So this is my very first fanfic – I just HAD to write something after the finale of S1 of Rookie Blue!
Disclaimer: I don't own anything Rookie Blue!
Andy couldn't shake the feeling as they drove back to her apartment that something was just off. Not the same. Not what she wanted. Not anymore. They reached the apartment. Parked. Walked to the door. And when they got there, she paused instead of opening the door.
"Luke." She turned and looked at him. "I… This… This isn't going to work. I can't move in with you."
He looked at her. "What do you mean?"
She looked down, then made her choice. "Luke, you know how Swarek told you that he'd come on to me? That I'd shut him down?" she paused and took a deep breath. "That's not what happened. I went to him that night. I was messed up and I needed to talk. But it was me that started it, not Sam. I need you to know that, because you're a good man. Because you had my back tonight. You deserve better than me. You deserve someone who has their shit together, and who doesn't have to try this hard to make it feel right."
Luke said nothing as he looked at her. She shifted uncomfortably and willed him to say something. "Wow."
"You know that this isn't working. We don't… there's just something missing. And it's not fair to either of us to keep trying so hard."
"I didn't have to try hard, Andy." He said roughly. "I KNEW what I wanted. I thought we were on the same page." She stared back at him, unable to say anything that would help.
Luke sighed. The truth was, he had known it was coming. He had half expected her to run as soon as he mentioned living together. He nodded, and stared at her for a long minute. "Goodbye, Andy. I guess I'll see you around."
Then, with a sad sigh, he turned and walked away. She was a little surprised that he had taken it so well, but she supposed he'd known it was coming. In the weeks since they'd patched things up, she'd been increasingly distant. There had been the case with her father – and while they'd proven him innocent in the end, she knew that Luke had doubted her father's innocence for a while. Then there had been tonight, going undercover with Sam. And as much as she was trying to appreciate Luke being there for her in the end, she couldn't deny the helplessness and fear she had felt when she thought Sam could be dead.
Sam. Who had been there for her every step of the way since Anton Hill. Whose unconditional support she had come to depend on. Whose gazes made her body temperature rise. Whose hands she desperately wanted all over her again.
"It always goes back to Sam," she thought as she stood in her quiet apartment. "What's wrong with me?"
More coming soon – reviews and comments are appreciated!