A New Life
Chapter 1
He watched her shed salty, sad tears, as she ran to the bone-eaters well. He had been watching her for a long time and decided it was time for him to act. As he decided to do this, she tripped over a root.
Kagome had just seen the worst thing she could have seen, Kikyo and Inuyasha embracing with the most tender kiss she had ever seen between the two of them. She didn't want to see any more. She had started running for home when she tripped over a root.. She had expected to hit the ground, but instead, she was caressed in strong arms. She looked up, and to her surprise she saw golden orbs just like Inuyasha's staring at her.
Thinking it was Inuyasha, she yelled " Get Away!"
The figure slowly set her down, for she was kicking and screaming bound to attract attention. He thought about how she was still crying as he set her down, her looking at him,when she said " Oh. I'm sorry I thought you were Inuyasha, Sesshomaru."
'So she does remember who I am...'
"It is no matter." he replied
As he stood to leave she collapsed onto his back, still crying, asking if he would kill her, right then and there. 'How could she!' he thought. 'I would never!'
Kagome was still crying and holding onto Sesshomaru's back asking him to kill her when he grabbed her by the arms, and brought her into an embrace that took her breath away. She sighed, feeling content and saw that a smile had replaced Sesshomaru's usual frown. ' Why is he so happy?' she thought. 'Why does he even care?'
As he had started to walk away, trying to fight the urge to grant her wishes, she had grabbed onto his back crying and saying it even louder. He had, had no choice but to embrace her, but she didn't refuse and he had wanted to do it, so for him, and possibly her, it was okay. He held her for a long while pressing his face to her midnight black hair. She sighed and he smiled for the first time in a long while. She looked up and smiled, tears still coming down her cheeks.
"Thank you" She whispered.
He couldn't resist placing a small kiss on her lips, before his annoying half-brother ran into the clearing, seeing it all.
. . .
"Sesshomaru," He yelled "Get away from her!"
He had just stepped into the clearing after seeing Kagome running and crying. He knew where she would go, he just hadn't expected to see Sesshomaru holding his woman and kissing her!
. . .
He had just taken out his sword about to drive it into Sesshomaru's heart, as Kagome had stepped in front of him. She had her arms spread out protectively before him. For some reason he liked it.
"She has chosen what she wants," He said with a smirk. He watched with amusement as Inuyasha's rage grew. He had stopped charging by then, trying not to hurt kagome.
. . .
"Inuyasha," she said sweetly, his hopes rising. " Why don't you go sit with Kikyo while she sits, with you and leave me alone so I can sit with Sesshomaru!"
She smiled as she said the 'S' word and Inuyasha fell flat on his face.
"Sit," she whispered. " Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit"
She looked up to see a smiling sesshomaru, who was still holding her. He looked down and she blushed a light pink. She smiled, she was going to be happy living a new life, or at least she hoped she could. Otherwise she was going home to her era and never coming back no matter how many times Inuyasha came to get her.
. . .
Sesshomaru was content seeing his brother in pain.
"Kagome," he said "would you and your other friends like to come live at the Western Castle?"
She accepted, and they went back to camp, leaving Inuyasaha unconscious.