Disclaimer: I don't own PJO

Thanks for the reviews guys, I really appreciate it! This story is going on a lot longer than I expected it to. So . . . keep reading and reviewing.

Annabeth's POV

Rumors were spreading like wildfire. So far I've heard that someone from the Hermes cabin put another liquid in his food that makes him tell the truth. I've also heard that the entire Aphrodite cabin set up a painful interrogation for him. Wow, I actually feel bad for him. This ought to be fun to watch!

He slowly came to the pavilion, as if knowing what was in store for him. As soon he was in sight he was ambushed by the Aphrodite girls.

"We have a couple questions set up for you, would you mind answering them?" Emily asked seductively.

"Umm . . . sure?" He was so confused.

"Ok we'll start off with an easy one. How do you like archery?"

"I absolutely hate archery. No offense to the Apollo children, but I have no talent for archery at all." He was telling the truth. I've tried to help him with his archery. I learned an important lesson, if you within 20 feet of him while he's practicing, remember to bring a shield.

"Ok, next what's your favorite part of camp?"

"Oh of course seeing Annabeth." He suddenly clapped his hand over his mouth. Then I finally realized what he said, oh wow, even after I rejected him so many times that's his favorite part. "And all my other friends." He quickly added. But the damage had already been done; now everyone was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"Ok now a little harder. How do you feel about Annabeth?" He was struggling to keep silent, but I interrupted them.

"I think you've tortured him enough." I said, hoping they would end this nonsense. But no such luck.

"Now now Annabeth no need to be embarrassed let the boy talk," She turned to Percy. "What are you thinking?"

"Annabeth really hurt me," He stuttered. "But I never stopped loving her." Then he walked up to me and kissed me. In front of everybody. Now I can't say no, that would leave him heartbroken. I have to admit to myself that I love him too. He pulled away.

"I love you." He told me. My heart was pounding. Ok Annabeth say it.

"I love you too." I said before pulling him into a hug. Cheers erupted and Percy breathed out a sigh of relief. We pretty much stayed that way until we heard Chiron say.

"Can we please continue with dinner?" I pulled away, probably bright red and went to my table. I couldn't concentrate on eating, I just remembered all the details before that. The softness of his lips. His tousled hair. He was staring at me the whole time. I admit it was kind of stalkerish but it was cute. This was the perfect happy ending for a sad week.

That's it my story is complete. If you want a sequel you must review with an idea. No reviews= no sequel so press the button, come on you know you want to ;)