For what seemed like forever, she thought he was gone. His body did not move, he just lay there, motionless, his arms sprawled across the lush Pandora ground. It seemed as though the ground fell far beneath Neytiri as she held his lifeless head in her hands. After whispering Jake one last time, she turned her head on an angle and stared at the metal shack the evil man was trying so hard to get into. As if a miracle, everything seemed to make sense. Jake was a uniltìranyu, a human in another body. His true body was in there, she knew it. What she also knew was that the evil man had a grudge against Jake, so his useless attempts to kill Jake were out of rage, it all made sense.

Panting as she ran, Neytiri clumsily made her way to the shack. After reaching it, she pressed herself against one of the thick windows. Her ears picked up a noise she had not heard before, sirens. She looked on the floor and saw, among shattered glass, a Sky Person. Neytiri began breathing even more heavily as she ran towards the broken window and vaulted herself in. As soon as she was in, she felt a sharp pain on the bottom of her feet, it was the broken glass. But it mattered not to Neytiri as she gracelessly made her way to the Sky Person lying on the floor. Instinctively, she picked him up and shook him. "Jake!" Neytiri panted, "Ma Jake!" She shook him once again, but still he did not stir. Neytiri looked over his body and found that his arm was directing in a way like he was reaching for something. She focused on what he must have been reaching for. It was an odd object that she immediately recognized; it was the mask the Sky People used when they were fighting, like they couldn't breathe the air. Deciding to take a chance, she clumsily picked up the object and placed it on his face as she had seen the other men do. For a few seconds, she just stared at him, still breathing heavily. Eventually, she could hear a slight hissing from the object, and suddenly, he started shivering and coughing, his hands hastily moving up to the device. After he felt it on his face, he pressed a button on the bottom of it and decompressed it. Immediately, he began breathing, selfishly taking in the air. As soon as she saw he was alright, breathed a sigh of relief and smiled down at him.

After a bit of time, Jake's breathing returned to normal. Slowly he lifted one of his weak arms up and placed his hand on the side of her face. Smiling, she placed her hand on top of his. Jake looked at her, through the fogged mask, she could see the love in his eyes. "I see you." he whispered. Neytiri's eyes started brimming with tears. "I see you." she said back.

Both knew that there was no need for words at that moment. Trying not to hurt him with her strength, Neytiri slowly picked Jake up and embraced him tightly, nearly shivering as the fear left her completely. He was safe, he was alive, and she was there with him. Both had sacrificed everything so that the other would be safe, and they were together, inseparable at last.

Though they were close together at that moment, there was one thing in the way, the strange mask. Neytiri knew very well that Jake needed it to breath. Without it, he would succumb to the Pandora air. But she was with him now, he was safe. If he needed the mask, she was there, so she decided to take a chance. She released her arms a bit and looked at him with reassuring eyes. He seemed fervent with her gesture and carefully pulled off his exopack. Upon doing so, she pulled him into a kiss. At that moment, everything came back. They remembered when they first met and how she had taught him the ways of the Omaticaya. They remembered falling in love and choosing each other as life mates. They remembered when they were temporarily broken when Jake had admitted to being a spy for the RDA and when had proven his strong connection to Eywa by becoming the sixth Tokuk Makto. All memories, the good and the bad, unwillingly came back.

Time eventually unfroze and Jake needed air, so the two unlocked their lips and Neytiri gently pulled up the exopack and placed on his face again. She was right, with her, he was safe.

Jake searched his thoughts for a moment, trying to find the correct words to say. All that came out was, "Thank you, irayo" Neytiri laughed a bit. "I taught you that well, didn't I?" she smiled. Jake smiled back, "I haven't forgotten that much." The two partners shared a brief laugh before embracing each other again. This time, Neytiri stroked the back of Jake's hair. Her hand moved slowly down his back, but something was wrong. Toward the bottom of his back, his spine felt different. Even for a human, it felt strange. Almost afraid to ask him, Neytiri to a deep breath. "Ma Jake." She started. Jake loosened his arms from her. "Yeah?" he asked, giving her a puzzled look. She looked down, "Is there, uh, something wrong with, um, your, uh, back?" Jake knew what she meant, and he too looked away from her. "I'm fine." he said, "it's nothing really." Neytiri nodded, she sensed that it was a delicate subject that Jake probably didn't want to talk about.

After that, things became awkward, even between them. "So," Neytiri shrugged, "That evil man is dead, he won't bother our People ever again." Jake smiled at her. "We must send the Sky People home, shouldn't we?" he asked. Neytiri nodded. "You and Tsu'tey will tell them where to go."

Jake laughed. Among all this he had forgotten how admired his was to the Na'vi and how feared he was to humans. "Okay. I'll radio Norm and see if he take me to the link room at the lab. You know, so I can reconnect to my Avatar." Neytiri was a bit unsure about the plan, but decided to go with whatever her Jake thought was the best. "Alright." She shrugged. Jake nodded, and lifted himself out of her arms and onto the link bed. Neytiri watched him sadly as she realized that his spine problem was probably the reason he ceased to move his legs. She couldn't quite piece it together, but decided it would be safe not to ask him about it.

On the link bed, Jake tried to make his way to a shelf that held the communication devices. In his attempt to grab one, his hand slipped and he fell slightly off the bed. "Damn it!" he grunted. Neytiri approached him. "Do need any help?" she asked, worried. "No," Jake said through his teeth. "I got this." In a clumsy act, he finally made it securely back on the link bed and grabbed one of the devices. Jake pressed a button "Norm, you copy?" He waited for a bit, then a voice on the other end came, scaring Neytiri a bit. "Yeah, Jake, what is is?"

"If possible, could you bring a Scorpion down here and take me back to to Hell's Gate?"

"Sure, we got a lot of the humans up here. Where are you?"

"I'm in the shack with Neytiri."

"Alright, I'll be there in a few hours."

"Okay. Thanks, buddy."

"No problem."

And with that, Jake disconnected and turned to Neytiri. "You can stay here and wait, right? He asked. Neytiri smiled "Of course." Jake looked a bit guilty. "Sorry, I should've asked you if you were okay with this before I made plans." She laughed, "It's okay, I'll just stay here a guard your body." Upon hearing that, Jake moved towards her and embraced her. "Thank you so much for being here." he sighed.