.

"I have the Kyuubi sealed inside me." He said quickly waiting for the screaming and yelling to start, it didn't. He looked up at Sakura, and saw her frowning.

"I don't care what people say Naruto. I've known you had the Kyuubi sealed inside you, when I heard my parents talking about it. I don't care what anybody says. They can shun me too, because you are my best friend and I like you. Nothing can change that!" She said blushing and smiling. He looked at her wide-eyed once again.

"Wha-What? You like me, and don't care if I have the Nine Tails sealed in me?" He asked. She nodded. He got up, and hugged her.

"Thankyou so much again, Sakura-chan." He said.

"Hey! You added the 'chan'! Yay!" She said giggling. Then she stopped. She sniffed.

"Hmm. Someone smells tropical and fruity." She said. He blushed. She closed her laptop, and set it next to her bed on her nightstand. She patted the spot next to her. Naruto got up, and plopped on her king sized bed. She smiled at him.

"You stay here, while I get some food. I won't be long. If one of my parents comes to my door, hide in my closet. They never look in there. I'll be back Naru." She said getting up.

"Ok Saku." He said. She blushed, and walked out of her room, closing the door. He layed flat on her bed, taking in her scent. She smelled good.

'I think you might have found your soulmate, kit.' Naruto heard his demon chuckle. He sighed. 'No...you stupid kitsune. She's just a best friend. I wouldn't mark her...' 'Yeah, Yeah...When she comes back boy, I think it would be best to tell her about it.' 'But were only five! I can't talk about mating or spending my life with someone for the rest of my life if were this young. God, would you wait some years before bringing that up?' 'Yeah...Sure whatever...*snickers* I like her boy...I wouldn't let go of her..' 'I won't...I don't want to. Even though I just met her, I feel somewhat attatched to her.' 'That's a good thing my boy..Now she's coming back. So stop looking like a baka, and look cool.' 'Right...' After the inner battle with Kyuubi, Naruto saw the door open, and Sakura come in with a tray full of food. There was a lot too. Shrimp, rice, onigiri, steak, vegetables, bowl of fruit, dango, dumplings, and tea. Naruto's mouth watered.

"Dig in." Sakura said.

"Huh? B-But Sakura. I don't want to eat all-"

"It's ok Naruto. I already ate today. Help yourself." She said smiling.

"Thanks." He said. Then he grabbed some chopsticks, and dug in. Sakura watched in amazement as he scarfed down the food, like there was no tomorrow. He must not get food much. Or eat much at least. Sakura thought about it. She narrowed her eyes. 'Those fucking pricks...They don't understand him...It's wrong not to give a kid food. Especially if were five! Cha!' She thought. She kept watching him eat, until there was nothing left except empty bowls and plates. Naruto burped, and put his hands together in a praying motion.

"Thanks, Sakura!" He said. She smiled.

"No problem Naruto. And if you want, my parents are going on a 6 month mission starting tomorrow, and I'll have the house to myself...I'm gonna let you stay here!" She said clapping her hands together. He looked at her, mouth agape.

"S-Sakura! That's too much! I-I'm ok where I'm at. You don't need to do that for me. It's ok, but"

"No buts. Your staying here, Naruto. No buts." She said. He sighed.

"Ok. Thankyou." He smiled. She nodded.

"Well...it's getting late. How bout we get some sleep?" She said. He nodded.

"Ok. Your bed is so comfortable, I'm *yawn* already tired..." He mumbled, and then he was out. Sakura smiled. She double checked that her door was locked, and got under the blankets with Naruto. Her bed was warm now with company in it. She smiled to herself. Naruto moved closer to her, and wrapped an arm around her waist. She snuggled more into him. They both smiled to themselves, and thought the same thing.

'I found someone who understands me, and likes me for who I am. I don't ever want to let them go. I feel...reborn with them.'

End Flashback

8 years later...

After that fateful day 8 years ago, Naruto and Sakura never left each others sides. They spent almost all day and night with each other. When they first started to hang out, people looked at them odd, and with disgust. But now they just ignored them, and they were used to it now. Now both 13-14 years old, and on a team, their getting ready for hard training. Training with their perverted teacher Kakashi-sensei has taught them a lesson. Especially since they were a 3 man squad. The rules changed from 4 to 3 for unknown reasons. They went on all sorts of missions, and just got done with the Chunin Exams. Meanwhile, Team 7 was at the BBQ place eating, and celebrating them becoming Genin and possibly Chunin. Naruto was laughing and grinning like an idiot, and Sakura and Kakashi were just laughing about how he gets over-excited about things.

"Sakura-chan! I want ramen!" Naruto pouted. She laughed, and playfully bonked him on the head.

"Naruto-kun, they don't sell ramen here. Why do think it's called BBQ? You and me can go out later for ramen, k?" She asked, eating a piece of rib. He blushed, and ate some steak.

"Ok!" He grinned swallowing. Kakashi set down his book, and looked at them.

"Hey what about me? Or are you two going on a little date?" He said, with an invisible smirk under his mask. They both turned cherry red, and looked different ways. Sakura to the right, and Naruto to the left.

"N-No..." They stuttered. "It's just a dinner. KAKASHI-SENSEI! YOUR SUCH A PERVERT! CHA!" Sakura yelled. He laughed.

"Oh for gods sake Sakura. I wasn't meaning that. GOSH! I'M NOT A PERVERT!" He said standing up. By now, everybody in the BBQ place, including Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, and Asuma were looking at them with a 'WTF? face'. Some people just went back to eating and talking, some even left.

"Oh hell no! Don't you go Napoleon Dynamite on me mister!" Sakura said standing up as well, with her hands on her hips.

"Napoleon,...What?" He said.

"The 'GOSH!' I freaking hear that almost everyday from you!" She said trying not to smirk. She was starting to think it was funny to piss him off. Her lips started to tug upwards, but she held it down. He huffed, and took out money.

"I've got to go make up some mission reports for the Hokage. Here's some money for the food." He said setting it on the table. He took out his porn, and poofed away. Sakura sighed, and sat down. Naruto looked at Sakura with a goofy grin.

"So Sakura. We can go on our date now!" He said. Sakura smiled. He was right.

"Yeah. I almost forgot Naruto. How about I go home, rest for a bit, and then i'll meet you at Ichiraku's around 7:30?" She said. He nodded, and kissed her cheek. She blushed, and got up. She kissed his cheek in return seeing him blush, and waved him a goodbye. Naruto sat there with a smile on his face.

'I'm glad I met Sakura.' He thought. He finished eating, payed, and went back to his house to get ready.

Sakura's House...

Meanwhile at Sakura's house, Sakura had Ino help her pick an outfit to wear. She was rushing, and very nervous of what Ino might pick. Her brows furrowed as she watched Ino take out some VERY revealing clothing.

"INO! I can't wear that! I-It's too revealing!" Sakura cried.

"Oh shush Forehead. It's just a tubeless top that has long cuts in the front. It shows your flat stomach, and makes ur boobs POP!" She giggled. Sakura's face burned red.

"INO. I don't want to look like a SLUT!" She said glaring.

"It has a fishnet undershirt, Sakura. You'll look cute. AND it's orange! Naruto loves orange I know that." Ino said throwing the top and fishnet at her. Sakura caught it, and put it next to her. She blushed.

"Yeah." She mumbled.

"AH HA! This is major sexy!" Ino said holding up a green camoflouge mini skirt. "This will match ur top!" She said throwing that also at Sakura. Sakura got redder. What was Ino thinking? What else was she going to do to her? Doll her up, or make her a Victoria's Secret model? Either way it didn't matter. Ino was known as the fashion queen in the village. ACTUALLY the fashion queen probably around the WHOLE FREAKING WORLD. *WACK!* "OW! INO WHAT THE HELL!" Sakura yelled, clutching her head. She looked down to see shoes. She recognized them.

"Hey Ino." She said.

"Yes, Ms. Bi-Polar?" She snickered. Sakura glared.

"Are these-"

"Yes! They are Victoria's Secret! I just recently bought them!" She said squealing.

"Which ones are they?" Sakura asked. Ino picked up the Victoria's Secret catalog off Sakura's nightstand. She flipped through it, until she found the shoes.

"They are the Steven by Steve Madden Strappy Clog Bootie! And they are flipping cute! If you get a scratch or anything on them, I will shave your head!" Ino said. Sakura shivered. No one wants to see a pissed off Ino. Especially her. She remembered the last time Ino got pissed. It was not pretty. It was at Ino's birthday party when they were 8, and someone spilled fruit punch on her new baby blue strapless sundress, and she freaked, going on a rampage. Sakura even remembered who got hurt. Choji, Asuma-sensei, Kurenai-sensei, Hinata, and Shino were sent to the hospital for minor cuts and bruises. And everybody else was perfectly fine. Anybody near Ino though, were toast. She looked at the black shoes, and they were gorgeous. She loved them. Ino always bought exspensive stuff, so Sakura would see her with a different outfit on everyday. Her family was rich, but not as rich as Ino's. Ino's were like the Uchiha's. They had money and the riches. The Uchiha's owned the police station close to their compound. She knew of them. Itachi was an ANBU for as young as he is, and his father was captain at the police station. Ino's family owned a flower shop, and a couple of stores. Ino's family of course, owned the Victoria's Secret down the street. Ino begged her father, and he happily replyed with a 'yes, anything for you my little angel.' Tch little angel my ass. Ino may seem nice when you meet her, but don't tell her ANY of your deepest darkest secrets. Even if she begs. If you tell one thing, the next day the whole village knows. And if it's an embarrassing secret, your SOL(Shit Out Of Luck). Sakura got up, and stretched.

"Hey Ino, I gotta get ready for my date. I'll see you later then, ok?" Sakura said picking up the 'clothes' Ino gave her.

"Oh no, no, no missy. Go get dressed. I'm doing your hair AND makeup. Don't argue with me either." Ino said sitting on Sakura's bed, the VS catalog in her hand. Sakura was going to say something, but Ino's glare told her otherwise. She sighed, and walked into the bathroom. First went on a fresh pair of underwear, and strapless bra. Next went on the skirt, then fishnet top which hugged her curves. After that, she pulled on the tube top which really hugged her curves, and then put on the shoes. The 3/4in. heels made her taller, but still kept her 4 foot 8 in. form. She opened the door and heard a whistle. She blushed. 'Damn you Ino!' Sakura thought. 'Who cares what Ino thinks! We look hot! CHA YEAH!' 'Oh shut it Inner. I don't need your opinion.' 'Um excuse me, but I'M YOU, and fuck that. YOU NEED NARUTO'S OPINION! NOW GET THE FUCK OUT THERE ALREADY!' 'OK OK! Don't throw a bitch fit! I wanna have a good night. Oh that just sounded wrong...' 'Damn right it did, but who cares! Now stop arguing with me!' '*Sigh* Ok.' 'Thankyou.' Sakura walked out, tripping a little from the heels, but stopped. She turned in a 360 circle so Ino could judge anything wrong with the outfit and fix it. So far, she said nothing.

"Good, good, good, and GOOD! Sakura you look HOT! I'm so jealous. But I know Naruto will like it." Ino grinned. Sakura blushed.

"OK! NOW FOR HAIR!" Ino said. Sakura winced, a vein showing on her forehead.

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO YELL SO MUCH INO!" Sakura said annoyed. Ino shrugged, and pushed Sakura in front of the vanity. She took out her Conair Wet 2 Dry Straightener, and plugged it in.

"Hey Ino-pig, you know that's for when your hairs wet right?" Sakura said. Ino shook her head.

"Your hair can be dry, and it still works. I do it when my hair is dry. If you do it when your hair is wet, you could fry or damage your hair, giving you split ends, which are SO not like cool. Split ends, and gaudy hair is not pretty. Shiny and glossy perfectly cut hair is. So shut it and relax, Forhead." Ino said. She took a strand of hair, and straightened it, making it straighter and prettier than ever. Sakura was amazed. Ino was right. It did work better when your hair is dry and not wet.

"Ino where did you get it! I love it already!" Sakura said giggling. Ino smirked.

"Any store that sells straighteners or hair products. You can get it on the website too. I got mine at Walmart." Ino said taking another lock of pastel pink hair, and making it straighter.

"Sweet." Sakura said.

10 minutes later, Ino was done, and Sakura had her hair straightened to perfection. Ino got a comb and hairspray.

"Ok Forehead. How do you want your hair? The way it is, pigtails, ponytail, bangs hanging, what do you want?" Ino asked.

"Hm. How about Snookie's look from the Jersey Shore!" Sakura said giggling. Ino sighed, then smiled, combing through Sakura's pink locks.

"I think you watch that show too much Sakura. I got to admit, it's a good show, but I'm not one to be obsessed over it, unlike you." Ino said spraying Sakura's hair. Sakura coughed.

"Yeah, Yeah. But they have the newest one! The Jersey Shore Miami! I'm going to the Jersey Shore, Bitch!" Sakura said doing an imitation of Snookie. Ino sighed.

"I need to take your laptop, tv, and cell phone away from you. Anything that is electronical." Ino said.

"NO! I NEED THEM! Your not my mother." Sakura spat. Ino shook her head.

"I'm your second mother, best friend, rival, and whatever else." She said. Sakura sighed.

"Yeah, whatever." She said.

"I'm done." Ino said. Sakura looked at herself, and nodded, smiling.

"Makeup." Ino said, looking through her bag, and grabbing out a makeup kit. Sakura groaned. WHAT DIDN'T THIS GIRL FUCKING HAVE THAT HAD 'THAT' PARTICULAR BRAND ON IT?

"Ino." Sakura groaned.

"What?" She asked eyeing her.

"What the hell do you have that DOESN'T have Victoria's Secret on it! I mean, don't get me wrong, I like their stuff, it's just...wow." Sakura said. Ino shrugged.

"Well, my family owns the store, and I can have whatever I want so...so?" Ino said. She took out some orange and black eyeshadow, black liquid eyeliner, lip gloss, blush, and bronzer. She applied everything on Sakura, and when she was done, Sakura was beyond beautiful. Sakura gaped at herself. "Now just a little spray of Sexy Little Things Noir Tease Eau de Parfum, and you are done!" Ino said. She sprayed Sakura all around, and Sakura felt like a model. Ino knew how to really doll someone up, especially for a date.

"Ino, I love you!" She giggled. "In a non lesbian way." She finished.

"Hehe, me too." Ino said. Sakura looked at the clock, her eyes widening.

"Oh shit! 7:15! I gotta go Ino! Don't go through my stuff either! I'll see you around 9! Bye!" Sakura yelled running down the stairs. Ino waved, and went back to the catalog.

"OMG, THAT IS CUTE!" She squealed, circling a product in the catalog.


Sakura ran down the streets. She almost fell down the stairs from going to fast. She was running, and saw two people walking hand in hand.

"Hey! Konan, Pein!" Sakura yelled. Said two looked up, and smiled. Sakura ran up to them.

"How are you guys!" She smiled.

"I'm good. Were expecting a baby." Konan blushed. Sakura's eyes widened, then they turned into mischief.

"Oooo! Got your groove on huh? I'm just kidding! I'm so happy for you! Sorry I gotta rush, I got a date!" She said running off again.

"Tell Naruto I said hi!" Konan said.

"Will do! Bye Pein!" Sakura yelled turning a corner.

"Bye Sakura!" He yelled. They walked off again, doing whatever.

(A/N: Ok, your probably wondering this. "O.O What the hell are the Akatsuki doing in Konoha!" I've changed that. In most of the fanfictions I've read, they are their enemies. I wanted to change that, so I added all them as Konoha citizens. Itachi and the others will be seen later.)

Sakura continued to run, until she reached the ramen shop, gasping for air. She looked, and Naruto was nowhere to be seen.

"Ok, what the hell? Where is he?" She said panting looking at her cell phone. "It's freaking 7:32. Where-"

"SAKURA-CHAN!" She looked, but then she regretted it at the last moment. Naruto enveloped her in a huge bear hug. She almost tripped, but kept her composure. Naruto almost stepped on her...well INO'S shoes. She quickly moved her foot in time. She remembered what Ino said. "If you get a scratch or anything on them, I will shave your head!" She shivered at the thought, but looked to see what Naruto was wearing. She thought he looked, well...HOT. His hair was in it's original spiky place on top of his head, a few strands hanging above his eyes which sparkled like the moon. He wore an orange button down collared shirt with a black tie loosely hanging around it, a pair of black skinny jeans, and black high-top Nikes. But really caught her attention, was the cologne he was wearing. It was strong, but very nice. 'Naruto wears Polo Ralph Lauren? Wow, that stuff isn't cheap either.' She thought. He looked hot, smelled good, and it kinda turned her on. She never thought that Naruto would wear such nice clothes that might be too exspensive, but she did help him throughout these 8 years they've known each other. She would buy him clothes even though he advised her not to waste her money on him. But she didn't care. She wanted to help him. Help him get through this hell that he has been living. All he wanted was to have people aknowladge and accept him. She was the only one who did so. She was the only one who was there for him. Through thick and thin, good or bad. Ok, they weren't married as Ino joked about how much time she spent with Naruto, but you could still call them very good friends. She got out of Naruto's death grip bear hug thing, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hi Naruto. You look...very nice." She said. She inwardly smacked herself. She sounded like an idiot. 'Well I can't say you look hot, that would just be plain weird. Especially for a best friend date thing...Er yeah, I'm just going to shut up now.' Sakura thought. Naruto chuckled.

"You look nice too, Sakura. Especially since we kinda...match." Naruto said laughing. Sakura blushed. Well, they were both wearing orange, so it kinda defeated the purpose. She giggled, and they went inside. They got a booth in the back. Sakura sat in first, then Naruto. They looked at the menu. "They made Ichiraku's bigger! You don't just get ramen, you get EVERYTHING!" Sakura said amazed. Naruto smiled. He actually convinced the old man and Ayame to add on another part to the restaurant. But what he really requested, was that their be more food on their menu, other than ramen. They were now called 'Ichiraku's Restaurant.' He looked at his menu, and decided for something other than ramen, which he eats 24/7. He decided on rice balls, onigiri, a bento box, and green tea. He looked at Sakura, who was fixing her top. It showed a good amount of cleavage. Naruto just gawked at her. They were a nice size too. about 32-34B. Naruto snapped out of gaze. He turned his head to the side, blushing. After that little incident, he turned to Sakura again.

"So Sakura, what are you thinking of getting?" Naruto asked, trying not to look at her chest.

"Hm. Um...I was thinking shiratama anmitsu dessert, dango, a bento box, and green tea. I feel in the mood for sweets." She said smiling. Naruto smiled, and nodded back. He waved over Ayame. She came over, and took out her little notebook.

"So, what you want?" She asked. Naruto went first.

"Rice balls, onigiri, a bento box, and green tea for me please, and shiratama anmitsu dessert, dango, a bento box, and green tea for Sakura." He said handing her the two menus. She took them, and nodded.

"Coming right up! Dad hurry up and get the food ready! Naruto and his girlfriend are hungry!" She said. Naruto and Sakura both blushed. They weren't girlfriend and boyfriend, they were just very good friends. That was how some people thought it. Others thought otherwise. Thinking they were more than friends. Sure they held hands in public and didn't care what people thought of them. But secretly, both of them loved each other. Very much. After there blushing moment, Sakura took out her cell phone, and looked at it. She had one new message. From, Kiba? She thought for a moment. How the hell did he get her number? She clicked on the message and read it.

9/11/10 7:40pm

Hey Sakura. I got a dumb

question. Do you have any cheese?

Her eyebrow twitched. What the fuck was he asking her about cheese for? Dude, the fuck!

9/11/10 7:43pm

...Dude...Kiba...What the fuck

are you asking me about cheese for? Dude,

I'm on a date right now! Fuck off! *Sticks tongue out*

She put her phone on the table. Naruto looked at it.

"Sakura who text you?" He asked. She sighed.

"Kiba. He asked me if I had any cheese..." She said. Naruto's lip twitched and then he burst into laughter.

"Hahahahahehe! Oh my god! Kiba knows how to really joke with someone. Oh my god Sakura, I can't believe you fell for that! Wowww!" Naruto said clutching his stomach. A vein appeared on Sakura's forehead.

"What did you say?" She asked annoyed. Naruto stopped laughing when he heard the kill intent in Sakura's voice.

"Uh, he was joking Sakura. Kiba doesn't really like cheese much. Shino probably spiked his drink at his house and got him buzzed." Naruto said smirking, trying not to laugh. Sakura sighed, then her phone vibrated. She opened it. Kiba.

9/11/10 7:54pm

OMFG! xD I can't believe

you fell for that joke Sakura! Your

so naïve! I can't believe you!

She rappidly text him back, her thumbs almost braking the keypad.

9/11/10 8:03pm

_'''' You fucking ass!

Don't fuck with me like that!



She slammed her phone so hard on the table, a little crack showed. Ayame came back with there food by then, and they began to chow down. Sakura was eating some of her dango when her phone vibrated once again. This time she was getting a call. Kiba. 'OMFG! Can't he leave me alone till I get home! Stupid prick.' She answered it, and growled into the phone.

"Look you fucking mutt, I'm on a fucking date, with fucking Naruto! LEAVE ME ALONE OR SO HELP ME GOD, YOU WILL BE CASTRATED BY MY MEDICAL TOOLS!" She yelled into the phone. She heard a snicker on the other line.

"Relax Sakura! I was kidding! Naruto text me to do that to you! If you want to castrate someone, do it to NARUTO! Not me! Sorry!" Sakura glared at Naruto. He went wideyed and looked away. "Shit! Kiba you fucker!" She heard him whisper.

"Thankyou Kiba, will do. Bye!" She hung up. She turned her gaze to Naruto who was flinching.

"NARUTOOOO." She growled. Naruto put his hands up in defense.

"I'm sorry Sakura! Honestly, I didn't know it would piss you off! Don't kill me, or castrate me! I need that to get my Giggity Goo on!" He said. Sakura punched him on the head.

"Idiot." She said. She started to eat once again, but not before turning her phone off. Naruto did the same as well, rubbing his head when Sakura moved her hand near him.

25 minutes later...

"Oh boy! I'm stuffed! That was some good eating! Huh, Sakura!" Naruto said rubbing his stomach, his goofy grin on his face. She nodded.

"Yeah. That was really good. Thankyou Naruto." She said. He nodded and smiled. Sakura payed, and they walked out. They walked to Sakura's place. When they got there, Sakura gave Naruto a kiss THIS time on the lips, giggled, and said bye, leaving a starstruck Naruto standing there touching his lips. He walked to his house and went through the door. He collasped on his bed, still shocked. "S-Sakura k-kissed me! She really kissed me! WOOHOO!" Naruto yelled jumping up and down, fist pumping.

Meanwhile, Sakura was doing the same thing. Jumping up and down, and yelling. Ino was freaking out, and screaming with her. She screamed so much her parents came rushing through the door thinking something was wrong. After this night, she will never forget the first kiss she shared with Naruto. She smiled to herself, and watched a movie with Ino as she thought about the next day. She wondered what would happen. Who knows. All she knew was...

She could never let him go...As a best friend...Maybe even more...

Yeah, first chappy done! :D I read over it, and fixed up some stuff. I hope all u ppl like! R&R PLEASE! :P So far I am already liking this story(Even if it's the first chapter), and if you are to, thankyou so much. If you don't like this story, treat it with respect and don't flame it please. Thanks for reading the first chapter! Second one will be posted in about 5 days to a week. No longer than that. K? Thanx!

-JBieber 'Snooki' Temari

Next Chapter: The Kyuubi's Blossom Chapter 2: Naruto's Training and Sakura's Tears