Hey everyone! This is my first fic which is up, finally! I was in the middle of it when my computer suddenly shut down and this is all I could write. Next chapter will be above 1,000 words! Promise! Oh c'mon guys, gimme a break! This is my first fic anyway! So, flames are ok, and reviews...well let's just say whoever reviews will have a giagantic cookie show up in there mailbox!

Disclaimer: I do not own Maximum Ride or its characters...although I wish Mr. Patterson would lemme own 'em for about a year or two...me put that on me Christmas list XD

Warning: Some bad languageThe flock was having a normal day (well, almost normal) in their E-shaped house when…

"Oh my go—MAX HEEEELP!" A scream pierced through the house. Max was dressed and up in lees then a minute, running to Nudge and Angel's room. When she got there, Gazzy and Fang were standing outside the door.

Max paused.

"If this was an Eraser attack, what would you do, stand there and wait?" She asked, and then burst through the door, to find a non-Eraser populated room.

"What's wrong, honey?" Max asked, coming up to Nudge who was holding a pair of Angel Skinny Jeans.

"It, like, has a bunch of holes in it! My favorite jeans have holes in them! Oh-my-gosh, what're we gonna do?" Nudge exclaimed, talking to fast for the just woken up Angel and half-asleep Gazzy to comprehend.

"Hell, I don't know." Max muttered sarcastically, putting her hands of her hips.

"No, seriously Max! My thighs are already fat enough without these jeans!" Nudge cried, and the older avian-hybrid sighed.

"Ok Nudge, I'll see if I can sew them back." Max said, grabbing her jeans.

"No, no, no, no, no! You'll just tear them! Let Fang do it." Nudge argued, ripping the jeans out of Max's hands and thrusting them into Fang's, whose jaw was slowly descending to the floor.

"Ok. Fang, do it for tha jeans!" Max grinned, blocking off Nudge's comment about her. Fang gave them all a dark, Fang-y look before grabbing the jeans close to his chest, walking out of the door and to the living room, Nudge hopping along after him.

"I'm hungry" Gazzy suddenly pouted, and Max smiled, picking Angel up who put her hands round her neck.

"Ok sweetie…where's Iggy?" She asked, looking out the door into the hallway.

Max hadn't noticed he wasn't there with them. If Nudge's scream HAD been about an Easer attack, there were some flock members that needed some GET YOUR ASS UP OUTTA BED training.

"He's not feeling well, Max. He thinks he has a headache." Angel yawned, rubbing her eyes.

Maximum stared at her for a second before remembering her mind-reading ability and closing the two girls' bedroom door, walking off to Iggy's room which had a ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK sign on it.

She rolled her eyes and opened the door, seeing a blind bird-kid with an arm over his eyes, unconsciously shooing them away with his other hand.

"Iggy, the kids are hungry!" Max called, loud on purpose.

"He thinks you should shut up and leave him alone." Angel gazed brightly at Max, and she put her down and marched up to Iggy's bed.

"Ok Ig, now GET OUT OF BED!" She then dragged him out, dumping him oh so very gently onto the floor.

He opened his eyes with a start and growled.

"What's your problem, Max? I'm not cooking anything today. Don't feel well." He huffed, making Gazzy gasp at him.

"Nooo! You have to or we'll all starve!" He cried, getting onto his knees and pulling at Iggy's wrist.

"We all know you can't starve, Gaz." Iggy smirked, making the Gasman whine.

"Nuh uh! No you don't!" He shook his head, sticking out his lower lip, which wouldn't had been that great anyways since Iggy couldn't see it. "

Yes, I do know." Iggy closed his eyes again and leaned his back against the side of his bed, still on the floor.

"Then who's going to cook?" Max snarled, stomping her foot on the ground.

Iggy opened one eye.


Chapter two will be up soon...if I get the hang of how to post the stories or whatever!

But seriously, it's kinda hard. If anyone has tips on how to actually UPDATE these things, tell me. What? It's my first time posting up a fic.

Ok, flammes are welcome, but will be ignored and used to roast my marshmallows! If you feel like giving me fire to roast my mallows, then you are welcome, but make 'em toasty. I like my marshmallows burnt XD

Reviews will be rewarded with cookie mail and luv from me and Fang! Mmmmmmm...

I still have no beta and had to re-read this on my own, so any volunteers are welcome with gift baskets and hugs. But seriously...I need a beta, peeps o.O

The next chapter will be up whenever I find out how and on that I will end my A/N like I'm sure you all wanted me to.

~* Faydem ~*