DISCLAIMER – I have a wand made of ebony wood. I waved it and said Accio Daniel Radcliff and nothing happened. When I waved it and tried to cast a spell to get the rights to Harry Potter and its affiliates, nothing happened then either. Therefore the spells that I used are not working for me and it means that I do not own anything except the plot of this story.

NOTE – Please do not flame at me if you do not like what I am writing. If this story is not your cup of tea then I suggest that you switch to coffee. I can not nor will I attempt to please everyone. Thank you for understanding.

NOTE 2 – Thank you all for the wonderful reviews and the loyalty to this story. While I have no problems with constructive criticism, I do think that those that are offering it should do the following before critiquing someone else's work. First you should have your won stories up and going before you criticism someone who actually has stories written. Second, you should keep the criticism to a minimal. Going on about things like a mistaken spelling word or the fact that you do not like the way we as writers portray our characters is not really making you look good. Last but not least, if you are going to critique someone, you should really have a good reason to do so. Just because others are not saying anything negative about my stories doesn't mean they are not intelligent people. Criticize me all you want. DO NOT CRITICIZE MY READERS.

Chapter 17 – Epilog

The days flew into weeks. Harry and Hermione were working hard to ensure that the wizarding world realized that those who walked the path of darkness were not going to be tolerated. The newspapers had a field day with the trial of Albus the Murderer. It was reported in every magical newspaper in the country.

Harry and Hermione worked on many projects together. They established the half way house for werewolves that wanted to integrate themselves back into the community. Those that worked well were given the Wolfsbane Potion. Those that continued to cause damage and destruction were either run out of the country or sent to prison. Remus was definantly in his element when it came to running the half way house. He guided many werewolves on the way to have a normal life.

Another project that was a huge success was the Wizarding Children's home. Harry and Hermione had taken one of their properties and turned it into a home for abandoned or orphaned wizarding children. Many companies donated much needed supplies to the home. Each company that assisted the home was featured in a special edition of both the Quibbler and the Daily Prophet to advertise their wares. Each was also given a plaque of honor on the wall in the foyer of the home. Augusta Longbottom was in her element helping these children. Harry, Hermione, Severus, Minerva, and a few others such as Lucius and Narcissa scoured the country looking for these abused orphans that needed this respite so that they could have a normal life.

Hermione got her law to pass that any household that was caught abusing their elves would lose the right to have them. It was stated in every missive and newspaper that all abused elves should come forward and state their claim. Hermione knew that many of the elves would never say anything, but in the end, dozens were found and many more were discovered after that. The elves that were rescued were given the option of where they wanted to go from there. Some chose to work in the Ministry. Others chose to work in the orphanage. There were even some that chose to work at Hogwarts.

The office for the safety of magical creatures was set up and being run by Amos Diggory. Centaurs, goblins, house elves, and many other thinking creatures and species were taken care of. A few of the said magical creatures even worked in the department. It was nice to see so many different beings work together towards a common goal.

Christmas came and with it a double wedding. Harry and Cedric stood before Kingsley Shacklebolt and said their vows. The love that the two of them had for one another was evident in their faces. Severus, Minerva, and the Diggorys were delighted that the two were finally together permanently. Cedric chose to take the mantle of Pendragon. Hermione and Draco also got married. It was to the delight of the Malfoys that Draco also took the name Pendragon. Narcissa was crying silently next to Lucius as Hermione and Draco said their vows and became husband and wife in the eyes of their family and friends.

The time passed and progress was made. Draco became the new ambassador to other countries that needed the guidance that Britain had. He enjoyed his work and his easy going manner and the persuasive ways that he had helped many smaller magical communities get sorted and started. Being a Malfoy, he was skilled in diplomacy.

One evening they were sitting at the castle enjoying a family dinner when Hermione stood up.

"I have an announcement to make," she said. "I am pregnant."

"That is wonderful news," said Narcissa excitedly. "That is wonderful indeed. There will be another person to carry on the Pendragon name. I am happy to be a grandmother."

"I am about six weeks along now," she said. "I did not ask the gender of the baby as I want it to be a surprise."

"Congratulations sis," said Harry hugging her. "I am happy that I will have a niece for nephew to spoil."

"Are you sure that you are going to have time?" smirked Cedric.

"What do you mean?" asked Harry. "I will have plenty of time to spoil my niece or nephew."

"Well then maybe you will not want to hear the news that I have as well," retorted Cedric with a bigger smirk.

"What news?" Harry asked.

"Your surrogate came to see me this morning," said Cedric. "You and I are going to be parents as well. The procedure took and she is now about four weeks along in her pregnancy."

Minerva clapped her hands in excitement.

"This is great," she said. "Another Pendragon child is on the way. This is completely wonderful."

Harry was hugged and his hand was shaken by everyone. It was a night for announcements.

"Well I guess we will just have to tell our news as well," said Narcissa blushing. "I am pregnant as well. We figured that with Draco married and bearing the name Pendragon that we needed another child to carry on the Malfoy name. So I canceled the contraceptive spell and I am pregnant. It seems that all three of us will be having our children about the same time. I am about five weeks along now."

Squeals of delight could be heard all around the room. Many were asking this person or that to be godmother or godfather of the children. When it ended, Harry would be godfather of Narcissa's child. Cedric would be godfather of Hermione's baby, and Draco would be godfather of Harry's baby. Luna would be godmother of Harry's child, while Hermione would be godmother to Narcissa's baby. Minerva would be godmother of Hermione's baby. (Whew that was a mouthful)

Months flew by. The students of the castle were doing well now that the animosity between houses was no longer allowed. June fist came around and Ravenclaw won the house cup. It was the first time in a long time that they did so.

July came around and Harry and Hermione turned eighteen. The party was a nice affair as many people came to wish them a happy birthday. By this time, Hermione, Narcissa, and Cindy were showing. All three women were entering their seventh month of pregnancy. At Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, Winky was busy preparing the nursery for the baby that was going to be coming. At Hogwarts, Dobby and Kreacher were doing the same thing.

The month of October had four men pacing back and forth. Time was getting close as the women were in their last few weeks to days of pregnancy. Finally on the fourteenth of October, Hermione went into labor. Cedric and Narcissa were by her side as she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

"What are you going to name her?" asked Narcissa as Draco ran a finger along the cheek of his new daughter.

"Draconia Lillian Pendragon," whispered Hermione. "Draconia is for her father, Lillian for my mother, and of course Pendragon."

"I think that is a beautiful name," said Harry holding out his arms for the little girl. "She is a beautiful as her parents."

On the twenty second of October, Narcissa was in the hospital giving birth to their second son. He was named Darius Andrew Malfoy. He was the spitting image of Draco. Narcissa smiled at her second son.

Finally on the thirty first of October, Cindy went into labor. It was a hard labor for the girl. She gave birth to a boy. Cedric worked around the clock trying to save the girl, but in the end, her body could not recover from the labor. Harry sent word to her family and gave them a huge payment for their loss.

"Harry," said Hermione walking in with Draconia in her arms. "I am sorry that Cindy didn't make it."

"I am as well," said Harry. "She did give me a son though. May in introduce James Cedric Pendragon? He was born on a night that was always dark for us. The date will no longer be linked with the deaths of our parents."

"Sometimes good things happen to replace painful ones," said Hermione. "We have a new generation to care for. We can no longer look to the past."

Time flew for those of the Pendragon family. Before long, Hermione gave birth to a son. News was starting to come in about certain members of the wizarding world.

"Molly Weasley was found dead," said Hermione. "Percy was with her. We do not know what happened."

"Well I am sorry that this has happened," said Harry as he played with the children. "At least Arthur can get some closure. He is doing great with the Hogshead Inn. Ron and Ginny are still in prison and will be for a long time."

"Times are changing," she said as she watched her daughter, nephew and brother all playing on the floor. "We are the reason for that. I can not say that I am disappointed."

"Me either," said Harry. "We did a good job."

Years later, Hermione was once again with Harry in his office.

"Albus died yesterday," said Hermione. "He managed to stay alive for five years after his sentence. I am impressed that he lasted that long."

"Well at least we no longer have to worry about him," said Harry. "With all of the changes we made, I can not see us having to back track because of someone like him. I did find out where Voldemort went. He is in Australia. He has attempted to take over there, but so far he has been beaten back time and again for his efforts. Many of his Death Eaters have died in the battle. Apparently the Australians are not happy with having a Dark Lord dictating how things are going to be."

"Well at least Riddle is learning that he can't throw his weight around anymore," she said. It is good to know that someone is beating him down."

It was not long after that when the goblins of Gringotts contacted both Harry and Hermione to inform them that Voldemort was killed. When he died all monies that belonged to Slytherin and Riddle automatically went to Harry and Hermione. Neither of the twins needed the money, so they set up accounts for the children.

Life changed in the wizarding world. Harry and Hermione met each challenge with an open mind and an open heart. They lived to be very old people. Cedric died when he was ninety eight years old. By this time all of the professors of Hogwarts had passed on. Many of Harry and Hermione's children and grandchildren had moved up in the world and took places of their own. Harry and Cedric had retired to a quiet house on the beach while Hermione and Draco lived in one of the Malfoy Manors. Draco was a very well respected politician. He taught his children how to do the same. When he died, he was given the highest honors that the wizarding world could give. Hermione died a few years later. Her legacy was added to and adjusted to fit the needs of the time.

Harry was sitting in his chair watching the waves roll. He smiled when he thought of all the things he had done with his life. He was Head Master of Hogwarts for close to seventy five years before he stepped down. He watched as his son picked up where he left off. Family and friends were coming and going. Harry looked over as he sensed someone was watching him. Standing there was Severus, Minerva, Hermione, Draco, Lily, James, Sirius, Remus, and Cedric.

"I guess it is time to come with you isn't it?" he asked. "I am old and I am tired. I have watched family, friends, and acquaintances pass before me. I think our world is in capable hands now."

With that Harry went to sleep. When he woke, he was young again with his family and friends. They would always watch out over the wizarding world. It was the way it was and will always be.

The End

AUTHOR'S NOTE – I wanted to give this story as much closure as I could. I am not happy with the ending, but it is what it is. Thank you all for following along with it until the very end. I appreciate all of the support and love that you have all shown. Maybe one day I will sit and rewrite this chapter to have more information and better information.