A/N: For those of you that don't know, 'stradivarious' is a Latin term that, in a nut shell, is synonymous with excellence. Hee-hee, there's a reason I picked it...

"Fuckin' hell! I can't take this damn shit anymore!" Hidan yelled, slumping over the counter with his coffee in one hand.

"And what might this 'damn shit' be?" Sasori inquired cooly as he walked in and poured himself a cup of coffee.

Hidan glared tiredly, he'd spent the past moth looking for that damned Nibi. "What the fuck are you so cheerful about?"

"I asked first, Hidan," Sasori replied calmly, leaning back against the counter.

"Me having to take your fucking job, and you should already know that, dumb-fuck."

Sasori sent him a sidelong glare.

"So, what the fuck are you so damn cheery about?"

Sasori smirked and replied cryptically, "Hm, perhaps the fact that I'm not sexually restrained and I don't have to deal with a cock-tease?"

Hidan narrowed his eyes and said, "Yeah, well if you'd do your own damn fuck-" He stopped short, his eyes widening slightly. "Why the fuck do you get to fuck around, but the rest of us don't?"

Sasori smiled. "Simply because the brat and I aren't merely 'fooling around'. We're creating art and, of course, excellence."

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Hidan muttered as he left the room, his coffee cup half empty.

Deidara walked into the kitchen as Hidan went out. Staring after him, the blond asked curiously, "What's up with him, un?"

Sasori placed a kiss on Deidara's forehead. "Apparently, he can't appreciate excellence."

"Pfft," Deidara replied, taking a sip of Sasori's coffee. "No one can, unless they're with you, Sasori no Danna..."