Hey what goes on pplz? Well this is my second story..Sorry its taken me so long to write this story...ya see i just moved into a new house and I'm still unpacking .I like to dedicate this story and chapter to machi-tan who gave me this idea for this first chapter...Thank you sooo much for ur help! Anyway enough of my rambling...

I don't own TMNT sadly...the rabbit maybe but the turtles no... :'(

Leonardo was having a hard time wrapping his mind around the whole thing he just discovered- Master Splinter. His master, his father had another student, another son, besides the four of them?

Leo didn't know if he should be angry, confused, or...afraid. What if Master Splinter loved this rabbit more than he loved them? What if that is the person was who he went to visit? What if his father doesn't come back from his trip because he doesn't want to leave his other son?

All these questions and emotions where making Leo's stomach churn in nervous knots. He felt nausea cover come him, trying to calm himself down, to find his center so he could figure all this out, with a clear head.

Then Leo had a thought: Maybe, just maybe the answers were in his master's room. Leo got up from his meditation area and went back to his father's room-or at least tried too. When Leo opened his door Mikey was standing right in the door frame.

"Hey Leo!" Mikey said happily, giving his big brother one of his goofy grins as he greeted him.

Leo couldn't help but return the smile, despite how he was feeling. "Mikey... How's your arm?" The oldest Hamoto brother asked, his dark blue eyes gazing has younger brother, wanting to make sure the other was alright.

Mikey laughed. Trying to give Leo some reassurance that he was completely fine. "It's okay. Donnie gave me some pain killers, so I'm good. Or I should be once they kick in." The Orange nunchuck wielding turtle replied, jumping up and down, energetically.

Leo still looked doubtful. "So you feel fine?" Leo said wanting to make sure that his little brother was not lying to him.

"Bro, I could take on an army!" Mikey said jamming his good fist into the air.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, glad that Mikey's arm was okay to be aright. "That's good Mikey.." Leo said as he brushed passed his brother and headed to his sensei's room again.

"Uh, Leo? Where are you going?" Mikey asked, looking confused to where his older brother was headed. But Leo wasn't listening. His legs were practically moving on their own. Leading him straight towards his father's room.

"Leo! I don't think Master Splinter would be very happy about going into his room!" Mikey called after his older brother. Leo knew for a fact that his father doesn't allow his sons to enter his room while he is away. But Leo had to know the truth of who this rabbit was. He just had to know. The blue masked turtle opened the door to his sensei's room and began looking for through his belongings to see if there was anything on this rabbit ninja.

"Leo, what the shell are yer doin?" said a angry voice.

It was Raph...

"Leo, I don't think Splinter will be very happy about you being in here, looking through his belongings." Donnie said a matter-of-factly.

"Dudes, where going to get in so much trouble!" Miley said in a nervous voice, as if their master could show up any moment.

"Look what I found." Leo said holding up the picture too his brothers.

All three of their eyes widened...

"What the-?" Raph began, snatching the photo from Leo's hand and stared at it, dumbfounded.

"Master Splinter had...?" Don trailed off. He joined Raph's side and gazed at the image of their dad and the rabbit.

"-Another student, a son." Leo finishing Don's sentence.

"How is this even possible?" asked Donnie desperately.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." Leo told his brothers. Even as he explained it, he still was having a tough time wrapping his head around all that was going on.

"Hey guys, what if this rabbit ninja knows more ninja stuff than we do?" asked Mikey. His voice as loud as always, but also held some curiosity to it.

All three older brothers look at their youngest...

"I mean think about it, if Master Splinter taught this guy before the four of us than that means that this guy is better than us." The orange masked wearing turtle stated, letting out a small snicker when he saw the looks on his brother's faces.

Leo, Raph and Donnie just started at their little brother. Did Mikey just say something-Smart?

"I can't believe I'm sayin this but... Mikey might be right."

"Yeah." Donnie sighed. As he began to stare at the photo once again.

"Hey! I got an idea...Why don't we try and find this guy and ask him to teach us what he knows, maybe he knows more ninja stuff that Master Splinter has been holding out on us." Mikey said as he jumped up and down excited.

Again, they all started at their brother in shock. Leo thought that was a great idea! They could find this guy and ask him all of the question that hep was dying to know.

"That's a great idea, Mike!" said Leo putting a hand on Mikey's shoulder. Mike beamed with excitement then said-

"It's me Leo, I'm awesome! So- Of course it's a great idea!"

Raph rolled his eyes "Yeah, knucklehead. Yer two and only good idea's." Then slapped Mikey in the back of the head.

"Ow!" Mike whined rubbing his head with his hand, he pouted at Raphael. Walking over to Leo and choose to stand by him instead. Leo let out a small smile for Mikey. The eldest of the four brothers, smiled at Raph and Mikey. "Alright the first thing we need to do is find out where this guy is-? Donnie-?" He said looking at his third youngest.

"Already on it Leo." The tech loving turtle said, walking out of their sensei's room and into his lab and sat down at his computer.

"It won't take me to long to find him." Donnie announced as he cracked both of his three fingered hands and got to work.

"Enlighten me on one thing, how are yer s'pose to find a rabbit When yer don't even know where he is?" Raph asked.

Donnie gave Raph a questioning look and said- "You obviously don't know how I work, do you, bro?" He stated with a proud grin, gesturing for the rest of them to leave. They did so, knowing that Donnie worked best when he was in the quietness of his own lab, alone.

Four hours had passed, then Don came out of his lab, a smile on his face. Obviously proud of himself. "Okay, guys. I found him."

Leo, Raph and Mikey looked at their tech loving brother in shock. "How the shell did yer find him?" Raph asked in clear transparent confusion.

"Well, it took me awhile knowing that this rabbit is not in New York, so I, while contacting an old friend, looked in a different dimension and found out this guy is in a world called Sh'locks." He replied.

"Great, then let's go see the Damiyo-" Leo began, standing up.

"-I'm one step ahead of you bro, the Damiyo is the old friend I went to see, he gave me the symbols for the world that this rabbit guy lives on, so we can go any time" Donnie stated

"Donnie, yer the turtle!" Raph said as he put his hand on Don's shoulder. Leo laughed, agreeing with Raph and Mikey gave their tech savvy brother a grin and a light elbow edge to the side of his plastron.

Don grinned, sheepishly as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Let's get going, guys!" Mikey said punching the air with his non-broken arm.

The other turtles nodded, and with that they all took off to go to Sh'locks.

Soooo what did you guys think? Again I'd like to thank machi-tan for giving me such a great idea for this story! You rule!