Part 4: The Gathering
Chapter 1:
The next morning, Tai and Sora decided to tell everyone that she was pregnant. The girls were surprised, and insisted that they give her a baby shower. So for the past two hours, Sora, Mimi, Misty, and Kari were down by the lake. "What are they doing down there?" Ash asked. Watching Pikachu try to grab one of the pancakes Brock was cooking. It yelped back in pain.
"You got me!" Matt said, taking a bite. "So, Tai," he said, turning to him,"Have you decided what you're going to name it yet?"
Tai shook his head. "I only found out about it yesterday! Mimi, however, knew about it from the begining! I'm not angry at her, just disapointed that she didn't come to me in the begining!"
"Well," Izzy said, between typing on his laptop," She probably was afraid of your reaction! You aren't excatly the world's warmest person!"
Tai excepted this and said,"Shouldn't you be working on that translation?"
"See, this is what I don't understand about you humans!" Metaletemon said,"Your way of reproducting! I understand that you can't simply be, 'programed', but why reproduce in such a 'messy' way?"
"Well, we really didn't have a say in the matter!" Ash said as Tai was laughing because Matt was covering T.K.'s ears, and Gabumon was covering Patamon's.
"Guys, breakfast is served!" Brock said.
"What about us?" Misty asked, walking back into camp,"I'm starved!"
"Yeah!" Ash said,"It takes a lot of energy to run your mouth like that!"
Misty ran over to him and started to strangle him. "There they go again!" Mimi sighed. "They fight more than me and Izzy!"
"You know," Saberleomon said," There is a saying, that if two people fight alot that means they really care about each other!"
"Yeah, we know!" Ash managde to say while gasping for air.
"Tai," Izzy said," I think I've got it!"
"Really?" Tai asked while Brock seperated Misty and Ash.
"Yeah!" Izzy said.
"Well, don't keep us suspended!" T.K. said.
"You mean suspense!" Kari said.
Izzy's smile turned around. "No, this doesn't tell us anything!"
Everyone was depressed. "Great," Mimi said," So now we're back at square one!"
"Not nessacarly!" Sora said,"We know where Myotismon is and we know that Tai's definately one of the Chosen, and without him, Myotismon has no plan! So as long as he's hear, both worlds are safe!"
"But,"Izzy said,"I belive that with the program on the paper from the book, I can activate the Digivices! We can go home!"
"Great!" Tai said,"Can you get us to Egypt?"
Izzy nodded. "Yes, I think I can!"
"Great! Contact the Gym Leaders and tell them to meet us there!"
Tai suddenly felt Koromon go limp. "What's the matter," he asked.
"Its Devimon!" he said, weakly, "His life force is being drained!"
"What?" Biyomon asked.
"Devimon and Koromon are conected!" Tai said.
In Egypt, inside one of it many anceint pyramids, Devimon was strabed to a wall along with Sabrina and Gary. "Why am I here?" he asked Myotismon.
"Well," Myotismon said,"Let me tell you a story that began long ago! When I first found you, you were just a puny pathetic Demidevimon, potention without power, power without form. I took you under my wing. I had obtained the first Digidestined's Digimon and placed to two of you together in one of my special machines. I made it so you would become one. So that when that Koromon used the Digivice to digivolve you would get some of that energy! However, as soon as that was done, you digivolved to Devimon and Koromon de-digivolved to Botamon.
I then sent you to File Island to concor it. The Digidestined defeated you though, but you didn't die, you just de-digivolved back to Demidevimon and returned to my service. Then in my attempt to take over the Earth, you digivolved again, using the stolen energy from the digivecs!"
"I know all that already!" he said.
"The point is," Myotismon continued," you are an energy absorber. You absorb energy and redirect it, that is crucial to me! You see, all you are is a pawn, My pawn!"
Lance sighed as he looked over the golden desert, from the plane the Elite Four and the Gym Leaders were in. "Any sign of them?" he asked. The Digidestined leader, Tai, said to meat them here, but Egypt is a giant desert!
"Look!" Koga said, from where he was flying the plane. Everyone looked to the ground. A bright light in the shape of a ball suddenly appeared. It shrunk and changed to a flat circle. Then a group of figures fell out of it before it disapeared again. On the figures stood up and waved at the plane.
"That must be them!" he said,"Take us down!"
Myotismon watched the plane land. "Now that they are all together, we must strike!"
He turned to his assembled army, Team Rocket and the Dark Masters. "You must capture the Chosen, but do not harm them! Now go, and remember, confusion is the strategy!"
Tai walked at the head of the group next to Lance. He turned to the Elite Four leader and asked," Well? Anything yet?"
"There!" Lance said, looking up from his tracking device. "I'm reciving Sabrina's personal gym badge signal from inside there!"
The group looked to the giant pyramid he was pointing at. "I wonder what signigicance this place holds?" Sora asked.
"It dosen't even look like anyone's home!" Ash said looking around.
Suddenly, a section of the pyramid moved away to create a door. "Be ready," Tai told everyone.
A large group of Whezzings and Golems came out. "What the..?" Matt asked.
From inside the pyramid they heard,"Whezzing, Smog Attack!" The Whezzing shot a hurricane of smoke, effectivly destroying the heroes line of sight.
Then another voice yelled,"Golems, Earthquake!" The ground shook, throwing everyone every which way. They where now seperated from one another, and the fog kept them guessing where the other where.
Tai moved his hands in an effort to get rid of the smoke cloud, but it was no use.
He whirled inside the cloud. "Sora!" he yelled back,"Where are you?"
"Here!" she said, falling to the ground in front of him.
"Are you okay?" he asked, helping her to her feet.
"Yes," she said, "but you aren't!" She shot him with a tranquilizer dart.
"Should have known it wasn't her," Tai said before he passed out, "No Crest!"
Ash and Pikachu were desperatly rushing through the cloud, trying to locate the others when they banged into someone. "You!" Ashe said.
Giovanni smiled. "Yes, its me!"
"I don't have time for you!"
"I suggest you make time!" Giovanni said, throwing off his jacket. "What do you say, huh? You and me?"
Ash slunk back. "Get ready, Pikachu!"
Giovanni shook his head. "No, I mean a man to man fight! What's wrong?" he asked when he saw Ash's frightend look," You can only fight with Pokemon?"
Ashe glared at him. "Okay," he said holding up his fists,"We'll do it your way!"
Giovanni lead off by punching him square in the jaw. Ash swung bust missed. "I'm going to enjoy this!" Giovanni said.
T.K. was moving slowly in the fog. "Where is everyone Patamon?" he asked, then he noticed that his friend wasn't there. "Patamon?" he yelled.
"T.K.!" he heard his brother yell, running up to him. "Are you all right?"
"Matt!" he cried, hugging him. Then he noticed something was wrong. Matt was squezzing him too hard. Looking up, he saw Matt smiling. "I've got you now!"
"You're not Matt!" T.K. said, trying to get away, but he held him tight. As he was strugling to get away, he elbowed him in the side. There was a humming sound as Matt's features melted and changed to a Team Rocket member.
"Let him go!" Metaletemon yelled, running up to T.K.
The Team Rocket member yelled,"Electabuzz, Thunder Wave!"
From out of nowhere, Metaletemon was hit with a circle of light that cause him to fall paralyzed. The Team Rocket member smiled, "That's two down!"
While Ash and Giovanni continued their fight, Misty fought her way through the smoke cloud. "Ash!" she yelled. Then she felt her hand brush up against something. "Oh no!" she said, jumping back.
Jessie said," That's right! I'm your worst nightmare! Go, Arbok!"
Misty pulled out her pokeball. "I choose you, Starmie!"
The cobra and star fish stood ready. "Arbok, Poision Sting!"
"Charbok!" it yelled, spitting out a barrage of darts.
Misty was ready for this. "Starmie, Bubble Beam!" From out of its crystal face, a storm of bubbles shot forth. Each bubble met with a dart and cancaled each other out. "Can't beat me that easily!"
"We'll see!" Jessie glared, "Arbok, Tackle!" The cobra pokemon shot foward with such speed that Starmie was knocked out.
"Starmie, return!" Misty said, getting ready for another pokemon when Arbok suddenly wraped around her. "No!" she said.
Izzy moved through the fog slowly. No point in rushin if you don't know where you're going. "Hello, Izzy," he heard a familiar voice say.
"Joe," he said turning to face what he hoped was still his friend, deep inside.
"I have orders to capture you," Joe said, coldly," and I have the means to subdue you!"
Izzy held up his hands. "I won't fight you, Joe."
"Excellent," Joe said, clasping two pairs of handcuffs on him," That make my job so much easier!"
Sora stood where she was. She couldn't see anything in any direction, and she was sepearted from Biyomon, so she decided to stay where she was. She heard footsteps from behind her. Turning around quickly she spied Saberleomon. "Sora?" he asked.
"Oh, good, its you!" she said, a little disapointed that it wasn't Tai.
"We have to get our beirngs straight and find the others!" he said.
Sora was about to say something when Digitamimon came charging. "I can't fight without Biyomon!" she said, helplessly.
Saberleomon nodded, and started to attacked him. He punched him with such force that Digitamimon flew back. "Nice work!" he said," but I was able to capture you easy enough the last time!"
"It won't happen this time!" Saberleomon said.
"We shall see!" was the response.
Just then, Saberleomon heard Sora crying out in pain. Whirling around, he saw her fall to the ground with a Team Rocket member in front of her with a tranquilier gun. The member then moved the gun and shot Saberleomon.
Giovanni and Ash continued their battle. "You're not so bad!" Giovanni said, blocking one of Ash's punches.
"Not bad yourself, for an old man!" Ash inslulted.
"That one will cost you!" Giovanni said, pulling his fist back, and slamming Ash in the face. Ash starged for a moment, then fell over. "K.O.!" Giovanni said, proudly.
Matt and Gabumon stood side by side in the fog. "What are we going to do?" Gabumon asked.
"I don't know!" Matt said.
Then they heard Biyomon cry out,"Matt, Gabumon!"
"Biyomon and Koromon!" Gabumon cried when he saw Biyomon running towards them with Koromon in her arms. "We can't find Tai or Sora!"
"Its this fog!" Matt yelled. "Biyomon, can you help us?"
She gave Koromon to Gabumon and jumped in the sky. "Spiral Twister!" she yelld. Her attack hit the ground and was effective. The cloud of smog blew away to revel the other heroes feet away from one another.
"Well, how about that?" Bruno said,"We've all been right next to each other!"
"That will not save you!" Piedmon said. He was floating in the sky with the pyramid right behind him. On the ground was the rest of the Dark Masters, and Team Rocket. "The Chosen have been taken!" he said, to them," Everyone else is free game! I am going to enjoy destroying them!"
Matt clenched his fists. "Bring it on! I'm tired of your mouth Piedmon! Go Gabumon!"
"Gabumon warp digivolve to Metalgarurumon!"
"He's yours!" Matt told his digimon. Turning to the others, he said," Pokemon trainers, take out Team Rocket! Kari and Angewomon, try to knock some sense into Wizardmon, Mimi, due the same with Joe! We have to get inside that pyramid!"
Chapter 2:
Tai slowly opend his eyes. He was once again tied to a wall. He was near a balcony suspeded overa gaint machine, filling the floor. There was a giant glass ball in the center and more balls aranged in circles around that.
"Good, Father!" Myotismon said, walking over to him, "You are awake! You can now see the secret of the Chosen! The machinary below and all around you are the original super computers created by the Digi-Gods!"
Tai gasped. "What?"
Myotismon nodded. "Thats right! Here is where they enterd the Digiworld and here is where they got their power from! But nothing could approach the power needed to charge up this machenary untill you, all of you!"
"He walked over to the balcony. "The machine below represents a planet. The center, the core, is my power regulator. Aided by the Earth Badge he will absorb your energy and redirect it to power up this machenary, the Pawn of Evil..."
"Devimon!" Tai exlcaimed as the Digimon appeared inside the center bubble.
"Now," Myotismon continued," The outer most layer of a planet is the magnetic feil, the two poles. The North Pole..!"
"Ash!" Tai yelled as the Pokemon trainer appeared in the nothrern most bubble.
"The South Pole!" Myotismon said as Sabrina appeared in the southern most bubble.
"Next moving inward you reach the atmosphere. The Mother of the Sacred Power, The one whose mind is his greatest weapon and weakness, and the Child of a better tomorrow all represent air!"
Sora, Izzy, and T.K. each appeared inside one of the three bubbles in the next circle.
"Then you reach the surfgace, Eath and Water. Represeting Earth is the Leader of Gold, Saberleomon and Representing Water is the Nymph of Unkown Love, Misty!"
Saberleomon appeared in the left bubble on the next circle and Misty on the right.
"Lastly under the suface is Fire. Representing fire is the One of Silver Metaletemon and the Fighter of a Title, Gary!" They each appeared in one of the three bubbles on the circle next to Devimon.
Myotismon reach over and grabbed Tai by the shirt collar and pulled him to the balcony. "Last is you, Father returned from death! You are the last representitve of fire!" He threw him over the balcony and he landed inside the last bubble.
"Tai!" Sora cried, "Are you okay?'
"Yeah," he said.
"Why are we here?" Gary asked.
"Yeah," Ash said,"We don't have any power!"
"You do!" Myotismon said," You just don't know it! Sora, Izzy, T.K., Ash, Misty, and Gary, this machine will bring out your powers seconds before it takes them away!" He pressed a button on the balcony and suddenly everyone felt themselves being torn apart as energy shot out of them.
"What is this strange feeling?" Izzy asked. He was beging to feel ligh headed. T.K. grabed his chest. Gary felt like he was on fire and Misty felt like she was under water.
"It must be our powers!" Ash exclamed. He felt like he was charged up.
"Yes!" Myotismon said,"And all your powers together will charge this machinary up! Eleven who thought they where Chosen to save the world, what arragence!"
Part 5: Arena of Fire
Chapter 1:
Egypt, here humanity was born along with the primal urges of good and evil. Now, as then, these forces are once again, battling in this mystic land.
Lance, the Elite Four leader, ordered his Dragonite to use Dragon Rage against his opponent. Once that Team Rocket member was defeated, two more took his place. "They're way too many of them!" he yelled.
"That's our only advantage!" Lt.Surge, the Vermilion City Gym Leader yelled back," While trying to attack us, they're also getting in the way of their own attacks!"
"He's right," Giovanni muttered. He stood on a hovering platform near the pyramid, a safe distance from the battle. He was recovering from his battle with Ash, so all he could do was dictate.
"Still," Erika, the Celedon City Gym Leader said,"Our Pokemon can't take much more of this!"
"Don't give up!" Matt yelled. He stood on the ground, watching Metalgarurmon battling Piedmon. "We have to get inside that pyramid! My brother's in there!"
"Don't worry!" Kari said,"I'm sure Tai's taking care of him! You know he wouldn't let anything happen to him!"
"I know!" Matt said," Once we get inside, we stop Myotismon once and for all!"
Kari nodded.
"Brave words, Ishida," Matt thought to himself," but we have no strategy to speak of! Plus, we're the only ones who know what's going on here! Without the rest of the world to help, all we can do is battle our way to the so-called Chosen, where ever they may be!"
Inside the pyramid, Myotismon stood looking over the self same Chosen. "I was the first, you realize!" he said to them,"The first virus, the first evil Digimon and I intend to be the last!"
"You'll be the first to die," Tai yelled from his bubble," Once we break out of here!"
Myotismon laughed. "You can do no such thing! The ten of you, Father, yourself, Metaletemon, Gary, Saberleomon, Misty, T.K. Izzy, Sora, Sabrina, and Ash have been positioned by me so this machine will funnel all of your energy through a eleventh. And once begun, your combined powers focused through Devimon, with the aid of the Earth Badge, will reach a critical level, infinitely greater then the sum of its parts, which will power the machine next to me. Once I step into the booth, I will be granted the power of the Digi Gods! HAHAHA!"
"Devimon!" Tai yelled to him," The influx of energy is resting primarily on you! Fight it!"
"Its no use, Father!" he said, weakly,"He took who I was long ago and remade me in his own twisted image! All for this moment!"
"Please?" Misty pleaded with him.
"I don't know if I can," Devimon replied, turning away from the Cerulean City Gym Leader.
"Its bad that you don't know!" Ash said," If you don't know, you does?"
"So many lives are depending on us!" Gary yelled.
"This is your chance for redemption!" Saberleomon said,"I would much rather fight beside you, then against you!"
"You have no idea!" Devimon said, aggressively.
"But I do!" Metaletemon said. "I was a virus too, but I've changed. You can do it!"
"That's right!" T.K. said," I believe in you!"
"I will try!" Devimon said.
"Joe, please!" Mimi pleaded with her friend.
Across from her, Joe stood emotionless. "You plead with someone who doesn't care about you anymore!"
"You can't mean that!" she said, near to crying.
"I do!" Turning he told his Digimon to attack. "Go, Zudomon!"
"Lillymon," Mimi told her digimon," We don't have any choice!"
The flower child and the walrus met in the middle of the desert. "I'll give you one last chance!" Zudomon said.
"We won't take it!" Lillymon replied."I'm sorry, Flower Canon!"
The attack hit Zudomon straight in the face. He staged back, then regained his footing. Raising his hammer straight in the air, he slammed in down to the desert floor. "Vulcan's Hammer!"
"Ahh!" Lillymon moaned as she de-digivolved to Tanemon, landing in Mimi's arms.
"Ohh!" Mimi said as the force of Zudomon's attack hit her. She fell backwards and her eyes closed.
"MIMI!" Joe cried. "What have I done?"
"Tanemon!" Zudomon said.
The two of them ran over to their friends. "Mimi!" Joe shook her. "Please wake up! Mimi!"
She slowly opened her eyes. "Joe," she said, looking into his life filled eyes,"You're back."
Joe smiled. "Yes, when I saw what I did to you, well, I.."
"Shh," Mimi said, bringing his face closer to his, "I know."
Then, in the mist of the battle, the two of them, kissed long and hard.
"Wizardmon!" Gatomon said, doging his beam, "Remember please. I'm your friend, Gatomon! Remember we meet in a place like this?"
Wizardmon raised his staff.
"Please, don't make me fight you! We always fought on the same side! Remember when we broke into Myotismon's lair and stole back Kari's crest?"
Wizardmon hesitated.
"Look around you!" Gatomon said,"We are losing! We, I need you my friend! Please!"
Wizardmon shot his head back and let out a deep scream. He then collapsed to the ground. "Gatomon," he said softly, "I'm sorry."
She smiled as she ran to her friend. Suddenly, Digitamimon landed in between them. "I'm sorry!" he said,"but I'm afraid that he's feeling like himself again, but we can't have that!"
"Digitamimon!" she said,"Don't you see what your doing?"
"Yes, and I'm quite proud of it! I'm not under some sort of control, I know full well what I'm doing! Heh heh heh!"
"Then you can be held responsible! Gatomon digivolve to Angewomon!"
"Nightmare Syndrome!" Digitamimon yelled out his attack.
"Celestial Arrow!" Agnewomon said. She shot her arrow straight throw Digitamimon's black fog and straight back to its source. Her arrow shot through the opening in his shell and out the back.
"You did it!" Kari cheered.
"I'm getting tired of you!" Piedmon slashed downward.
"I'm not too found of you either!" Metalgarurmon said, performing a roll over, doging the attack.
"Its time to finish you off now!" Piedmon glared.
"Ice Wolf Claw!" Metalgarurmon said as all his rockets shot toward Piedmon.
"Ahh!" he moaned as he suddenly became frozen solid.
"Metal Wolf Claw!" Metalgarurmon yelled as the rocket shot out of his chest.
"No!" Piedmon yelled. The rocket hit and blasted him into a million pieces.
"We did it!" Tsunomon said, landing in Matt's arms, "We beat the Dark Masters!"
Matt smiled, then turned to Giovanni. "Look around you! Your allies are gone, and your own forces are weakening! If you leave now, we won't pursue you!"
Giovanni looked at the boy in front below him. "I can see you speak the truth!" Turning to his forces below he said,"Retreat! We are leaving!"
Deep inside the pyramid, Myotismon laughed with pride. He was inside the booth, and it was only a matter of time before he was granted the ultimate power. He felt the energies flowing into him. "Yes!" he yelled,"I will become the most powerful being in both worlds!"
"No!" he suddenly yelled as the energies flowed out of him. "The transfer's been interrupted! The energies are draining back into the Chosen! As if something was operating in reverse!"
He ran out of the booth only to see, Devimon shooting our of his bubble, with the rest of the Chosen exiting theirs.
"No!" Myotismon screamed.
"This is incredible!" Izzy said," What is this feeling inside my head?"
"Its your power!" Sabrina said,"You are a psychic like myself!"
There was suddenly a blast of air as T.K. laughed with delight. "I can start winds!"
"I can make fire!" Gary said, shooting a fire ball at a stone wall.
"I'm a living live wire!" Ash said, with electricity bolts flowing through his hands.
"I think I can control water!" Misty said. She raised her hand and a blast of water shot out of it.
"What do I have?" Sora asked. She didn't feel any different.
"This is all quite amusing!" Myotismon glared,"But I afraid that since you've escaped, I must capture you once again!"
"Kari!" Tai said, turning to see his little sister running up the hall.
"The 8th child!" Myotismon said,"I can't risk you helping them! Grisly Wing!"
A barrage of bats shot out of his hands, heading straight for Kari. "Not again!" she said, waiting for the impact.
But it never came. When she opened her eyes, she saw Devimon on the ground in front of her. "Curses!" Myotismon said."Again she is saved!"
"Devimon!" everyone cried.
Outside the pyramid, Biyomon turned to Koromon. He was sweating incredibly, and was panting. "Koromon, what is it?"
"Devimon's power is fading!" he said.
"But that means.." she said, full of sadness.
"That's right!' Koromon replied,"Soon we will both be in the next world, but while Tai's digivice will disapear with me, another exists on Server, use it to bring me back!"
"Koromon!" Biyomon exclaimed, "No, please don't go!"
"Devimon," Tai said, softly. His first enemy was lying in front of them, his skin ripped to shreds from Myotismon's attack.
"Father," Devimon turned to him," All of you, thank you! You believed in me when I didn't believe in myself! I freed you so you can't beat Myotismon. You must destroy him! Please! He took me when I was a young Digimon and made me evil, please, don't let him do it to anyone else!"
Koromon looked to Biyomon. "Goodbye Biyomon and remember..!" He disappeared.
"Koromon!" Biyomon cried, her eyes full of tears, "Koromon! I love you!"
Inside the pyramid, Devimon disappeared. "Koromon's gone too." Tai said. "Thank you, Devimon, for saving my sister's life and for freeing us! I will honor you wish!"
Turning to Myotismon he said,"I'm sick and tired of you hurting people who helped us! I will honor Devimon's wish! For him, and anyone else you've ever hurt, we are going to finish you!"
Chapter 2:
"No one can defeat me!" Myotismon glared. "With Devimon gone, the Chosen are useless! So I will destroy you now!"
"No!" Angewomon yelled, flying in after her human partner. "Celestial Arrow!"
Myotismon jumped out of its way. "Crimson Lightning!" he yelled, slashing Angewomon away.
"Guys," Tai said,"We need your help! Do you think you can use your power yet?"
"We can try!" Ash said, holding his hands out towards Myotismon. He concentrated real hard and a blast of lightning shot out. Myotismon was too surprised to dodge it.
"Ash!" Misty cried, unable to believe her eyes.
"You have power too!" he told her.
"Thats right! I can control water! I have an idea!" she said.
Gary shot a ball of fire at Myotismon, but this time was he prepared. He jumped out of the way and throw a giant brick at him, but Izzy used his telekinesis to deflect it.
"Metal Fist!" Metaletemon yelled, shooting his attack at Myotismon.
Myotismon laughed and deflected it easily. Then he was showered with a blast of water from Misty. "Do you except to stop me with water tricks!" he asked, flying towards her.
"No, but this is going to be shocking!" Ash yelled, shooting a blast of lightning at Myotismon's already soaked form.
He yelled in pain as the current fried him. He momentarily fell back, but quickly regained his footing. "That didn't even phase him!" Saberleomon said.
"Guys,"Tai said, "Listen up, you need to keep him busy while Kari and I try to figure out the last part of the prophecy!"
"What are you talking about?" Sora asked.
"The 12th from the other world, the Father's greatest strength! That's Kari! Remember, we had to return to Earth, the other world, to get her?"
Sora nodded. "What can I do?"
"Without your powers, or Biyomon, there not much..."
"I'm here!" she cried, running in.
"Biyomon!" Sora cried, hugging her Digimon.
"What happened to everyone else?" Tai asked, concerned.
"They're coming!" Biyomon said," Sora, let's go! Biyomon digivole to Birdramon! Birdramon digivole to Garudamon!"
The griffin Digimon lead the attack against Myotismon, while Kari and Tai focused on the prophecy.
Myotismon punched back Garudamon while Ash, Gary, Saberleomon, and Metaletemon fired at him. Izzy and Sabrina used their telekinesis and fired invisible force at him. But everything they threw at him was no use. He deflected everything, and what ever hit him, did no damage what so ever.
"That's it!" Tai said, suddenly.
"What?" Kari asked.
"Your crest!" Tai said, grabbing it,"That has to be it! Give me the energy from your crest!"
"Okay," she said. She concentrated as hard as she could and Tai felt pain run through his body. "Im hurting you!" she cried.
"No!" Tai said,"Don't stop! I feel stronger, don't stop!"
Tai was now lit up like a Christmas Tree. Everyone had to shield their eyes. "What's this?" Myotismon growled.
There was an explosion of light as Tai stood, his body pulsing with energy. "Now, Myotismon," he said, floating up to him," Let's get started, huh?"
"Tai" Kari ask with wonderment,"It must be because of what my crest gave him!"
If Myotismon was surprised, he didn't show it. "Father," he said,"You're stupid for wasting your second chance at life to defeat me!"
Tai reached behind him and pulled out his sword. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now, let's finish this once and for all!"
The two enemies charged at each other. When they clashed, they flew straight up, blowing apart the ceiling of the pyramid.
Matt and the others came running in. "Oh no!" he said, looking for the familiar boy. "Tai!" he yelled. "Where's Tai!"
T.K. turned around. "Matt!" he yelled.
"T.K!" Matt said, cluching his little brother. "Where's Tai!"
"The Father is fighting the Beast even as we speak!" a voice said from the shadows. "Writing the final chapter to a story begun long, long, ago!"
"Geni!" everyone exclaimed.
"Yes," the old man said,"I thought it be best to appear in person under the circumstances!"
"What do you mean?" Sora asked, full of concern.
"The Father's power is no incredible, but it is all offensive! He has little power to handle a high level attack like Myotismon's! If the Father tries to destroy him, he will not be able to handle to out powering energy!"
"Oh no!" Misty said, standing by Ash,"We have to tell him!"
"I'll do it!" Izzy said. "Tai?" he thought,"Tai, can you hear me?"
Up in the sky, Tai doged an attack from Myotismon. "Izzy, what are you doing?"
"SPeaking to you telepathecly! This is incredible! I don't belive this!"
"I 'm sure it fastinating Izzy, but I'm kinda in the middle of something right now!"
"Right, sorry. Listen, Geni told me that if your attempt to destroy Myotismon, you might not make it!"
"I can't take that chance..uh!"
Myotismon punched Tai in the face, causing him to fly back towards the inside of the pyramid. He slammed into the ground, skiding on the brick floor. He saw Myotismon laughing at him from his position in the sky. "You can't beat me, Father!" he gloated.
Tai looked around him. He saw Geni, Matt, T.K. Izzy, Sabrina, the Gym Leaders, Ash, Misty, Joe, Kari, Saberleomon, Meteaetemon, Wizardmon, the digimon, then his eyes fell on Sora.
"Sora,"he thought,"You've always been my pillar of strenght. You've always shown me the best we were capable of. You've shown me the best in all of us! I love you Sora, and I always will!"
He flew back in the sky, straight towards Myotismon. "You've always held us in contempt, we were nothing to you but humans. You distanced yourself from the humanity that created you that you forget ho powerful we are!"
He flew straight towards him and plunged his sword deep into Myotismon's chest. He screamed in pain, both of them did, as Myotismon's exploding energy hit Tai like a lightning bolt.
Sora, somehow, could feel his pain through her crest, she knew his body couldn't take it. "Tai! No!" she yelled.
His name was Taichi, 'Tai' Kamiya. Hers was Sora Takenouchi. Father and Mother. Courage and Love. They were Digidestined, the were lovers, they were heroes. Together they rode a path of high adventures and their love reached beyond the stars.
The last thought Sora recived from Tai, is of choices. That they faced so many choices along the way to get to this point. Do they beat Devimon? Do they risk the sea and reach Server? What cards will opend Myotismon's gate? Should they go back to the Digiworld? So many choices, but this time, this time it was no choice at all. This was the battle and the foe Tai was destined to face, and he beat him.
There was a mighty explosion filling the Egyptian sky before both Tai and Myotismon were gone. All the was left were his goggles and sword.
"Its over!" Sora said, turning her head away. "He's gone!"
"No,"Misty said, crying into Ash's shoulder.
"Tai,"Ash said,"I wish I could have know you better!"
"He died a warrior," Saberleomon said,"He will always be remebered!"
As Kari and Sora comforted each other, Matt walked up with Tai's goggles and sword.
"Kari," Sora said, trying to be strong," He would want you to have these!"
Kari whiped away her tears and placed the goggles on her head. "I will wear these to honor him!"
One month later, Matt stood leaning against a lampost in Odiba, Tokyo. He was watching a window across from him. He looked up at the sky. "Well, Tai, I think its about time I filled you in on what happend scince you left. After Saberleomon, Wizardmon and Metaletemon returned back to the Digiworld, our digimon decided to stay here. You see, Izzy told us that the barrier was incredably weak no, and evil digimon were crossing over all the time, so we some of the Pokemon trainers and us decided to creat a team to fight them. We're called the Defenders! It's Ash, Misty, Brock, Gary, T.K., Kari, Sora, after the child's born and I'm the leader! How about that huh?
Anyway, Joe and Gomamon seem to be recovering just fine after their ordeal as Dark Masters. Mimi and Palmon are staying with them. It seems something's going on between Joe and Mimi!
Let me tell you Tai, when we meet you and Sora at camp, we had you two pegged. We knew you would fall in love some day, it was just a matter of time, but Mimi? Well, she had us all guessing! I always thought it was Izzy, but well!
Anyway, speaking of Izzy, it seems that our little antisocial friend has got a girlfriend! Yup! He and Sabrina went off together and it seems like something is going on between them!
And Sora and her mother have moved in with your family! I can just imagine your poor father! All he hears about day and night is the baby! I really piety him!"
Just then Matt heard a voice comming from the window. "It's time for bed T.K.!"
"But mom, I'm 13 years old!"
"13 year olds have bedtimes too!"
"But I helped save the world! I'm a hero!"
"Heroes need thier sleep, now come on!"
Matt chuckled at the argument. "I will always be here for you T.K.," he said, turning away," Always!"
In Saffron City, Sabrina ordered her Alakazam to use confusion on her oponent.
"Sabrina is the winner!" the referee said.
She smiled. "No more today!" she said.
"Congradulations!" a figure told her as she walked into her chambers.
"Thank you!" she said, sitting down on the bed.
The figure walked out was Sabrina! "Good work! You have become such a good psychic that you can fool anybody!"
"I've got a great teacher!" Izzy told her and he changed back to himself. "And this Team Rocket disguing device is so fastinating!"
Sabrina walked over to him. "I quite fasinating too!" she said as psychic energy flowed out of her head.
"We've got so much to explore!" Izzy said, as psychic energy flowed out of his head.
The two energies mingeled in the middle before going to each other. They both smiled with delight. Izzy said,"The possiblities are truely endless!"
Chapter 1:
The next morning, Tai and Sora decided to tell everyone that she was pregnant. The girls were surprised, and insisted that they give her a baby shower. So for the past two hours, Sora, Mimi, Misty, and Kari were down by the lake. "What are they doing down there?" Ash asked. Watching Pikachu try to grab one of the pancakes Brock was cooking. It yelped back in pain.
"You got me!" Matt said, taking a bite. "So, Tai," he said, turning to him,"Have you decided what you're going to name it yet?"
Tai shook his head. "I only found out about it yesterday! Mimi, however, knew about it from the begining! I'm not angry at her, just disapointed that she didn't come to me in the begining!"
"Well," Izzy said, between typing on his laptop," She probably was afraid of your reaction! You aren't excatly the world's warmest person!"
Tai excepted this and said,"Shouldn't you be working on that translation?"
"See, this is what I don't understand about you humans!" Metaletemon said,"Your way of reproducting! I understand that you can't simply be, 'programed', but why reproduce in such a 'messy' way?"
"Well, we really didn't have a say in the matter!" Ash said as Tai was laughing because Matt was covering T.K.'s ears, and Gabumon was covering Patamon's.
"Guys, breakfast is served!" Brock said.
"What about us?" Misty asked, walking back into camp,"I'm starved!"
"Yeah!" Ash said,"It takes a lot of energy to run your mouth like that!"
Misty ran over to him and started to strangle him. "There they go again!" Mimi sighed. "They fight more than me and Izzy!"
"You know," Saberleomon said," There is a saying, that if two people fight alot that means they really care about each other!"
"Yeah, we know!" Ash managde to say while gasping for air.
"Tai," Izzy said," I think I've got it!"
"Really?" Tai asked while Brock seperated Misty and Ash.
"Yeah!" Izzy said.
"Well, don't keep us suspended!" T.K. said.
"You mean suspense!" Kari said.
Izzy's smile turned around. "No, this doesn't tell us anything!"
Everyone was depressed. "Great," Mimi said," So now we're back at square one!"
"Not nessacarly!" Sora said,"We know where Myotismon is and we know that Tai's definately one of the Chosen, and without him, Myotismon has no plan! So as long as he's hear, both worlds are safe!"
"But,"Izzy said,"I belive that with the program on the paper from the book, I can activate the Digivices! We can go home!"
"Great!" Tai said,"Can you get us to Egypt?"
Izzy nodded. "Yes, I think I can!"
"Great! Contact the Gym Leaders and tell them to meet us there!"
Tai suddenly felt Koromon go limp. "What's the matter," he asked.
"Its Devimon!" he said, weakly, "His life force is being drained!"
"What?" Biyomon asked.
"Devimon and Koromon are conected!" Tai said.
In Egypt, inside one of it many anceint pyramids, Devimon was strabed to a wall along with Sabrina and Gary. "Why am I here?" he asked Myotismon.
"Well," Myotismon said,"Let me tell you a story that began long ago! When I first found you, you were just a puny pathetic Demidevimon, potention without power, power without form. I took you under my wing. I had obtained the first Digidestined's Digimon and placed to two of you together in one of my special machines. I made it so you would become one. So that when that Koromon used the Digivice to digivolve you would get some of that energy! However, as soon as that was done, you digivolved to Devimon and Koromon de-digivolved to Botamon.
I then sent you to File Island to concor it. The Digidestined defeated you though, but you didn't die, you just de-digivolved back to Demidevimon and returned to my service. Then in my attempt to take over the Earth, you digivolved again, using the stolen energy from the digivecs!"
"I know all that already!" he said.
"The point is," Myotismon continued," you are an energy absorber. You absorb energy and redirect it, that is crucial to me! You see, all you are is a pawn, My pawn!"
Lance sighed as he looked over the golden desert, from the plane the Elite Four and the Gym Leaders were in. "Any sign of them?" he asked. The Digidestined leader, Tai, said to meat them here, but Egypt is a giant desert!
"Look!" Koga said, from where he was flying the plane. Everyone looked to the ground. A bright light in the shape of a ball suddenly appeared. It shrunk and changed to a flat circle. Then a group of figures fell out of it before it disapeared again. On the figures stood up and waved at the plane.
"That must be them!" he said,"Take us down!"
Myotismon watched the plane land. "Now that they are all together, we must strike!"
He turned to his assembled army, Team Rocket and the Dark Masters. "You must capture the Chosen, but do not harm them! Now go, and remember, confusion is the strategy!"
Tai walked at the head of the group next to Lance. He turned to the Elite Four leader and asked," Well? Anything yet?"
"There!" Lance said, looking up from his tracking device. "I'm reciving Sabrina's personal gym badge signal from inside there!"
The group looked to the giant pyramid he was pointing at. "I wonder what signigicance this place holds?" Sora asked.
"It dosen't even look like anyone's home!" Ash said looking around.
Suddenly, a section of the pyramid moved away to create a door. "Be ready," Tai told everyone.
A large group of Whezzings and Golems came out. "What the..?" Matt asked.
From inside the pyramid they heard,"Whezzing, Smog Attack!" The Whezzing shot a hurricane of smoke, effectivly destroying the heroes line of sight.
Then another voice yelled,"Golems, Earthquake!" The ground shook, throwing everyone every which way. They where now seperated from one another, and the fog kept them guessing where the other where.
Tai moved his hands in an effort to get rid of the smoke cloud, but it was no use.
He whirled inside the cloud. "Sora!" he yelled back,"Where are you?"
"Here!" she said, falling to the ground in front of him.
"Are you okay?" he asked, helping her to her feet.
"Yes," she said, "but you aren't!" She shot him with a tranquilizer dart.
"Should have known it wasn't her," Tai said before he passed out, "No Crest!"
Ash and Pikachu were desperatly rushing through the cloud, trying to locate the others when they banged into someone. "You!" Ashe said.
Giovanni smiled. "Yes, its me!"
"I don't have time for you!"
"I suggest you make time!" Giovanni said, throwing off his jacket. "What do you say, huh? You and me?"
Ash slunk back. "Get ready, Pikachu!"
Giovanni shook his head. "No, I mean a man to man fight! What's wrong?" he asked when he saw Ash's frightend look," You can only fight with Pokemon?"
Ashe glared at him. "Okay," he said holding up his fists,"We'll do it your way!"
Giovanni lead off by punching him square in the jaw. Ash swung bust missed. "I'm going to enjoy this!" Giovanni said.
T.K. was moving slowly in the fog. "Where is everyone Patamon?" he asked, then he noticed that his friend wasn't there. "Patamon?" he yelled.
"T.K.!" he heard his brother yell, running up to him. "Are you all right?"
"Matt!" he cried, hugging him. Then he noticed something was wrong. Matt was squezzing him too hard. Looking up, he saw Matt smiling. "I've got you now!"
"You're not Matt!" T.K. said, trying to get away, but he held him tight. As he was strugling to get away, he elbowed him in the side. There was a humming sound as Matt's features melted and changed to a Team Rocket member.
"Let him go!" Metaletemon yelled, running up to T.K.
The Team Rocket member yelled,"Electabuzz, Thunder Wave!"
From out of nowhere, Metaletemon was hit with a circle of light that cause him to fall paralyzed. The Team Rocket member smiled, "That's two down!"
While Ash and Giovanni continued their fight, Misty fought her way through the smoke cloud. "Ash!" she yelled. Then she felt her hand brush up against something. "Oh no!" she said, jumping back.
Jessie said," That's right! I'm your worst nightmare! Go, Arbok!"
Misty pulled out her pokeball. "I choose you, Starmie!"
The cobra and star fish stood ready. "Arbok, Poision Sting!"
"Charbok!" it yelled, spitting out a barrage of darts.
Misty was ready for this. "Starmie, Bubble Beam!" From out of its crystal face, a storm of bubbles shot forth. Each bubble met with a dart and cancaled each other out. "Can't beat me that easily!"
"We'll see!" Jessie glared, "Arbok, Tackle!" The cobra pokemon shot foward with such speed that Starmie was knocked out.
"Starmie, return!" Misty said, getting ready for another pokemon when Arbok suddenly wraped around her. "No!" she said.
Izzy moved through the fog slowly. No point in rushin if you don't know where you're going. "Hello, Izzy," he heard a familiar voice say.
"Joe," he said turning to face what he hoped was still his friend, deep inside.
"I have orders to capture you," Joe said, coldly," and I have the means to subdue you!"
Izzy held up his hands. "I won't fight you, Joe."
"Excellent," Joe said, clasping two pairs of handcuffs on him," That make my job so much easier!"
Sora stood where she was. She couldn't see anything in any direction, and she was sepearted from Biyomon, so she decided to stay where she was. She heard footsteps from behind her. Turning around quickly she spied Saberleomon. "Sora?" he asked.
"Oh, good, its you!" she said, a little disapointed that it wasn't Tai.
"We have to get our beirngs straight and find the others!" he said.
Sora was about to say something when Digitamimon came charging. "I can't fight without Biyomon!" she said, helplessly.
Saberleomon nodded, and started to attacked him. He punched him with such force that Digitamimon flew back. "Nice work!" he said," but I was able to capture you easy enough the last time!"
"It won't happen this time!" Saberleomon said.
"We shall see!" was the response.
Just then, Saberleomon heard Sora crying out in pain. Whirling around, he saw her fall to the ground with a Team Rocket member in front of her with a tranquilier gun. The member then moved the gun and shot Saberleomon.
Giovanni and Ash continued their battle. "You're not so bad!" Giovanni said, blocking one of Ash's punches.
"Not bad yourself, for an old man!" Ash inslulted.
"That one will cost you!" Giovanni said, pulling his fist back, and slamming Ash in the face. Ash starged for a moment, then fell over. "K.O.!" Giovanni said, proudly.
Matt and Gabumon stood side by side in the fog. "What are we going to do?" Gabumon asked.
"I don't know!" Matt said.
Then they heard Biyomon cry out,"Matt, Gabumon!"
"Biyomon and Koromon!" Gabumon cried when he saw Biyomon running towards them with Koromon in her arms. "We can't find Tai or Sora!"
"Its this fog!" Matt yelled. "Biyomon, can you help us?"
She gave Koromon to Gabumon and jumped in the sky. "Spiral Twister!" she yelld. Her attack hit the ground and was effective. The cloud of smog blew away to revel the other heroes feet away from one another.
"Well, how about that?" Bruno said,"We've all been right next to each other!"
"That will not save you!" Piedmon said. He was floating in the sky with the pyramid right behind him. On the ground was the rest of the Dark Masters, and Team Rocket. "The Chosen have been taken!" he said, to them," Everyone else is free game! I am going to enjoy destroying them!"
Matt clenched his fists. "Bring it on! I'm tired of your mouth Piedmon! Go Gabumon!"
"Gabumon warp digivolve to Metalgarurumon!"
"He's yours!" Matt told his digimon. Turning to the others, he said," Pokemon trainers, take out Team Rocket! Kari and Angewomon, try to knock some sense into Wizardmon, Mimi, due the same with Joe! We have to get inside that pyramid!"
Chapter 2:
Tai slowly opend his eyes. He was once again tied to a wall. He was near a balcony suspeded overa gaint machine, filling the floor. There was a giant glass ball in the center and more balls aranged in circles around that.
"Good, Father!" Myotismon said, walking over to him, "You are awake! You can now see the secret of the Chosen! The machinary below and all around you are the original super computers created by the Digi-Gods!"
Tai gasped. "What?"
Myotismon nodded. "Thats right! Here is where they enterd the Digiworld and here is where they got their power from! But nothing could approach the power needed to charge up this machenary untill you, all of you!"
"He walked over to the balcony. "The machine below represents a planet. The center, the core, is my power regulator. Aided by the Earth Badge he will absorb your energy and redirect it to power up this machenary, the Pawn of Evil..."
"Devimon!" Tai exlcaimed as the Digimon appeared inside the center bubble.
"Now," Myotismon continued," The outer most layer of a planet is the magnetic feil, the two poles. The North Pole..!"
"Ash!" Tai yelled as the Pokemon trainer appeared in the nothrern most bubble.
"The South Pole!" Myotismon said as Sabrina appeared in the southern most bubble.
"Next moving inward you reach the atmosphere. The Mother of the Sacred Power, The one whose mind is his greatest weapon and weakness, and the Child of a better tomorrow all represent air!"
Sora, Izzy, and T.K. each appeared inside one of the three bubbles in the next circle.
"Then you reach the surfgace, Eath and Water. Represeting Earth is the Leader of Gold, Saberleomon and Representing Water is the Nymph of Unkown Love, Misty!"
Saberleomon appeared in the left bubble on the next circle and Misty on the right.
"Lastly under the suface is Fire. Representing fire is the One of Silver Metaletemon and the Fighter of a Title, Gary!" They each appeared in one of the three bubbles on the circle next to Devimon.
Myotismon reach over and grabbed Tai by the shirt collar and pulled him to the balcony. "Last is you, Father returned from death! You are the last representitve of fire!" He threw him over the balcony and he landed inside the last bubble.
"Tai!" Sora cried, "Are you okay?'
"Yeah," he said.
"Why are we here?" Gary asked.
"Yeah," Ash said,"We don't have any power!"
"You do!" Myotismon said," You just don't know it! Sora, Izzy, T.K., Ash, Misty, and Gary, this machine will bring out your powers seconds before it takes them away!" He pressed a button on the balcony and suddenly everyone felt themselves being torn apart as energy shot out of them.
"What is this strange feeling?" Izzy asked. He was beging to feel ligh headed. T.K. grabed his chest. Gary felt like he was on fire and Misty felt like she was under water.
"It must be our powers!" Ash exclamed. He felt like he was charged up.
"Yes!" Myotismon said,"And all your powers together will charge this machinary up! Eleven who thought they where Chosen to save the world, what arragence!"
Part 5: Arena of Fire
Chapter 1:
Egypt, here humanity was born along with the primal urges of good and evil. Now, as then, these forces are once again, battling in this mystic land.
Lance, the Elite Four leader, ordered his Dragonite to use Dragon Rage against his opponent. Once that Team Rocket member was defeated, two more took his place. "They're way too many of them!" he yelled.
"That's our only advantage!" Lt.Surge, the Vermilion City Gym Leader yelled back," While trying to attack us, they're also getting in the way of their own attacks!"
"He's right," Giovanni muttered. He stood on a hovering platform near the pyramid, a safe distance from the battle. He was recovering from his battle with Ash, so all he could do was dictate.
"Still," Erika, the Celedon City Gym Leader said,"Our Pokemon can't take much more of this!"
"Don't give up!" Matt yelled. He stood on the ground, watching Metalgarurmon battling Piedmon. "We have to get inside that pyramid! My brother's in there!"
"Don't worry!" Kari said,"I'm sure Tai's taking care of him! You know he wouldn't let anything happen to him!"
"I know!" Matt said," Once we get inside, we stop Myotismon once and for all!"
Kari nodded.
"Brave words, Ishida," Matt thought to himself," but we have no strategy to speak of! Plus, we're the only ones who know what's going on here! Without the rest of the world to help, all we can do is battle our way to the so-called Chosen, where ever they may be!"
Inside the pyramid, Myotismon stood looking over the self same Chosen. "I was the first, you realize!" he said to them,"The first virus, the first evil Digimon and I intend to be the last!"
"You'll be the first to die," Tai yelled from his bubble," Once we break out of here!"
Myotismon laughed. "You can do no such thing! The ten of you, Father, yourself, Metaletemon, Gary, Saberleomon, Misty, T.K. Izzy, Sora, Sabrina, and Ash have been positioned by me so this machine will funnel all of your energy through a eleventh. And once begun, your combined powers focused through Devimon, with the aid of the Earth Badge, will reach a critical level, infinitely greater then the sum of its parts, which will power the machine next to me. Once I step into the booth, I will be granted the power of the Digi Gods! HAHAHA!"
"Devimon!" Tai yelled to him," The influx of energy is resting primarily on you! Fight it!"
"Its no use, Father!" he said, weakly,"He took who I was long ago and remade me in his own twisted image! All for this moment!"
"Please?" Misty pleaded with him.
"I don't know if I can," Devimon replied, turning away from the Cerulean City Gym Leader.
"Its bad that you don't know!" Ash said," If you don't know, you does?"
"So many lives are depending on us!" Gary yelled.
"This is your chance for redemption!" Saberleomon said,"I would much rather fight beside you, then against you!"
"You have no idea!" Devimon said, aggressively.
"But I do!" Metaletemon said. "I was a virus too, but I've changed. You can do it!"
"That's right!" T.K. said," I believe in you!"
"I will try!" Devimon said.
"Joe, please!" Mimi pleaded with her friend.
Across from her, Joe stood emotionless. "You plead with someone who doesn't care about you anymore!"
"You can't mean that!" she said, near to crying.
"I do!" Turning he told his Digimon to attack. "Go, Zudomon!"
"Lillymon," Mimi told her digimon," We don't have any choice!"
The flower child and the walrus met in the middle of the desert. "I'll give you one last chance!" Zudomon said.
"We won't take it!" Lillymon replied."I'm sorry, Flower Canon!"
The attack hit Zudomon straight in the face. He staged back, then regained his footing. Raising his hammer straight in the air, he slammed in down to the desert floor. "Vulcan's Hammer!"
"Ahh!" Lillymon moaned as she de-digivolved to Tanemon, landing in Mimi's arms.
"Ohh!" Mimi said as the force of Zudomon's attack hit her. She fell backwards and her eyes closed.
"MIMI!" Joe cried. "What have I done?"
"Tanemon!" Zudomon said.
The two of them ran over to their friends. "Mimi!" Joe shook her. "Please wake up! Mimi!"
She slowly opened her eyes. "Joe," she said, looking into his life filled eyes,"You're back."
Joe smiled. "Yes, when I saw what I did to you, well, I.."
"Shh," Mimi said, bringing his face closer to his, "I know."
Then, in the mist of the battle, the two of them, kissed long and hard.
"Wizardmon!" Gatomon said, doging his beam, "Remember please. I'm your friend, Gatomon! Remember we meet in a place like this?"
Wizardmon raised his staff.
"Please, don't make me fight you! We always fought on the same side! Remember when we broke into Myotismon's lair and stole back Kari's crest?"
Wizardmon hesitated.
"Look around you!" Gatomon said,"We are losing! We, I need you my friend! Please!"
Wizardmon shot his head back and let out a deep scream. He then collapsed to the ground. "Gatomon," he said softly, "I'm sorry."
She smiled as she ran to her friend. Suddenly, Digitamimon landed in between them. "I'm sorry!" he said,"but I'm afraid that he's feeling like himself again, but we can't have that!"
"Digitamimon!" she said,"Don't you see what your doing?"
"Yes, and I'm quite proud of it! I'm not under some sort of control, I know full well what I'm doing! Heh heh heh!"
"Then you can be held responsible! Gatomon digivolve to Angewomon!"
"Nightmare Syndrome!" Digitamimon yelled out his attack.
"Celestial Arrow!" Agnewomon said. She shot her arrow straight throw Digitamimon's black fog and straight back to its source. Her arrow shot through the opening in his shell and out the back.
"You did it!" Kari cheered.
"I'm getting tired of you!" Piedmon slashed downward.
"I'm not too found of you either!" Metalgarurmon said, performing a roll over, doging the attack.
"Its time to finish you off now!" Piedmon glared.
"Ice Wolf Claw!" Metalgarurmon said as all his rockets shot toward Piedmon.
"Ahh!" he moaned as he suddenly became frozen solid.
"Metal Wolf Claw!" Metalgarurmon yelled as the rocket shot out of his chest.
"No!" Piedmon yelled. The rocket hit and blasted him into a million pieces.
"We did it!" Tsunomon said, landing in Matt's arms, "We beat the Dark Masters!"
Matt smiled, then turned to Giovanni. "Look around you! Your allies are gone, and your own forces are weakening! If you leave now, we won't pursue you!"
Giovanni looked at the boy in front below him. "I can see you speak the truth!" Turning to his forces below he said,"Retreat! We are leaving!"
Deep inside the pyramid, Myotismon laughed with pride. He was inside the booth, and it was only a matter of time before he was granted the ultimate power. He felt the energies flowing into him. "Yes!" he yelled,"I will become the most powerful being in both worlds!"
"No!" he suddenly yelled as the energies flowed out of him. "The transfer's been interrupted! The energies are draining back into the Chosen! As if something was operating in reverse!"
He ran out of the booth only to see, Devimon shooting our of his bubble, with the rest of the Chosen exiting theirs.
"No!" Myotismon screamed.
"This is incredible!" Izzy said," What is this feeling inside my head?"
"Its your power!" Sabrina said,"You are a psychic like myself!"
There was suddenly a blast of air as T.K. laughed with delight. "I can start winds!"
"I can make fire!" Gary said, shooting a fire ball at a stone wall.
"I'm a living live wire!" Ash said, with electricity bolts flowing through his hands.
"I think I can control water!" Misty said. She raised her hand and a blast of water shot out of it.
"What do I have?" Sora asked. She didn't feel any different.
"This is all quite amusing!" Myotismon glared,"But I afraid that since you've escaped, I must capture you once again!"
"Kari!" Tai said, turning to see his little sister running up the hall.
"The 8th child!" Myotismon said,"I can't risk you helping them! Grisly Wing!"
A barrage of bats shot out of his hands, heading straight for Kari. "Not again!" she said, waiting for the impact.
But it never came. When she opened her eyes, she saw Devimon on the ground in front of her. "Curses!" Myotismon said."Again she is saved!"
"Devimon!" everyone cried.
Outside the pyramid, Biyomon turned to Koromon. He was sweating incredibly, and was panting. "Koromon, what is it?"
"Devimon's power is fading!" he said.
"But that means.." she said, full of sadness.
"That's right!' Koromon replied,"Soon we will both be in the next world, but while Tai's digivice will disapear with me, another exists on Server, use it to bring me back!"
"Koromon!" Biyomon exclaimed, "No, please don't go!"
"Devimon," Tai said, softly. His first enemy was lying in front of them, his skin ripped to shreds from Myotismon's attack.
"Father," Devimon turned to him," All of you, thank you! You believed in me when I didn't believe in myself! I freed you so you can't beat Myotismon. You must destroy him! Please! He took me when I was a young Digimon and made me evil, please, don't let him do it to anyone else!"
Koromon looked to Biyomon. "Goodbye Biyomon and remember..!" He disappeared.
"Koromon!" Biyomon cried, her eyes full of tears, "Koromon! I love you!"
Inside the pyramid, Devimon disappeared. "Koromon's gone too." Tai said. "Thank you, Devimon, for saving my sister's life and for freeing us! I will honor you wish!"
Turning to Myotismon he said,"I'm sick and tired of you hurting people who helped us! I will honor Devimon's wish! For him, and anyone else you've ever hurt, we are going to finish you!"
Chapter 2:
"No one can defeat me!" Myotismon glared. "With Devimon gone, the Chosen are useless! So I will destroy you now!"
"No!" Angewomon yelled, flying in after her human partner. "Celestial Arrow!"
Myotismon jumped out of its way. "Crimson Lightning!" he yelled, slashing Angewomon away.
"Guys," Tai said,"We need your help! Do you think you can use your power yet?"
"We can try!" Ash said, holding his hands out towards Myotismon. He concentrated real hard and a blast of lightning shot out. Myotismon was too surprised to dodge it.
"Ash!" Misty cried, unable to believe her eyes.
"You have power too!" he told her.
"Thats right! I can control water! I have an idea!" she said.
Gary shot a ball of fire at Myotismon, but this time was he prepared. He jumped out of the way and throw a giant brick at him, but Izzy used his telekinesis to deflect it.
"Metal Fist!" Metaletemon yelled, shooting his attack at Myotismon.
Myotismon laughed and deflected it easily. Then he was showered with a blast of water from Misty. "Do you except to stop me with water tricks!" he asked, flying towards her.
"No, but this is going to be shocking!" Ash yelled, shooting a blast of lightning at Myotismon's already soaked form.
He yelled in pain as the current fried him. He momentarily fell back, but quickly regained his footing. "That didn't even phase him!" Saberleomon said.
"Guys,"Tai said, "Listen up, you need to keep him busy while Kari and I try to figure out the last part of the prophecy!"
"What are you talking about?" Sora asked.
"The 12th from the other world, the Father's greatest strength! That's Kari! Remember, we had to return to Earth, the other world, to get her?"
Sora nodded. "What can I do?"
"Without your powers, or Biyomon, there not much..."
"I'm here!" she cried, running in.
"Biyomon!" Sora cried, hugging her Digimon.
"What happened to everyone else?" Tai asked, concerned.
"They're coming!" Biyomon said," Sora, let's go! Biyomon digivole to Birdramon! Birdramon digivole to Garudamon!"
The griffin Digimon lead the attack against Myotismon, while Kari and Tai focused on the prophecy.
Myotismon punched back Garudamon while Ash, Gary, Saberleomon, and Metaletemon fired at him. Izzy and Sabrina used their telekinesis and fired invisible force at him. But everything they threw at him was no use. He deflected everything, and what ever hit him, did no damage what so ever.
"That's it!" Tai said, suddenly.
"What?" Kari asked.
"Your crest!" Tai said, grabbing it,"That has to be it! Give me the energy from your crest!"
"Okay," she said. She concentrated as hard as she could and Tai felt pain run through his body. "Im hurting you!" she cried.
"No!" Tai said,"Don't stop! I feel stronger, don't stop!"
Tai was now lit up like a Christmas Tree. Everyone had to shield their eyes. "What's this?" Myotismon growled.
There was an explosion of light as Tai stood, his body pulsing with energy. "Now, Myotismon," he said, floating up to him," Let's get started, huh?"
"Tai" Kari ask with wonderment,"It must be because of what my crest gave him!"
If Myotismon was surprised, he didn't show it. "Father," he said,"You're stupid for wasting your second chance at life to defeat me!"
Tai reached behind him and pulled out his sword. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now, let's finish this once and for all!"
The two enemies charged at each other. When they clashed, they flew straight up, blowing apart the ceiling of the pyramid.
Matt and the others came running in. "Oh no!" he said, looking for the familiar boy. "Tai!" he yelled. "Where's Tai!"
T.K. turned around. "Matt!" he yelled.
"T.K!" Matt said, cluching his little brother. "Where's Tai!"
"The Father is fighting the Beast even as we speak!" a voice said from the shadows. "Writing the final chapter to a story begun long, long, ago!"
"Geni!" everyone exclaimed.
"Yes," the old man said,"I thought it be best to appear in person under the circumstances!"
"What do you mean?" Sora asked, full of concern.
"The Father's power is no incredible, but it is all offensive! He has little power to handle a high level attack like Myotismon's! If the Father tries to destroy him, he will not be able to handle to out powering energy!"
"Oh no!" Misty said, standing by Ash,"We have to tell him!"
"I'll do it!" Izzy said. "Tai?" he thought,"Tai, can you hear me?"
Up in the sky, Tai doged an attack from Myotismon. "Izzy, what are you doing?"
"SPeaking to you telepathecly! This is incredible! I don't belive this!"
"I 'm sure it fastinating Izzy, but I'm kinda in the middle of something right now!"
"Right, sorry. Listen, Geni told me that if your attempt to destroy Myotismon, you might not make it!"
"I can't take that chance..uh!"
Myotismon punched Tai in the face, causing him to fly back towards the inside of the pyramid. He slammed into the ground, skiding on the brick floor. He saw Myotismon laughing at him from his position in the sky. "You can't beat me, Father!" he gloated.
Tai looked around him. He saw Geni, Matt, T.K. Izzy, Sabrina, the Gym Leaders, Ash, Misty, Joe, Kari, Saberleomon, Meteaetemon, Wizardmon, the digimon, then his eyes fell on Sora.
"Sora,"he thought,"You've always been my pillar of strenght. You've always shown me the best we were capable of. You've shown me the best in all of us! I love you Sora, and I always will!"
He flew back in the sky, straight towards Myotismon. "You've always held us in contempt, we were nothing to you but humans. You distanced yourself from the humanity that created you that you forget ho powerful we are!"
He flew straight towards him and plunged his sword deep into Myotismon's chest. He screamed in pain, both of them did, as Myotismon's exploding energy hit Tai like a lightning bolt.
Sora, somehow, could feel his pain through her crest, she knew his body couldn't take it. "Tai! No!" she yelled.
His name was Taichi, 'Tai' Kamiya. Hers was Sora Takenouchi. Father and Mother. Courage and Love. They were Digidestined, the were lovers, they were heroes. Together they rode a path of high adventures and their love reached beyond the stars.
The last thought Sora recived from Tai, is of choices. That they faced so many choices along the way to get to this point. Do they beat Devimon? Do they risk the sea and reach Server? What cards will opend Myotismon's gate? Should they go back to the Digiworld? So many choices, but this time, this time it was no choice at all. This was the battle and the foe Tai was destined to face, and he beat him.
There was a mighty explosion filling the Egyptian sky before both Tai and Myotismon were gone. All the was left were his goggles and sword.
"Its over!" Sora said, turning her head away. "He's gone!"
"No,"Misty said, crying into Ash's shoulder.
"Tai,"Ash said,"I wish I could have know you better!"
"He died a warrior," Saberleomon said,"He will always be remebered!"
As Kari and Sora comforted each other, Matt walked up with Tai's goggles and sword.
"Kari," Sora said, trying to be strong," He would want you to have these!"
Kari whiped away her tears and placed the goggles on her head. "I will wear these to honor him!"
One month later, Matt stood leaning against a lampost in Odiba, Tokyo. He was watching a window across from him. He looked up at the sky. "Well, Tai, I think its about time I filled you in on what happend scince you left. After Saberleomon, Wizardmon and Metaletemon returned back to the Digiworld, our digimon decided to stay here. You see, Izzy told us that the barrier was incredably weak no, and evil digimon were crossing over all the time, so we some of the Pokemon trainers and us decided to creat a team to fight them. We're called the Defenders! It's Ash, Misty, Brock, Gary, T.K., Kari, Sora, after the child's born and I'm the leader! How about that huh?
Anyway, Joe and Gomamon seem to be recovering just fine after their ordeal as Dark Masters. Mimi and Palmon are staying with them. It seems something's going on between Joe and Mimi!
Let me tell you Tai, when we meet you and Sora at camp, we had you two pegged. We knew you would fall in love some day, it was just a matter of time, but Mimi? Well, she had us all guessing! I always thought it was Izzy, but well!
Anyway, speaking of Izzy, it seems that our little antisocial friend has got a girlfriend! Yup! He and Sabrina went off together and it seems like something is going on between them!
And Sora and her mother have moved in with your family! I can just imagine your poor father! All he hears about day and night is the baby! I really piety him!"
Just then Matt heard a voice comming from the window. "It's time for bed T.K.!"
"But mom, I'm 13 years old!"
"13 year olds have bedtimes too!"
"But I helped save the world! I'm a hero!"
"Heroes need thier sleep, now come on!"
Matt chuckled at the argument. "I will always be here for you T.K.," he said, turning away," Always!"
In Saffron City, Sabrina ordered her Alakazam to use confusion on her oponent.
"Sabrina is the winner!" the referee said.
She smiled. "No more today!" she said.
"Congradulations!" a figure told her as she walked into her chambers.
"Thank you!" she said, sitting down on the bed.
The figure walked out was Sabrina! "Good work! You have become such a good psychic that you can fool anybody!"
"I've got a great teacher!" Izzy told her and he changed back to himself. "And this Team Rocket disguing device is so fastinating!"
Sabrina walked over to him. "I quite fasinating too!" she said as psychic energy flowed out of her head.
"We've got so much to explore!" Izzy said, as psychic energy flowed out of his head.
The two energies mingeled in the middle before going to each other. They both smiled with delight. Izzy said,"The possiblities are truely endless!"