I'm Back! I hope you all had a very merry Christmas! I got a tub of RedVines, so needless to say I starting quoting A Very Potter Sequel! And I got PhotoShop, too, so all who watch me on dA (emily-kait. deviantart. com) might be seeing some sort of Digital Art appear in my gallery soon. :D

SO this chapter was extremely difficult to write, but I think it's alright. Also in the 6th or 7th paragraph where the italics start, just to clarify if there is any confusion Ankhasunamun is having a vision.. and I made up the Speaking Room and such.

Thank you to all my readers and reviewers! You guys are TOTALLY AWESOME! (i've been watching way too much StarKid over the Christmas break...)

I own Night at the- NO, wait that was only in a dream I had the other night. Okay I do not own Night at the Museum, but I do own Ankhasunamun and the Amulet of Isis. :D


Ankhasunamun recognized nothing during the walk to wherever-it-was-they-were-going. She saw people and things that were so new, so strange, so not-like-it-used-to-be. The young queen looked at the man at her side, McSweeten, who had a tight grasp on her arm. She knew it best not to fight against him because the grip would only get tighter. If only I could take the amulet off, then my arm—NO. That would be ghastly. I can't have them see that. She put her free hand up to her neck and her fingertips brushed up against the turquoise-now-lilac stone. She knew the color had changed again, because she was worried. The oval-shaped stone had always changed colors when her mother wore it, but she didn't realize that it would do the same for her until much later in her life. Lilac meant worry or fear; scarlet was anger; white meant sickness; and black was sorrow. She gripped the amulet tightly and glanced up at McSweeten again. He was looking straight ahead. She sighed and shook her head. Her eyes shifted towards the boy walking beside her and saw that he was looking in her direction.

"Where are we going?" she mouthed.

"The Gate," he responded. Ankhasunamun breathed in sharply.

"Oh gods help us," she said aloud, which received the full attention of Capone.

"What's the matter?" he asked her. She looked away from him and back at Nick. He saw that her eyes were full of fear and her face had paled. She snapped her head back towards Capone and looked at him blankly.

"Nothing," she said coldly. "Nothing at all." Silence once again fell on the group and Ankhasunamun could not stand it for much longer. Silence was not a thing that she enjoyed. It punished her by making her remember things that had happened; things that might still come; most of all, it made her See things she did not wish to See. As she walked, she could feel her vision slowly going. The Seer tried to blink the feeling away and close off her mind, but she wasn't as fast at it as she used to be and she Saw the golden lights again.

She was standing in the doorway of the Speaking Room in bright candle light. The walls of the room were adorned with many scenes of hieroglyphic texts in lavish colors accented by the bright lighting. At the far end of room, a golden door mirrored the one she now leaned against. She saw him standing in front of her in the center of the room. He smiled gently at her, but she did not return the look. Instead she looked away and after a long silence she finally spoke to him.

"Not yet."

She tried to pull herself away, but he held onto her thoughts again.

"Why are you doing this, Emuishere?" he asked her. His voice echoed like ones voice always did in the Speaking Room. "We are under the same roof. We will see each other eventually with our own eyes. Why do you fight this?" She finally looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"I do not want you to see that what I am now; what I have become," she replied. "You should not see me ever. Not now."

"Are you still upset that I died? I could not help-."

"You could have let me heal you!" she shouted. "You said the gods could not be challenged. That you could not overcome Death again."

"That is true," he responded slowly. "And using the Amulet to heal me would have made it worse. I wouldn't have been the same. You of all people should know that."

"I do know and I did know then, but at least you would have been with me."

"I am truly sorry," he said, tears forming in his eyes as well. He reached up to put a hand on her face, but she pulled away.

"As am I," she finally said. "But don't try to console me; you won't get through again." She finally felt the gate of her mind lock shut and the vision before her blurred. She heard him calling her name as the candles in the Speaking Room blew themselves out. Everything went black for a moment. Ankhasunamun gasped as her vision finally came back to her. She was walking beside Nick and McSweeten was at her arm, just like before. When the realization hit her of her location, she felt her legs give out. She collapsed against McSweeten, who luckily caught her before her head hit the floor.

"What in Ra's name?" she questioned herself as McSweeten lowered her to the ground. Nick sat down beside her.

"What happened?" Nick asked her. She looked at him and then up at Capone, who was standing behind him.

"I was in the Speaking Room with Ahkmenrah," she told Nick.

"What's that?"

"The room which one usually meets in when they are communicating through Seeing," she said. "But usually I do not enter the room, I am called to it. Just like in this case; Ahkmenrah summoned me to speak with him, but I didn't want to."

"Well, why not?" Nick asked.

"I did not want him to see me, physically or spiritually. I do not have a credible explanation for it, though," she said quickly. "I suppose since I haven't seen him in so long, that I am afraid to let him see what I am now," she spoke as if she were about to cry. She looked up at the gangsters. "Would one of you help me up?" she asked in her normal tone. McSweeten pulled her to her feet. "Shall we continue?" she asked, looking at Capone. Without a word, he turned and began walking as if nothing had happened. She smiled to herself at the thought that these were the kind of people that didn't ask too many questions. After several minutes, the group came to the backside of a marble staircase. Ankhasunamun looked beyond it into the large main lobby of the museum. At first she was captivated by the large lit globe in the middle of the front desk, but then her eyes looked passed it to see a thing that was not what she had wanted to. The Gate, in all of its stone glory. The only thing she noted different was a strange mark on the right hand panel in a crude orange. She glanced at Nick once more.

"What is that on the Gate?" she asked.

"A swastika," Nick replied. "The mark of the Nazis."

"Who are they?"

"Them," Nick said, looking straight ahead. Ankhasunamun followed his gaze to see another group of men in uniform on the other side of the hall. She noted that they all were a strange neutral color, almost a reddish-tan. Nick thought about their color for a moment, remembering that the Nazi exhibit had several sepia-toned posters.

"Do all the people in your time have strange skin tones like this?" she whispered, leaning towards Nick.

"No, just some of the exhibits." Ankhasunamun nodded. She tried to wrap her head around the fact that people could be so many different colors, but she was quickly pulled out of her thoughts by Capone's voice.

"Hey!" he shouted across the hall. A shorter man with a ridiculous moustache turned to him. "What are you doing?"

"Vell," the short man said, "ve have found this Gate and it is now ours, you see," he gestured towards the swastika with a can of orange spray paint. "The question is vhat are you doing?"

"The thing is," Capone said, "is what are you going to do with that thing now that it's yours? It can't just sit there and do nothing. It has much more potential." He held up the Tablet. "This here can open up that doorway and unleash all kinds of hell. Literally. Now you can either let us have full reign of the operation or we could work together." The German man raised an eyebrow. "You see, I know that there's a bunch of people that'll try to stop us here, but I think with your and my manpower combined, we could do some damage. What do you say?" Capone walked towards the man, with a hand outstretched. The German also stepped towards him.

"Vhat vould I get in return for giving you our Gate?" he asked the gangster.

"What would you say for the entire continent of Europe?" The German grinned.

"I'll accept your offer!" he exclaimed with a laugh, shaking Capone's hand. "The name's Hitler, Adolf Hitler."

"Nice to meet 'cha. I'm Al Capone."

From across the hall, Ankhasunamun sighed. "This cannot be good, can it, Nick?" The night guard's son shook his head.

"Nope, not good at all."

The Gangsters and Nazis have formed an alliance! OH NO.. if you want the next chapter then REVIEW! Review my lovely readers! XD

love, rumbleroar's-apprentice