
Only the idea is mine.


Don't really know if I'll be brave enough to post this...

But if I am then huzzah! -waves flag-

This, meaning, this MRDC crossover.

The second to fic that was NEVER meant to be a series...

But I got this idea, and it wouldn't stop prodding me with a really long and pointy stick.

So here is Catalyst, hope you enjoy...unless I never post this.

Then I hope I enjoy X3

Opening Theme- Afterlife- Avenged Sevenfold

End Theme- The Beauty and the Tragedy- Trading Yesterday

Chapter One- Looking Up?

"like walking into a dream

so unlike what you've seen"—Afterlife, Avenged Sevenfold

There was red, it was the most dominant color. Tainting everything, smothering me. The red, and the agony. So sharp in my chest...no, it wasn't sharp. It was more like burning, like the energy radiating from the source jammed against me was melting my muscles. Burning through skin and bone.

A leering face hovered above mine, I could see it. Flickering in the harsh red light. A scream was building, but it was blocked by the sheer pain.

I'm going to die...

I jerked awake, somehow entering the world of consciousness and sitting up in the same instant. It left me feeling a little light headed. My hand flew to my chest, expecting to feel the burning at any instant, the pain.

"Just a nightmare..." I croaked, had I been screaming? I was covered in sweat, and admittedly trembling. I shut my eyes, taking a breath in an attempt to steady myself. Kogorou's snoring continued unperterbed in the bed next to my futon.

My name is Edogawa Iggy, though at one point in my life I didn't have a last name. I'm...well, a bit different in several ways I suppose. The first I think I should point out, since it's been with me since birth, is the fact that I happen to only have ninety-eight percent human DNA.

The other two percent is avian DNA. Basically, I'm a kid with wings. I used to live with a group called the Flock, a group of us avian-human hybrids that were created by a group called the School. We were lead by Maximum Ride, who (not to be overly admiring or anything) happens to be the person who is destined to save the world.

Yeah, I know, pretty cool. Unless it's you, I guess. Since...you know, that would kind of be a crappy job to get stuck with. No offense world, but if I can avoid it I think I'd rather not be involved in whether or not you'll survive. Just dealing with the Japanese version of the freaking mafia almost killed me so...

Right, back to explaining. Don't want you people to get confused. But I can't get TOO into it, if you really want to figure out what went on just...you know, go and find where I had this information before. In the first thing...

Right, breaking the reality barrier. On with the explanation deal.

So the Flock basically consisted of Max, Fang, me, Gazzy, Nudge, Angel, and a flying dog named Total. That's our little group...well, until Fang basically lost what little marbles he had left and flew off. His reasoning had something to do with...I don't know, I can't get too into that because it still makes me mad.

So I got angry at him for leaving, and decided to go look for him. Not something all that bright because...well, I happen to be blind. I guess that's odd thing number two, if you can call being blind odd. Looking for things when you can't see is hardly ever very successful.

While searching for Fang to give him a...er...piece of my mind (okay, so I kinda wanted to beat him up...) when I ended up flying over Japan. I landed in a dark alley...and right in the middle of a discussion between a woman and two members of one of the most dangerous groups of criminals in this lovely little country. That woman died in my arms...

They attempted to kill me, since I was technically a witness (the irony wasn't lost on me, believe me...) and I was force fed a special kind of poison. One that causes the cells in the body to break down at a rapid rate.

It's terribly painful, in case you were curious.

I didn't die though, instead I was changed from my regular, albeit tall and winged, teenager self...into a little kid. That's the third odd thing about me, I look like I'm five or six years old...but really I'm fifteen or sixteen.

I don't know my exact age cause I kind of pick my birthdays when I feel like having one.

Because of that, after running away from grabby bystanders, I ended up meeting with Edogawa Conan, or rather, Kudou Shinichi. Another person who had the misfortune of running into the Black Organization (the baddies who shrunk me) and was shoved into the body of a child. As well as the calm scientist who created the poison, Haibara Ai. (to me Miyano Shiho)

At first I didn't trust Shinichi, or Shiho. Especially Shiho. See, she's a scientist and scientists...kinda freak me out. Eventually I grew to trust Shinichi, in fact he's...kind of a brother to me now. And Shiho...

Well we wouldn't have a good relationship if I thought she was psychotic, ne?

Long story short (because I'm rattling on and on) we ended up in the clutches of the Black Organization. I learned that the leader of said organization happened to be the guy who rescued the Flock, then stabbed us in the back, then came crawling to us, then saved us (kinda) and then basically stabbed me in the back.

Or, rather, chest I suppose. He tried to use an all powerful stone called the Pandora Gem to basically stab through my chest. Nobody knew it but...I...I'm still kind of haunted by the nightmares.

See above.

Well...Shinichi ended up getting a permanent antidote. Me however...my metabolism is too high for one to work for me. It could end up killing me, and after already dying once I'd rather not have to go through that again.

Especially at the risk of hurting Shiho...in any way.

I breathed out a sigh, having managed to sufficiently calm myself down now. My fingers absently traced over the scar tissue on my chest. After a moment I got out of my mattress and silently walked out of the room, leaving the snoring man behind me.

I walked as quietly as possible over to the sink, not willing to wake anybody in the small apartment for fear of being questioned endlessly. I managed to fill up a glass of water by standing on my tiptoes (sigh) and was just lifting the glass down from the sink when a voice startled me.

"Iggy-kun...are you up again?" Ran said, unfortunately I hadn't heard her approach so this came as a complete surprise. I fumbled the glass and ended up dumping it all over myself. It shattered at my feet, and I jumped back with a yelp, "Ah! Gomenasai!"

"N-no, it's all right." I muttered, wincing as Ran started to rub my head with a handy tea-towel. She was muttering apologies, sounding incredibly embarrassed. "You just startled me is all, Ran-chan."

"If you both would be kind enough to remember that this happens to be my temporary bedroom that'd be just wonderful." The irritated voice that broke through Ran's constant string of apologies came from my basically adopted brother, Shinichi. He'd taken up to sleeping on the couch instead of in Kogoro's room, since the old man was kind of...still a little pissed at Shinichi over the whole, little kid who was actually a teenager thing.

He was still taking up residence in the Mouri Detective Agency, on account of the fact that a weird guy named Okiya was currently living there. Not exactly easy, just kicking a guy out. Not something that gave Shiho any sympathy toward my brother, since apparently she'd been vehemently against the man moving in.

"Mou, Shinichi..." Ran said, sounding a little exasperated. Shinichi...is not a morning person, or a wake-up in the middle of the night person. His response was to snort.

"This guy here got up again..." Shinichi said flatly, getting right in my face.

"I'm sorry big brother..." I said, forcing my voice to sound high and childish, a mock of what Shinichi often did as Conan. I could feel the irritation spike from him as I continued, "It's just all the murders that follow you, who can blame a guy for getting nightmares over that?"

He placed a firm head on top of my head, "Iggy, you really enjoy being a brat sometimes, don't you?"

"You are aware that I can still break your wrist, ne?" I said with as much sugar as I could muster. Shinichi snorted in reply, but at least he removed his hand.

He walked away and stated irritably, "Three in the morning."

I didn't reply, moving back to get a glass of water (to drink this time, not shower myself with) and I noticed that Ran was whispering something to Shinichi. I pretended not to be paying any attention as I filled my glass.

I hopped down carefully from my stool and began to walk back to the room I shared with Kogorou (the old man had made it rather clear that I was to stay in there, an attempt to make Shinichi jealous. Don't laugh at him, you know he seriously thinks it'll work...) however Shinichi stopped me on the way, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you sure...that you're okay?" He asked in a whisper. I felt a strange mixture of irritation mingle with gratitude, and because of the latter I couldn't manage to sound completely irritated when I replied.

"I'm fine..." I sounded more exhausted than anything. "Nothing to worry about, Shinichi."

Even as I walked away I knew I hadn't convinced him, but...well, sometimes he will back off and leave you be. I felt a twinge go through me, perhaps telling Shinichi about the nightmares wouldn't be so bad...

No, what would be the point? After all talking about them wouldn't make them go away, and what if Shinichi told Shiho? I...didn't want her to know about that. I shut the door behind me, and Kogorou snorted in his sleep.

It was best if I just kept these things to myself.

Walking to school the next day had me biting back yawn after yawn. Shiho tapped me on the head, and asked me in a slightly amused tone, "Is that detective keeping you awake again? Kudou-kun has mentioned that he snores like a freight train..."

"Nah..." I said, "It's not Kogoro-occhan's fault. I've all but gotten used to it now."

"Perhaps Iggy-kun just continues doing day-time activities when he should be restoring his energy through sleep?" This almost smug statement came from Mitsuhiko, one of the three kids that made up the group called the Detective Boys.

"Maybe he ate too much?" Genta advised, the other male of that group, a portly boy. Who happened to be a bit...violent with his affections.

"It's not you Genta-kun..." Ayumi said, she's the only girl of the club. (discluding Shiho) Despite the fact that most everybody in our everyday lives knew about the fact that Shiho and I were really teenagers (including the mentioned Detective Boys) we still had to go to elementary school.

While most every one of the Black Organization was either dead or behind bars we couldn't take many chances, there could be someone just wanting to get revenge. One member we did know hadn't been captured was Vermouth as well as the mysterious member, Bourbon.

That also meant, that while Shinichi had returned to his normal self, he was still keeping a bit of a low profile on cases. Not to say he isn't SOLVING any cases, I don't think it's possible to keep him away from them to be honest with you.

It wasn't so bad, going to school. It also helped to make sure the kids didn't blab anything...there have been a few close calls, and I can't even imagine the things their parents could know, but they were pretty good about keeping the secret.

Still, you'd be surprised just how much it can start to wear on you after awhile. Being forced to act like a child is a bit degrading at times. That isn't even considering the fact that, as a child with a 'disability', I've been targeted by the bloody counselors in the place.

Because somehow being blind also makes you a blob of depression too.

Not only that, but it's a bit disappointing to keep my hands to myself. Oh, yeah, shut up. I'm not that much of a pervert but I'd still LIKE to hold my girlfriend's hand every now and again without hearing somebody go, "Awww, how cute…"

We walked down the street and the children continued to bicker mercilessly. I considered telling them that I'd come up with something to make sure we were late for class. (Something that would grate on everyone's nerves. Mitsuhiko was rather punctual, Ayumi didn't like conflict much, and Genta wasn't about to risk his lunch hour on detention for getting late) When I heard a warm chuckle over our heads. I blinked, tilting my head to one side and finding myself snorting.

"Oh, so you were too lazy to get up when I LEFT but now you're here." I commented dryly. Shinichi snickered, and knocked me on the top of my head with his knuckles. Something I find rather irritating about Shinichi is that he thinks it's amusing to remind me with little gestures like that, that he happens to be taller.

Psssh, that jerk. He's such a hypocrite. He HATED it when Hattori did things like that when he was stuck as Conan.

"Conan-kun!" Ayumi squealed, causing Mitsuhiko, me, and Genta to simultaneously shush her. The girl whispered out a quick apology, and wandered over to where Shinichi was standing. The kids still called him Conan, maybe because it reminded them that he was still their friend no matter how tall he was now.

I hid my amusement as the kids swarmed around him. They wouldn't ever admit it in words, but they really looked up to him. Perhaps even more so, now that he was taller. They chattered at him excitedly as we walked down the street, and I heard Shiho chuckle under her breath.

"You're moving from Ran-oneesan's house?" Mitsuhiko asked, snapping my attention to the front.

"Eh? You didn't…" I trailed off, trying to dig through my brain. Oh, right, maybe he HAD mentioned as much. I must have just filed it away in my current exhaustion. Great. I felt my stomach heave, suddenly nervous.

Was Shinichi going to have me come with him.

I tried to play it off, and just look bored. Still, since Shiho touched the inside of my wrist I knew SHE could tell I was nervous. Which meant that freakishly observant captain detective over in the corner was bound to have me completely pegged. The downfalls of having a genius detective in your life. Feh.

"So don't go heading over to the agency after school." Shinichi told me in a rather amused tone. Bingo. I sighed irritably to myself, and shot him the most potent death-glare I could manage. Shinichi chuckled, telling me I was probably a few degree's off on my aim. But he probably got the gist. "You're going to have to check out my house, right?"

I snorted, "Get going kid, before you're late for class."

"Ahhh…" Shinichi said, "Speaking of which. See you guys later alright? Don't get your noses stuck in trouble and such."

With that he happily headed off to do what a teenaged kid his age was supposed to do. While I was shoved into the slavery of going to elementary school. I tried not to feel a random peg of jealousy, reminding myself that Shinichi was happy and that should be one of the only thing that mattered.

Yeah, too bad I'm not that sappy, ne?

"I'm sure that Kudou-kun is going to want you to live with him." Shiho said softly, and I found myself shaking my head slightly at her words. She sighed to herself, as if mildly irritated. "Wouldn't Fang-kun ask you to live with him were he to move? Ride-san? Your bond is similar to that, don't you think that would mean Kudou-kun would…"

"It's not him I'm worried about." I pointed out. "He's been going through loops and hoops ever since this Okiya crap. Apparently his parents didn't approve of his renting the house out to a random stranger that could have been part of the group trying to kill him. Go figure."

I sounded even more sarcastic than usual, an attempt to hide away the fact that I really was worried. Shiho chuckled in amusement, and I stopped, narrowing my eyes at her. I didn't need to explain my look, she only sighed. "Iggy-kun you must not know much about Kudou-kun's parents."

"Oh buzz off." I said, only half playful. I was suddenly aware of the fact that we'd been taking our sweet time getting to school, and the kids were not within earshot. "Come on, let's hurry up before the kids end up getting themselves tangled up in some ridiculous mess. I'm starting to think Shinichi's murder-magnitism is contagious."

If I was irritable before school, when Shinichi picked me up at the gates after school it was somehow worse. I thought I'd at LEAST get to walk with Shiho, but the kids dragged her off to do who knows what. So I was stuck along with my good ol' detective buddy.

Sheesh, it sounds like I hate Shinichi. Not the case, I just was a bit grumpy at not getting to hang around with my girlfriend. Plus a bit edgy over the living situation. I don't want to sound like a clingy wimp, but I kind of wanted to stick with my new friend you know?

"You do realize…" I said flatly when Shinichi opened up a gate. "That you're attempting to 'show' a blind-kid your house, don't you?"

"Completely." Shinichi replied, the smirk obvious even in his tone. I snorted to myself, but willingly entered the house. I don't have to see to kind of know my way around. Stepping into that place I knew instantly…

"A little big, don't you think?" I said, somehow I never pegged Shinichi to be the kind of guy that lived in such an open space. Too easy to get targeted, and he was just as paranoid as I was…if not more so. "Aren't you ever freaked out that somebody you sent to the klink is going to hide in one of the crannies in this big place?"

"Thanks Iggy, I can always count on you to make me feel secure." Shinichi said dryly. "Believe me, I'd know if somebody who wasn't supposed to be in here was. Call it detective's intuition if you will. Come on, and take off your shoes."

"Like you have to tell me." I said, sparking in irritation. "I'm not a child."

"No, but you're American." He retorted, sounding as if this was some joke. I snorted to myself and, after expressively NOT kicking my shoes off just to be a pain, I followed after him. He must have noticed as much, but he didn't say anything.

The tour was rather boring. (Again, can't see, what's the point?) But I followed without much to say. Shinichi seemed completely oblivious to my cloudy mood, which is just creepy. Oblivious Shinichi is weird. I almost like clever Shinichi better, and he tends to stick his nose in my business.

"What's up with you?" I finally asked, suddenly deciding to give some of my own deducing skills a try. Note, my deducing skills suck. There is, however, the random chance that something I jokingly says ends up being right. "You're acting weird."

"Weird how?" Shinichi said, clearly fighting back a smile. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Before I answer that question I'm going to ask you…" I said, my tone rather flat. "How would you react to a culprit saying that to you in the heat of the case?"

"Hmmm…dunno." Shinichi said after a moment. "Anyways, I'm not being weird. Don't know why you THINK I'm being weird."

"For a guy that spent half of his time in hiding as a seven-year old you sometimes REALLY suck at lying Shinichi." I pointed out flatly. I heard him snort, but before he could reply the front door banged very loudly. I stiffened, "Did you hear that?"

"No, I'm deaf." Shinichi replied flatly, still wanting to irritate me. I glared at him, and realized that he'd moved from his previous spot on me when he shouted down the stairs, "Ooooi! Kaa-san, you think you could be a little NICER to the door?"

"Your…mother?" I blinked, and almost as soon as these words left my mouth I heard a very happy woman call a greeting to Shinichi.

"Shin-chan! So Agasa-kun wasn't lying! You ARE all grown up again…awe, but you were sooo cute as Conan…" The woman trailed off, and suddenly I was lifted into the air. I yelped in shock, and heard Shinichi full out attempt to smother his laughter. And fail. Epically. "And this must be Iggy-chan!"

"Ch-chan?" I croaked, the woman was radiating happiness.

"Yukiko you should put the poor boy down, I think you might be giving him a heart attack." A very calm voice sounded behind the woman who was holding me captive. When I was placed on the ground I suppressed the urge to flee and hide behind Shinichi like the small child I appeared to be. Instead I dusted myself off and tried to regain what little dignity I still possessed.

"Iggy, these are my parents. Kudou Yusaku, my father, and Kudou Yukiko, my mother." Shinichi said, "This little punk here is Iggy. Don't let his looks fool you, he's got a temper fouler than Hattori's, without nearly as much usefulness on cases."

"Oh har-har, at least people don't fall dead at MY feet." I shot back scathingly. Shinichi snorted, and rubbed the top of my head a little harder than necessary. I felt a firm hand grasp mine, Yusaku's, and heard Shinichi refrain Yukiko from apparently taking a picture.

"But he's sooo cute…" Yukiko whispered. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"She wouldn't normally be treating you like this…" Yusaku said, sounding almost amused. "But we've already got most of the paperwork lined up to get you adopted, so she's already leaped into the shoes of being your mother."

"H-heh?" I said, blinking in surprise.

"Shinichi…" Yusaku said slowly. Shinichi let out something very similar to a nervous laugh, taking a step back behind me. "He didn't tell you, did he?"

"Ah, but that's sweet! A surprise!" Yukiko said, "Shin-chan already said you two were like brothers. So I thought that it would just be perfect if we could make it official."

"I know you've hardly met us, I'm sure this must come as a shock to you." Yusaku stated calmly. I was still blinking in surprise, though shooting Shinichi a narrowed-eyed glare every five seconds as well. At least, in his direction anyways. "He should have at LEAST brought it up…"

"Slipped my mind." Shinichi replied calmly, and I wondered if that actually was the case. Something I filed away in my new deduction drawer. Something WAS up with Shinichi. And I was going to find out exactly what.

"Of course we aren't forcing you into it…" Yukiko said, placing a hand on my head. I blinked, and found myself nearly speechless.

You know, one of the downfalls of being in a Flock is that you don't have a mother, you don't have a father. I had Max, sure, she kind of fell under mother/older sister I guess. But…I don't know, something has always…made me want a mother and father.

Trying not to sound desperate, I mumbled, "S-sure."

Gah, I'm sure that my cheeks were red. Yukiko giggled, and pulled me into a hug. Suddenly this woman that I just met a few seconds earlier was my mother. I smirked to myself, suddenly realizing the irony of that. It was very much how I became Shinichi's brother, just in a few short moments I went from acquaintance to family member.

At least…things were beginning to look up.

Storm clouds roiled overhead as the man named Aiden ducked into the small café'. The place reeked, and he could only imagine why. It was run-down, hardly fit to pass any sort of food inspection. He sat down at the bar, next to a man in a long trench-coat. There was only one person behind the counter, and she was ignoring the man as if he didn't exist. She took a long drag on her cigarette, and turned away.

The man twitched, glancing at the person he had come to meet. "You said…that…that something has changed."

"Indeed." The man in the coat said, "Did you know that Jeb was killed?"

"W-what!" Aiden choked out, eyes stretching wide. "H-how?"

"He tried to mess with the Pandora Gem." The mysterious man rasped. Aiden stiffened, suddenly it seemed as if the only sound that could be heard in the whole place was the pouring of the rain. Feeling ill, Aiden glanced out the window.

Damn, Jeb was an important part of their plan. Part of his job was to insure that Ride thought she was helping the world when she was really helping them. Now the girl was free to save the world as she was 'prophesized' to. Unnerved, Aiden glanced over at the man.

"So now there's no hope." Aiden said, "Ride will never listen to a stranger. We're screwed."

"Perhaps not…" The man in the trenchcoat said. He smiled, flashing white teeth in Aiden's direction. "Jeb isn't the only interesting news I have. We've discovered something else. Something…rather interesting…"

Aiden swallowed as that man looked up. All he could see were piercing eyes from that hooded cloak, and he almost felt afraid of those eyes. Still, he somehow held his ground.

"There is…a catalyst."


And the first chapter is done!

I'm excited now :3

Reviews are loved. Hope you guys are going to read this one too

Also, I hope I don't disappoint ^^