Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for Mary and some other characters I made up. Besides them, all the other characters belong to the wonderful Cassandra Clare.

Clary woke up when she felt someone shaking her shoulder.

"Clary, wake up." Clary blinked her eyes a few times only to be greeted with darkness. For a second she forgot where she was, but then remembered meeting Lucian the day before and the cave that they were in.

"It is still dark though," Clary argued. Jace chuckled.

"We are in a cave. It is always dark," he pointed out. "Besides, frankly I do not think how you were sleeping before was that comfortable." As Jace said this, Clary felt the sharp pain in her back. The pain got worse as she stretched her neck. She groaned in discomfort. It was then that Clary realized she had slept on the cave floor through out the night.

"I did not realize I fell asleep by the fire," Clary said as she carefully got up from floor and dusted her dress. Jace reached toward her voice to steady her.

"There is light coming from the hallway of the cave. We have to move slowly so that we will not fall," said Jace after Clary was up on her feet. "We can gather our things after we eat and find light to see the room."

"How did you even wake up in this darkness anyway?" asked Clary as they slowly walked out of their cave toward the light in the hallway.

"I heard voices and the clanking of pots," Jace replied. They tried to find the main cave by listening to the echoes of voices. They finally found it and saw that most of the wolves were leaving or had already eaten.

"Look," said a voice with a laugh. "They are finally up." Clary looked toward the voice and saw that it was Maia. Clary and Jace walked to where she and Jordan sat on rock floor. Maia offered them fruit that was in the big bowl between her and Jordan.

"Do you know what time it is?" Clary asked as she nibbled on a yellow apple.

"It must be almost midday by now," said Jordan. Clary's eyes widened in surprise.

"Midday!" Clary exclaimed. Then more to herself, she asked, "How is that possible? I have always been up with the sun."

"You slept later than you realized, most probably. We werewolves stay up most of the night, since we love the night, and sleep for a few hours in the day. You and Jace went out the main cave a few hours before dawn. That is probably why you woke up near midday," answered Maia.

"Hmm, how strange," Clary pondered. Jace finished his orange, and kept the orange peel in his hand. Clary looked at him curiously.

"It is for Temple. He loves orange peels." He got up from the floor and dusted himself. "So when are we to leave."

"Jordan and I, will stay here and help clean up breakfast. You two may go over there-" she pointed to a darker cave, "-to get fresh water and clean. Then come back and get this-" she motioned toward the torch next to her, "-so you can gather your things in your cave. Then come back here."

"Thank you," said Clary.

"Oh, and pretty boy. Don't forget your horse."


Clary and Jace followed Maia's instructions. They first washed their faces with the water that was streaming down the corner of one of the caves, and then they took the torch to find their belongings and Temple.

"Is that everything?" Clary asked.

"I believe so," said Jace while moving the torch to look around. They found Maia and Jordan where they were before. Lucian was also sitting by them with something silver in his hand. They all stood up when they saw Clary and Jace. Lucian stepped forward to speak.

"I have something for you," he said to Clary. Lucian took Clary's hand and gently put a necklace with a silver whistle on it. "It is a dog whistle, but it is not for dogs. It is enchanted, so that only my wolves and I can hear it. I have a feeling that you will need my help in the near future. Keep safe, Clary." Clary quickly put the necklace and hid the whistle under her dress. She smiled at Lucian with gratitude.

"Thank you," she said as she hugged him.

"Goodbye for now." He left Clary and Jace with a nod and disappeared into one of the caves.

"All right, it is time to go now. This way," said Jordan towards a rock wall. It must be another glamour, Clary thought. She tried to clear her head to see through it. Slowly the cave appeared. It had blue rocks around it that illuminated light.

"It is beautiful," said Clary as she entered the cave.

"It is," Maia agreed. "We did not realize this place existed until we accidently leaned against the wall when we were younger." She looked at Jordan as if she was remembering the day.

"When did you both meet?" asked Clary curiously. Jace walked behind her with Temple, still silent.

"We knew each other before we became wolves. Actually, Jordan was the one who turned me into a wolf," Maia admitted. "I was so mad at him for a long time."

"How did you forgive him?"

"I found her a year later to explain why I left her and how I had no control over my body when I became a werewolf, and in time she forgave me," answered Jordan. His eyes followed Maia who was walking in front of him. Maia looks behind her first to Jordan then to Clary when she saw Clary watching them.

"How did you and pretty boy meet?" she asked changing the subject. Clary looked at Jace behind her remembering the vampire attack that felt so long ago, but she knew it was just a few days ago.

"We meet few days ago when he saved me from a vampire attack," replied Clary. She did not elaborate on how before that event he was following her from Thomas's house and how he overheard her conversation with John by the river. She looked back at Jace and smiled. He looked at her with an expressionless look on his face. His lips were in a tight line as if he was trying to stop himself from saying something. He almost looked guilty. Clary wondered why, but did not ask.

"You have only known each other for a few days?" Maia asked in astonishment. "But you seem to know each other far longer than that."

"It feels much longer," Clary admitted. They continued to walk through the blue crystal cave in silence. Clary tried to pay attention to her footing but couldn't stop looking at the blue shimmering crystals as she walked. She almost fell a few times but she caught herself by reaching for the side of the cave. Maia and Jordan snickered every time she lost balance.

After awhile, Clary became uncomfortable with the silence and wanted to say something. She desperately wanted to ask how the crystals eliminated light, so she did.

"How do they give light?" Clary asked breaking the silence.

"I think they are called witchlight. But witchlight is usually white, so I don't know what they are. Do you Jordan?" Maia looked at Jordan. He shook his head no. "All I know is that a warlock enchanted this cave around the time Lucian became the leader in order to help keep magical beings, such as Jordan and I, safe from a dangerous man." Clary smiled when Maia spoke of the warlock. So there is a warlock after all.

"What happened to the man?" asked Clary as Maia stopped walking. There were stairs that went up to the ceiling of the cave.

"I assume he is dead. I have not seen any humans besides you two on this mountain," she said reassuringly. Maia waved her hands toward the stairs. "We are finally here. Follow the colorful flower patches and you will find the warlock's house."

"How do we get back down?"

"There are different ways to get down. If the warlock is kind enough, he will poof you to your home, otherwise follow the flower patches back to the cliff and go down the path," replied Jordan.

"Thank you so much," said Clary as she went up the stairs. She tried to clear her head again to see through the glamour, and surely enough she saw the sky. Once she finally got to the top step, she turned around to look at where she is. Everything was bright and shimmery. The trees looked lush and their branches arched perfectly. The grass was so green it hurt her eyes. And the flower patches seem to be radiating light and had a wonderful perfume.

"Amazing," said Jace looking at the forest in awe. Clary nodded her head in agreement. "I never imagined it to look like this."

"Nor I," said Clary. Then she remembered the task at hand. "We should go before it gets dark."

"Of course."

They walked from flower patch to flower patch as Jordan instructed them. As they walked, the shadows of the trees grew longer and longer. They stopped to eat and drink twice. Temple wanted to eat the grass but Jace didn't let him. When Clary asked why, Jace said that the grass was much too green for it to be safe to eat. Clary looked at him wondering if that could possible be true; then she shook the thought out of her head to focus. She started to become anxious as the sun came lower in the sky. What if I do not find the warlock? They followed the flower patches until there were no more. Clary looked at Jace in panic.

"Did we go the wrong way?" she asked. Jace shook his head no.

"I do not believe so. Maybe there is another glamour. We are trying to find a warlock after all." Jace closed his eyes and opened them. "Strange I do not see a warlock nor a house. But there are strange clouds coming from over there." He point to the space between to large oak trees. Clary cleared her mind and saw the clouds that Jace spoke of. A few of the clouds were shaped like question marks and the rest like hearts.

"Hello?" called out Clary. Three clouds appeared that said how are you?

"My name is Clary, and I was hoping you have a cure for the coughing sickness," Clary replied. Clary looked at Jace; he shrugged not knowing what to do. They waited until a cloud appeared that said enter. Suddenly, a log cottage became visible between the two oak trees. The door was opened.

Clary waited until Jace tied Temple's reins to the cottage. She entered the house with Jace behind her. There was a fire that lit the room that was floating above a table. Next to the table was a man with sparkly, colorful hair.

"Magnus Bane," he introduced himself. He made no motion to stand up; instead he waved his arms causing two chairs to float behind Clary and Jace and swiped toward their legs, so that they were sitting by the warlock. He looked at Clary intently as if he were recalling a familiar face. Then Magnus looked at Jace and smirked, but he didn't say anything. "You are here for business?"

"Yes, my mother has the coughing sickness, and I came in hope that you have the cure for it. I have money to pay you," said Clary. Magnus looked at Clary as if he was deciding to help her or not. Clary waited in anticipation. Magnus sighed and took a big breath to speak.

"I can help you," said Magnus. Clary heart soared. "But the spell that can cure the sickness is in a spell book that I do not have. It is in a large stone house that is near the Skylack River. The spell book itself is priceless. If you bring the book back to me, I will give you the cure, and I will not charge you for it."

"What is the name of this book?" asked Clary.

"The Book of the White."

"Alright." Clary stood up. "I will bring you the book." Magnus smile.

"Not now of course, you must stay the night. The Forest of Eve is not a very nice place in the dark," insisted Magnus. He snapped his fingers and the cottage began to reform and stretch. A room with two beds appeared before them. "There you go, and your horse is sheltered as while in his own little house. Horses can get so smelly, so he is across from my home. His saddle and your belongings are in your room." Clary looked at the room, then out the window to see the little house across from his cottage, then at Magnus with astonishment. Jace seemed unimpressed.

"What are the dangers of this little quest? If you are so powerful, why haven't you tried to get the book yourself?" asked Jace suspiciously. Magnus tried to look away from Jace.

"Well…I have been a little…lazy," said Magnus. Jace raised his eyebrows not believing him. Magnus sighed. "Alright, there has been more dark magic in the area than usual and I am concerned that the inhabitants of the area are still alive."

"Are these inhabitants dangerous?" asked Jace. Magnus sighed again, and nodded.

"Yes, but they should have died years ago," said Magnus. "But do not worry too much. I will give you both rings that can repel dark magic, an enchanted dagger, and a key that can unlock any door or lock tomorrow before you go. That should keep you safe. Now off to your room. If you are hungry there is a plate of fruit. Goodnight." With that Magnus disappeared. Clary and Jace entered the room. They both jumped when the door closed shut behind them.

"Clary, I do not trust him," said Jace. "What he is saying may be true, but I know from how he looked that he understated the dangers." Clary sat on the bed and looked down at her lap.

"That may be true, but I still have to go and get the spell book. I have come all this way, and I am so close to finally getting the cure for my mother."

"But is it worth your life?" asked Jace. Clary grabbed for a green apple and brought it to her lips. "Do not eat that!" Jace exclaimed. Clary dropped the apple in surprise. She picked it up from the floor and put it on the table.

"Why shouldn't I?" she asked sternly.

"Because who knows where he got those fruits from. I have heard stories of enchanted fruits of the faerie people. They look delicious as they are dangerous." He took an apple from saddle pouch and gave it to her. "Have this instead." Clary accepted the apple and started to munch on it carefully so that the juice wouldn't make her hands sticky. She stopped eating to answer.

"And yes." Jace looked at Clary confused as to what she was saying. "I do believe it is worth my life. I would not have a life if it were not for my adopted family. I would have died by the river that I was sent from alone."

"You don't know that," Jace said angrily. Then more softly, "You don't know what your fate would have been."

"You might not agree but this is how I see it as: a life for a life."


The next day Magnus gave them the rings, the dagger, and the key. Clary fasted the key to the necklace with the dog whistle and Jace put the dagger in his boot. Then they both put the ring on their finger. Magnus told them to follow the Skylack River upstream until they see the stone house while they gathered their things. Once Clary and Jace had everything, and after Temple had his saddle on, Magnus pointed toward the direction of the river.

"If you are not back in three days, I will assume you are dead. Good luck," said Magnus as Jace helped Clary up Temple.

"We will be back," said Clary with determination. Jace stayed silent and instructed Temple to trot by the movement of his feet and reins. It was easy to hear the sound of the water, so they found the Skylack River immediately. They remained silent as they rode upstream, next to the river. Clary and Jace stopped once to eat then continued. It was past midday when they saw the stone house. It was more like a stone castle, but it was not quiet that large. They jumped off Temple quietly, and Jace tied Temple's reins to a branch on a leafy tree in the attempt to hide him. They both remained silent and looked at the castle to see a way in.

"Do you see anyone?" whispered Clary so quietly that Jace could barely hear her.

"No, but there are not many windows to see if there is movement," whisper Jace in her ear. His breath tickled. Clary looked back and this time noticed a shiny circular knob.

"Look by the willow tree. There is a door by it," Clary said. Jace looked at the door and signed.

"I guess we have to try at some point." They soundlessly walked from tree to tree until the finally got to the door. Clary sighed in relief. She reached for the doorknob, but before she touched it, the door opened abruptly and there stood a man with silver hair and black eyes. Clary felt as if her heart stopped for a moment. The man smiled menacingly when he saw the fright in her eyes.

"Finally we meet. I have been waiting so very long for you, my dear," said the man. Then he looked at Jace and smiled at him. "And oh look, you even brought the prince with you. How nice." Clary turned her head to look at Jace.


A/N: Yeah, I know I suck.

Tell me if you see any mistakes.

Review. :)