Seven Lists of James Potter
Written by TLF
I, Tastes-Like-Fry, would like to first of all thank you to the readers and would sadly admit that she is not JKR. However that does not stop me from imagining many ways to put James and Lily together, this story was inspired by the Seven Sins. Not to mention the fact that JKR says that the number 7 is magical in the Harry Potter world, (it is also a Godly number in this reality) and thus twas a miracle that James and Lily ever got together, and so I saw fitting.
Enough about me, let's delve into the magical world of Harry Potter, Marauder era…
Lily was a writer, she would write meticulous notes during classes, she would cram 10 foot worth of words into a 4 foot essay, and she would even take time to write extra things and thoughts that she thinks she might find useful, usually at the most peculiar moments.
You could always rely on Lily to have spare parchment, quills and ink at the ready, and it was not an uncommon occurrence to see her (with a muggle pen!) writing in her coveted journal.
Her journal (not to be mistaken for her diary – that was another book entirely, kept for appointments and timetables), was filled with random bits, thoughts, moments, poems and lists, not necessarily for later use – more of a keepsake, and also a good way to vent.
Most of her venting was kept to one subject; James Potter, and his haughty ways. Mostly written complaints that he was bugging her again, and how much he was irritating her, even when his attentions weren't directed at her, and just him being a prat in general.
It amused her greatly to read past entries at the end of each year after exams had blown over. She would share the funnier parts with her friends and they would amuse themselves by re-enacting certain scenes.
However, by the end of seventh year she found seven collective lists she had created about the Head Boy (James Potter) throughout the year, some written in frustration and anger, some written in confusion and contemplation, and some written in admiration.
And she invited her now-boyfriend and co-head to sit with her on the last night and join in with her reviewing of these lists.
James, who had originally rolled his eyes at his writing-frenzied girlfriend, had given into those pleading emerald eyes, sitting with her in front of the common room fire and poured over the material – and in doing so, delightedly found himself quite humoured.
These were her lists…