Disclaimer: I don't own The A-Team

My second chapter, and maybe the last one for this story. I'm still not sure, we'll see. Big thanks to all the people who read my stories.



The woman buried her face further into the warm blankets as she kept her hold on her husband's hand; the weak, hoarse voice called her name again.

A light squeeze accompanying it as she finally exhaled, opening her eyes to find Murdock looking at her with a tired expression. His usually large smile was smaller, but still gave her the feeling she would melt into nothing more than a puddle.

She sat up, gently laying over him to embrace him in a careful hug as small tears ran down her face.

Her small hands moving through his hair as she kissed his cheek, his neck, his lips; anywhere she could before pulling away with a small gasp that made her seem out of breath.

"Thank God," she whispered hugging him again, her heart beating faster every time his small hot breaths hit her skin. "Thank God, thank God, thank God."

Murdock weakly chuckled, brushing back some of her fallen hair just as she pulled away from him. "I think he heard you... Pretty Girl."

"How are you feeling?" She asked wetting her lips and sniffing quietly, he kept his eyes on her with an expression meant to let her know he was alright.

Knowing that he wasn't fooling her as she moved to give him some room; jumping at his touch when he suddenly pulled her closer to him without a word.

"I'm feeling just... Fine."

"Of course you are," she whispered, feeling his head to find the small fever still there as he winced, her hand was cool against his brow, sending a shiver down his spine as she called out for the rest of the team.

"What's wrong Kelly? Is he alright?"

Murdock recognized his commander's voice, followed by Face and B.A.'s footsteps as they rushed into the room.

"He's awake." Kelly reply was simple and to the point, causing the wounded pilot's three teammates to go to his bedside.

The air in the room suddenly filled with mixed feelings of guilt and relief, happiness and sadness; all the emotions they'd felt throughout the night pouring off them.

"Welcome back Murdock."

"Colonel," the pilot whispered quietly as Kelly held his hand, both her hands closing around it as she brought her lips down and kissed his hand with a smile.

The relief she was feeling clearly evident as the rest of the team didn't say anything else to give her a moment, speaking up when she slowly got up from the bed and walked out to get the phone that was ringing.

"Hey buddy, glad to see you decided to join the living."

Face smiled when Murdock nodded, looking at B.A. who hadn't spoken. The big man looked away from his friend, clearly not wanting to see the pilot in the condition he was in.

"Hey big guy, you.. Miss me?"

"Shut up, why would I miss a crazy fool like you?"

"Oh admit it you ugly.. Mudsucker, you missed me."

B.A. didn't answer, instead he shifted to look at the door that was cracked open from where Kelly slipped out, her voice making its way back to the bedroom as Murdock asked what happened.

Only faint memories of yesterday coming to mind that made no sense as Hannibal stepped forward.

"You were shot, twice in the stomach, we brought you home and Kelly patched you up." He said looking at the floor then up to the bag beside the large bed, Murdock's eyes following the Colonels.

"B.A. had to donate quite a bit of blood so we could get you stabilized, we thought we'd lost you Captain." Hannibal added the last part of the sentence with hesitance, obviously not wanting to think about that as he took a step back for Kelly who'd entered the room a few seconds ago.

"Here Murdock, these will help." She said quietly, holding her hand that had two small pills in the middle of it; B.A. stepped past Face and carefully helped the pilot sit up enough to take them.

Kelly's free hand held onto her husbands, feeling him weakly squeeze it with pain as he failed to hold back his winces and small groans.

She kept blinking her eyes to keep the small tears at bay as she clearly saw the suffering Murdock was going through right now.

Quickly feeding him the pills and keeping her grip on his hand; she turned to the table beside the bed. Face picked up a glass that was sitting on top of the table and held it out to her which she took with a small, "thank you."

She could see him starting to lose his battle with consciousness as she held the glass to his dry lips, "here HM, drink some of this and then you can sleep." Murdock didn't respond with words, instead he looked at her and slowly sipped at the water until half of it was gone.

The pressure on her hand staying as he was lowered back to the bed, his head hitting the soft pillows again while B.A. replaced the cold cloth that had fallen onto the mattress.

"It'll take effect soon HM." Kelly told Murdock who only smiled at her with that familiar twinkle in his eye that she'd come to love so much, "I'll be fine Kelly, you know me."

"Yes... Yes, I do."

So much for only two chapters, lol; sorry for the short chapter. I'm not sure when I'll get the next chapter up, I wanna finish my other A-Team story along with my Sherlock Holmes one which I haven't worked on in months. I hate writers block!