Disclaimer: If it isn't quite obvious to you, the reader of the Percy Jackson series, I am not the fabulous Rick Riordan. My writing is not nearly as superb.

Please understand that this story doesn't add glam to everyone's lives in the first chapter. I'd appreciate if you actually kept reading and got into the story. Thank you.

Wow, I was so formal, I surprised myself.

Athena glared down through the window as best as her form would allow. How dare she? She flapped her wings furiously and turned her head to gaze across the camp. Where was Chiron? Where was Dionysus?

Were there not rules against this?

She hooted into the cool camp air and stared at her own cabin. The lights were out, the door had to have been locked, her children were asleep. Well… all of her wise children.

Annabeth sat down on the bunk, the lamp light toning her skin to a caramel color. She smiled at the other side of the room and pushed her hair to the side. She scooted over for him and wrung her Yankees cap through her hands.

Athena narrowed her eyes and caught broken words through the window.

"You and… she's been bothering you?"

Annabeth's face dimmed, her smile gone. He tried to look her in the eyes as she focused on the ground, not succeeding. She laid the Yankees cap by her side on the bed and stared at it for a moment before whispering a reply.

Athena leaned towards the window, straining her small owl ears to hear clearly through the glass.

"…hate her…"

Percy shook his head, apparently surprised. He looked awkward and confused. He raised his arm to put on her shoulder and dropped it again, deciding to just talk to her somehow. He was clearly trying to comfort her without knowing how to.

Athena shook her feathered head, cursing his name. Idiot.

"…mom can be… but she's your—"

"She's a jerk and she knows it." Annabeth's stern voice was heard clearly through the barrier.

Athena's temper flared. This Percy boy was affecting Annabeth's thinking. He couldn't be trusted.

Percy was silent for a moment. "What are you going to do about it?" he asked evenly.

Athena flapped her wings, refusing to watch this scene unfold before her. She soared up into the clouds, straight towards the constellations. Wind bristled her feathers; the stars began stretching through the sky. She shifted form, flexing her muscles as she changed back to her goddess form with warm brown curls and shifting grey eyes.

In a flash of thundering grey, she was traveling on light beams, heading straight for Olympus.

She slowed and touched down in the throne room. An empty semicircle of unique thrones focused on the center of the great hall. A lone fisherman stared up at a squirming creature in a bubble encasement. He stuck his hands in his Bermuda short's pockets and let out a low sigh.

"Any news?" he asked. His voice was strong and gentle.

Athena walked over to him menacingly. "Your son is off cavorting with my daughter," she muttered darkly.

Poseidon scoffed. "Right. My son, Percy, would never cavort. Humph, whatever that is." He teased her extensive vocabulary, mumbling to himself. What odd words she chose.

"You know what it means, you oaf. They're in your cabin. Alone." Athena seethed.

Poseidon laughed. "Atta boy. That Percy's a keeper." He turned and winked at her, just to piss her off a little more.

Athena's eyes widened. "You're encouraging this behavior? I should've known."

"Oh, give it a rest. Stop smothering your daughter. Let her live her own life or I swear you'll lose her," Poseidon warned, turning to face her. He narrowed his eyes, daring her to challenge him, and then dispersed in a fog of sea mist.

Athena cursed in Ancient Greek and thought over her options. If Poseidon were correct, she would lose her greatest strategist, architect, and her daughter. But if he were wrong, she would gain that Poseidon brat, lose the respect she deserved, possibly lose her daughter, and end with a disaster.

The latter seemed worse. Athena chose to sit it out and watch how it unfolded, regarding the laws. But when time came, she would have to step up to the plate.

This is not going to revolve around Athena, so keep those ugly thoughts out of your head. It's about Percy and Annabeth completely.