Title: 500 Million in Debt

Rating: M

Pairing: Shizuo x Izaya x Tsugaru x Psyche

Prompt from the Drrr Kink Meme: Izaya acquires Psyche and later Tsugaru as his sex toy. It can become Shizaya later.

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters!


Izaya sipped his wine as he sat in front of his laptop and enjoyed the show with his colleagues. He looked a bit out of place in his usual fur coat and just a v-neck shirt. He didn't even both to wear suits and tie. But it did not matter that he wasn't overly dressed. He was Orihara Izaya, and people all wanted to be his friend. Or at least, close enough to not have him as their enemy.

And if Izaya was their enemy, it was best to keep him closer than one would keep their friends. So that's how he got invited to this party, party of high officials, bureaucrats, yakuzas with political power and other higher-ups in shadier businesses.

The lights dimmed as the center stage brightened. Everyone sat on their velvet cushioned seat as a remote was delivered to them on a silver platter. The black market had started.

One by one beautiful young girls or boys wearing nothing but jewelry stepped up onto the platform. Their eyes were unfocused as if they were drugged. Izaya snickered a bit as he watched the men bet on each of these delectable humans, hoping to take one of them home with them. These were 'pets' as they were titled. And they weren't trafficking humans, oh heaven's no. They were simply selling 'pets',

"Entry #43." The automatic auctioneer called out as the entry #43 was shipped to the front. Izaya took a sharp intake of breath and swore under his breath as other men around him snickered quietly. If this was a joke, it was a very poor choice of one.

In front of Orihara stood another Orihara, except it couldn't be himself since he was right there on the seat as a participant. On stage stood someone who looked horrifyingly similar, in fact, one could say he looked like an exact replica or a long-lost twin. The thin young man looked exactly the same as Orihara Izaya, same hair style, around the same age and body build… he even had similar color eyes, except Izaya had dull red eyes and this young man had a bit more magenta eyes.

"Starting bid is at 1,000,000 yen." Izaya swore again at such a low start. This was really not funny.

There was a small wave of snickers as the bidding started. Izaya looked around to see who the fuck was messing with him, but he couldn't tell who had set him up. They all looked like prospect suspects and they were all enjoying this farce.

"Bid is at 1,500,000 yen. Bid is at 1,600,000 yen. Bid it at 1,700,000yen."

Even the way it slowly accumulated its bidding was humiliating. Izaya gritted his teeth and pressed his bid number.

"Bid is at 50,000,000yen." There was a small wave of murmur at the bid as Izaya smirked smugly.

"Bid is at 50,500,000yen." The robot continued it's monotonous announcement. Izaya growled as he looked around. Someone had pretty sick fascination with him it seemed.

"Bid is at 55,000,000yen." As Izaya pressed on. He refused to have his look-alike to be sold as a sex slave to some sick pervert.

"Bid is at 60,000,000yen."

"Bid is at 70,000,000yen."

"Bid is at 100,000,000yen.

Izaya swore under his breath as someone snickered in the darkness. Whoever that sick perv was, it seemed he wasn't going to back down. Izaya shivered involuntarily in disgust at the thought of whoever wanted his 'twin' to play with every night.

"Bid is at 150,000,000yen."

"Bid is at 160,000,000yen."

"Bid is at 170,000,000yen."

"Bid is at 500,000,000yen."

There was another wave of surprise at the jump in numbers. Izaya gritted his teeth as his mind was set. He refused to have anyone else take this man as their play toy.

"Sold at 500,000,000yen." Izaya watched as the young man was taken away. He sighed. It looked like he had bought his first human from the black market.

Izaya sighed as he punched in his passcode and entered his empty office. It's been a long night and Izaya was tired. The two men behind him wheeled in the box, laying it gently on the floor in the middle of his studio. After they left, Izaya sat on top of the box for few minutes, pondering if he should dump this box into some river and pretend the night didn't happen. But throwing away 500 million like that would be a waste, and Izaya would never waste a human life in such an inelegant way.

The informant unopened the box with the box cutter, being careful not to slice it too deeply. Inside the box was his 'twin', crouched to one side of the box which didn't give him much room. He shivered as the cold air-conditioned air hit him; considering he was not wearing anything but glass beaded necklaces, bracelets and anklets. Izaya rolled his eyes.

"Alright, get up. Come 'on," Izaya tried to pull him up, but the mysterious man's legs gave out. As Izaya's hand held him, he noticed that the un-named man's body instantly flushed.

"Ahh… aphrodisiacs. I guess this is their way of sending the buyers with a small extra gift," Izaya scoffed at the very unnecessary gift on his end. The informant sighed as he scooped up his double and started to carry him to his bed room. He couldn't have him naked in his office when Namie-san came in the morning.

His little clone clung to him desperately, still trembling as Izaya kicked the door open and dropped him onto the bed. "Now you stay there for a bit," Then Izaya started to rummage through his closet while his look-alike curled up on the bed. "Ah-ha. I knew I still had it around. Well, it's been almost ten years hmm…" Izaya pulled out a dildo among a box of unusual toys.

"Now don't you dare judge me. I was a curious teenager as a child," Izaya spoke as he came back to his bed. His shoulder's drooped at the sight of his double practically crying as his manhood hardened fully. It was as if he didn't know what to do with himself.

"For crying out loud, please don't look so pathetic. For the time being, you do look like me and it's quite disgusting to see myself making such a wretched face." Izaya complained loudly as he wiped the dildo with a wet tissue and then poured a bottle of lotion onto the phallic object. He sat next to the bed as he leaned forward.

"I'm not interested in raping you, especially since you look ridiculously like me, so stop crying. Here, now spread your legs." Izaya grumbled as he climbed up. But the other man seemed to have a different idea. He got up on his knees, pulled the informant closer and kissed him on the lips. It was such a swift movement, Izaya was caught unguarded.

The informant swore as he wiped his mouth and pushed his assailant back down onto the bed roughly. "What the hell do you think you're-," but he was caught off guard again when the mysterious man unzipped his pants and started to lick his boxers.

"Shit! You horny bastard! Look here, I… nngh…" Izaya dropped the little toy he was going to use as he tried to apply both of his hands to push away his little twin from licking him. Izaya struggled but each lick sent shivers of pleasure and soon his own body flared up with heat and desires.

"Fuck…, this wasn't what I had planned to do tonight…" Izaya mumbled as his double pulled down his boxers and swallowed him whole.

"Look… I… I'm not fucking you got it? I don't even know what kind of disease you have…" Izaya tried to push him away with all his might but… god, he delivered good heads! Where the hell did he learn how to….

… never mind, Izaya thought to himself.

Izaya mustered all his energy before his bottom half of his body melted into mush, and pushed down the man back onto the bed.

"Now, hold still!" Izaya held him down with one hand as he grabbed the dildo and started to push it inside the struggling man. Finally he was able to insert it all the way in and turned it on. The young man jolted and curled up on the bed, quietly mewing as the vibrator did its work.

Izaya sighed as he leaned back, exhausted.

"Now then, what's your name?" Izaya asked the whimpering man with the same face as himself. But he didn't say anything. He kept on whining quietly as he grabbed onto the bed sheets under him, squeezing down on the vibrator. Izaya sighed as he reached and held up the crying face for a closer examination.

"I guess your brain's too far gone to even think of anything else but sex huh? They drugged you pretty well," Izaya pitied him, only because his face was creepily like his. He did not like seeing himself look so weak…

Just then, the man gasped and froze up before trembling some more. Izaya blinked. "Oh, shit you didn't-!" Before Izaya could do anything, the man grabbed onto him and kissed him deeply, his cock leaking cum as he climaxed, soiling the sheets and Izaya at the same time.

"Yuck!" Izaya pulled away, trying to get the taste out of his mouth. He liked the kiss, but that mouth was just sucking on his cock earlier! The informant sighed at the warm cum that dirtied the sheets and himself.

"Alright, you. To bath we go," Izaya picked him up and carried him across the room. As he was approaching the bathroom, the man couldn't hold himself in and clutched onto him tightly as he came another time, cumming on Izaya's face and neck as well as his chest.

"Ugh… you're the worst pet ever! Minus 10 points for you!" Izaya grumbled as he carried the man, unable to wipe off the dripping cum on his chin as he lowered him onto the large Jacuzzi tub that was made for 2-3 people to sit comfortably. He quickly turned on the warm water to fill the bath tub and used the water to wash his face.

Grumbling, he took off the soiled shirts and boxers and climbed into the partially filled tub. The man was at first, huddled against one side of the tub, moaning against the dildo that continued to vibrate in his ass. But once Izaya stepped in, he quickly rushed over to cling onto him.

"Hey, hey- I got it, geez. You don't have to-mmf!" Izaya's mouth was quickly covered with his twin's and they continued to kiss deeply as his double rubbed against him over and over again greedily. By the time Izaya pulled away, both of their bodies were completely flushed with arousal and the water spilled over, slowly trickling down the drain.

/Author's note: 1,000,000 yen is approximately $11,411. So 500,000,000 yen is approximately $5,705,806 in current exchange rate. So 500 million yen is approximately over 5.7 million dollars.

Also, I imagined Izaya's bathroom as a mix of Western and Japanese style so there's a drain in the middle of the bathroom.