This is my first fanfiction. Ever. Because I just couldn't wait till October 8th. I have no idea where I'm going with this.

Disclaimer: I do not own Degrassi or any of the characters.

I spent all day and night yesterday writing my essay for English class. Maybe I didn't belong in Honors English 11. It used to be so easy for me to write, but now, I don't know. I currently have a B- in the class, which is the lowest grade I've ever gotten. It wasn't helping that my parents were yelling every day. I've been trying to write out of the box, something that isn't expected of me, but again and again, she gives me Bs.

School the next day

"I have graded your papers last night, and I was really pleased with most of your work. However," she handed me my paper with a big, bright red C on the top, "some of you have to step it up."

I quickly raised my hand. She sighed, and then nodded. "Ms. Dawes, I honestly don't understand how I got a…C. I've never gotten a C. How did this happen?"

"Well, Miss Edwards, your past work has been divine, but recently your writing has been distant; impersonal. I could see no Clare in your writing."

"I worked on it all day yesterday. I used complex sentences and advanced vocabulary!"

"Yes, but your writing didn't tell me anything about you. What you want, your feelings. You can't hide behind Vampire fanfiction forever."

"I am not hiding."

"Prove it…to your writing partner." She pointed to the boy in front of me.

"Me?" The kid with dark brown hair retorted.

"Yes, your work can be a little wordy. Elijah, you and Miss Edwards here will be editing each other's work. Clare, I would like you to redo your essay and have Mr. Goldsworthy read it over and edit it tonight. Next time, Clare, I suggest try writing about something you're familiar with."


"I'm thrilled."

"You never know, you two. You could be the next Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath."

"Sylvia Plath killed herself," I muttered under my breath.

I can't believe she thought I was so bad that I needed someone to help me! To tutor me! I've never needed any help before, so why should I now? And how was sarcastic goth boy going to help me? I quickly packed up my things and tried to get to the door as fast as I could.

"Woah, slow down there!" I bumped into someone as I tried getting out of the doorway.

"Excuse me!" I said as I finally pushed my way out. It was that guy, Eli – my supposed English partner tutor editing type person. His bangs were getting in his eyes and he had a smirk on his face. Why did he always have that stupid smirk on his face?

"Why so fast?" He asked.

"I don't need your help. I'm fine on my own, thanks."

"Ouch. Well, Miss Dawes said that we have to work on it with each other. Come to my house at 7:30." He said it as if I didn't have another choice. I wanted to say no, but he did his stupid smirk again and walked away.

"Ooh la la, Clare. Did I just hear that you have a date with Eli tonight?" Alli came walking from behind me.

"N-n-no. Miss Daws made us writing partners. We have to work on our essays together. I swear I don't need help. I just need inspiration. Or something."

"I'm sure Eli can give you some…inspiration," she said winking at me. I rolled my eyes. "Come on, Clare! I see the way he looks at you. He likes you."

"Eli does not like me."

"Are you serious?" Alli practically yelled. "'You have pretty eyes,'" she said mockingly with her eyes batting, "He's totally into you and you're totally into him."

"Shut up." Maybe in the back of my head, REALLY deep back in my head, I thought she was right. He was the only one who really noticed how I changed.