I'm all alone

Rana- So this totally would have been out sooner, except my computer deleted it and I had to do a rush job.

Salty- That's happened to me all the time...

Rana- So...a chapter featuring my Ocs! Yays!

Salty- I want Katsumi-chan from Iris on here too! Why must the world be so cruel? Yasu-chan doesn't own Prince of Tennis.

Chapter 6

I couldn't go back to sleep after that...I would end up tossing and turning, then jolting away from the same nightmare. Over and over.

By morning I was greatly deprived of sleep and was a little irritable. When I got to tennis practice I saw that the regulars were in a special court of their own, volleying, but as soon as they saw me they stopped.

I grabbed my racket and walked over to Captain Tezuka, who was observing everyone practice while leaning against a tall fence.

"Gomen, for leaving practice early yesterday, senpai, I just-" but I couldn't finish that sentence. I didn't want to tell him or anybody else about my secret. I didn't want anyone to worry about me. I was a big girl and could handle mostly everything on my own. So why should I have dragged them into this? Exactly. There was no reason to.

"Its okay," he grunted. "Go run 30 laps." I simply nodded and started my laps at a brisk jog. When I finished I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see the idiot of the hour, Momo.

"Hey raven, I'm really sorry! Please forgive me!" he shouted while giving me these "puppy eyes" (if you qualify what he gave me as that.)

"Whatever, stupid. I forgave you yesterday." He smiled. "But, you have to treat me to a life time supply of burgers. Everyday. Until graduation."

"Eh?" I smirked.

Echizen came up next to him and pounded a fist to the top of his head(he had to jump really high to do so.)

"Raven's kidding, Momo-sempai."

"Are you sure I am Momo-senpai? Are you willing to take that risk?" I asked, my smirk getting a little bigger.

"Uh...I...no...I DONT KNOW!" and with that he was freaking out.

"It's okay, senpai. You don't have to." I said, smirk falling.

'I was so close to laughing...I haven't done that in such a long time...I've forgotten what it feels like.' "Yo, raven?" someone called. There was a waving a hand in my face? I snapped back down to earth and turned to see Fuji-senpai.

"Hi senpai," His smile got a little bigger.

"Hello Raven. I wanted to know if you would like to meet the girls tennis team." I was about to agree when Tezuka-senpai cut in.

"She will after she plays a quick one round match with Echizen." I simply nodded since I knew I wouldn't be able to leave if I didn't. I walked over to my bag, grabbed my racket and stood on the opposite side of the court.

"You ready to get butt kicked Echizen?" All I got back in reply was "You still have a ways to go," so I decided to play right handed for a while, to give him a handy cap. He noticed and sent me a glare. I just rolled my eyes.

He started the game off with a twist serve. I waited to see where it would go then dashed over to it, and sent it back with a little more force. He was so shocked that I sent it back but managed to dash to the where I hit. But that initial hesitation cost him the point.

"Fifteen love!"

"Ohhh! The new guy is soooo good!" I heard some girl say "GO RYOMA! GO RAVEN!" That caused us to turn and see Osakada-san, from one of my classes, cheering. I could feel a question mark pop up beside my head, but as this was going on Echizen snuck a point from me.

'Damn I can't get distracted, you may have gotten a point but it will be the only one you get.' I kept my emotionless look up and waited for Echizen to serve again. This time he was digging for my weak points. When he thought he found it he would send a twist serve there but I would just hit it back harder. Eventually, I got bored with rallying so I decided to send out my brother's move, the spot.

He called it that because it played tricks on your eyes. You put a slight top spin on the ball but flick your wrist as you swing as well as put all of your shoulder into it. (A/N-Uh I don't know if there is a move like this I just made it up so yeah.)

As he shot me another twist serve I attempted the spot. I watched as the ball neared him and as it became three balls at once. He tried to figure out which one was it and swung clumsily. Wrong choice.

I smirked as he realized his mistake and helped me score a point.

"What was that?" he looked at my racket arm and sent me another glare. He served but this time it was a volley, so as I jumped up and sent it back with a return that I made after watching Kikumaru-senpai.

My back arched and I was sent down, head first. As I heard people gasp I shot my left arm out and pushed away from the ground and flipped, landing on my feet. I managed to watch as I got another point.

"Game set and match. The winner is Night Raven." I smirked and walked over to Echizen from across the net.

"Good game, echizen." I said flatly, and my hand stretched out, waiting for him to shake it.

I swore...I saw him pout as he shook my hand.

"You won 'cause you were lucky." He looked away from me and took his hand from mine. I was close to laughing again.

"Whatever you say, Ryo-chan." His eyes shot back to me and glared at me for my teasing, but I just walked out and tried to find Fuji-sempai. I spotted him talking animatedly to Kikumaru-sempai. Or at least Kikumaru-senpai was talking animatedly to Fuji-senpai. I wasn't sure. "Senpai," both looked back to me. "I meant...Fuji-sempai."

"Oh, you wanna meet the girls now?" I nodded. "Okay!" He guided me outside of the courts to one that looked exactly like it, just a couple of feet away and separated by a small gated fence, large enough for me to hop over with ease. Even though he could've jumped over, Fuji-senpai just opened the gate.

"Shut up you idiot! Give. Me. Back. My. Shoes!" There was an annoying, high pitched laugh from somewhere nearby. It sounded like it was coming from the inside of a gray shed not too far away. It was probably the changing rooms.

"Never, Mitsu-chan!"

"Baka Baki!"

The next thing I see is a blonde girl with blue? No green eyes(oh, I couldn't tell)wearing a pink tennis skirt, and white button up shirt, run from said shed, holding shoes in her hands, giggling like a psycho freak! Then another girl came running out. She had dark brown hair(almost black)and wore glasses and was wearing navy blue shorts, and a black shirt. I looked closely to see that she had big muddy brown (in a good way)eyes to match. As she ran past us, after the blonde girl, I noticed that she had no shoes on.

'Uhh..ok?' I thought, completely confused. Seconds later I saw another girl walk into the changing rooms, then 50 seconds later(I'm not exaggerating it was that long!)she came out again, wearing black basketball shorts, a baggy black t-shirt with English writing on it. She had medium brown hair with natural highlights in it and had light chocolaty brown eyes. She walked up to Fuji-senpai and gave him a small smile.

"Hi, nii-san." I almost let my mouth drop.

"Hi Julie-chan." Fuji-senpai replied, his smile getting bigger.

"Did I hear Mitsuki and Tsubaki?" she asked tilting her head to the side.

"Saa~ just missed them, Tsubaki stole Mitsuki's shoe...again."

She leaned on the wall and crossed her arms.

"Hmm...I see." was all she said as she looked at a tree. For a minute or two she just stood there looking unblinkingly at the tree, then a couple of seconds later she jolted up and looked backed at Fuji-senpai. "Sorry, zoned out. Oh. Who's this?" she asked her attention landing on me.

"Ah, this is Raven Night, our newest regular." Fuji-senpai said. "Raven, this is Julie Elwood. She's one of two American transfer students."

The girl, Julie, was looking at me intently, then looked at Fuji-senpai out of the corner of her eyes, then flashed them back to me. They looked like they were calculating something, like she was trying to figure out a puzzle. Finally she shouted "IVE GOT IT!" with a smirk on her face, and triumph in her eyes. "He is a girl, huh?" she asked quietly. I froze, and saw Fuji-senpai nod. I was about to ask her how she knew when I heard yelling and shouts again.

We turned to see the blonde girl chasing the Brunette, who managed to get her shoes back. The Brunette ran behind Julie as if to magically disappear. The blonde was about to go behind her too, when Julie grabbed her arm, causing the blonde to jerk back.

The look on Julie's face showed that she was both very serious and peeved and to tell you the truth, she kinda scared me.

"Tsubaki!" she hissed "Knock it off. stop trying to take Mitsuki's shoes, dang it!" she let go of the blo- sorry Tsubaki's arm and looked less peeved off.

"I was just playing!" Tsubaki whined, reminding me of a child that had just got scolded buy its older sibling.

"Chasing me around for my shoes is not playing!" Mitsuki shouted, while Julie rolled her eyes.

"Humph!" Tsubaki said while crossing her arms, a pout firmly set on her lips.

"Oh right!" Fuji-senpai shouted. "Raven-kun, this is Tsubaki Kikumaru," he said while pointing to the blonde, "And Mitsuki Tsukishima." he said while pointing to the brunette.

"Hi." I said they all looked at me with smiles. But a thought kept bugging me.

'Tsubaki Kikumaru...hmm I know that name from some where...wait. No, it cant be!'

"Uh, hey, uh Tsubaki? Are you related to Eiji-senpai?" I asked. She looked over at me and gave me a huge grin.

"YUP! HE'S MY NII-SAN!" She cheered.

"TSUBAKI!" a new voice yelled. Tsubaki instantly shrunk back.

"Y...yes Natsuki-senpai?" she stuttered. I turned to see a girl with light brown hair in a pony-tail, a serious look in her sharp hazel eyes. A blue sweat band with 'Seigaku!' was hanging loosly on her forehead, nearly covering her eyes. And another girl with black hair, wearing a smile similar to Fuji-senpai's, was holding a clip board, and for some reason reminded me of Inui-senpai.

"What have I told you about yelling?" the brunette shouted.

"To not to?" Tsubaki asked.

"Yes, now go run 30 laps."

"Yes, senpai." And with that she took off.

I saw Julie sigh and relax, a casual smile gracing her face while Mitsuki looked like she was thanking God himself.

"Ahh, Fuji, what are you doing here?" Natsuki asked, suddenly calm.

"I wanted to introduce Raven-kun here to you guys." he replied.

She looked over at me and gave me a big grin.

"Nice ta meetcha!" she shouted, holding out her hand for me to shake, which I did.

"Raven, this is Natsuki Kago, she is the Tennis Captain, like Tezuka." he explained, I simply nodded.

"Well, I'm sorry to say this, but Fuji I have to get them to practicing." Natsuki-senpai said.

"Saa~ I see, hmm, well ok, well meet up after practice then?"

"Yup." and with that, she turned and walked away. Julie waved at me with one of her eyes closed, and Mitsuki waved also, then dragged Julie away because she took too long waving, but as she was dragged away she yelled "SEE YA NII-SAN!" then turned grabbed Mitsukis arm and ran off after Natsuki-senpai.

While we headed back I looked over at Fuji-senpai and asked "Are they always like that?"

He shook his head. "Nope, Mitsuki, is more quiet and not as shout-ish, Tsubaki is more loud and over bearing, Natsuki isn't as serious and more of a joker and Julie is..." he stopped there and thought for a second. "Well she's a bit harder to describe." he said with a shrug and a smile. I simply nodded.

"Does the whole tennis team know them?" I asked. He nodded.

"Oh yeah, we hang out together as a group sometimes. It's fun!"

I blinked and kept on walking.

"Hmm, practice might be over, so why don't you go change quickly eh, Raven-kun?" He asked while walking back to the courts before I could reply.

School was boring compared to that morning; I was excited to meet up with them after school and didn't really pay attention. When I got to the gates I heard someone calling my name. I turned to see Julie running up to me, Mitsuki following her. When she reached me she didn't even seem to be out of breath, though it was probably the laps that gave her energy. "Hey, you want to go get some burgers with Mitsuki, Nii-san, Natsuki-senpai, Tezuka-senpai and me?"

I nodded and followed after her and Mitsuki.
