A/N: First chapter, just an introduction so that's why it's short. Next chapter will be longer. Hope you like it. Read and review either way please.

Disclaimer: All made up.

He wanted her. She said no. So he put together a week long plan to make her his.


No? He was so used to hearing the word yes that this came as a shock to him. He was a stud, one of Hollywood's hottest bachelors, and a huge star on the rise. He could easily get anything he wanted. That's why when she said no, he was determined to make her his.

"I think we should go out." Cory approached Lea as she gathered her belongings to go home after a long day on set.

"I don't think so." She laughed and looked up at him. Did she just LAUGH at him?

"Why not?" He raised his eyebrows in a flirty way, which just made Lea more determined to say no.

"Because I don't want to," she stated plainly.

"Just once?" Geez, he sounded like he was begging and that was so not the plan.

"No," she said one last time before getting into her car and driving away.

Oh, he was definitely going to make her say yes one way or another.

"A week, that's it. If you still don't want to be with me after that, then I'll give up, I promise." Lea rolled her eyes as Cory tried to convince her yet again to go out with him.

"Cory, just give it up. I'm not interested," she stated plainly.

"Then you should have nothing to worry about." He smirked and raised his eyebrows teasingly at her. After a moment of consideration, Lea agreed.

"Fine, but once this week is over, we can go back to strictly being coworkers and friends agreed?" Lea stuck her hand out like she'd just finished making a business deal. Cory leaned in; ready to shake her hand, but instead whispered in her ear.

"That's if you don't find me irresistible by then." He said confidently before he strode away. Something about the way he said that gave Lea a funny feeling inside. It certainly wasn't love; though he was a really great guy, it was more of an attraction. And that was something she never had towards Cory before.