A/n this is my second story for fan fiction. I m also writing Morlley's Moon and I m co writing a story called a very supernatural life with my best friend lexibear94. This story is about what it 'd be like if Edward had a sister who went missing shortly before his change. And what happens when they're reunited 90 years later.

Chapter 1


Edward POV

I hadn't thought much of my human life recently until I met Bella. Bella the human I had fallen in love with and was very close to marrying. I loved her more than my own life and could not wait to call her my wife. I could not wait until she was with me for eternity as much as I didn't want to damn her to this eternal existence. I large part of me couldn't wait to be able to be with her in every possible way. Without fear of hurting her. I knew that she wanted the same thing well maybe she could do with out the marriage part. Though I couldn't read her mind I knew it was true she had told me as much. She wanted to spend eternity with me and she'd agreed to be my wife. But she had a condition she wanted me to make love to her while she was still human and I had promised her that we would try. Only if she married me and so we had three days till the wedding and I couldn't be happier. Except I had this nagging feeling that I couldn't understand. My mind kept drifting to a long but not completely forgotten memory of my human life.


Chicago 1918 Edward POV.

"Edward " my sister called. From downstairs.

"I m up stairs Winnie" I knew what she was going to say next and I laughed when she said it.

"Edward my dearest brother get you're but down here the guest's will be arriving any minute." I could just picture her playful grin.

" its your party after all." she called and I heard her laugh.

" I m coming Winnie" I sighed today was my birthday. June twentieth 1918 and today I would turn seventeen.

I came down the stairs slowly. Not really in the mood to celebrate. I wasn't sure why but I had a bad feeling. A feeling that said something bad is coming and you can't avoid it. I smiled when I reached the bottom of the staircase. My sister and mother had gone all out. There were black and gold streamers and balloons I could smell the sweet scent of my mothers pasta.

"it smells wonderful down hear." I murmured as I hugged my loving older sister, Winifred was a year older than me, she was eighteen soon to be nineteen.

"happy birthday, Edward." she said returning my hug.

"where's mother ?" I asked as I released her. She smiled.

" in the kitchen of course." just then the doorbell rang. She laughed and squeezed my hand before turning away to answer the door. My sister might have been older than me but I still felt the need to take care of her. To protect her. I followed after her as she made her way to the door. She pulled it open to revel Dr. Carlisle Cullen.

" Hello Dr Cullen" she greeted him with a smile. " come in" she said as we moved back so the good Dr. could come inside. Dr. Cullen was good friends with our father. I sighed my father would not be here tonight he'd fallen ill and was currently in the hospital under Carlisle's care. Well he wasn't at the moment but that's beside the point.

" Miss Masen" he murmured taking her hand and kissing her knuckles. She giggled. My sister giggled at a man much older than her she was flirting. Carlisle must have felt my gaze because he looked from my sister to me.

" ahh Mr. Masen" he shook my hand, I couldn't help but notice the frigid temperature of his skin. " Happy birthday." he smiled. It bothered me were Doctors always this friendly with there patients' families.

" its good to see you Carlisle how's my father doing?" I saw Winnie frown she was worried about Father but didn't want to talk much about it.

" I'd say he was doing well but then I'd be lying." I pulled Winnie into a hug as she started to cry.

" hush now Winnie he's going to pull threw he'll be fine" I whispered to her as I softly rubbed her back. She smiled threw her tears.

" I m sorry Edward it's your birthday and I m blubbering like an idiot. I m okay."

Our conversation ended there as more guests arrived. Winnie and I took turns answering the door. All of our friends and our parents friends were gathered to celebrate my birthday. I mingled I danced with Winnie and a few others including my mother. By the end of the night I was exhausted. Many guests had left and only a few remained . One of which was Dr. Cullen he was talking to My mother. I looked around for Winnie but couldn't find her. I had a bad feeling about this were was she. I searched the entire house including her room and I still couldn't find her.

I dashed outside screaming her name.

"Winnie" I screamed. " Winnie were the hell are you." Dr. Cullen must have heard me for he'd come outside.

"everything all right Edward?" he asked.

" she s gone" I told him simply.

" who's gone? Edward?"

" Winnie she's disappeared" I told him my words dripping with worry.

End Flashback.

A/N if you like this story review. Reviews are very helpful I will try to update soon. But I m not rushing into it I want to see a reaction to this first chapter before I keep writing the story also if your reading my other story Morlley's Moon a new chapter should be up soon.

Sam m