
(A couple weeks after the "letter")

Ring Ring. Ring Ring.

" Hello, You've reached the phone of Jason Scott. You know what to do."

" Jason, its Kim. I need your help. Something weird is going on and I can't get a hold of anyone else. Look I'm planning on going home for Spring Break. Come with me. Give me a call when you can. Training has eased up a bit since the Pan Globals. Love you. Bye."

( Directly after the Murienthes incident, while everyone is at the Charity fight)

"Kimberly are you certain?" Zordon asks.

"No, I'm not but I'm scared. I think something bad is going to happen. I think it might have to do with me. Jason said that Tommy got a letter from me, breaking up with him. I don't remember writing anything like that. I sent him a letter about what I just told you, but what if someone got ahold of it first? Trying to separate all of us, so that when the time comes we'll all be vulnerable? I know it sounds crazy but isn't there anything you can do?"

" I have been in touch with Billy and he has developed a new tracking prototype. I believe that you can test it out for him. We will monitor your energy signature, that way if anything happens, we'll know instantly." He replies.

"Thank you so much. I know its a lot to ask but can you keep this just between you me and Billy? I don't want to worry anyone if its just my imagination." Kim requests softly.

"We will, but if there is an emergency call right away and we'll get help out to you."

"Thank you Zordon. I can always count on you."

She knew she shouldn't have left the complex alone. Letting her guard down was a stupid thing to do. Fighting these goons were tough but she got away long enough to make it to the corner. Nobody saw her drop something in the mail box. Then again no one saw the young woman be snatched by three men and disappear in a flash of light.

(Two days after King for a Day. Angel Grove)

Jason walked into Ernie's ready to just hang out. After the thing with Tommy the other day, everyone just wanted to relax. Looking around he noticed that he was the last one there. It was great, seeing his friends laughing, and enjoying the quiet. He walked up to Ernie while waving to everyone else, and ordered some food. Ernie told him it would be a minute so he went over and sat with the others. Everyone was discussing what their plans were for the rest of the summer. Tommy was talking to Adam about racing with his Uncle when Jason's food arrived. Jason started to dig in when he noticed a letter addressed to him also on his plate. There was no return address but he didn't need it. He recognized the hand writing. With a big grin he opened it up and started reading. Before long he grew pale and stood up. He excused himself from the group and walked outside.


If you are reading this then something bad has happened. I think I've been kidnapped. I hope thats what happened. Don't really want to be dead. Lol. Sorry, little scared here. I've known for awhile something was coming. Just didn't know what. Contact Billy. He'll know what to do. Whatever you do, don't tell anyone else, especially Tommy. Not until you have exhausted all efforts to find me. They have enough to worry about. Zordon will know as much as Billy so don't worry about getting into trouble with him. You guys need to prepare for the worst though. Just in case the people who did this have a plan. If you end up having to inform the rest of the team, tell them I'm sorry I didn't confide my fears in them. And tell Tommy that I will always love him. No matter what. I love you big brother. May the power protect us all.


Jason leaned his head back against the wall, not noticing that the team was making their way over to him.

" Hey man, are you all right?" Tommy asked.

Folding the letter so no one will see he gave a quick nod.

"I will be bro. Just got to make a phone call, I'll be back in soon."

"Ok, but you might want to hurry before Rocky eats all your food." Tommy walked off laughing, slugging said person in the arm. The rest of the team follows. Jason waits until the coast is clear then teleports to the command center.

"Jason? What are you doing here?"Zordon asks.

"I got a letter from Kim. I need you to contact Billy. We need to find her."

"I will contact him immediately. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out where she went."

It takes an hour or so but they finally hear from Billy.

"Billy here, I got your message Zordon, unfortunately her signal is gone." Billy says regretfully.

"Gone like Dead?" Jason asks.

"No Jason, we would still be able to find her energy signature if she were dead. I think she is either in another dimension or is existing outside of time and space." Zordon replies trying to ease both young mens fears.

"It'll take years to find her! If its even possible!" Jason yells pulling at his hair.

"Then we will spend years looking. I promised her Jason that we wouldn't give up. And we won't." Billy reassures him. "We WILL find her."

"I know I just wonder what condition she'll be in if, no when we do."

"May the power protect young Kimberly where-ever she may be" Zordon intones, before dismissing Jason and saying farewell to Billy.


She is stubborn. We'll break her. Its only a matter of time.