A/N: This is a twoshot, and the only time I do twoshots are when there's an idea stuck in my mind. Now... I know this is quite out of season (It's spring in the northan hemisphere then) but I really have GOT to post this. It's been stuck in my head for two weeks since I've started prelims. Moving on...

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog, The characters of the franchise and the areas thereof. These belong to SEGA sonic team, and I shall not take any liability for link breaking.

Truth serum

Chapter 1: April Fools' day.

It is 1 day before April Fools'. Tails is sitting in his workshop, with all sorts of chemicals lying on his cluttered desks. The viles are filled with different colours of pink, green, blue, orange, and white. In his flask, is a liquid that is being worked on. Sonic is no-where to be seen.

"Time to start my evil plan..." He laughs...

Tails pulls out the pink vile and adds it into the flask. The liquid turns purple. Next goes the white liquid, the liquid becomes transparant. Tails looks at the flask and stirs the contents.

"Time to check what I've got."

Tails puts some of the contents of the flask onto a agar and analyses the fluid. His computer states:

Fluid colour: Transparant.

Fluid dilusion: yes.

Fluid color after dilusion: mixed content color.

Fluid taste: none.

Effect: This liquid seems to force people to tell the truth, causing a lightheadedness and slight slurring of speech.

Time before affect takes place: After contact with heat, five minutes.

Effect on contact to heat: diluted liquid becomes sweeter. May make subject taking it fall asleep

Tails shuts the analysis program off, preparing to be ready for the break of dawn.

Next Morning...

Tails wakes up at 5:45, just before the sun starts to rise. He rushes off to Sonic's house with the flask in his hand. Slowly sneaking into the kitchen, Tails opens the fridge and pops open the cap of the orange punch bottle. He opens the flask and slowly pours the fluid with the orange punch. Tails closes the punch bottle and shakes the bottle to stir the contents. He places the punch back and rushes away to the kitchen window. Just as Tails leaves the kitchen, it is 5:00 and Sonic is entering the kitchen. Tails peeks through the window to see if his plan works.

Sonic is whistling "Oh what a beautiful morning" and opens the front door to get the newspaper. He arrives back to his kitchen table and starts to read. Deciding to put down the paper after a few minutes, he walks to the fridge and pulls out the orange punch. Tails was surpressing a laugh outside, but he was shaking heavily. Sonic pours the orange punch into his glass and sits down.

"Dang it! Soon everybody will be awake trying to make fools of each other until 12 this afternoon!" He was talking to himself. "What to do, what to do?" Tails was wide-eyed as he drank the punch, slowly falling off his peeking spot.

Tails was on his back, kicking and laughing as if he didn't care to be caught now, he knew his plan would work. All he had to do is get him into the direct sunlight...

"Yes, We're all going to the park today! that's right... but I'll have to divert Sonic until ten soon, otherwise it will wear off too quickly." Thought Tails as he was walking to the front door. He knocked.

"Tails, whaddaya doing this early in the morning?" Tails looked at his brother with a sly laugh.

"Well, I just came to say hi and hope you have a happy april fools' day." Tails winced as he ended his sentance. The sun was slowly starting to rise, and he didn't have the time (or patience) yet to see Sonic slurring the truth. He needed him to be in the house at all times.

"Sonic, can I talk to you for a second?" Tails started looking uncertain as he started sweeping his foot on the ground.

"Sure, come in..." Sonic lets Tails in and rubs his chest. Tails closes the door and walks into the kitchen.

"You want some punch?" Sonic asks as if he didn't know about the serum inside it.

"No thanks, I'm fine." Tails rejects by just sitting down.

"So, what do you want?" Tails looks uncertain. Luckily the sun rises on the west, and this was an east-sided window facing kitchen. I should keep him here until 10...

"Who are you planning to prank today?" Tails asks out of pure curiousity.

"Uhh, I think I'm going to fool Amy again with love." Sonic's head was dancing from left to right as he said that. Not if I can help it... "Just be careful ya know... she has that hammer."

"And you?" This tripped Tails out of his reverie. "I dunno, maybe Knuckles needs to be fooled again, it's been a long time since we fooled him."

"We didn't fool him, that fortune teller did." Sonic corrected in a matter-of-factly fashion.

Tails laughs as he remembers the cloth on Knuckles' head, him running around in town and frollicing as an idiot... (surely making a fool of himself)

"I hate making a fool of myself." Sonic teases how Knuckles was, pose and all. The brothers laugh as Sonic gets breakfast ready. He pours another glass of orange punch and puts his cerial down.

"Yeah right, I'm sure he will fall for that again..." Tails looks down as Sonic downs the glass. He looks on the wrist comm to see how late it is. 9:30

Sonic fills a tiny container with punch and hides it in his back quills. Tails looks at him with shock, "Sonic! Why that?"

"I always keep one for the run." Tails gasps, trying not to cause himself to laugh too much.

"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into..." faking a concerned look. Oh you idiot...

Silence fell between the brothers... until Tails' wrist comm started an alarm sequence. It was 10 now.

"Say Sonic, we have to go to the park now, I'm sure you can trick Amy this early in the morning. Just look at the time fly."

Tails flies alongside Sonic, as they reach the park. Cream and Cheese are sitting under a tree and sleeping, Knuckles is with Rogue, fighting over the Master Emerald, Amy is sitting on a bench, gazing at the trees and the birds, Emerl is sitting beside Amy, babbling along about her boxercise routine.

Sonic's head swoons as he sits down on the grass. He drinks the punch and Tails starts to call, "Hey everyone, gather around cause Sonic's got something to say!"

"No I don't..." Sonic denies unbeknown to the next occurance...

"Just wait and see, because we might see something we might not believe, but it will be true..."

Sonic's eyes widen... his irises start looking glazed and he starts the routine of tilting his head from left to right. The repitive movement makes the punch start to warm up inside his body... and the effects of Tails' potion starts to take effect. Everyone has gathered around and has waited for at least fifteen seconds. Shadow Chaos Controlled to watch the humor. He pulled out his camcorder when Sonic started swooning.

"Man, that punch was sweet... what brand was it? Tang? Knuckles, you're so gullable you tend to hang out with the bat who steals your jewels... Rogue, what is up with you? You can't play with a gullable boy like that? Cream, I respect you and all that... but Tails wants to go out with you girl!"

Knuckles was starting to get fumed as Sonic was baubling so much, clenching his fists. Rogue was offended that Sonic called Knuckles a 'boy' and Cream looked down as Sonic said her name, but looked up at him as he complemented her. Tails blushed a deep red when he mentioned the relationship he and Cream had.

"... Emerl, take care of your mother, will you? And Amy, I love you! I love you so much that..."

Amy's eyes were glinting as she heard this statement, her jaw dropped an inch. Was it really true that Sonic loved her. Her eyes were watering from joy and she was so flustered and happy. But before she can launch herself into a bone-crushing glomp...

"I love you so much that I will go out with you... good night everyone..!"

Sonic fell asleep flat on the floor and everyone was shocked to hear that. Amy picked Sonic up, and walked to his house. Knuckles was laughing at the sight of Sonic being taken by Amy (yes, Amy) home... poor bugger, I wonder what she's gonna do to him...

"Well, that cures one question stuck in our heads... the 'Does Sonic loooooooove Amy' question.

"You punted it!" Rogue laughed.

The noon bells ring for April fools to end, as everyone seperates and goes their own way home. Cream stops Tails just before he walks away. They are alone, and now there would be some explaining to do...

A/N: I'm leaving it at that... The next chapter will tell you guys what happened with Tails and Cream, and what happened with Sonic and Amy. Until then...

See you next chapter.