
Disclaimer- I don't own anything from Inuyasha. I am not claiming rights to anything.

Hey everyone. I know it's been awhile since I've updated anything so I decided since so many people enjoyed the first chapter that I would post a new one to this story. I really hope you enjoy it as well. Please let me know what you think. It really means a lot and I wish to please as many people as I can.

Chapter Two- First Day

I searched the many rooms of the upstairs of the manor trying to find Mr. Takahashi. To say I was angry was an understatement. Did he honestly think he could just hire me on the spot like I didn't have anything better to do?

True, I was unemployed but that didn't give him the right to dismiss what I wanted and just assume that I would take the job. I mean, I have a life and it wasn't his to mess around with! It was mine!

Wait… Not that I mess up my own life… Oh screw that thought right now.

Just as I passed an open door, I stopped and back-tracked to find Mr. Takahashi packing up a bunch papers into a suitcase. Inhaling deeply, I marched up to him.

"Hey!" I startled him so much that the papers he was holding flew from his hand and scattered about the floor.

He whirled around to glare at me, his fangs showing as he snarled at me, "Bitch! What the hell are you doing!?"

Unfazed by his anger, I glared back. I noticed that he actually looked a bit surprised behind his anger at the fact that I didn't back down. "I came up here to give you a piece of my mind!" He opened his mouth to reply but I didn't give him the chance. "What gives you the right to decide whether or not I work for you!? I didn't come here looking for a job! I came here to bring your daughter home safely!"

"That doesn't mean that I can't hire you if I decided you're fit for the job!" he snarled back. I clenched my fist to keep from punching him in the face.

"I have my own life and working for you isn't a part of it!" I screeched. "I have class and other things I have to do!"

"Well, sucks to be you then, doesn't it!" he had a bit of an annoyed tone over his anger. I had always been very good at reading people's emotions; why I didn't know, but I could.

"Get someone else to do this nanny job because I'm telling you I can't!"

"Fine!" I didn't expect him to give in that easily. "But you can tell the kids about it, since it is your choice."

"Very well." I turned on my heel and stormed back towards the staircase. Something was a little off. With his attitude, there was no way he would have given in that easily… So why did he agree to find a new nanny?

Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed I had reached the main floor until Azura slammed into my legs. I wrapped my arms around her to brace her and myself.

"'Gome!" she called happily, her eyes shining with joy. "Since we're already late we don't got to go to school!"

"Have to go to school." I corrected automatically. I kneeled down to her level.

"That means we can spend the whole day together!" she and her brothers smiled at me. I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry. It also felt like someone was watching me.

"Listen Azura… I have something to tell you." She blinked and tilted her head to the side, her ears twitching as she listened to me.

"What is it 'Gome?"

I bit my lip as I tried to think of a way to tell her I wasn't staying without hurting her. "About me staying here as your nanny…" she looked at me, her eyes innocent and curious. "I…"


Giving a heavy sigh I gently stroked her ear and hair. "I'm really looking forward to it." Azura and her brother Koino cheered and hugged my legs. Shippo just laughed happily.

What have I gotten myself into?

I heard a snort and looked behind me to see Mr. Takahashi smiling arrogantly at me. That's when it clicked. He gave in because heknewIcouldn'tsay no to Azura! That sneaky arrogant bastard! Not even realizing it, I began to growl.

"What's wrong 'Gome?" Azura asked. I blinked and waved my hands while laughing nervously.

"Nothing! Nothing! 'Gome's just being silly." Azura accepted my answer and then dragged me into the living room. I glanced back and glared daggers at Mr. Takahashi.

Inuyasha's POV

I chuckled again as I watched the 'Gome girl be dragged away by my daughter. Just as I thought, Humans were so damn predictable. That's when I thought back to when she didn't back down at my temper.

No one ever fought back with me, not only because people wanted my family's fortune but also because of my demon blood. The only person who could stand my temper… well the only two were Kaede and…her… the one person I never wanted to think of but couldn't get out of my head.

Even my best friend backed off when I was pissed. So why didn't this little school girl?

Shaking my head, I went back to packing my suitcase, moving quickly since I had to get to work before the clients got there.

"That was a low blow, Master Takahashi," Kaede's voice reached my ears.

"Who cares?" I hissed. "It worked didn't it?"

"I just hope you know what you've gotten yourself into." With that, Kaede left. I was puzzled by what she had just said. Kaede had a way of making me feel like I had no idea what was going on what-so-ever, like she could see things before anyone else could.

Glancing at the clock my eyes widened, and I rushed downstairs; Kaede was waiting by the door. "I gotta go." I glanced at the girl who was currently with my kids. "Makes sure she knows the rules." Kaede nodded in understanding before I slammed the door behind me.

Kagome's POV

I flinched at the loud slam of the door. How on earth did that jerk ever find someone who would have his kids anyways? Pushing that thought to the back of my mind, I turned to face the kids. "So what do you guys want to do?"

Shippo looked taken back and hopeful at the same time. "You mean you actually want to do something with us?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Evil grins appeared on all their faces, and I had the feeling that I just dug my own grave.

"Hide and seek!" They all shrieked. "'Gome's it!" Before I could even process what they said they were gone. I blinked a few time. Fast little munchkins, weren't they?

"Miss Kagome?" Kaede called. I turned to face her. She held out a small, worn down black notebook. "In here is everything you need to know about the children, your duties, and their schedules."

I nodded, taking the book. I would read this over tonight. Sighing loudly, I decided that I should go find the children. "Ready or not, here I come!" I called. I completely missed the gentle smile on Kaede's face as I walked away to try and find the children.

I listened for any sound or any sign of the children. Koino was the first one I found. He was hiding in what I guessed to be one of the many toy rooms. He had been hiding in the mountain of stuffed toys.

Shippo I found hiding in a closet in one of the guest rooms. The two of them walked with me with amused smirks on their faces. "What?"

"You'll never find Zuzu." Koino said. "Zuzu" must be Azura's nickname.

"And why might that be?"

"She's the queen of Hide and Seek!" Shippo exclaimed. I smirked, raising a questioning brow.

"Well, you don't know me." I walked around the entire house with them hot on my tail. Shippo and Koino kept saying that I should just give up, but I ignored them. Suddenly I stopped and they bumped into my legs, not expecting the abrupt action. I opened the door to the kitchen and strolled in. I heard the gentle breathing from the cupboard under the sink but faked innocence. "Hmmm. I wonder where Azura could be."

I slowly walked towards the cupboard. Shippo and Koino looked at me confused.

"I guess she is just too good at this game." I was right now glad I took those acting classes in high school, because I didn't sound like I was faking at all. "I guess I should just give up." That's when I whipped open the cupboard door and scooped Azura up in my arms.

She squealed in delight and I twirled her around. The boys looked at me in shock. I placed Azura down and gently ruffled her hair.

"You had me stumped there for awhile, Squirt." She beamed at my praise. We played three more rounds before I realized it was time for their lunch. "Okay, why don't you guys watch a movie while I get your lunch ready?"

They all ran off and disappeared into the living room. I shook my head while I went back to the kitchen. Kaede was already in there beginning to make the meal. I joined her. "Can I help?"

"Could you make the sauce?" I nodded and followed Kaede's instructions. We were silent for a short while. "So how do you like the children?"

"They're adorable!" I exclaimed. "I have to admit that I'm enjoying this."

"They really adore you." Kaede said as she stirred the pasta. I glanced at her. "I have never seen them warm up to someone so fast… You really have a way with children."

I small laugh escaped my lips. "I guess you get used to it after having to raise a little brother and half sister." When I realized what I said, I covered my mouth. Concern appeared on Kaede's kind face.

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing." She didn't seem to believe me, but she didn't press the conversation. Soon we put three bowls on the breakfast nook and called the kids, who came instantly. Shippo easily climbed into his stool but Koino and Azura just stood beside them trying to figure out how to climb up themselves. Reaching down I picked up Azura placing her in her seat, before doing the same with Koino.

"Thanks 'Gome!" they both said before digging into their food. I sat down across from them.

"So Shippo, how old are you?" I asked. Shippo swallowed the mouthful he had been chewing.

"Eight," he answered before continuing to eat. I smiled. These guys were the cutest.

"What happened to your parents?"

"My mommy died before I was old enough to know her and my daddy died in an accident two years ago but then Daddy took me in." I knew by daddy he meant Mr. Takahashi.

"I am sorry." I whispered. Shippo shrugged before asking for more. Kaede served his food and then walked out of the room. The twins yawned and I knew it was nap time. Getting up, I washed the sauce off their hands and faces before picking them up. "C'mon you two, time for a nap."

They tried to protest but it was obvious how tired they were. Shippo showed me where their rooms were and I tucked them in. When I went to walk away Azura caught my hand. I stared at her in confusion. "Kiss?" she whispered.

Leaning down I kissed her forehead and then walked out of the room. While the twins slept, Shippo asked if he could draw. I said yes. After a few minutes he insisted that I draw too.

He drew many different pictures while I worked on my own. After an hour the twins stormed into the room. They were like hyper bunnies on a sugar rush. I quickly tucked the picture in my pocket and turned back to the kids.

"So what do you want to do now?"

"What do you want to do?" Koino asked. That completely threw me off. I hadn't expected him to ask me that. I mean, no ever really had cared what I wanted before. I thought for a moment.

"How about we play tongue twister?" they looked at me confused. It took a good fifteen minutes to explain the game but once we started they caught on fast.

Basically, one person would say a sentence and taking turns we would twist the sentence until someone got it wrong. I made it seem as though I was struggling but I was very good at this game.

Inuyasha's POV

It was just after eight by the time I pulled into the drive way. Tiredly, I climbed out of the car and went to the front door. Kaede was there to greet me as always. However, I stopped and turned to glare at her. "Where are the kids?" I hissed.

They always came running to the door the instant I came home, even if it was after their bed time.

Why weren't they here?

Kaede blinked as if just realizing it herself. "They are already asleep in their beds." She answered.

"What?!" No nanny was ever able to get the kids to go to bed on time. Not a single damn one! "Where's the girl?" Kaede looked at me confused. "The nanny?!"

"Oh… She's in the living room." Kaede stated. I stormed into the room and found the girl sleeping on the couch. Her legs tucked up close to her body as her arms rested next to her head as she lay on her side.

"Oi, Bitch." I growled. The girl stirred slightly before turning over and staying asleep. My eye twitched in annoyance. Without a thought I yanked the pillow out from under her head and she tumbled to the floor with a shriek. My ears pressed to my skull to try and drown out the ringing.

She glared up at me from her spot on the floor—that same fire from this morning burning in her chocolate pools. I glared right back at her. "Time to wake up." I spat. She rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Sorry." She said with an annoyed tone. "I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"How did you get the kids to go to bed?" I growled.

"Huh?" she answered. She seemed to be lost at the moment, still half-asleep.

"How did you get the kids to go to bed and fall asleep!?" I repeated.

"I put them to bed and read them two stories and they fell asleep as I read." She answered as if it was the simplest answer in the world. She then brushed past me and grabbed her shoes. "Now if you excuse me. I have to get home and make some arrangements so I can take care of your children as their nanny."

Before I could even protest she disappeared into the night. I growled in frustration and punched the wall. I heard the gentle creak of a door and instantly knew what was going to come next.

"Daddy?" Azura's tired voice called out, just as I suspected. I walked up the stairs and scooped her up.

"I'm sorry Zuzu." I whispered. "I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Did 'Gome go home?" she asked. I nodded. Since she was still half-asleep Azura slumped against me. I walked back towards her room. "I like her, Daddy."

Despite my efforts, I couldn't stop the faint smile that appeared on my face. "I'm glad." And for once in a long time, I truly was glad.

Well, there you have it. Kagome's first day as the nanny. All three kids and Kaede already like her. Inuyasha on the other hand, not so much. But hey, that's Inuyasha for you.

Anyways, please review. I would really like to have some feedback on this chapter. I would greatly appreciate it. Anyways, until next time, byes! ^_^