Black Rose

disclaimer: zim ain't mine!
Gaz dropped GIR, who righted himself and stared at her. "What are you looking at?" Gaz growled, kicking at the robot.

"I'm waiting for you to go 'ding'!" GIR chirped.

"Waiting for me to do what?"

"DING!" GIR screeched, then jumped up and pressed Gaz's nose. He fell back to the ground with a clang, and looked at her expectantly.

Gaz twitched, "What was that for?"

GIR watched her for a few more seconds, "aaaw, the pizza isn't done..."

"Your stupid, your too stupid to destroy," Gaz mumbled, before rubbing her temples.
Meanwhile, down in the Humans Research Department, Zen spun around in her chair. Sitting on different panels, or counters, were other bright-eyed females. "No way! Your lying Zen! He really told you that?!"

Zen smirked, "of course! Like he would tell it to anyone else."

The females looked at each other then started to giggle. "Are you sure?" One red-eyed Irken asked, "Because I heard that Zim was head over heels for a human."

The others gasped, and looked at Zen for a response. Zen, looked up rather boredly, "you think Zim would want a human? Puh-lease, everyone knows how much he hates them, don't be jealous."

The red eyed one shrugged, "I just heard it."

"Well, don't believe everything you hear then, unless it's from a reliable source," Zen commanded, "like me."

"So, when do you think Zim..." Before the female could finish, the doors slid open and Zim popped in.

At the sight of him, everyone but Zen started to giggle. Zim looked at them annoyed, "What is going on, are there not humans to be studied?"

"We'll get right back to work, Zim!" Zen exclaimed, turning to her companions and motioning for them to regain working.

Zim nodded his head, approvingly, before disappearing out of the room. Before the doors closed, he heard giggling again. "Stupid immature females."

Zim had forgotten why he had gone down to human research labs in the first place, and didn't remember until he was all the way back down to the main sector. Cursing silently, Zim decided to send another person to go and retrieve the file. Zim sauntered over to his throne, and looked around. Sitting next to the chair was an old, worn out, "LORD OF THE WORLD" crown. The letters were fading, and some were barely visible. Sighing, Zim remembered the first few months of his ruling. Everything was light, and easy, until the humans finally had been able to form a rebel group. Then, things started to get a bit more difficult.

Not that the difficultness bothered Zim. He did enjoy a challenge. Especially when it was against his old rival, Dib. Zim had underestimated Dib, and the human had once almost completely ruined his plans. Of course, Zim himself had put a stop to that, and captured the rebel leader.

"SIR!" A tall, Irken solider broke Zim out of his thoughts.

Zim nodded, "Do you have what I needed?"

"Yes SIR!" The soldier saluted, then handed Zim a small computer chip, "Everything needed!"

"Good, go away now," Zim mumbled, looking at the disk.


The soldier turned and jogged off, as Zim rolled his eyes.


"I don't want to see that stupid pig again," Gaz mumbled, as she watched the computer start the cleaning process. GIR whimpered, "It's not the pig! Looky!"

Gaz sighed and looked up. GIR was holding a black rose. Gaz gasped, and grabbed it away from GIR. Thorns raked her hand, but she seemed not to notice, "Where did you get this!?"

GIR blinked, "It was!"

"It was?"

"It was!"

"WHERE DID IT COME FROM GIR?!" Gaz yelled impatiently.

GIR's arm shot out, "over there!"

Gaz turned her head and looked to where GIR was pointing. It was just a wall, or was it? Gaz stood up and walked towards it, she started to notice that the wall looked a bit different then the others. Gaz placed her hand on the wall, and felt that it had edges. "A vent!"

She drug her hand over the vent a few more times. The wall seemed flimsy, and Gaz found herself putting more and more pressure on it. It seemed to be giving in. Then, "Don't push it in, it's hard to fix it from the outside."

Gaz jumped back. There was a chuckle, "Scared you there, sorry."

Gaz couldn't say anything, as the wall shook and then popped off slowly. Slowly, a tall, pale, skinny, scraggly man pulled himself out. Gaz gasped, as he stretched his arms. The man stared at her with cold brown eyes from behind cracked glasses. A black scythe of hair fell limply on his head. Gaz's mouth fell open.

"Excuse me, I have to take care of something," he said, pulling out what seemed to be a remote control. He pushed a button, and Gaz heard a collapse behind her.

She turned, and saw GIR lying on the floor, offline. She was still speechless when she looked back at the man. "Sorry, had to make sure no one but you knew of this," he said with a shrug, "Hey, no welcome back? Missed ya's?"

Gaz finally came to her sense, and her eyes flashed. She pulled back her arm, then punched the man with all her might in his stomach. He immediately keeled over, with a groan. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF ABADONING ME, LEAVING ME TO LIVE WITH THE MONSTER! DAMMIT DIB, WHAT GOES ON IN THAT BIG HEAD OF YOURS?!"

Dib let out a weak, "glad you recognize me."

Gaz growled, "explain, now, everything."

Dib inhaled, and stood up, "I can't, not now, not enough time! But listen to me, give in to Zim."


Dib flinched, "just do it, Gaz! Do you understand how much information you could gather for us, for Earth?!"

"By being some slut?!"

"You think I like the idea any more then you?!"


"Gaz, please, think about it, all you can learn!"

"About the Irken anatomy!?"

Dib suppressed a smile, "Gaz, just give him what he wants, and he'll give you what you want!"

"No, Dib, what YOU want."

Dib didn't say anything, instead he was looking towards the main door, "I have to go."

"What, why?!" Gaz exclaimed.

Dib didn't reply, but went towards the vent, and climbed in, "give me the cover."

Gaz reluctantly did what Dib commanded her. There was rustling, and then Gaz felt that the wall was back to its normal state. There was a whirring sound, and GIR moved on the ground. Gaz didn't notice him, as he started to screech. She stood in the trance for a few more minutes, before she found the world spinning.
The next time Gaz awoke, Zim was hovering over her. "What is wrong with you?" He asked harshly.

Gaz glared at him, "nothing is wrong with me, what's wrong with you?!"

Zim looked at her in mild-confusion, "did you fall and hit your head?"

Gaz felt anger welling up in her chest, and Zim noticed the change in her eyes. Yet, something strange happened. Her eyes, started to shimmer, and suddenly tears were going down her cheeks. Zim found himself being pushed. "I hate you Zim, I really do, I could never summarize the way I feel towards you in any two better words!"

Zim looked at her, as she clenched her fist, she tried to open her mouth, but no words seemed to come out. Instead, she whirled and dashed into her room. Zim sat there for a few more minutes, before he got up. "Stupid human female....."


Gaz sat in her room, kicking the bed. After awhile, she tired herself out. Then she collapsed on the mattress, panting. The images of Dib filled his head, and what he said, what he asked for. "Well, I did that well," she muttered.