
Rated M: For Language, Violence, and Possible sexual situations.

Summary: Based on a prompt from the Inception_Kink LJ. Two actually. I do intend to go full fanfic on this one, over-drama, last minute run-ins, etcetera. More fun that way.

Here are the Prompts:

Ariadne's been receiving threatening messages from someone who knows about the team. She decides to runaway when she discovers that she's pregnant with Arthur's child, wanting to keep it and the others safe.

Bonus if she's fairly good a hiding due to her spending all the time with the team.

Extra bonus: When they find her they have to pick her up and haul a struggling Ariadne to a safe house in order for the team to talk some sense into her. I would love you forever if Eames was doing the hauling.

How the team finds out about her pregnancy is up to you.


Ariadne pregnant/labor/delivery

Ariadne found herself slammed hard against the alley wall. The rough texture of the brick scrapped her arms.

"Where are they?"

"I don't know!"

He slapped her, "Don't lie to me!"

She tasted a bit of blood, "I'm not! Cobb never let us go to each other's homes so that we couldn't tell."

Her assailant thought about it for a minute, "Where you do you fuck that pretty boy then?" The grin on his face was disgusting, "Does he spring for a hotel room or does he just screw you against a wall in an alley like this?"

Ariadne didn't bite, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

The man grabbed her face and pressed her back, his finger digging into her cheeks, "You tell loverboy that we're gonna get him. Him, and Cobb, and that little British fucker Eames. That stunt in Mombasa was the last time they fucked with Cobol!"

She was released and he watched as she walked away from him.

"Oh, and little architect?"

Tentatively, she turned.

"I know where you live, and I'll be watching. So if he shows up, you better make it worth his while, because the minute I see him." He aimed his fingers at her like a gun.

Afraid to glance back, she took off running down the street.

Her neighbors peeked around the corner and out of the peepholes on their doors as she came into the apartment complex. French whispers began to pass up and down the hallways. The graduate student has gotten herself into some trouble, hasn't she?

With trembling hands, she fumbled the keys before practically falling into her tiny abode. She slammed the door behind her, sliding every lock into place.

For a moment she was still, and then suddenly she felt a strange sensation in her stomach. She barely made it to the bathroom in time to throw up what little breakfast she'd had.

As she recovered against the wall, her legs haphazardly folded up underneath her, she turned over her purse and dumped the contents out on the floor. Cobol's errand boy had stolen her cell phone. Somewhere between leaving the morning cafe and being dragged into the back alley, he had grabbed the item from her, she'd felt the tug on her purse.

Was she only fooling herself to think that they couldn't trace her cell phone? Rubbing her eyes, she sighed, she couldn't call the team from her land line, surely that was tapped.

She couldn't go to them, any location would be tagged. Being only a student, she didn't have covert contacts that she could send in her place. Even calling from a pay phone if she could find one, there was no guarantee that would work. Meeting with them was out of the question.

In all this, one thought came through, why hadn't he attacked before now? Arthur had been over to her place a month ago, and for the last two months since the Fischer job, they'd been meeting. Damned if she'd ever tell him how fun it was to actually book a hotel room for a clandestine meeting on the weekend.

There were two things she knew for certain. She couldn't make any contact with the team, or anyone connected with the team, without compromising them. She also couldn't stay in her apartment. Maybe he'd let her go for now, but if she stayed, she'd either become bait, or dead.

The only one she could reasonably run to was Saito. He had enough money to keep himself safe, especially from the likes of Cobol. If the hit-man knew she was going to the businessman though, he would certainly cut her off at the pass. She would have to jump around a bit.

One of her student bags would suffice to travel with. Taking up the few possessions that she couldn't bear to part with, she packed the duffel threw it toward the front door.

Ariadne picked up her purse and dumped it across the coffee table. Digging out her license and credit cards, she set them aside. Everything, including her Starbuck's frequency card, had to be left behind. It wasn't like her coffee club had gotten much use in France; it was practically a sin to have in Paris.

Retrieving scissors, she chopped up the cards into small pieces. The substantial money she'd earned in the Fischer job had never made it to the bank to begin with. In traditional student fashion, it was tucked into an envelope under her mattress. It found a new home in her jacket pocket.

A note to Arthur was next, as cold as she could make it. The photograph they had taken while touring Alcatraz was first turned down, then, on better consideration, put away into the bag. It was far too happy a picture for the location, it seemed appropriate to take it with her.

"Arthur. Had to leave. Don't look for me, don't come find me. Stay away from all my old hang-outs. I love you, I'm sorry."