Author's Note: Sorry to my reviewers, I know I promised it last night, but family members came over and I didn't get a chance to finish it. But, here it is! =D enjoy! And yes, its extremely long. Sorry!

Chapter Two

"Teenage Dream"

The next morning Ella woke up to the warm September sunlight beaming her window, she sat up in bed, stretching and looked around the room. It was gorgeous, she realized that Heather had gotten her dream home, everything was exactly like Heather had always wanted it. She got up, walking to the window to take in the view of the room, the massive cherry headboard stood at least six feet against the wall, which was painted a beautiful shade of amber, the wood work around the top of the room was also a rich cherry wood. Ella noticed that every piece in the room was cherry wood, there was a massive dresser on one end of the room, a huge beautifully crafted mirror hanging over it, on the wall next to it was the chest of drawers, the window had a nook in it, with a deep crimson custion for sitting. She noticed that the sheets were a rich amber color, with the same crimson comfortor on top of that. There was a huge crimson chair sitting in the room too, Ella also noticed the huge walk-in closet, she was in love with this room.

"Mornin' Ella," Heather said, walking into the room with a smile.

"Heather, this place is amazing!" Ella said, walking over to Heather.

"I thought you'd like it," Heather smiled. "You know, I always knew you'd eventually come here to live with me, so, this whole floor is just for you."

Ella stopped and looked at Heather, her eyes wide as dinner plates. She continued looking at Heather, as she laughed and nodded her head.

"Oh my god, I love you Heather!" Ella squealed, hugging her best friend.

"I know, I try" Heather laughed. "Come on, let me show you around,"

Heather walked out of the room, dragging Ella with her, she pointed to the stairs, at the end of the hallway, saying that they lead up to the third story, which was pretty much a storage area.

"A HUGE storage area," Heather added with a laugh.

She pointed out that the bathroom was right across the hallway from Ella's room, it was HUGE and done in the purest, most beautiful white Ella had ever seen. There was a full shower on one side, it was glass and absolutely beautiful, there was a huge sink, with dressing room lights lining the top and both sides of it. Then, Ella saw her most favorite part of the bathroom, the jacuzzi. It was huge, big enough for two people, and had a ton of candles, all in Ella's favorite scents, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Apple and Honey.

"Heather, you've really out done yourself! I can't possibly except this.." Ella said, looking at her with wide eyes.

"You haven't seen the best rooms." Heather smiled, grabbing Ella's hands and pulling her futher down the hallway.

They stood there in the middle of the hallway, Heather smiled and went over to one room and opened the door, then rushed over to the other side and opened another door. Ella looked into the first room, it was a dark purple color, Ella's favorite, and all she saw was acoustic guitars and basses, violins and a huge piano and a recording set up. Ella slowly pulled her eyes away from that room and looked over to the next one, seeing a ton of blank canvases, paints of every sort and brushes of all size and type, the floor was black and white tile the room was completely white with a huge picture window.

"You have got to be kidding me..." Ella slowly stated, looking in disbelief at her friend, who stood in front of her with the silliest grin on her face.

"Not at all, my dear Ella." Heather smiled. "Like I said, I knew you'd come here eventually. I saw the way you looked when we first came here, back when we first started college. If you hadn't been with Kenny, you would have dropped everything and moved here right then. THIS is your home, not Kentucky. You've always belonged here, you just never realized it, until now."

Tears began to swell up in Ella's eyes, Heather was truly Ella's sister, not by blood, not by marriage, but her soul sister. Ella looked at the tall, tanned, brown haired girl before her and literally jumped into her arms, hugging and crying against her. Heather laughed and hugged Ella tightly, running her fingers through her black hair.

When the two pulled away, Heather wiped her tears away and smiled at her.

"Come on, let's go, I got breakfast finished. After that we'll get your clothes moved in and then we're going into town." Heather said, smiling.

Jeff awoke the next morning from a dream, that woman he had met last night haunted his dream, and his thoughts for that matter. He didn't know what it was about her, he'd never been like this before, with anyone, specially since his and Beth's split a few weeks ago. He'd never thought about anyone this much, as much as he hated to admit it, he didn't even think of Beth as much as this woman. Her accent killed him, her voice was as sweet as honey, that raven black hair was like the night sky, beautiful but so mysterious. Her eyes, like big emeralds, staring back at him with so much hurt and pain hidden behind them. But that sparkle she had when she'd been talking about Cameron, he could tell that's where her heart truly lay.

He got up and stretched, walking across his floor into his bathroom, he looked into the mirror and then realized something that shocked him. She didn't realize who he was. Or, if she had, she hadn't went crazy like everyone usually does when they see him. She truly treated him like a normal person. He looked at his reflection in the mirror.

"Maybe that's why I can't get her off of my mind..." He said to himself.

He shook his head, whatever the reason, he needed to get her off of his mind. He wouldn't see her again, Cameron wasn't that small, and luck wasn't usually on his side. He sighed and started the shower, deciding that he'd go down to Shannon's tattoo shop and hang out for awhile, try to clear his head.

After they had ate breakfast, Heather had called the towing station and got Ella's car towed, it would be fixed by the weekend. Ella went outside while Heather was on the phone with the towing station, she looked around the massive backyard and noticed the large woods, she definitely wanted to go hiking once they got back from going into town.

"Okay, so why are we going to town?" Ella asked, slipping into the passenger's seat of Heather's car.

"Because, we are going to get you something you always wanted." Heather smiled.

Ella just looked at Heather oddly, not knowing exactly what she meant by that. She just shrugged it off, figuring it was just some material thing she was talking about. Heather turned the radio on and smiled at the song, it was one she loved.

"There's a wild, wild whisper blowing in the wind, calling out my name like a long lost friend. Oh I miss those days as the years go by, oh nothing sweeter than summertime, and american honey..." Ella sang along with the song.

"That voice is still as sweet as honey," Heather smiled, looking over at Ella. "So, who was that man that stayed with you last night?"

"I'm not sure, he said his name was Jeff Hardy?" Ella said, looking over at Heather.

"Hardy...hardy...I know that name...but..." Heather shook her head. "I know I've heard that name before, oh well!"

Ella just shook her head, laughing at Heather. As the drove, the pine trees started giving away to buildings and shops, after they'd drove awhile, Ella noticed they were driving into a town called Southern Pines. Ella looked at Heather oddly, wondering were on earth they were going. Heather just smiled and after driving a while longer, she pulled into a tattoo parlors parking lot. Ella looked at Heather, her eyes wide.

"A tattoo parlor? REALLY?" Ella squeaked.

"You're free now, Ella, live a little why don't you!" Heather laughed, parking the car in front of the doors.

Ella looked up at the sign over the door, GasChamber Ink, it read. She glanced in the huge glass windows and doors, she saw a very well built man walking around, there was a few people getting tattoo'd, Ella's heart raced. It was something she'd always wanted to do. She looked at Heather and smiled.

"I knew you'd ocme around, now let's get you some ink!" Heather said, grinning.

The two girls got out of Heather's car and walked into the building, the soft buzz and hum of the tattoo guns were almost like a sweet lullubye, there was a radio station playing in the backgroud, Ella liked this station, it'd been playing the soundtrack to her life pretty much. Ella looked around, admiring the deep purple walls, the black and white tile floor, she loved it. Heather looked around and frowned.

"Aww, looks like we'll be waiting a while," She commented.

"You girls wanting some ink?" The very well built man asked, Ella looked at him trying to hide her curiousity, he was covered in tattoo's.

"Just my friend, actually." Heather said, smiling.

"Anything in mind?" The man asked Ella.

"Uhm..actually yeah," Ella said, digging through her purse, she pulled out a piece of paper, Heather reconized it as soon as she showed the man. "I drew's been something I always wanted."

The man looked at the drawing, it was a sun, the rays were very folklore looking, there was twenty stars surrounding the sun and inside of the sun was a half moon. He looked at her and smiled.

"Gypsy?" The man asked.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Ella asked, almost in awe, no one had ever got the point of the tattoo.

"I'm a bit of a gypsy myself, a free spirit." He laughed, smiling. "Come on, I'll do this one myself. Just let me set up the private booth, okay?"

Ella nodded, smiling and Heather hugged her. The two girls walked around the shop, looking at the different tattoo designs, watched the other people getting their ink done. When Heather had asked Ella if she'd be able to handle the pain, Ella just laughed at her, there were still a few things that Heather didn't know, and she wanted to keep in that way. Ella was admiring an original tattoo design by someone named Shannon Moore, it was really, really good. Whoever it was, Ella wanted them to design a tattoo for her. Just then, the man came back over and tapped Ella's shoulder.

"You ready?" He asked, smiling.

"Yeah," Ella smiled.

The two walked into the back, to the private tattoo booths, Ella looked around, absolutely loving this. The booths in the back were a deep blood red color, with the same black and white tiles. It relaxed Ella, and she didn't know why. Deep rich colors had always calmed her down. The man motioned to the tattoo chair and Ella took a seat.

"So, where are you wanting this?" He asked, sitting down as well.

"Um...right here," Ella said, pointing to the smooth, hairless side of her forearm.

"Good choice," The man smiled.

He began getting everything sat up, he asked her what colors she wanted, after much debating, she decided on having the sun a mixture of honey gold and amber color, the moon a deep purple, the rays a pretty red/orange and the stars would remain black. The man commented her coloring choice, Ella smiled. He wiped her arm off after running a razor blade over it a few times, placed the transfer and then looked at Ella.

"Okay, I'm going to start with the stars, so I'll do a line to let you know what it feels like." He said, Ella nodded.

He dipped the gun into the black ink and began on one of the stars, he looked up at Ella, she was watching him with such interest it caused a shiver to go down his spine. She looked at him and smiled, nodding for him to keep going. He smiled and continued working on the stars. After he'd gotten half of them done, he looked up.

"By the way, my name's Shannon, Shannon Moore." He told Ella.

"I'm Ella, Ella Morris." She smiled. "So, are you the Shannon Moore that did that original design out there?"

"The very one," Shannon laughed, dipping the gun into ink again.

"I loved it, I told myself I'd love for the person that did that to design one for me," She smiled.

"Well, maybe I will, you're a real trooper. Most girls are already freaking out by this point." Shannon commented.

"Yeah well, when you've been abused by your fiance for the last three years, you get used to pain." As soon as Ella said that she mentally cursed herself, why did she let that slip? Was it because this man made her feel comfortable?

"He beat you?" Shannon asked, looking up, his steel blue eyes had a spark in them. "I'd kill the bastard."

"Yeah, then he left me yesterday, in a note." Ella shrugged. "That's why I'm here, lost my fiance, my job, my apartment and right now I am currently carless because it decided to die on me just a few miles outside of Cameron."

"You're living in Cameron?" He asked, starting to do the final touch ups on the tattoo.

"Yeah, with my friend Heather, she's been my soul sister since grade school," Ella smiled. "Came here one time, back our first year of college, knew I wanted to live here...there's just, something about this place."

Shannon got chills again when he heard her talking about his hometown like she was, this girl surely must be a gypsy, she had a way with charming someone. He was finding himself wanting to just keep finding excuses to keep her there and talk to her, but as he wiped the tattoo down for the last time he realized he was finished. He looked at her and smiled, cleaning off her arm and rubbed it down with some medication, which he then handed to her.

"I'm going to wrap this up, once you get home, wash it off with antibacterial soap, and put some more of this on it, keep doing that for about a week." Shannon explained.

Ella nodded, watching him wrap her arm up. She smiled and stood up once he was done and gave him a hug. She didn't know why, but she did. It just felt right, she felt like she'd known him all her life. He was like family to her almost, it was very weird.

"Oh, how much to I owe you?" Ella asked, pulling out her wallet.

"Nothing, you've been through so much, you don't owe me anything," Shannon said, smiling.

Ella smiled at him, thanked him again and they walked out of the back rooms. Heather smiled at her and the two began walking out of the tattoo shop, just as they did, Ella bumped into someone. She looked up, her emerald eyes locking with olive green eyes, she smiled brightly. Jeff looked at her, almost in shock, his ears picked up the song in the background and couldn't help but think of how ironic those lyrics were at this very moment.

You make me feel like I'm living a Teenage Dream, the way you turn me on
I can't sleep, let's runaway and don't ever look back, don't ever look back.

My heart stops when you look at me, just one touch, now baby I believe
This is real, so take a chance and don't ever look back, don't ever look back .

Ella looked up at Jeff and smiled, that smile killed him, she truly did make him feel like a teenager again, his heart didn't race this fast for anything. Not even, dare he say, wrestling. She looked at him and laughed gently.

"Well, are you going to say something? Or just stand there and stare at me?" Ella asked him, smiling.