Wow. Bought damn time I got off my lazy ass and wrote out a story for this site.

Uh. Wait.

I mean, Hello! I hope you enjoy my story! Rate and Review and all of that junk. Your feedback is welcomed! :3

A gunshot rang through the confines of the study.

For a moment, everything in Sparrow's young mind froze. Her older sister collapsed onto the large seal that they had stood on. The young five year old couldn't move, couldn't breath. Tears spilled out of her eyes, but her face was frozen in shock, her jaw agape. Her heart clenched tightly in her chest, so tight that she couldn't scream.

The tears continued the fall from her eyes, and she looked ever so slowly towards the man who had done this. Her eyes were filled with so much pain. For a moment, it seemed that Lucien almost flinched at such a broken sight.

Rose had been the only thing in the girl's life that Sparrow could lean on. The young child never knew a mother's touch, or a father's kind words, but she knew Rose. Sure, they fought like most sisters did, but in the end, Sparrow knew that without Rose, life would have been much more difficult. No. Difficult was an understatement. Her life would have been completely hopeless without her sister to guild her. He took Rose away. The only person Sparrow was close to.

The girl's face contorted in pain, and her shoulders shook softly, but she didn't scream, nor did she cower when Lucien slowly pointed the gun in her direction. She stood tall, the blood of a hero in her veins. It refused to make her beg. If she died, then she'd die with her head held high. Sparrow didn't understand the twitching of her hands, or how she urged to do something. She was far too young, her blood yet to awaken. Had she been older, who knew what would happen? Her eyes sparked with a mixture of emotions, pain, anguish, fear, and anger.

"I'm sorry, but nothing must stand in my way." He finally spoke. Did it sound like he regretted what he did?

Slowly, Sparrow felt a grimace pull at her young face. Get in his way? How dare he, she thinks bitterly. How dare he kill his sister and then say that. They had done nothing. The gun clicked softly, and Sparrow could have sworn she heard the bullet slide into place. Slowly, she walked back, her back pressed against the window she had admired only minutes ago.

Her head bowed slowly, glancing at her sister's body one last time, tears streamed down her face again. Anger was still apparent on her features, but pain underlined it. She prayed that this was some horrible dream that she'd wake up with Rose sleeping in the bedroll across from her like always.

Finally, after what felt like an hour, he fired. The five-year-old felt her eyes widen, and the sound of glass shattering. Her chest almost exploded from pain, and Sparrow let out a gasp, to shocked to let out any other sound.

The town of Bowerstone hadn't heard a thing.

He hated Bowerstone.

He absolutely despised it with every ounce of his being.

It lacked…well. It lacked everything a man of his stature needed. Oh, how he missed Bloodstone. His little costal paradise. A city were he was almost flat out worshiped. A frown pulled at the corner of his lips.

"Captain Reaver?"

At his name, the Captain spun on his heels, facing his first mate with an arched eyebrow.

"Find a hooker yet?" Reaver asked, completely serious. His green eyes sparkling with what one would believe to be childish joy. What? He was man, and men had needs. Although it should be noted, that Reaver was far from a noble citizen. Gorgeous, but not noble. Actually, he might just be noble in his own right. Among pirates anyways. Regardless, he did tend to indulge himself in pleasure and so on. He would not deny it; in fact, he was perfectly content with rubbing it in other people's faces.

"No sir, but there's a pub down the block, care to join your crew for a round?"

Reaver sighed dramatically. His shoulders slumping slightly, any possible hopes in his mind dashed. "Must I?"

"Only if you wish." The first mate responded. Reaver paused. What was the man's name again? Darn it. Reaver frowned. He was always horrible with the names of his crewmembers. The pirate captain blamed it on how many times he replaced them. What could he say? He liked shooting his gun far more then dealing with shortcomings and incompetence.

"Robby. Go run along. I will do just splendid on my own."

"My name is John."

"…Did you just correct me?"

Reaver removed his pistol from his holster very slowly, regarding his first mate with a dark expression. He wasn't going except back talk from one of his crewmembers. Oh no.

"N-no sir!" The next moment, the first mate John took off, like a dog with a tail between his legs.

Reaver only paused a moment, watching how easily he had stricken fear. The pirate only gave a sly smirk, running a spare hand through his perfectly combed and positioned brown hair. He returned his infamous gun into its holster at his hip. Ah, how he loved intimidating his men.

The pirate captain slowly returned to his task of looking for some form of entertainment. Honestly, why did they have to come to Bowerstone of all places? The city did have some fine products to trade with in exchange for the supplies and goods Reaver and his men plundered, but that was it.

His beloved ship was stationed outside of Bowerstone harbor, the ship was far too large for the small docks, and Reaver didn't dare risk any damage sailing it under that low bridge. Oh no. That ship was his baby. He anchored it right by the seaside, and his crew used simple lifeboats to get ashore.

Before coming to Bowerstone, they had been sailing quite a lot. Plenty of ships were for the taking, and Reaver couldn't resist the temptation of raiding every ship he set his eyes on. He had been working his men rather hard lately, and decided that Bowerstone would be a pit stop of sorts. That, and Reaver had been becoming stir crazy huddled up in his cabin.

The man continued to walk along the cobblestone streets, sighing as he glanced around. Such a bland city.

Reaver frowned suddenly, hearing something collide into the ground only a few feet in front of him. He removed his gun quickly and then moved forward with confidence. Nothing could move faster then his fingers after all.

What he saw next made him freeze in his tracks, his eyes widening for a moment.

It was…a person maybe? Whatever it was, it was dead or passed out, face pressed against the street, and shards of a colored variety scattered around it.

Carefully, Reaver moved forward towards the figure on the ground, his boots crunching against glass. He didn't dare touch the thing before him, not wanting to stain his gloves with the grim and dirt that clung to it's clothes. He narrowed his eyes, and instead pressed his boot into it's side and pushed it over. He glanced down, and felt his eyes widen a fraction.

A child and a girl no less, a girl hardly into her life, only five or six. A girl that was bleeding from the chest. A bullet wound obviously, and a large cut on her forehead, bruises already forming around the cut, and a puddle of blood seeped down onto the concrete. Reaver was extremely careful not to touch his shoes with the red liquid. Her hair was already dirty, but the blood was slowly spreading into her hair and over her scalp staining her brown hair into an ugly black.

Reaver paused for a moment. He didn't feel any sympathy really, but more curiosity. Why would someone kill a child? To get back at someone maybe? He raised an eyebrow, glancing around at the ground. Slowly, the pirate captain bended his knees and leaned over. He picked up a colorful green shard of glass, moving it between his fingertips. Stain glass. He blinked, puzzled. None of the houses here had such material for windows. The only building that had such windows was…

Ever so slowly, Reaver allowed his green eyes to gaze upward. He gasped suddenly. Castle Fairfax. Right in the top hand window. A large shattered stain glass window. He glanced between the child and the castle several times.

"My, my, my… this makes things rather interesting." Reaver only shook his head. The Captain turned his gaze towards the child again. "How could a child bring upon the wrath of the Fairfax?" He chuckled at this. Wrath? Lucien Fairfax did not seem like the type to have such emotion. Sorrow maybe, with his family dead. Yes, even Reaver had heard of such a tragedy all the way from his costal paradise. Of course, rather the mourning, the Captain had laughed until he almost cried.

He stabbed the child with his boot, watching her face contort in pain. Reaver froze. "Impossible. You could not possibly have survived such a fall. It would have shattered every bone in your body…" He muttered under his breath. He watched her chest rise up and down softly. She was clinging to life with every ounce of strength.

Deep down, he found himself feeling respect towards the child. So many seemed to treat their lives with little care, yet this child appeared to be poor and possibly starved. She probably had nothing left. Death would have been a release, yet she gripped her existence with such a fierce force that Reaver almost tipped his hat, shame that he didn't have one with him.

"Quite the will you have…" He muttered. The Captain glanced down at the child. Maybe he should end her pain? She would die out here alone in the streets either way, he'd grant her a painless death at the very least. He removed his pistol very slowly, and pointed it down at her for a few moments.

"…Rose." She finally spoke, her voice high pitched, but obviously in pain. Reaver haltered for a moment. Her face clenched in pain again, but he could see something else beneath the pain. Determination. Reaver was not one to delve into other's emotions, he was usually far to wrapped up in his own, but he could feel his curiosity come into play. A thought filtered into his mind, and it stayed, firmly planted. Reaver was a selfish man. He would not deny it. Yet this thought seemed very…not selfish? It made him confused as to why such a thought would cross him.

Slowly, he twisted the thought in his mind to his liking. There. It felt selfish now.

He would let her live. Slowly, he pocketed his pistol. "If that fall couldn't kill you, I wonder what else you could survive." He muttered again. She would be useful alive. A pirate to join his crew later on down the road? On the other hand, maybe he could use her as possible blackmail. Lucien Fairfax had obviously tried to kill her. If Bowerstone found out about that, an uprising would be at hand. No Lord could get away with such a despicable act.

Either way, she was better off breathing then not.

Hesitantly, Reaver bended down onto his knees, and brought the broken child into his arms with a gentleness that he did not know he was capable of. Slowly, the Lord of Thieves stood up and walked away, Sparrow hanging limp in his arms. His stomach dropping slightly, surely he wouldn't regret this?

"You owe me kid." He muttered gruffly.

Pale white eyes watched on from the shadows.

This was not supposed to happen.

Theresa had watched the whole event in awe. Not because the event was amazing, but because it wasn't even supposed to be possible. Time had shattered before her eyes, and the future this woman had seen was now destroyed. Never had this seer seen such a drastic change in a timeline in her whole life. She felt almost honored. This was the work of Fate. They had found the future unsatisfactory, and had twisted and bended time to their liking, until it was something completely different.

For once, the Speer stood clueless. The future was now a dark confusing place. She did not know what would await the small child, or the pirate that had swept her away.

Theresa let one of her hands stroke the fur of the dog next to her. She had almost intervened, but decided against it. Fate was not something to be crossed. The seer sighed, glancing down at the dog. The mutt looks up at her with wide brown eyes.

"Come. You will reunite with your little Sparrow soon enough." With that, the mysterious seer walked into the darkness of the night, the dog trailing behind her.