Hey everyone! I'm Annabanana4ever and I'm brand new to fan fiction so I hope you like my fic.

Disclaimer: I do not own BTR but I wish I did, then Logan would totally star in more songs.


Kendall, Carlos, James and Logan slumped into 2J. They had just finished a brutal 12 hour rehearsal, four hours of harmonies, four hours of dancing and four our of practicing their new song "The City Is Ours". In other words, it was completely exhausting.

" I'm beat", Kendall simply stated as he went into his room to sleep "I'm going to bed." James and Carlos drowsily agreed and went into their room.

"Goodnight boys," Mrs. Knight called to them as she was cleaning the kitchen.

"Nighty night," Kendall sleepily from his room.

"Goodnight," James and Carlos called.

Logan, however, went over towards the couch. He wasn't tired enough to fall asleep yet. Besides, he was almost done with the Lord of the Rings book he started reading yesterday. He grabbed his book and headed to the couch where he began to read.

He was intently reading his book quietly. He was so absorbed in it that he didn't even hear the phone ring. Mrs. Knight quickly picked it up and answered it.

"Hello… Oh hello Mrs. Mitchell….Yes he's up….Ok I'll give you to him", Mrs. Knight said as she was on the phone ,"Logan, phone's for you."

"Hmmmm…?", said Logan, not really paying attention

"Your mom is on the phone", Mrs. Knight explained.

Realizing this, Logan quickly walked towards the phone. He was surprised that they were calling him His parents rarely ever called, he didn't think they really cared that much to want to know about his well-being. In fact, they were quite happy when Logan told them he was going to L.A.

"Hello?" Logan said into the phone. Mrs. Knight left the room so she could give Logan some privacy.

"Hello Logan", a falsely sweet voice said through the phone.

"Hey…Mom", Logan stammered back. As he heard her voice, he automatically knew something was wrong. The tone of her voice sounded so fake that he could hear through the phone that she sounded a bit afraid. "What's wrong."

Logan's mother sighed. Well, in reality she was his foster mother. Logan's really mother was dead and his father in jail for child abuse. Logan never told anyone that the Mitchells were his foster parents. He never wanted to have to explain, to go through his memories again. After all he would have to explain why he was a foster child. He convinced his foster parents to tell people that he was their son, when they moved. His foster parents didn't really care, all they wanted was the government benefits.

" Logan", his foster mother sighed shakily, " I don't know how to tell you this, so I'm just going to spit it out….Your father got out of jail a month ago."

Logan's eyes widened and skin paled at this. This could not be happening to him. His father was supposed to be in jail for 15 years, not nine. He quietly replied," …how."

"He was released on good behavior. We didn't want it to worry you", she stated, " but, now we are because, of what happened today -."

"What happened?"

"You see, right after he got out of jail he went to court, demanding that he should get a second chance at being your father."

"No", Logan whispered, "I'll never go back to him. NEVER."

"Luckily, the court agrees with you. They denied him the chance, but a couple days ago he missed a court mandated meeting with a counselor. They looked everywhere for him, his apartment, his favorite bars, everywhere. The police finally ratted out one of his buddies who told us that your father is headed to California", she said calmly as possible.

"California…that means…", Logan said starting to panic.

"Yes, Logan. He's coming after you", Mrs. Mitchell stated.

Logan could hardly breathe. It seemed as if his whole world was crashing down upon him. Millions of questions ran through his head.

" How does he know I'm in California?" Logan said pushing back his panic attack.

"Some lawyer in the courtroom let it slip", she said dryly, " Don't worry yourself too much Logan, the police know all about it. The California police are going to catch him, I just want you to be careful."

"Ok Mom", Logan said as calmly as he could trying to ignore the panic he was feeling inside. It was slowly building up inside of him. He knew his father could quite easily fool the police. He lied so easily to Logan's teachers and the police, when Logan came into school with a black-eye and bruises.

"You'll be fine", his foster mother said, and then paused and softly said," I'm sorry I haven't always been there for you Logan. It may have seemed like your father and I didn't care about you, but we do. You are truly a great kid. Please be very careful."

"I will Mom", Logan stated," Don't worry about me."

"Goodbye Logan"

"Goodbye Mom"

Logan then hung up the phone and sat back down on the couch. He was still in shock about this whole scenario. How could the police just let his father escape? He felt as if there was a large burden upon his shoulders.

He needed his friends to be with him, to support him in his hardships, but that meant telling them that he had been lying to them for eight years. Not to mention the horrible childhood memories he had to retell to them.

Logan sighed and went into his room. Kendall was on his bed snoring loudly. Logan then crept into James and Carlos's room, where they too were sleeping. Logan silently exited to the bathroom where he got himself ready for bed.

"I'll tell them tomorrow", he said to himself as he got into his bed. He head hit his pillow and he fell asleep, dreaming nightmares of his father.

Please tell me how you feel about it. Is it good? Is it bad? R&R PLEASE!