Notes: Yes, knew I couldn't let it end without an epilogue, I just needed time to let the ending sink in before posting this one. To everyone, anonymous or otherwise who left a comment on the last chapter, or has read this fic (and re-read this fic) – thank you again for taking a chance on Syndicate and for embracing everything that it became – or even if you forgot it existed or decided it wasn't for you in the end, you still decided to see a part of this through. You are the best I could have hoped for. Take care and be well. – 6 June 2020


By Tanya Lilac


Two years later

Tenten woke slowly, brought into wakefulness by the weight of something against her palm, warm and soft. The sheets were cool, unrumpled, the bed made. No one had slept there last night. She blinked rapidly, before remembering where she was, and why a cat was pressing its face against her hand.

"Kibinago-kun," Tenten said, running her hand down the cat's long silver coat. "Good morning." She sighed, scratching him behind his ears, as she turned onto her side. The cat was leaning his head into her hand, purring heavily as she continued to scratch him. Neji had come home with the cat a couple of months back. The Nebelung was three years old, and had been given up for adoption after his previous owner had fallen pregnant with twins, resulting in the 'ultimatum of the century'. The cat had taken an instant liking to Tenten, and the quiet, traditional house she lived in with Neji, and its spacious garden. Neji had laughed when she named him after a fish, but she said it was more original than 'Kasumi'.

"Time for breakfast?" She asked, sitting up and dropping her hand. Tenten glanced at her phone, and noting there were no notifications, she got out of bed. She padded through the house with bare feet, the sleek silver shadow following her like the minnow he was named for. The house was old but had aged beautifully like the rest of the neighbourhood. The deep ebony floor boards had been buffed by decades of footsteps, and reminded Tenten of being in a temple. She had been taken by the house the moment she stepped in – and from the look on Neji's face, he'd had a similar reaction when he'd first seen it as well. The Hyuuga family was nothing if not well connected – this was one of the houses the family had purchased and cared for over the years, and Hiashi had known Hizashi had been keeping an eye on it in the years before his death, and particularly when they'd been expecting their second child. So it had passed very quietly into Neji's hands – and despite its distance from Konoha or the head Hyuuga offices, they'd been living there without much incident after a few tasteful renovations.

The sleek silver cat followed her through the house to the new kitchen, and she pulled the curtains back from the new floor to ceiling glass windows, which looked out over the perfectly manicured garden. The camellias were blooming – something Neji had missed when he flew out on a business trip almost a month ago. Time without him passed slowly, but she'd had to learn not to worry the first few times he went away, but this was the longest trip he'd taken so far.

A drawn out mewl pulled her back to the task at hand, and Tenten responded mildly without thinking, before opening the fridge.

"I'm just getting your food," she chided gently. Then paused. "I wonder if Neji will laugh at me for starting to talk out loud to you." She stopped and looked down at the cat, and he stared back, green eyes twinkling before he strode forward to rub against her legs. She laughed and spooned out his mince. "He will definitely laugh," Tenten said to herself, before putting on the kettle. Less than a day to go.

Tenten hurried through the corridor, boots clicking sharply against the poured concrete floor. There was no carpet, wood or tile here. It was much easier to hose off when things went wrong (like they had this morning). The transition into the operations division after she took the lift up was marked – also by the surface of the floor. Plush grey carpet muffled the sound of her steps as she made her way to the meeting. She was on time – for a normal person. But for Konoha's field operatives, she was five minutes late.

She opened the glass door and slipped into the meeting room, finding her seat quickly as Tsunade began her briefing.

"Good morning all – I hope you've all had a great week so far because I definitely did not, if my raging hangover is anything to go by, so I will not be taking questions. First up, we'll start with the good news and the department's worst kept secret. Tenten," she said, and Tenten jolted to attention. "Has almost finished her first fortnight in her new role as Head of the Weapons division, under the Technology and Design department. I hear there's been an incident already, so we're looking forward to good things. Can you say a few words, please, Tenten?"

Tenten stood and looked around. These people weren't new to her – but this was her first fortnightly department and section head meeting. Shikamaru met her gaze, and his lips quirked upwards with encouragement.

"Um, as some of you may know, my name is Tenten and I'm a former field agent, and have been with Konoha since being placed in the mentorship program twelve years ago. I hope to bring my experience and enthusiasm to the Weapons division to help our agents in the field reduce the need for injuries and casualties, and for operatives to come home safely. I look forward to working with you all and further successful missions."

She bowed, and straightened, looking around for a response. Anko winked at her, and Kakashi nodded as she sat down, the corner of his eye crinkling as he smiled at her beneath his mask. Tenten took her seat again and Tsunade resumed the meeting.

"As for the next point of business …"

Tenten held back a sigh as the meeting concluded about an hour later, and packed up her folder. She realised Shikamaru was waiting for her, and she resisted the temptation to check her phone.

"Good introduction," he smiled. "And congratulations, formally."

Tenten's predecessor, a stern man by the name of Hosokawa, was taking a career break to go volunteering with the JOCV in Egypt, and had approached her after seeing her training in the Armoury. He'd been looking for a replacement for six months and had pieced together the rumours that Tenten was no longer an active field agent and was looking for something that was not a desk job. He had organised a six month handover, teaching her everything she needed to know before leaving last month. Konoha had made an official announcement a couple of weeks ago, but Tenten had been quick to tell Lee and Gai-sensei when she had first started mentoring with Hosokawa. Today was her first official day in the role and had been mostly a formality in which Tenten had finally been granted clearance to ask all the questions she'd been dying to ask.

"Thanks." A thought occurred to her. "Can I ask you something?" she asked as they filed out of the meeting room with the others, who all broke off, trading gossip and resuming the rest of their mornings.


"Why did you take a co-head position?"

"I don't like to deal with the budgets," he deadpanned. "You'll find that's the worst part of the job."

She laughed. "I thought you were going to say you still liked being in the field."

He paused. "There's that. But you do realise as head of weapons, you'll still be part of missions – when they need you to design something new and deadly that can fit into a pen light and work as a pen light?" Shikamaru put a hand on her shoulder. "This is not a desk job for the light of heart, Tenten. We'll be counting on you."

Tenten bowed, and watched him run off to his next mission briefing, and exhaled deeply, before straightening. She reached for her phone – and a message was waiting for her. She was unable to contain her smile as she began to walk to the lift back down to the Armoury.

Congratulations, Tenten-kachou! How was your first department head meeting?

Good! It's kind of weird, but good to actually go to meetings now
Okay I was doing the most of work at the end, and Hosokawa-san was just there with the stamp
[Image sent: ]

Okay you are definitely addicted to that show.
And power.

Believe it!
Naruto and Hinata better watch out
Cos we're a power couple now
Don't roll your eyes, I mean it
You, global jetsetter; me, the most heavily armed person in Tokyo

It's too early in the day to be getting that hot and heavy, Tenten.
Control yourself.

omg shut up and get your mind out of the gutter

Come on, amuse me. I'm in first class, no one's looking.

You're on a private jet, there's a massive difference
And people think
I'm the bad influence on you
Scroll up, genius
You're not getting a repeat performance

[Voice message sent: 0:09]

If that is what I think it is
I am not listening to that
I'm at work
That was really sweet.
I miss you too.

Only nine hours to go and we can try some of that stuff we were talking about the other night…


The day passed with much to do – Tenten took stock of the inventory, reviewed the monthly and quarterly budget, had an hour long meeting with each of the two specialists and team members in her department to chat about what they needed to order in over the next few months and their current projects. The others only went by their oddly ironic surnames – Sasaki, a short statured woman who specialised in ballistics and Miyamoto, a tall, slim and lithe close combat weapons specialist with hair long enough to pull into a knot on top of his head. Tenten, with her field experience, was an all rounder and primary tester.

She caught up with the head of the aircraft (and other vehicles) division since they also worked under the Technology and Design department. It wasn't until around half past three in the afternoon when she finally got down to the training floor with a new concept triple staff Miyamoto had showed her a couple of weeks ago. The team structure was relatively flat; even though Tenten was the head of the division, she felt like there wasn't really a gap between how Hosokawa had worked with the team – they were closer to colleagues, and the head of the division was the person who handled the budgets, planning and was social enough with the higher ups to ensure they kept getting funding approval, not that it was ever a contested issue.

But still, there was a nervous energy she couldn't quite dispel. Not even Miyamoto knocking the wind out of her – twice – was able to bring her back to earth. He slammed the butt of the staff against the floor, and watched her like a panther, stalking around her.

"You're not even trying," he growled. "Sasaki would make a better partner," he said bitterly. And Sasaki hissed from her workstation, throwing a capsule at him. He used the staff to deflect it, and it shattered, turning into a substance that looked like high density foam, increasing the weight of the staff until it clicked out of position and swung limply to the floor. "What the hell?"

Tenten laughed. "I'm offended for her sake, but you're right, Miyamoto-san."

"Slacking off already?"

Tenten turned at the new arrival, her eyes lighting up. "Sasuke? Lee!" She turned back and bowed deeply in Miyamoto's direction. "I'll take my leave if you'll excuse me, Miyamoto-san. I hope I can meet your expectations on the next occasion."

He crossed his arms and nodded. Still feeling a bit bashful, she bounded over to her former cell mates. Team Gai had officially disbanded with Tenten's new appointment, and each of the members took up projects which suited them.

Lee worked with Gai-sensei when the latter wasn't running around after his new protégées. Lee was still wearing his green combat slacks, and Tenten laughed as he scooped her up in his trademark hug, as if he wasn't conscious of the gaze of the rest of Tenten's new division.

"Welcome!" She said, turning to Sasuke as Lee put her down.

Sasuke had only returned from his deep undercover mission a few days ago, but had been given orders to take leave for a couple of months to rest and readjust to normal life. This was the first time she'd seen him in person, and suddenly felt a little guilty that she hadn't reached out to him first.

His hair was growing in from a buzz cut. His nose looked like it had healed in the past year from being broken. His frown lines were deeper, his eyes weary. Even now, his expression was still a little guarded, but surprise rippled across the surface of his eyes as she all but jumped into his arms, giving him a tight hug. He'd even lost some of the muscle she'd remembered. He gave her a few pats on the back, before she broke away, and a tentative smile to match her broader grin.

"Why don't you give us a tour?" Lee suggested, looking around. He'd been in other sections of the Armoury before – the firing range, some training mats like they had at the dojo, and a range of hand to hand combat locations (ice, sand, concrete and grass) but with an intense selection of weaponry. They had never ventured into the restricted section which served as a workshop, office and testing space for the three specialists. They looked over at Miyamoto and Sasaki, who were arguing about who had to deal with the foam, and Tenten grimaced.

"Maybe next time," she said, draping a towel around her neck and taking a sip of water from her bottle.

"Are you good to go out for a beer tonight?"

"What, now?"

Tenten turned to her new division and then looked back between Lee and Sasuke.

"You're a division Head," Lee teased. "Give everyone an early mark."

She paused. "Who are you, and what have you done with Lee?" she laughed, and looked back up at the squabbling pair as Sasaki used a few drops of a clear substance from a pipette to dissolve the foam from the staff. "Miyamoto-san, Sasaki-san! Let's get a drink! We can worry about the rest next week." She glanced at her watch, and her stomach tightened. He'd be landing soon. Her sweat was cooling in the air conditioned room and she took the stairs back up to her desk to grab her leather jacket and her bag.

"Come on, let's go!" she smiled at the pair. "Don't make me pull rank on you."

Somewhere between her second glass of nama beer and the third grapefruit sour, Miyamoto and Sasaki left, both giving thinly veiled excuses - an early start to the weekend for one, and another dinner that night from the other. Tenten smiled and waved them off, and Lee shook his head.

"You didn't tell them you snuck some Daze breakers, did you?" he chuckled.

"I feel like I'm still at work when I'm still with them," she shrugged. "Besides – if you could drink without getting drunk, why wouldn't you?"

Silence settled comfortably between the trio, and Tenten found she couldn't remember the last time this had happened.

"It's been a while," Sasuke murmured, picking at some braised mushrooms. "Since we've gotten together like this."

Tenten sat back in the booth, her gaze turning towards the ceiling light for a moment. She closed her eyes, mentally tracing the circular patterns the bulb left on the back of her eyelids. It had been more than two years since they'd been able to actually go out after work.

"Yeah," she said softly. She opened her eyes, taking another look at him. She noticed he'd been itching to reach for his cigarettes – he hadn't been smoking in the earlier stages of his cover, so he must have picked up the habit again. Sasuke was also well past her third drink of the evening.

"How's Neji?" Lee asked. "Is he back yet?"

"He's coming home tonight," Tenten said. "We moved in together," she said matter-of-factly. They weren't going to talk about Sasuke – he likely had things he needed to talk about in a less public place, but now was not the place or the time.

Sasuke continued eating, nodding thoughtfully. Tenten and Lee watched as he took a sip of his beer. "Congratulations," he said finally. "Is it a new apartment? What neighbourhood are you living in?"

"We moved into a house in Yanaka," Tenten answered. "Near Ueno. It's a nice area."

He whistled. "I'll bet. I'm assuming you renovated."

"Yeah, before we moved. Kitchen, bathroom, lighting," Tenten paused. "And security."

"I'm surprised you haven't told him about the cat," Lee said. "They adopted an expensive cat."

"Something about the wife becoming allergic to cats while she was pregnant. Or maybe the wife never really wanted it in the first place." Tenten shrugged, and showed Sasuke her phone, and he flicked through the photos with an amused smile.

"That's actually a very handsome cat."

"His name is Kibinago," she said, a hint of pride creeping into her voice.

Sasuke chuckled, handing her phone back to her. "Who names a cat after a fish?"

They ordered a final round of drinks, and Tenten paid the bill before they all left, the two men heading onwards to dinner (but not without another hug from Lee). Right before he left, Tenten grabbed Sasuke's hand as they were saying goodbye outside the bar. She had immediately noticed he had held back from shoving her off, and guilt flashed across his face as he registered the way she had braced for it without flinching.

Out loud, she said, "I know … work has got you seeing a professional, but if you ever need to talk to someone, or you need someone to get you out of your head, you know you can call Lee or myself, right? The others – Naruto, Kakashi or Sakura wouldn't turn you away, either."

"Thanks Tenten." He squeezed her hand gently, and Lee slung his arm over Sasuke's shoulder as he led them away, shooting Tenten a smile and a thumbs up behind the other man's back before they ducked out into the rain onto their next venue. Tenten watched them leave with a fond sigh, her breath steaming before her.

Despite the heavy rain, they had all immediately spotted the sleek black car parked across the road when leaving the bar. Neji got out from the passenger side with an umbrella, and Tenten couldn't help but smile at him, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. A train rumbled overhead, and by the time it passed, Neji was at her side, red umbrella up to shield them from the rain.

"You didn't want to say hi to the others?" She teased, looking up at him.

"It's been a month," he said, leaning down and pressing his forehead to hers. "I think they'll forgive me for being standoffish."

Tenten lifted her heels ever so slightly, and just like that, their lips met. This would never get old, not for her. Kissing in public. Not hidden in alleyways and alcoves. No costumes, aliases or masks. His arm was around her waist, pulling her close, and she squeaked in protest.

"People are staring," she murmured against his lips, her heart beginning to pound.

"What do you expect?" he asked, as she turned her ear to his chest, and he tucked her head under his chin, his hand stoking her hair away from her face, breathing deeply. "Especially after what you sent to me."

She blushed and turned her face into his scarf, which oddly enough, still smelled like their home. "Neji … I missed you," she said against the rain. Tenten pulled away, and looked up at him.

"I missed you too," he said gently, his thumb tracing her cheek. "It's good to be home."

His eyes darkened and she tilted her head to the side in a silent query. "I don't know if I can get you home fast enough."

She swatted him playfully as he began to walk them back to the car. "Neji, what have you become?"

"A man starved," he drawled, and indulged in another kiss.

The cat ran up to greet them, blinking up at them with green eyes, before rubbing himself against Neji's ankles.

"Oh, you've missed him too," Tenten said affectionately, bending over to scoop up the cat. Neji raised an eyebrow at her before rubbing Kibinago between the ears. Formalities over, the cat slipped out of Tenten's arms and retreated further into the house, motion sensors ensuring his path was well lit.

There was a pause, and Tenten became conscious that he was smirking, ever so slightly – and she closed the gap, her arms winding around his neck once more.

"Welcome home, Neji," she murmured as she broke away, keeping him as close as she could as she breathed him in. She felt like she hadn't been home in a month as well. His shoulders were still rigid as her hands slid down from his neck, unwinding the scarf from his neck, undoing the buttons on his shirt meticulously, teasing him. She fingered his belt buckle, thinking for a moment, before taking a step back.

Tenten shrugged out of her leather jacket, before taking another step back. Neji took a step forward to close the distance, but she smiled and shook her head. "Patience," she reprimanded lightly.

"You always had a bit of a masochistic streak," Neji replied, smirking.

Her stomach flipped, but she didn't say anything, reaching up to untie her hair and shake it loose as she kept walking backwards. "How much did you miss me?" she asked, finally pivoting as they passed the kitchen. She hung her jacket on the back of a chair and put her hair tie on the table.

Neji watched her every step, and she could see him trying to decide whether or not to crowd her in the kitchen, and seal her lips with a kiss, his hands making quick work of her clothes. Instead, he watched as she poured herself a glass of water, shaking his head when she offered him some.

"Only … a little," he teased. He found himself clearing his throat as he watched her swallow, slinking up by her side simply to be close to her. She was giddy, unable to stop smiling at him, or looking at him to confirm he was still in the room. Tenten could tell he was the same, from the way his hands stealthily found their way to rest against her skin, on the small of her back, sliding to the curve of her waist as she stepped closer to him. Her thigh slotted between his and her hands splayed across his chest, teasing circles around his first and second buttons in an endless figure eight.

"Really?'' she asked, tilting her head to the side as she blinked up at him. "That's a shame, I thought you'd be happier to see me." She leaned into him for a few moments before smiling wickedly, sliding her hand down between their bodies to cup him through his pants. Neji made a strangled sound, his lips parted. "Although I guess you already are," she said sweetly, biting her lip, drunk on the power she had over him.

"And no one believes me when I say you're the one with the dirty mind," Neji groaned as he ducked down to kiss her, but she only laughed and slipped away, to the temporary safety of the fridge.

"We only drank at the bar. Gods, I'm starving," she said, from behind the door. She knew she was stalling – they were both lost.

He sighed in defeat. "Yeah, me too."

She stuck her head out from the fridge, a strawberry between her lips. She watched him closely as she took a bite. "Really? What do you want to eat?"


Her cheeks went almost as red as the strawberry, but she snorted anyway. "How long have you been waiting to use that one?"

Neji didn't reply, but continued to watch her as she decided there was nothing in the fridge she wanted to eat. "I'm going to take a bath," she said finally, tossing the strawberry stem in the bin.

He stalked after her as they left the kitchen, and she could feel his eyes on her as she swayed her hips, an exaggerated version of herself she hadn't needed in a long time. But they knew how to play this game. Tenten turned her head and cast him a coy smile as she took off her blouse, and dropped it daintily on the floor.

"Are you planning on watching me all night?" She smirked.

He was on her in a moment, and she couldn't help the gasp that spilled from her lips. This was intense – more intense than the last time he'd pressed a soft kiss to her temple, stroking her hair back as she he murmured, "Go back to sleep. I'll call you when I land."

Her hands were making quick work of his belt. "New plan. I need you inside me right now," she groaned as he mouthed her neck, firmly guiding her to their bed, his hands grabbing at her hips as she ground against him. "Here, in the bath – anywhere."

"You don't know what you do to me," he said, stepping back to kick off his pants. She sat down on the bed and he kissed her again, leaning forward onto his elbows as she sank back into the mattress. Tenten arched her back so he could remove her bra, then her hips so he could peel off her leggings and underwear in one go.

Neji cradled her ankle in his palm as he placed a kiss against her calf, tracing a line down the outside of her leg to her thighs. She was more than ready, perhaps embarrassingly so, and she moaned as she felt him rub against her. He was so close, and still so insistent on teasing her, just as she had done moments ago.

He smirked as she growled in frustration, the friction barely enough to stoke the fire within her.

"Neji, I swear to fucking gods -"

And there he was. He stilled as she sucked in a sharp breath, her hand reaching instinctively for his.

Neji kissed her wrist as he started to move, and Tenten found her gasps greedily swallowed by his lips, her hands pinned over her head as Neji interlaced their fingers. He pulled his mouth away as he continued to build the flames of desire within her. She left her arms above her head as his hands moved down to her breasts, then her hips, his grip tightening as she breathed, "More."

She didn't need to use a lot of words but when he got like this, it was almost overwhelming. He didn't say it but sometimes he just needed this – he needed her.

His brow was furrowed as he tried to last, and Tenten found herself driving her shoulder blades into the mattress, her back arching as she burned white hot through her release. Neji, above her, was following wordlessly, his mouth against the shell of her ear. And for a few, frenetic heartbeats, they were the only two people in the universe. He didn't say it often, even now. But she knew.

They both did.

She woke, draped in his warmth. His breaths were slow and soft. His thumb was working small, measured circles into her hip. He knew she was awake as he pressed a kiss against her shoulder and she heard him take a deep breath, breathing her in.

Silence reigned, save for the slow drip of rain off the roof. Cool sunlight bled into their room, light creeping across the rug, then the edge of the bed. The view from their bed was awash in pink and white camelias amidst a glossy emerald sea. They were home.

"Good morning," he said finally, softly, kissing her shoulder again.

"Hi," she murmured, almost shyly. She'd missed this.

"I've missed this," he said again. She took this as her cue to turn in his arms, and his arm slid up her back to tease the ends of her hair. His leg hooked over her hip and she bit her lip when she felt him firm against her.

"I don't know if I'm convinced," she smiled, and he shook his head.

"Unbelievable," he sighed. Tenten slid her arms up to rest on his shoulders. Her eyes fluttered closed as he pressed his forehead against hers. He took another deep breath and she giggled softly as he kissed her eyelids gently.

"You're home," she smiled, opening her eyes. Neji hummed in response as she ran her hands through his hair, massaging his scalp. He leaned into her, and her breath caught slightly as he pulled her flush against him.

"If every reunion is like last night, maybe I should go on trips more often," he said, and immediately regretted it. "I'm sorry," he said quickly. "That was crass, I shouldn't have said anything."

"It's fine," she laughed, bringing her hands down to his bare chest. "Really. I'm here. You're here. This is real. And different to before."

"You're rambling," he said affectionately.

"It's all true."

"Yeah, it is."

Silence settled again.

"What are we doing today?" he asked.

"We may need to drop into the supermarket. I want to make oden this week."

"That sounds good."

"Yeah. This may be controversial, but I was thinking you could make onsen tamago on the side instead of boiled eggs."

Neji nodded as if considering the departure from convention.

"Tenten, I love you."

She blinked at him. How could he be so calm about this? They had just been talking about groceries and he was just adding this onto the list.


"I love you. I'm in love with you. I had never dreamed of happiness in this life until the moment I realised I wanted to be a part of your world. I know … I haven't been perfect, but I'm going to do my damned best to keep working every minute to be by your side as your partner, your best friend and be someone who can give you the love that you deserve."

Tenten covered her mouth as his words really sank in.

"I want to wake up with you like this as long as we both walk this earth, and grow old in this house, with this cat," he added flatly, and Tenten laughed, looking over Neji's shoulder to see Kibinago rubbing his head against the back of Neji's neck and shoulders. She reached up to rub the cat's ears and under his chin, before he darted away.

Neji, still affronted by being shown up by the cat, showered her in kisses, each kiss another request, a prayer, a promise. "Tenten, will you marry me?"

"Yes," she breathed, looking up into his eyes, her thumb caressing his cheek, his hair swept over his shoulder to brush against her neck. The moon, back in her orbit. Calling the tides of her desires and her heart. "The answer is always yes. Always has been."