DISCLAIMER: I own nothing

Bold = number of scars

Italics = lyrics/thoughts


You don't know my name

You don't know anything about me

I tried to play nice

I wanna be in your game

He had no idea who she was. Oh, but she definitely knew who he was. Everyone did. The Slytherin King. She'd see him pass through the halls, laughing and talking with his friends, and wish that she could be with them.


She had no one. Not even her brothers. They tried their best, they really did; but they didn't understand her, no one did. They would say they were there for her, but it was more of a ghostly presence. She didn't feel safe with them, and knew that if they were not siblings, they would not associate with her. Whenever she needed them most, they were never there. She cried and stayed out of every ones way. The only way people knew her, was as James' and Albus' little sister. She would forever be in their shadow. They were great, perfect, brave; and she was a wallflower. The teachers would expect her to be as great as them, only to be disappointed when she showed them how mediocre she really was. Gryffindor Princes and the Slytherin King, forever unnoticed by both.

The things you say

Now you may think

I never hear them

She heard him say it, the one word that broke her heart. Someone had said something to him about her and replied with a single word that she had heard so many times, with so many voices, and so many faces. He had said "Who?" …


But that's not all. She loved him, despite the things he said about her family. She loved him and her family. But he didn't think so kindly of the Potters and the Weasleys. She knew almost everything about everyone. You learn a lot when you spend your life listening, and never being listened to. She had never told James, Albus, Rose, or any other family member about what he had said… she'd keep it to herself. But after she heard what he said, she gripped her books in front of her chest and hurried on her way while dropping her head so no one saw her cry, as she ran to Myrtle's bathroom. Myrtle was the only one who understood.


But word travels fast

I'm telling you to your face

I'm standing here behind your back

She sat behind him in potions; maybe that was why she was doing so badly in that class? But it's not like it really mattered, she was doing bad in all of her classes. But she couldn't help it, he was perfect, she was jealous and longing to be with him. He captivated her, the way his platinum blonde hair would fall on his forehead (Which she had noticed annoyed him) and how he would spend minutes trying to blow it out of his face; the slight crease in-between his eyebrows that he got when he concentrated hard. But it's not like he had to, he was a genius. But she heard, from over hearing a conversation about him that was shared between James and Rose, that he had a girlfriend. Needless to say word traveled fast that the Perfect Genius Slytherin Quidditch Captain, got his first girlfriend. Even if he did notice she was alive, he would only bully her; she would never be good enough for him. Lily added three more scars to the collection that presided on her arm.


She'd always be adding them, because no one was there to stop her.

And you don't know how it feels

To be your own best friend

On the outside looking in

She only had herself to talk to, and the occasional wallow with Myrtle. She was her own best friend. She only had herself to confide in, she was the only person she could talk to about anything worth talking about. That was one reason why no one knows about her obsession with Scorpius, no one was there to notice. If anyone even so much as watched her for more than 5 minutes, or at least had a decent conversation with her, than they would be able to notice her obsession, but no one ever did.


There he goes again, chatting and having fun with his friends with that ever present smirk on his face. But of course all the fun they had was well within the bounds of normal Slytherin behavior. They were still on the quieter, broading side. Oh god that smirk! She noticed. Some thought it made him look dangerous and mischievous, Lily though it made him look handsome. Oh how she wanted to be with them, and not always watching.

If you could read my mind

See more of me

Than meets the eye

And you've been all wrong

Not who you think I am

You've never given me a chance

He eventually found out some things about her, obviously. He must have been curious since he didn't know my name, and he usually knew everyone; being the popular child. He had said that apparently she was "ignorant" and a "whiney baby" as he had put it.


No matter what happened, she could not get him out of her head. She just heard him, over and over, saying what he had said in that snide tone of his. Every voice she had ever heard saying something not so nice rang through her head. …Stupid… cry baby… lonely…unwanted…idiot… moron… over and over, again.


I'm tired of staying home

I'm bored and all alone

I'm sick of wasting my time

She doesn't want to keep hurting. She doesn't want to keep cutting herself. But it's like an addiction, just like he is. She didn't want to stay home, waiting for someone to come along; she didn't want to waste her time. But she couldn't stop. No matter what happened, she couldn't stop. She just couldn't… She was stuck in her self-destructive habits. Confident and knowing that one day, unless someone stepped in and helped her, it would be the reason her heart stops beating. But just for today, she told herself, she'd let herself sneak a peek at him, efficiently adding another slash on her wrist.


Lily Luna Malfoy…