Part 2
When he was dropped off an hour later Auggie managed a tight-lipped smile to the shuttle driver before sliding out and heading upstairs.
"Hello Auggie," a faceless voice greeted him as he exited the elevator on his floor. It was a woman, elderly he instantly deduced. But here he was quickly frustrated. Mrs. Rigby lived on his hall and smelled of lilies and cigarettes. Amy cleaned some apartments and usually had the scent of pine sol hovering over her. And to save his life, he couldn't tell who it was.
He settled for a smooth grin and a casual, "Hello," before walking quickly past. He could only hope his rudeness would be forgiven.
He unlocked and slid open his door. As soon as it was closed behind him he felt a wave of freedom. The trembling itch in his nose hadn't given him a moment's reprieve all day and now he gave into it fully.
He sneezed uncovered three times before sighing comfortably and leaning his head back against the door. For the first time in hours, the tickle had abated. The metal was cool against his neck and he remembered thinking he was starting to spike a fever. First he should get some Tylenol. Well first, he should really take his temperature. First aid training had taught him it was better not to medicate a fever below 102.
Even as these thoughts were occurring to him, he knew he wouldn't be able to read a thermometer. Somehow, during the purchasing frenzy of talking watches, phones, and keyboards, it had never occurred to him to buy a talking thermometer.
He sneezed again and winced at the stinging in his throat. 'Man I wish I'd taken the tea,' he thought again. 'Or maybe soup. At least lozenges." It struck him how woefully ill-prepared he was to take care of himself.
"Maybe I shouldn't have isolated my only friend," he whispered, heading towards the sofa. The solitude he had craved all day wasn't turning out as great as he'd imagined. He sank into the couch and quickly drifted off to sleep as the guilt began to resurface.
The first thing he noticed when he awoke was the scent of grapefruit. Odd that he noticed the smell before he noticed his ability to breathe. But then, even to his sleeping mind, there were priorities.
Auggie lifted his face from where it had been squished against the couch cushion. He rubbed his nose a couple times, pleased to notice his breathing staying clear. He began to notice a fresh, moist smell in the air. And there were the grapefruits again.
"Annie?" he called out tentatively. But why would she be here? After the way he treated her…
"It's such a double standard," suddenly her voice was right beside him.
"You giving me crap about going out with Jai, I mean. You've canoodled with every other woman in the office and that's perfectly fine, but I go out a couple times with one guy and all of a sudden I'm putting my emotions in front of my job."
Auggie cleared his throat but said nothing. It was a reprove he knew he deserved.
"And I'm not the one dating a reporter, might I add," she concluded with a sigh.
Auggie nodded slightly and then looked puzzled. He tilted his head towards an unfamiliar whirring noise.
"Is that a humidifier?" he asked finally.
"What?" Annie asked, frazzled. "Oh yeah. I figured that being all congested you'd probably really miss your sense of smell. I added some eucalyptus oil and brought it over. And that's another thing, there's nothing wrong with me being concerned for you. Wanting to look after you doesn't make me a 'soccer mom.'"
If he had been really listening, the reminder of his cruelty would have stung Auggie. His hearing, though, stopped at "eucalyptus." His eyes stung for a moment and he bit the inside of his cheek to hide the wave of emotion he was sure would be evident in his face. When he was sure it would be safe to speak he turned his head towards her.
"Thank you," he said quietly. He hoped his tone conveyed his gratitude as much as his eyes might have, but somehow doubted it.
Annie stopped short and watched the feelings play across his features. Earlier this evening when she had struggled with the decision to come over, she had feared Auggie's anger. When she had arrived, supplies in tow, her fears had quickly vanished. Watching Auggie sleeping restlessly and snoring heavily had driven into her a state of resolution to do whatever she could to help. For someone so wont to dole out kindness, it was high time he learned to take it.
The solemnity dropped from Auggie's lips as he smiled.
"Will you stop staring?" he asked lightly.
"I'm sorry," Annie apologized. "You… you just look so sick. How do you feel?" She hesitated over the question, afraid of causing more irritation.
"Much better, actually," Auggie sighed and brushed a hand over his eyes. "I mean my head hurts a little, and my throat. But I can't tell you how good it is to breathe through my nose again."
As he finished speaking a shiver ran down his spine and he was unable to keep his jaw from trembling.
In one swift movement Annie sat down next to him and pressed her hand to his forehead.
"I think you have a fever," she murmured. She turned and rummaged around in her purse a moment before withdrawing a thermometer.
While waiting for the beep Annie went to the sink and wet a washcloth.
"Lay back," she said gently, easing Auggie onto the couch. She rested the cloth against his forehead and brushed his cheek with a hand. The thermometer beeped and she perched on the edge of the couch to read it.
"101.2," she read. "Not high enough to warrant Tylenol."
"Ah, first aid training on the farm," Auggie reminisced with a smile. "You know, they taught me how to stitch my own bullet holes."
"Hmm," Annie said thoughtfully. "I must have missed that class."
"Shame," Auggie coughed. "It was a good 'un. No matter though, if you need stitches just call me up. You'll just have to point me in the direction of the wound."
"I couldn't imagine being in better hands."
"Well, it does look like I'm going to owe you." He got quiet and Annie reached closer to smooth the washcloth over his head.
"Annie," he croaked, solemn again. "I'm really sorry for being such a jerk. And I do… appreciate this. You… taking care of me."
She couldn't help but laugh. "How hard was it for you to say that?"
"Just don't make me do it again."
"Well don't get sick again and we'll be fine."
Now Auggie laughed and Annie leaned into the sound.
"Fair enough," he said. He leaned forward, propping his head up on his hand and putting his face just inches from hers.
She rested the back of her hand on his cheek again, at first gauging his temperature but finally letting it drop to his collar bone. She wrapped her fingers around the top of his shoulder, massaging the tightness she could feel through his thin cotton T-shirt.
"Annie," he said again, breathing slowly.
"Yes?" she whispered.
"I think I'm going to sneeze."
"Huh? Oh!" Annie pulled back and reached for a tissue which she handed to him. He took it gratefully and muffled a powerful "Hyetchew!"
Annie patted his leg and leaned back into the couch, glad again that he couldn't see the flush in her cheeks.