Okay, this is my version of Romeo and Juliet, but instead of Romeo and Juliet, you get Drew and May! This takes place in the 15th century, Verona, Italy. May's older brother is the king of Verona, his name is Tybalt. Drew's family is second highest compared to May's. But unfortunately for them, their families are sworn enemies, because Tybalt toke Drew's older brother's place on the throne. Now I begin…

Act 1 scene 1

Mays P.O.V-

"Geez, why does Max watch me so closely?" I asked my maid, Dawn.

"Milady, if I may be so bold, your brother is just watching out for your safety." Dawn murmured quietly at my side.

"From whom?" I questioned annoyed by her lack of ability to explain clearly.

"The Montague's." She whispered even quieter.

"From them?" I laughed. Dawn smiled slightly but opened the door to my room. She then gestured for me to enter.

"Miss, you should not joke about them. Now let's get you ready for your 14th birthday." Dawn smiled brightly.

"Ugh, do we have to?" I groaned. Dawn nodded and pulled out a full length gown, made of ice blue silk. She pulled my dress off and re-tightened my corset, I could barley breath. She made me slip on a pair of small blue heels about 3 inches. She started to fix my hair in an elegant crown on the top of my head. When she was done, she pulled back to inspect her work. Dawn smiled approvingly and tucked a stray indigo hair behind her ears. Dawn was one year younger than me and all ready married! He was a farmer named Damion.

"You look beautiful this evening milady." Dawn smiled and gently pulled me to the full length mirror by the dresser. I really did look pretty.

At the party my brother Prince Tybalt was announcing my entrance.

"And now here comes my lovely sister, May-Lin Capulet!" The crowd cheered as I walked onto the balcony. Tybalt hugged me gently before I joined my other family members. My brother and sister Max and Macy, were 13 year old twins. My parents Caroline and Norman Capulet all smiled when I walked up to them.

"Darling! You look gorgeous!" My mom smiled.

"May, meet your future husband Count Ash!" Dad pulled a 20ish looking year old man out from behind him. Ash looked completely board like he'd rather be somewhere else.

"Nice to meet you, May." Ash said with little enthusiasm. He quickly kissed my hand and walked away. Barley with a goodbye.

"I could think of nicer ways." I grumbled to myself.

"What was that?" Macy asked, eyes shining with excitement.

"Nothing." I lied and plastered a fake smile on my perfectly shaped red lips.

"Okay, well you go enjoy yourself." My family walked away, mostly to sucker up to other royals. Typical.

So I wondered around till I bumped into my good friend…

"William!" I sighed happily. I was relived to see my good friend William Shakespeare.

"Nice to see you May." William smiled diligently.

"Yeah, well I need to ditch this stupid party. Want to come with?" I looked at him hopefully.

"Sure, I've been meaning to blow out of here. Lets go." So William and I snuck out to the garden.

"What have you been up to, Will?" I was the only person on the face of the earth allowed to call him that.

"Nothing much, May. I've had I had time trying to write a play. Not much inspiration." He sighed and looked up at the moon.

"Too bad. I like your plays." I looked up at the moon to.

"Did you hear that?" Will looked around cautiously.

"What?" I listened more carefully and heard bushes moving.

I shrieked but not for long, because Will had covered my mouth. "We don't need your family to get upset do we now?" I shook my head and he dropped his grip on my mouth.

"Hey, William." Said a male's voice from behind the trees.

"Hello Andrew, and Benvolio." Will said much more calmly than I would have.

"Who are they, Will?" I whispered to him, I was terrified. Dawn said I might be attacked at night.

"May, these are my friends." Two boys walked out form the cover of the shadows. On was about 6"2 and had light blonde hair and pale blue eyes. The other was about 6"5 and had the most gorgeous emerald eyes I have ever seen. He also had jade hair.

"Hi, I'm Benvolio." The blonde one stated.

"And I'm Andrew, tho I preferred to be called Drew." Greenie laughed.

"Drew," Will said mocking his voice, "Is engaged to Brenna. She is a Contuse. Benvolio, is well, dating my younger sister. Her name is Constance." Constance was 15.

"Oh, well that's lovely." I grumbled feeling a surge of jealousy.

"So, is this your girlfriend, Will?" Drew asked looking me up and down.

"What?" I glared at Drew, "He is not my boyfriend. I'm engaged."

"Yea, at 14!" Will howled with laughter.

Drew's eyes bulged, "14?"

"It wasn't my choice, Bawh!" I grumbled.

"Sister!" Max called.

"Damn." I muttered. "I got to go." I kissed Will and Drew's checks and hugged Benvolio.

I hugged my brother, "Just getting some fresh air." We walked back inside and Max kept on throwing me suspicious glances when he thought I wasn't looking.

"Lady Capulet! I was looking everywhere for you!" Dawn cried relived.

"Lady Capulet?" I looked at her, usually it was May or milady. Why the sudden change?

"Darling, there you are!" Her mother appeared, "Ash has been waiting for you." She jerked her chin in his direction. He was aimlessly flirting with women. Right, waiting.

"Ah, there you are my dear." Ash said joyfully, then he kissed her full on the lips. I stiffened; this is not what I wanted my first kiss to be. I was a loveless fake kiss, the one you give your baby sister.

"Aww." Macy crooned, "That's so sweet."

I pulled away trying not to gag, "Yeah, sure." I fake smiled, "I'm going to bed. Alone." I said after Dawn was going to fallow.

In my room I dressed for bed and lied down in the soft silk sheets. I dreamed of Drew.