Alright. Here it is. The FINAL chapter of No Ordinary Love. I've been thinking about writing a sequel to it, but it depends on the feedback to the last chapters of this story. So please enjoy.

The week following the shooting was one full of anger, tears, and despair. It was full of tragedy, but mostly it was filled with silence. No one talked. Not Melinda, not Mike or Maddie. None of their friends. Jim would come around every once in a while to check up on them, but no one would talked to him beyond polite words. It was a painful time for everyone, not just the Gordon children.

A few hours after Tom had passed away, his brother arrived at the hospital. Keith Gordon had been staying with the kids for the past week. He, too, was grieving for the death of his brother and his sister-in-law. The aftermath of the incident shook quite a lot of people, and changed some lives.

"Melinda?" Keith spoke softly. He gently pushed her bedroom door opened to see her curled up in her bed, staring at nothing in particular. "Uh, dinner's ready. Come down when you're ready."

"I'm not hungry." she whispered.

Keith sighed. "Okay. But, uh, you should eat something. You haven't eaten since yesterday."

"I will." she answered.

"Alright." he said. He was about to close the door, but then turned back to Melinda. "I hope we will be finished packing by the end of next week. How much have you gotten done?"

She didn't answer at first. A moment later, Melinda turned onto her back and stared at the ceiling, a tear falling from the corner of her eye. "I have all my clothes packed up…and I started on everything else already."

Keith nodded. "Maddie's about finished, but Mike is taking a while to get there."

"He doesn't want to leave. And he's still angry, not that I blame him." she said.

He sighed. "I know. I completely understand. But if there was a way to let you guys stay, then you would."

"I know. It doesn't make it any easier, though."

Keith didn't get a chance to reply. The doorbell rang. With one last look at Melinda, he turned to leave. A few minutes later, there was a knock at her door.

"I know you probably don't want any visitors…"

Melinda turned toward the door. "It's okay."

Jim let out an inaudible sigh. He walked over to the bed and sat down. He cautiously reached for her hand and when she didn't pull away, he put it to his lips and kissed it.

"How are you?" he asked.

"I'm getting really tired of people asking me that." she said.

"I'm sorry." He looked down.

"No, I am. I'm just not in the greatest mood."

"It's expected." He gave a small, sympathetic smile. "Can I lay down?"

She smiled a little and pulled him down next to her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm not really. I can't function properly." Melinda sighed, her tears clouding her eyes. "I can't even leave my bed."

"Sweetie, it's okay." He put his arm around her and gave her a squeeze. "You can let it out. I know it's difficult, but I can't imagine what it would be like. I'm here for you, though."

"I know," Melinda sniffled. "And I'm really grateful. I'm just…I don't know how I feel exactly."

"You don't have to feel anything right now. Just let me hold you." He whispered, tucking her hair behind her ear, and pulled her closer.

It was quiet. Neither knew what to say to fill the silence. Jim just lay there, holding her, hoping she would make it through this disaster. The last thing he wanted was for her to join her parents. It would be hard, though, seeing as she wouldn't be there with him for much longer. When he heard that she was moving all the way to Washington to live with her uncle, it was like a knife to his heart. He had tried to come up with a way for her to stay, but all plans had holes in them. Mike and Maddie needed their sister in order to cope. Melinda also needed her siblings. They were all each other had left. Jim couldn't break that up, no matter how much he wanted Melinda to stay with him forever.

Melinda felt aches all over her body. Since her parents died, all she did was cry. She cried for every memory her family made together. She cried for everything she ever did or said that she now regretted. Most importantly, she cried for never being able have her mother and father close to her again. Who would protect her now? Sure, she had her Uncle and Aunt Val, but they didn't even come close to the bond she shared with her parents. And just like that, they were ripped out of her life. Worst of all, they died with the last thoughts of how she was almost raped. The man that victimized her killed her parents and she would have to live with that the rest of her life.

A sob escaped her throat, even though she tried to resist. Jim's arms tightened around her, his hand rubbing her back soothingly. Then there was Jim. She had to leave behind the first guy she ever truly loved. They were supposed to be together forever. It was their unspoken promise. Yes, they had told each other they would stay together, but neither knew just how much the other meant it. When Melinda found out she had to move to Washington, it felt like her heart had been ripped out and stomped on. She had begged her Keith to let her stay, but it just wasn't plausible. She needed to be with the last of her family. They all needed each other. She and Jim would just find a way to make it through the separation.


Junior year was now finished and everyone was excited for the summer ahead. Well, almost everyone. Jim was not looking forward to it at all. Even a day without Melinda was hell, and now he doesn't even know the next time they'll see each other. Their friends were heartbroken as well. Melinda was a part of their families, too. There wasn't a dry eye in the bunch when they all went over to Melinda's house one afternoon to say goodbye.

"Now who's going to help me with my math homework? You're the only one who could get me to concentrate." Andrea sniffled.

Melinda gave a watery smile. "It's time to take the training wheels off, kid. You've got to learn how to do it on your own."

They were all out in the backyard, lounging around on the patio. Couples were taking up lawn chairs and some were sitting at the table. Jim was sitting with Melinda on a lawn chair. He was leaning all the way back with her bracing against his chest. He had one arm around her shoulders with his hand resting on her hip.

"Well, what about me?" Holly cried. "Who am I going to go shopping with? No one else will get me to shop sensibly."

"I'm really sorry, you guys. I hate that this has happened and it's not only affecting me." Melinda sobbed. Jim gave her a reassuring squeeze.

"Hey, don't be sorry," Will reached for her hand. "We should be a little more sympathetic. I'm not saying it won't be hard without you here, but we need to understand how hard it is for you."

"Thanks Will." Melinda smiled slightly.

That's how the afternoon was spent. Sorrowful tears and reminiscent laughter was shared between the friends. When it was time to go, each exchanged their goodbyes.

"Promise me you'll come back one day. I can't live with never seeing you again." Andrea said, tears falling slowly down her face. She was the last one to say goodbye.

"I promise one day, when I'm ready, I'll come back. You guys mean a lot to me." Melinda hugged her best friend. "I'll be back."

"You better," Andrea whispered.

Melinda saw everyone out and when the last car pulled out of the driveway, she locked the door. She let out a long, shaky breath.

"So tonight's your last night," a voice behind her spoke quietly.

Melinda slowly turned around and looked into the face she thought she'd look into forever.

"Yup," she whispered.

Jim smiled sadly. No matter how hard he tried to put on a brave face, she could see he was falling apart inside. "So, what do you want to do?"

Melinda stared at him for a moment before walking over to him. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "I just want to spend the rest of my time with you."

"That can be arranged." Jim smiled. The couple stood in each other's arms for a while, neither willing to let go.

Eventually, they made their way into the living room and sat on the couch. The usual thing they would do was to watch a movie, but the two thought just being together and talking would be a better way to spend their last hours together.

"I wish there was some way you could stay," Jim sighed. They were laying on the couch, him flat on his back with Melinda resting her head on his chest, snuggled into his side. His right arm was wrapped around her, keeping her close to his heart.

"I know, Jim. Me, too." Melinda sighed. "But, there's nothing we can do. I'm really sorry this is the way it's ending."

"No, it's not ending. We're not over when you leave. We'll make it through this. What we have is no ordinary love. I believe that." he spoke vehemently.

"How can you be so sure?" She looked up at him. "How can you believe we'll be together again?"

"Because I'm not giving up on us. And neither should you. We're meant to be together, Mel. I'll find a way to get to you if you can't come back here."

"What about your family, Jim?"

"I can always come back and see them. They'll be there. I need to make sure you're still there for me." He slowly reached up to caress her cheek. "Besides, you're just as important to me as my family. You are my family."

Tears welled up in Melinda's eyes. "I love you so much. You will never know what you've given me."

"You'll never know what you've given me, either. I love you, too." he smiled slightly.

She reached up and kissed him. She put everything she felt into the kiss. He kissed her back just as unrestrained and pulled her body directly onto his. He touched her cheek again and felt they were damp. Pain ripped at his heart to know how close they were to being apart. The kiss escalated and before they knew it, they were in too deep.

"Make love to me," Melinda whispered as she pulled his shirt over his head.

Jim didn't even hesitate. Clothes were stripped away and love was ignited once again between the two lovers. It was the perfect way to say goodbye.


The next morning was the hardest day for the Gordon children. They were forced to say goodbye to the lives they knew and start fresh in a new place. As Keith was packing up the rest of the things in the moving van, Melinda, Mike, and Maddie took one last look at their old house.

"I'm really going to miss it here." Maddie said, tears spilling out of her eyes.

"Me, too, kid." Melinda said.

"This really sucks," Mike grunted, furiously wiping at his eyes.

Melinda hugged him from behind. "I know."

"Alright, guys," Keith shut helped the driver shut the door on the van. "We gotta head to the airport now or we'll miss our flight."

Melinda's bottom lip quivered. It was final. Her life was over. Well, most of it, anyway, and there's no way of getting it back. With one last look toward the house, she followed her siblings to the cab waiting to take them to the airport.


She turned around to see Jim running up to her. She ran to meet him halfway. "What are you doing here?"

"I know we said goodbye last night, but I needed to see you one last time before you left."

She couldn't draw her eyes away from the tears that rained down his cheeks. Her vision was getting blurry as well. "I'm glad you did."

He smiled and raised his hand. In it held a necklace. It was a silver heart-shaped locket, with a unique design on the front, strung onto a white-gold chain. Tears fell from her eyes. "It's something I bought a while ago, but never had the chance to give to you."

"It's beautiful," she cried.

Jim moved her hair out of the way and fastened it around her neck. "It's to remind you of me and to remind you that I love you."

"I will never forget you." She kissed him passionately.

Jim wrapped his arms around her and pulled her as close as possible. The moment didn't last as long as either would have hoped when Keith called out to her.

"I love you," Melinda whispered.

"I love you, too."

With one last kiss, they let each other go. Jim watched as she got into the cab and they slowly drove down the street. Melinda looked out of the back window with tears cascading down her cheeks. Jim's face was as tear-stained as hers. He stood there until the cab was out of sight.

Jim sighed. "Goodbye."

I can't tell you how much I loved this story. The ending was ridiculously hard to write. I hope I did the goodbyes perfectly, though. There will be a sequel called, A Love to Prevail and I hope you all will read it. But for now, No Ordinary Love is over and it will be missed. Please review. Thanks.