Review Responses

emeraldgeminideathboar - I'm glad that I surprised you a little, that was kind of the point of it all. Kurogane does have a lot of imagination, go figure right? Gotta be careful sometimes with how far it goes right? The sequel should be fun and will (hopefully) be a better closer for this one. This one ends on kind of a sad note, but the next one should be lighter. SHOULD be. I'll have to see how it goes...this one had a lot of things that weren't in the original script then ended up changing as I typed it.

Chen-chan - Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. I love messing with people's brains. BRAINS! I'm glad you appreciate my author note and review system. Like I mentioned before, it just makes the story feel more 'official' to me. Where as when you have reviews and stuff before and after or me it takes the reality from it. That's just how I see it anyway.

ShingetsuXMangetsu - Oh trust me. I'll always be writing stories.

nevvy - Haha, yeah thank you! I look forward to my new things too... I hope they don't epic-fail all over the place. I'm not sure if the memory disease is real or not. For Kuro, I gave him a kind of short-term memory thing...but a bit of an insanity thing too. If that makes sense? Kind of? Hopefully?

akiko's-heart - I can try! Basically Yoo Suwa had a mental condition that was sort of enhanced with some pills he took, mixed in with his extensive imagination. It was somewhat hidden which is where the illness mentioned before came into play (Tomoyo talked about it). He went so over board and into a fantasy world, he started calling himself 'Kurogane'. All the Tsubasa story from the actual series wasn't real at all but actually part of Yoo's dreams like they'd been saying all along. Not only that, but he's restarted his memories several times. In the past, for example, he might have woken up thinking he was a...civil war general or something. So on and so on. This story is based on him thinking the whole Tsubasa arc was real and not a figment of his imagination. Does that make sense at all? If it doesn't, don't worry. If you read the next fic...things get even more fun.

Zaryenna - Wow. Well that review was very big but thoughtful and I'm glad you sent it. As rambley as it was. I'm glad you grasped onto EVERYTHING I was going for. The main points, the 'holes' you mentioned. They all tie into the sequel later on but they're not HUGE. The sequel I'm planning for is one that you could read or you could ignore, it doesn't matter because this story is finished for the most part. Most part. Again, the sequel is optional, so if you want to read it you can. If you're satisfied with this, that's fine too. I'm glad I blew your mind. I was aiming to do so but it would seem I really exploded yours. I wish I could write a little better because a lot of it sounded better in my head but came out weird in the actually story. I'm interested in your works too, I might go check them out along with the other one you mentioned. I try to keep my stories realistic but it's kind of hard when I myself am not a killer or drug person or anything. XD I kind of wish I had that experience, but I don't. That's okay. I'm glad you thought it was realistic enough.

If anyone wants to talk or anything further than the review responses, my msn and email are the same and on my profile. 'Til next story!

- Kori