Hey Everyone! I thought that since today is my bday, I will give everyone a present and update, that and I finally finished the chapter. LOL. Thank you to everyone who reviewed. You were my inspiration.

Again I do not own the Power Rangers, I don't make money from them, and I just like to use my imagination.

Chapter 4

"Soon my Queen. I'll have my Revenge and we will be together."

"Ethan, this is Jason, the original Red Ranger. Billy the original Blue Ranger, and Kat, Jason's wife is the second Pink Ranger. Everyone this is Ethan, the Blue Dino Thunder Ranger. They may have answers to our current mystery. But first what is Kim's status?" Tommy quickly introduced everyone, wanting to get it over with, so that he could see Kim.

"She is still out of it. Got a couple of cracked ribs, and it looks like she has been beaten severely for several years. There are bruises and marks that look healed over, and some that are fresh. Her ankle and wrist may be sprained or fractured, and she has a couple broken ribs. We won't know more until we know what happened to her. And that won't happen till she wakes up. We think she could wake up at any time." Ethan explained. Everyone in the room noticed the way both Tommy and Jason's jaws tightened ever so slightly while listening to the run down of Kim's injuries. But no one commented or made any notion that they even saw it. Billy indicated to Jason that he should start.

Jason took a deep breath and began. "I got a call from Kim about nine weeks before Spring Break of '95. I wasn't home when the call came in so she left a message on my answering machine. She sounded nervous and upset but didn't go into any details over the phone. She wanted to make a trip out to Angel Grove that break. That was the only free time she had and she didn't think she'd get another opportunity. I called her back a couple days later and we made plans to see everyone. She promised me that when we got together with you and the rest of the team she would tell us what was bugging her. She was trying to get a hold of all of you to let you know we would be out there, and that she wanted to talk. I didn't find out until much later that she never got through, not to anyone. So a few months later we are out visiting and the whole Divatox thing happens, and we know how that turned out." Jason paused and looked to Billy. "Your turn man." He said.

"Ok, so afterwards, while you all were at the charity fight, Kim was at the Command Center talking to Zordon. What she told him must have convinced him that she was serious so they contacted me on Aquitar. Kim told me that she was worried that someone was going to start taking out former Rangers. She thought she was being followed and she and Zordon wondered if I could fit her with a tracking device. So we fitted her with a prototype. It was new and we hoped it would get the job done. She went back to Florida a few days later, but Alpha and I discovered that she wasn't being paranoid; someone or something was blocking her communications with everyone. It was astounding that she was even able to get through to Jason. So we contacted her and had her check in with one of us daily. It was just a precaution. We also devised several contingency plans just in case. Tried to up the signal on the tracking device and made sure it couldn't even be found. Other than her daily check ins, everything seemed to be fine. A little sad, and lonely but fine. I thought everything was good until I got a call from Jason three months later." Billy finished his side and as Jason got ready to start talking again, both men looked extremely sad.

"This is hard for me, I knew something was wrong and I didn't push. I was too excited about getting my powers back. It was two days after you, Tommy, were kidnapped and brainwashed by the Machine Empire, we were all hanging out at Ernie's. He brought over my order, and on the tray was a letter. I knew it was from Kim, but what I thought was a nice, normal update, was something horrifying." Jason reached into his overnight bag and pulled out a crinkled piece of paper. And started to read it aloud.


If you are reading this then something bad has happened. I think I've been kidnapped. I hope that's what happened. Don't really want to be dead. Lol. Sorry, little scared here. I've known for awhile something was coming. Just didn't know what. Contact Billy. He'll know what to do. Whatever you do, don't tell anyone else, especially Tommy. Not until you have exhausted all efforts to find me. They have enough to worry about. Zordon will know as much as Billy so don't worry about getting into trouble with him. You guys need to prepare for the worst though. Just in case the people who did this have a plan. If you end up having to inform the rest of the team, tell them I'm sorry I didn't confide my fears in them. And tell Tommy that I will always love him. No matter what. I love you big brother. May the power protect us all.


Jason paused for a moment to regain his composure, he saw tears in the girls' eyes and even Tommy and the other boys looked like they wanted to cry. Taking a deep breath he continued.

"She wanted you to be happy Tommy. She figured out that you could be a better Ranger if you didn't have to constantly worry about her. There is something else you should know. She didn't write that letter to you, she never cheated. When she went missing I got to look through her things and read her diary. There were at least thirteen pages on you towards the end. She had heard from someone that you had received a 'Dear John' letter, she spent weeks trying to get a hold of you, and when she couldn't, that's when she decided to visit. But you were with Kat by that time. She wasn't even mad at you for moving on. She was just determined to get to the bottom of this problem. She left us instructions on how to work the tracking equipment if we couldn't reach Billy, but since I got a hold of him, we started trying to find her right away. It was impossible, like she had disappeared into nothingness. We've spent the last eight years looking for her, and we kept coming up empty. I informed Kat of the circumstances on our wedding day, and she has helped us since. We finally ran out of ideas and decided that at the next Ranger Reunion this summer we would inform everyone what has been going on. Try to get some outside perspective. Before I knew it Billy was calling me all excited, saying that Kim's energy signal had just reappeared. That she was back, and wouldn't you know it, she appeared right in your town. I think she teleported to the one person she trusted with her everything. And so here we are. Any thoughts?"

Jason looked around the room to all the solemn faces, he reached down to hold Kats hand, and she gave him a comforting squeeze. Tommy shook his head and stood up.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean her letter was fake? It was her hand writing; I even had Alpha run a scan on it!" He exclaimed.

"We believe that someone took her original letter to you and rewrote it using what was already there." Billy stated.

"So what do we do now?" Conner asked.

Before anyone had a chance to answer, a blood-curdling scream sounded through the entire house. They all looked at each other and ran to the basement. What they saw was frightening. Hailey was picking her self up off the floor and she had a small cut on her forehead. But what really got them was Kim; she was cowering in the far corner of the room, with her knees drawn up to her chest slowly rocking as she was muttering to herself.

"What the hell happened?" Tommy yelled.

Kim shot her head up and looked at him with out really seeing him, it wasn't until she looked over his shoulder did she speak.

"Jase?" She whispered.


"Sire we are ready to depart for Earth."


Okay everyone I am off to bed. Hope you all enjoy the chapter. Night all.